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held by the populace as legally their fovereign, till he is crowned with the diadem of king Stephen, who affumed the title of Saint, because he introduced christianity into the country. They have a notion that the fate of their nation depends upon this crown remaining in their poffeffion; it has therefore been always removed in times of danger to places of the greatest safety.

Tokay is alfo in Upper Hungary, famous for producing that very excellent wine fo called. Hermanftadt is the capital of Tranfilvania, and Effeck is the capital of Efclavonia,

This kingdom is the ancient Pannonia. Julius Cæfar was the firft Roman that attacked, and Tiberius fubdued it. The Goths afterwards took it; and in the year 376 it became a prey to the Huns and Lombards. It was annexed to the empire of Germany under Charlemagne, but became an independent kingdom in 920. It was the feat of bloody wars between the Turks and Germans, for the poffeffion of it, from 1540 to 1739, when, by the treaty of Belgrade, it was ceded to the latter, and is now annexed to the German empire. The prefent fovereign is Francis II Emperor of Germany, who fucceeded his father, Leopold II. March 1, 1792. I am, &c.

Queftions formed for the Exercife of the Pupil.

HOW is Hungary bounded?

How is it divided?

For what are the woods of Hungary celebrated? What is the prevailing religion of the country? What is the capital?

How are the regalia of Hungary kept?

For what is Tokay famous ?

What was the ancient name of Hungary 2



THE TURKISH OF OTTOMAN Empire in Europe is bounded by Poland, Germany, the Gulph of Venice, the Archipelago, and the Euxine. Its length is about 1000 miles, and its breadth 900; it contains 960,057 fquare miles, and has 8,000,000 inhabitants.

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Thefe provinces are difpofed upon your map, nearly in the following order:

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