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imposition of such disabilities on any body of Christians, because they happen to be in a small minority, is contrary to the spirit of free institutions. It is, practically, to say that the long struggle of our fathers for civil and religious liberty is a failure."

The Christian Union sums up the Dr. Briggs case in this pointed fashion: "It is proposed to turn out of the Presbyterian ministry one of the most eminent Biblical scholars in either England or America, because he believes and teaches that such men as Cardinal Newman and James Martineau

are godly men, that there are errors in the

Bible, and that the death of the Christian does not put an end to Christian growth and grace." The Nation says of Dr. Briggs, "He will be stoned, and the next generation in his church will build his sepulchre." The first part of this prediction has come true: it is as certain as any future event well can be that the second part will come true also.

The probability continues, perhaps increases, that Rev. Dr. Heber Newton of New York may be tried for his alleged heresies. Mr. Lyne (alias Father Ignatius) has succeeded in getting several clergymen of the New York diocese to sign a call upon Bishop Potter to institute an inquiry into Dr. Newton's views and teachings. A bishop is vested with some discretion in

[blocks in formation]

First, the Western Conference voted to join the new Conference Association, and to do so without conditions. This was as it should be. The attitude of the Conference in refusing, as it did a year ago, to join the Association unless the Women's Conference and the Sunday School Society were also invited has seriously hindered the new Association's progress.

Second, the Women's Conference voted not to join the Women's National Alliance. This is in every way to be regretted, as it will not only perpetuate and deepen the

such matters, and hence there is no certainty division already existing among Western

yet what will be done.

We do not wonder that Rev. Heber Newton prints the following poem in the last number of his All Souls' Monthly. Its writer is Dr. Norman Macleod, who fought so noble a battle for a broader, more tolerant, and more Christian "Orthodoxy" in Scotland. Dr. Newton is fighting a similar battle in this country.

"Courage, brother! do not stumble,

Though thy path be dark as night;
There's a star to guide the humble:
Trust in God, and do the right.
Though the road be long and dreary,
And its ending out of sight,
Foot it bravely, strong or weary:

Trust in God, and do the right.
"Trust no party, church, or faction,
Trust no leaders in the fight;
But in every word and action
Trust in God, and do the right.

Unitarians, but it will necessarily carry the division more or less into the East and into our National Women's organization.

The Women's National Alliance was

formed two years ago, partly at the desire and through the influence of the officers and leading workers of the Women's Western Conference, and with the understanding that the Women's Auxiliary Association in the East and the Women's Conference in the West should both disband, and that the women of the denomination, East and West alike, should go into the new National organization. The women of the East have lived up to their part of the understanding. The women of some of the individual churches of the West have done the same. But now the Women's Western Conference votes a distinct refusal. Why? Because the Alliance was not willing to cut itself off

from the Christian name, but called itself the "National Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women." The matter was fully discussed at Philadelphia before the name was adopted. The Western women had their full share in the discussion. It is believed that they were morally bound, as much bound as were the women of the East, to abide by the decision reached.

Of the ninety-four Unitarian societies of the West, only twenty-nine contributed the past year to the support of the Western Conference; and among the remaining sixtyfive not contributing and not identifying themselves in any way with the Conference are a majority of our largest, most influential, and most active churches. Yet the Western Conference continues to make the claim that it is the main representative of Western Unitarianism.

The question is often asked, Why does not the division in Western Unitarianism

cease? We reply, It would cease in an hour if the Western Conference would plainly and honestly, in any form or fashion, commit itself to the religion which some of its friends say it means. Action by the Conference making the object for which it exists and works the promotion of pure Christianity, or love to God and man, or the worship of God and the service of man, or the religion of the Sermon on the Mount or of the Lord's Prayer, would bring all the Western churches together in a day. Who, then, is responsible for the fact that the division does not cease?

The election of Phillips Brooks as bishop of Massachusetts is a serious defeat for the party of ecclesiastical dogmatism in the Episcopal Church, and a great triumph for the party of breadth and progress. It is the more significant coming so soon after the trial and condemnation of Rev. Howard MacQueary, and at the very time when the air is full of rumors that Dr. Newton and Dr. Rainsford of New York are also to be tried for their too great liberality. It shows that, in spite of the theological narrowness and the ritualistic mummery that are so painfully conspicuous in the Episcopal body, there is a great deal of liberal sentiment among both the clergy and the laity, at least in Massachusetts.

In the death of Rev. L. G. Ware, who for nearly thirty years has been the minister of our church in Burlington, Vt., we are called upon to part company with one of the finest spirits that has ever graced our ministry. We cannot do better than quote from the Christian Leader the following discriminating and appreciative tribute to him from the pen of Dr. I. M. Atwood: "Mr. Ware held only a modest rank as preacher, and his neighbors in the pulpits of the city easily surpassed him in the art of building and administering a parish. But he was more a part of Burlington's best life than any minister or man who lived there. How he accomplished this cannot be written to those who knew him it was natural and inevitable. He loved the town and studied its higher interests. He loved the children, and was brother and father to them all. He loved books and pictures and flowers, and was a delicate connoisseur of the choicest of them. He loved truth, righteousness, goodness, and made them the strength of his life. He was one of the few men who, having no family of his own, was welcome in everybody's family, a gracious, cultured, gentle, pure, and widely useful man. Dr. Ware has left on the social and religious atmosphere of the most lovely of American cities an aroma that will prolong for aye the sweet savor of his life."


The National Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women held its first annual meeting in Boston on May 23. The meeting was so interesting and important that it seems best to wait till our next issue, when we hope to have space for a somewhat full report, rather than give the very brief and inadequate report which is all we could find room for this month.

A report of the meeting of the Women's Western Unitarian Conference recently held in Chicago will be found on another page.


The Suffolk branches of the National Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women have held, as usual, the monthly business meetings in April and May. The character of the work in each branch is much the same from month to month.

During these two months several large packages of clothing have been sent to aid sufferers from calamities in the West.

The Post-office Mission work is increasing; and large amounts of literature are sent away by these committees and by the Literature Committees, which do good work in some of the branches, in addition to that done by the Post-office Mission workers.

The branch connected with the First Church in Boston has this year held one meeting each month for business, and a second meeting each month, at which some person has addressed the ladies upon some subject of general interest, and to this meeting members of all branches have been invited. The subjects presented have been "Co-operative Homes for Working-girls," "The Sherborn Prison for Women," the address being given by Miss E. C. Johnson, the superintendent, "The Work of the Salvation Army in London," as seen by Miss A. P. Rogers, and "Woman's Ministry," by Mrs. M. A. Livermore.


The branch of the Alliance in Quincy, Mass., invited all New England branches to a social meeting on April 23, and a full representation responded to the call.

In the forenoon, Mrs. C. E. Clement Waters read a paper on "The Passion Play at Oberammergau.' 99 Mrs. Waters witnessed the play last summer. She sketched the origin of the play, and gave its history and many local circumstances and conditions, which prepared the minds of her audience for the description of the play which followed.

The account was vivid and sympathetic, and was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Waters felt very strongly that this representation is a very real and earnest religious ceremony to the people of Oberammergau. Great pains are taken in the preparation, and the children are taught that they must be good in order to be worthy to be the actors. She thought the charge which has been made of mercenary interests was not true.

The box-lunch at noon was enjoyed by all. This social hour is by no means the least important part of the day. Many of the ladies visited the church, which has so many associations connected with names belonging to families which for generations have been loved and honored by Massachusetts and the nation, -the names of Adams and of Quincy.

In the afternoon Miss E. P. Channing spoke upon "The Relation of the Mother to the Sunday-school." Miss Channing said she had been sixteen years a superintendent and thirteen years a teacher. She thought neither mothers nor teachers were alive to what it is their bounden duty to do. It is the duty of all to be religious. Boys can be religious as well as girls. She thought

there was a more religious nature in men and boys than we realize. In order to educate their children religiously, mothers must be religious themselves. The coming man will go to church if we make the boys religious.

Mrs. Claflin of Quincy then spoke upon the same subject. She said it was natural, to her mind, to look to the future. The opportunity of making this world better was the delight of living. We neglect to Unitarianize our children. It is possible for a man to be a religious man and yet a wicked man. This would be an ignorant religious man. We want an enlightened Christianity, an intelligent Christianity. We should be afraid of nothing. We should open our minds and our hearts to receive all truth. Our children must have an intelligent religion.

The direct work of the mother is in the influence before the child comes into the school as well as after the child comes into the school. Do we not often see a lack of respect for the school in the parents? The following are some of the ways in which the mother can assist:

First, by seeing that the children are regular in attendance.

Second, by knowing herself something about the lesson.

Third, by seeing that the children know something about the last lesson.

Fourth, by taking an interest in the Sunday-school library.

Fifth, by seeing that the library books are taken care of in the home.

Teach the children to reverence every gift and to have gratitude for it. Gratitude is a very important element in religion.

Mrs. Claflin thought we could learn from the Methodists to have more music in our schools: a great deal of the best religion of the church is in hymns.

Brief remarks were made by Miss E. S. Emmons, who spoke from an experience of over fifty years as a Sunday-school teacher.

Miss Waldo of Salem thought there was nothing more desirable than the Sundayschool. The teacher must feel great responsibility to the Father above and to the home. Those who love Unitarianism must want to see it instilled.

Mrs. K. G. Wells thought in many cases the teachers were not treated with proper respect.

Miss Rogers of West Newton thought much depended upon the superintendent. Miss Everett, Mrs. Fifield, and others followed. GEORGIANA MERRILL.

Roxbury, Mass.

The old epitaph might be as applicable to societies as to individuals:

"What I spent I saved;
What I kept I lost;
What I gave I have."



The following are some of the subjects that have been considered at the regular meetings of the guilds named:

Young People's Religious Society of First Parish, Dedham, Mass.: 1. What is Jesus to us? 2. Sympathy; 3. Our belief in God; 4. Friendship; 5. Use of time; 6. George Washington; 7. Charitable work in Dedham; 8. Gentleness; 9. The evils of selfishness; 10. Thoughtfulness; 11. Need of religion for young people; 12. How to keep Sunday; 13. Cheerfulness; 14. What is the end of living? 15. Be pure in heart; 16. Humility; 17. Prayer; 18. Wisdom; 19. Honesty; 20. Righteousness; 21. Good out of evil; 22. Sincerity; 23. James Martineau; 24. Harvest-time; 25. Think for yourself; 26. Why do we go to church? 27. Why do we go to this church? 28. Firmness; 29. Influence; 30. Contentment.

Young People's Guild of the Third Religious Society, Dorchester, Mass.: 31. Duty; 32. Aids to devotion; 33. Our liberal faith; 34. Prejudice; 35. Luther; 36. Public service and sermon: 37. Co-operation; 38. Our opportunities; 39. Small things; 40. The home; 41. The Wesleys; 42. Sowing the seed; 43. Prayer; 44. Whittier.

Guild of St. Christopher, Revere, Mass.: 45. Martin Luther; 46. History of Christianity; 47. John Howard; 48. Sunshine and shadow; 49. The world's benefactors; 50. Thankfulness; 51. The crusades; 52. The Hebrew and the Unitarian contrasted; 53. Home influence; 54. The Moravians; 55. Father Taylor; 56. "What have I to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?" 57. Why do not people attend church? 58. My favorite hymns.

Y. S. P. E. of Littleton, Mass.: 59. Purity and cleanliness; 60. Integrity; 61. Honesty; 62. Truthfulness; 63. Kindness to animals; 64. Parable of the sower; 65. Judging others; 66. Moses; 67. Samuel; 68. Saul; 69. David; 70. Solomon; 71. Peter; 72. Paul; 73. Channing; 74. Theodore Parker; 75. Our belief about God; 76. Service of Jesus to the world; 77. The Bible: what it is.


Guild of the First Parish, Mass.: 78. Earnest Working; 79. Self-examination; 80. Faith, love, and works; 81. Ambition; 82. Consecration; 83. Cheerfulness; 84. Seeking God in youth; 85. Selfrespect and self-conceit; 86. Honor; 87. Examples of Christ's life; 88. Noble aims; 89. Christian fellowship; 90. Influences of Nature; 91. The Bible.

Channing Guild of First Parish, Waltham, Mass.: 92. Temptations; 93. The force of example; 94. Aspiration; 95. Discipline; 96. Reverence; 97. Who is my neighbor? 98. Holy days in the church calendar; 99. Fénelon's life and writings;

100. The year's work, and what the guild has done for its members.

We find that in the Unitarian church at

Randolph, Mass.,-one of our young organizations, there is a Unity Temperance Society. One must be fifteen years old to belong. The following taken from the constitution would seem to indicate that the spirit of the guild movement had found here some embodiment: "There shall be a committee of fifteen for religious culture and church work. It shall be their duty to try to secure subscriptions for denominational periodicals, religious publications, tracts, attend to missionary work, visit strangers and the needy, and create an interest in church attendance." Surely, this is a good deal to promise for a temperance society.

The Young People's Club of Unity Church, Denver, seems to be a thriving organization. Since their annual meeting in January, more than forty members have been added. Their weekly religious meetings have had an average of thirty-five in attendance. The conduct of services by various members, instead of the minister, has shown good results.

Concord, Mass.



At the last regular monthly meeting of the executive committee of the Unitarian Church Temperance Society, a good many annual subscribers and delegates from branch societies were present, and a very interesting meeting was held. The secretary read a short report of the year's work, and among the items recorded were these: eight thousand tracts have been distributed all over the country, besides ten thousand copies of the service, "Patriotism and Purity"; meetings have been held in churches in and about Boston; petitions have been sent to the police commissioners of Massachusetts to enforce the law with regard to closing of open bars, also a petition to Congress praying for the abolition of the liquor traffic with Africa; the secretary has established correspondence with the churches as far as possible, asking for annual subscriptions and requesting co-operation with the Society. The total amount of money received for the year was $596.76, and the amount expended $402.53.

The following resolution to promote temperance, adopted by the First Parish in Portland, Me., was read before the Society:


"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."

Being deeply moved by the knowledge of the intense suffering and the great ruin brought to many

homes by the abuse of alcoholic beverages, and feeling that such abuse is alarmingly on the increase, the members of the First Parish, Portland, do hereby express their sense of personal responsibility in regard to this overwhelming evil, and would earnestly seek both to consider the best method of freeing society from this destructive power and also so to regulate their individual action as to assist all who may be struggling against the fetters of personal habit.

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me."

Some of the churches, instead of forming a branch temperance society, have a temperance committee who take in charge this special work, and arrange for meetings, distribute literature, secure annual subscriptions, and forward any measures for the good of the cause. It was suggested that the appointment of a temperance committee might be an appropriate measure for the Women's Alliance to consider.

The secretary, Rev. G. H. Hosmer, will be glad to forward, for free distribution, any of the Society's temperance tracts, and to open correspondence with any one upon the work of the Society. Address, 25 Beacon Street, Boston.

The annual meeting of the Citizens' Law and Order League of Massachusetts, which has a membership of four thousand, was held at the Vendome, Boston, April 30. The secretary, Mr. L. Edwin Dudley, read a report giving a glimpse of the good work of the League. When it began, in 1881, almost every licensed saloon was selling intoxicating liquor to small children, very few made any pretence of closing their doors on Sunday, and all openly violated Almost nearly every provision of the law.

every one who applied for a license was given permission to sell. Though twothirds of the towns of the State were voting annually, under our local option law, that no licenses should be granted, in nearly all of them the saloons were open, and no attempt was made to molest them or make them afraid. The police force was indifferent to the condition of things, and the citizens generally apathetic or hopeless and despairing.

Since its formation in 1881, the League has done a marvellous work: many liquor dealers have been prosecuted for violation of the law; determined contests have been made before legislative committees, to prevent the repeal of laws; and careful supervision is given to the conduct of the sale of liquor.

"As the result of the work of the League, sales of liquor to children have been almost entirely suppressed. With the exception of a few places holding licenses as innholders, which have special privileges under the law, all the licensed places are now closed on Sunday; and it is not too much to claim that there is not in the world another city

so large as Boston which has so quiet a Sunday, a Sunday so free from intoxication and disorder, as Boston has at the present time. This has been brought about through the efforts of the Law and Order League; but we must not fail to give due credit to the board of police, deriving its authority from the people of the whole State. The members of the police force to-day feel free to perform their duty."

The annual meeting of the Episcopal Church Temperance Society (New England department) was held recently in Trinity Chapel, Boston. Rt. Rev. T. M. Clark, D.D., Bishop of Rhode Island, presided. Rev. Dr. Alsop of Brooklyn gave an address upon "The Relation of Temperance to Social Problems," in which he said that pauperism, crime, the everlasting conflict between capital and labor, and the social evil could be traced directly to one source, -poverty; and that a great portion of this poverty could be traced to intemperance. Of the $900,000,000 paid annually in the United States for liquor consumption, fully seventyfive per cent., he averred, came from those whose incomes are small. Mr. Robert Graham thought that the liquor question might be solved in three ways; namely, by social means, such as coffee houses in all large cities; by establishing churches among the poor; and by legislation, limiting the number of saloons to one to every one thousand inhabitants. Rev. William Wilberforce Newton, D.D., believed the best results could be obtained in the temperance cause by meeting the passions of evil men with the passions of good men, by bringing positive influences to bear instead of negative Much of the best work in Pittsfield, Mass., had been done by bringing sanctified common sense down into the common walks of life. "We cheer instead of censure," he said, "and the place is a cheering sort of a place and has a cheerful influence."


Rev. Joseph May of Philadelphia has been giving some practical sermons lately on "Public Purity,-its Peril, its Defence, and "Sobriety." These are published in series of monthly sermons issued by the First Unitarian Church. They discuss in a calm manner, but most earnestly and rationally, the great subjects named. In the sermon on "Sobriety," he says: "Never, I think, did a great community rise up so deliberately, with so little passion, but with so much determination and plain good sense, to put down a glaring evil, as our people throughout many of the States are now exhibiting in their purpose to restrain the liquor traffic and minimize its terrible evils. In the respect of social purity, while a mountain-load of evil and shame is to be moved, it is reassuring to see the broad and earnest beginnings which, through women especially, but men, too, are already made both in the countries of Europe and in our own."


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