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their cloves, and other spices; among which are Amboyna, Gilolo, and Celebes.

Farther, weftward, are the Sunda Islands, fo denominated from lying near the Straits of that name; the principal of them are Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. Borneo was reckoned the largest island in the world, being feven hundred miles long, and as many broad; but it must now give place to New Holland, which is nearly as large as all Europe; extending from 10 to 43 degrees of fouth latitude, or about 2300 miles long, and 110 to 153 of eaft longitude, or nearly the fame breadth. Sumatra has a settlement on its coaft, named Bencoolen, made by the English East India Company, A. D, 1682, which preserved to them the pepper trade, after the Dutch had difpoffeffed them of Bantam. Java is ex tremely unhealthy; its chief town, Batavia, is fubject to the Dutch, but was taken by the English in 1796.

From thence, turning towards the weft, before the foot of the fouth promontory of the Mogul empire, ftretching itself into the fea, you may fee the beautiful ifland of Ceylon, productive of elephants. The Indians call it Cachi, and all the idolaters of Afia look upon it as the abode of their gods. The Dutch feized it, and drove away the Portuguese

inhabitants, A. D. 1656, and had in a great meafure monopolized the fpice trade, for which this ifland is famous. But it was taken by the English in 1796, and ftill remains in their hands.

Oppofite to Ceylon lie the Maldives, formerly one vaft ifland, which the boisterous fea has now broken into a great number of small ones; about this ifland, it is faid, are found prodigious whales.

Farther northward, in the mouth of the Perfian Gulph, is the ifland Ormus, perhaps called formerly Ogyris, where king Erythræus was buried.

Here we finish our voyage to the Afiatic islands, and shall now cross into the scorching deferts of Africa, the description of which will be the subject of my next letter: In the mean time I subscribe myself

Your faithful and affectionate

Queflions formed for the Exercife of the Pupil.

HOW are the Mariana or Ladrone islands situated, and from whence did they take their name?

What is the chief city of Japan?

In what part do the Philippine Islands lie, and from whom do they derive their name?

Which is the principal island?

Which are the Molucca Islands, and for what are they famous ?

Which are the chief of the Sunda Islands?

Which is the largest ifland in the world?

What is the name of the English fettlement in Su

matra ?

What is related of Java ?

How is the island of Ceylon fituated, and for what

is it celebrated?

Where are the Maldives?

How is the island of Ormus filuated?






UITTING the continent, and iflands of Afia, we arrive at AFRICA, the third quarter of the world, fituated to the fouth of Europe, and furrounded on all fides by the fea, except a narrow neck of land about fixty miles over, called the Ifthmus of Suez, which joins it to Afia at the top of the Red Sea.

The western diftricts of this part of the world are, for the greater part, fterile, uncultivated lands, inhabited by unhappy negroes, who, to the eternal difgrace of Europeans, are bought and fold like cattle, and treated with the moft cruel barbarity.

It may be divided into Barbary, Zaara, Egypt, Negroland, Guinea, Abyffinia, Ajan, Nubia, Zanguebar, Monomotapa, Monocmugi, Congo, and Caffraria."

These countries are thus difpofed upon your inclosed map:

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