4-2-13 14. On the expiration of the time for receiving nominations the Registrar shall cause the name of each person so nominated and the fact of his candidature to be forthwith advertised in two or more of the daily newspapers published in Sydney and to be posted at the University. 4-2-18 15. In the case of there being only ten nominations the Registrar shall report the fact to the Chancellor, who shall then declare the candidates duly elected. If there are more candidates than vacancies the election shall be by ballot of the graduates voting personally or by voting papers transmitted through the post. 4-2-13 16. The elections shall be conducted in the following 4-2-13 manner : (a) A ballot shall be taken on the day appointed for the election at the University or such other place as the Senate may determine, of which due notice shall be given. (b) The ballot shall commence at 10 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. on the day appointed. (c) The voting paper shall contain the names of all duly nominated candidates arranged in alphabetical order. The voter shall mark his voting paper by making a cross opposite the name of each candidate for whom he votes. (d) At any time after the notification of the day of election and not later than the third day before the day of election, a duly qualified voter who desires to vote by post may apply in writing for a voting paper to the Registrar, and thereupon the Registrar shall forward a voting paper to such applicant as soon as possible. Each such voting paper forwarded by the Registrar shall be accompanied by a form of declara tion to be signed by the applicant and to state his qualification and that he is of the age of twenty-one years, and also by an envelope marked "voting paper" and by a second envelope addressed to the Registrar. Having marked his voting paper, the voter shall place it without any other matter in the envelope marked voting paper," which he shall seal and transmit to the Registrar, together with the declaration duly signed, in the envelope provided for that purpose. All voting papers so transmitted and received (e) The ballot shall be conducted by the Registrar (f) At the expiration of the time allotted for the ballot, (g) In the event of an equality of votes, the election shall 17. The Registrar shall prepare a list of all persons 4-2-18 entitled to vote, completed to the last day for receiving nominations for any election, and a copy of such list shall be exhibited at the University during the pericd from that date to the day of election. 18. In the event of the office of a Fellow elected by the 4-2-18 graduates becoming vacant by death or resignation before the expiration of his full term the Senate at its first meeting after the occurrence of the vacancy shall fix a day of election of which at least sixty days' notice shall be given by advertisement in two or more of the daily newspapers published in Sydney, and by notice posted at the University. 4-2-18 The election shall be conducted in manner similar to that prescribed for quinquennial elections. REGULATIONS MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL. 1.-The quinquennial election of Fellows by the Fellows shall be held at a special meeting of the Senate to be convened for that purpose and to be held as soon as conveniently may be after the election of Fellows by the graduates. 4-2-13 2. In the event of a vacancy occurring by death or resignation in the office of a Fellow elected by the Fellows before the expiration of his full term the vacancy shall be filled at the next ensuing regular meeting of the Senate. 25-11-87 25-11-87 25-11-87 CHAPTER III.-MEETINGS OF CONVOCATION OTHER THAN FOR THE 1. The Chancellor, or in his absence, the Vice-Chancellor, shall, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, or upon the receipt of a requisition signed by at least twenty members of Convocation, summon a meeting of Convocation to be holden at such time and place as he shall direct. And such meeting shall be held accordingly within twenty-eight days from the date of the requisition. And notice of such meeting shall be given by public advertisement not less than fourteen days before the day appointed for the meeting. Provided that every such requisition shall specify the subjects which it is proposed to bring before Convocation. And if, in the opinion of the summoning officer, the subjects so specified, or any of them, are such as ought not to be discussed in Convocation, he shall refer the matter to the Senate, which shall decide whether the meeting shall be held or not. Provided that no such meeting shall be held in the month of January. 2. At all meetings so summoned the Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice-Chancellor, shall preside. In the absence of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, the members of Convocation present shall elect one of their number to be president of that meeting. 3. The presence at any meeting of twenty-five members of Convocation shall be necessary to form a quorum. And if within half an hour from the time of meeting there shall be no quorum present, the meeting shall lapse. 4. At all meetings of Convocation the Registrar or his deputy shall act as Secretary, and keep the minutes of all proceedings. 5. Every meeting may be adjourned by the President to 25-11-87 such day and hour as may be fixed by resolution. 6. All questions submitted to the Convocation shall be 25-11-87 decided by a majority of members present. The President shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote. 7. All resolutions of Convocation shall be signed by the 25-11-87 President, and shall be laid by the Registrar before the Senate at its next meeting. 8. All members of Convocation attending any such meeting 25-11-07 shall appear in the habit of their Degree. CHAPTER IV.-WARDEN AND REGISTRAR. 1.-There shall be a Warden and Registrar. References in any by-law to the Warden, or to the Registrar, shall be taken to be references to the Warden and Registrar. 2. The duties of the Warden shall be (a) to attend all meetings of the Senate and its Com- (b) to consult with and advise the Professorial Board, (c) to collect and prepare for the Senate and the Finance (d) to exercise a general supervision over the discipline () to perform such other duties as may from time to The Warden shall (a) have the right of audience at meetings of the Senate; 5-7-87 6-7-87 1-8-09 6-7-87 6-7-87 4-2-13 (b) be ex officio a member of the Professorial Board, the Proctorial Board, the several Faculties, Boards of Studies, and other Boards or Committees constituted by the by-laws; (c) in the absence of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor preside at meetings of the Proctorial Board. 3. The Registrar shall keep all necessary records of the proceedings of the University, conduct all necessary correspondence, and keep such registers and books of account as may be required. 4. The Registrar shall be responsible for the records of the proceedings of the Senate and its Committees, the Professorial Board, Faculties and Boards of Studies. 5. All fees, fines, or other sums received by the Registrar in his capacity as such shall be paid into the Bank of the University, in order that the same may be applied, accounted for, and audited in such manner as the Senate may from time to time appoint. CHAPTER V.-SUPERIOR OFFICERS. [University and University Colleges Act, 1900. Section 32 (c).] 1.-The Chief Clerk and Accountant, Robert Ambrose Dallen, and the Auditor, David Fell, are hereby declared to be Superior Officers of the University, entitled to the rights and privileges conferred by Section 32 of the University and University Colleges Act, 1900. CHAPTER VI.-THE SEAL OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1.-The Seal of the University shall be placed in the charge of the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor and Registrar, and shall not be affixed to any document except by order of the Senate. CHAPTER VII.-THE FACULTIES. 1.-There shall be four Faculties in the University, viz.:— 1. Arts. 2. Law. 3. Medicine. 4. Science. DEANS OF FACULTIES. 2.-A Dean shall be elected by each Faculty. The election shall be held at a duly convened meeting to be held in term time, and the Dean shall hold office for a period of two years. Provided that the Fellow elected by any Faculty shall be the Dean of that Faculty during his period of office as such Fellow. |