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téralement les instructions du Firman relatives aux élections, avec les interprétations qui lui ont été données pour la Valachie, instructions dont l'application a été décrétée par toutes les puissances, dans des circonstances semblables, en Moldavie. De cette façon, la responsabilité de Votre Excellence sera à couvert, et la SublimePorte sera extrêmement charmée d'apprendre que vous avez rempli ses intentions.

La Porte, monsieur le Prince, compte, dans cette importante affaire, sur votre dévouement aux intérêts de l'Empire en général et à ceux de la Principauté en particulier.

Signé: AALI

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Vote of Union with Wallachia Passed by the Divan ad hoc of Moldavia, 1 October 7, 1857 1

Procès-verbal No. 7

"Adunarea ad-hoc a Moldovei, păşind pe calea ce i s'a prescris de către Tratatul de Paris, adecă începênd a rosti dorințele țării, în fața lui Dumnedeŭ și a oamenilor, în toată curățenia cugetului, neavênd în privire de cât drepturile şi folosul nației române, declară că cele întâi, cele mai mari, mai generale și mai naționale dorinți ale ţerii sunt:

"1. Respecterea drepturilor Principatelor, și în deosebi a autonomiei lor, în cuprinderea vechilor lor Capi

Formal Minute No. 7

"The Divan of Moldavia ad hoc, proceeding in the manner prescribed for it by the Treaty of Paris, that is, beginning with an expression of the desires of the country, before God and mankind, in all clearness of conscience, having nothing in view but the rights and the welfare of the Rumanian Nation, declares that the foremost, the greatest, the most general, and the most national desires of the country are:

"1. Respect for the rights of the Principalities and especially of their autonomy, including their ancient

1 Acte si documente renascerei Romaniei, vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 68.

tulații încheiate cu Inalta Poartă în Capitulations concluded with the anii 1393, 1460, 1511 şi 1634.

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Sublime Porte in the years 1393, 1460, 1511, and 1634.

"2. Union of the Principalities in a single State under the name of Rumania.

"3. A hereditary foreign Prince, elected from one of the reigning dynasties of Europe, his heirs to be reared in the religion of the land.

"4. The neutrality of the territories of the Principalities.

"5. A legislative power intrusted to general Assemblies, in which all the interests of the Nation shall be represented.

"All this under the joint guarantee of the Powers which signed the Treaty of Paris."

Vote of Union with Moldavia Passed by the Assembly ad hoc of Wallachia,

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1 Acte si documente renascerei Romaniei, vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 43.

"2. Unirea tĕrilor România și Moldova într'un singur Stat și sub un singur Guvern.

"3. Principe străin cu moștenirea tronului, ales dintr'o familie domnitoare d'ale Europei, ai căruia moștenitori născuți în ţeară am dori să fie crescuţi in religia țării.

"4. Guvern constituțional representativ, şi, după datinele cele vechi ale ţării, o singură Adunare obştească, care va fi întocmită pe o basă electorală îndestul de largă, în cât să represente interesele generale ale populației române.

Eminenția Sa Presidentul convocă apoi Adunarea pentru Vineri la 10 ore, spre a proceda la alegerea unei comisiuni pentru facerea unui memorandum către Comisia europeană asupra acestor patru punturi votate de Adunarea întreagă.

După aceasta, d-1 Ioan Brătianu propuse:

"1. Ca cancelaria Aundării să facă mai întâiŭ o adresă către Comisia internațională, prin care să-i facă conoscut votul Adunării şi recunoscința Românilor către toate Puterile gar


"2. Să se facă o adresă, care să se trimită fraților noştri Moldoveni, spre a-i felicita de inițiativa ce aŭ luat şi a le face cunoscut că, urmând şi noi pe calea ce ei ne-au arătat, nu vom mai fi în viitor decât un singur trup, precum furăm şi vom fi un singur suflet."

"2. The union of Rumania and Moldavia in a single State under a single Government.

"3. A hereditary foreign prince, elected from one of the reigning families of of Europe, whose heirs, born in this country, we should like to have reared in the religion of the land.

"4. A representative constitutional Government and, according to the ancient usages of the country, a single General Assembly organized on a sufficiently broad electoral basis to represent the general interests of the Rumanian people."

Thereupon His Eminence the President called a meeting of the Assembly on Friday at 10 o'clock for the purpose of proceeding to elect a committee to draw up a memorandum for the European Commission in regard to the four points adopted by the whole Assembly.

Mr. John Bratianu then proposed:

"1. That the secretary of the Assembly first of all address a communication to the International Committee, informing it of the vote of the Assembly and expressing to it the gratitude of the Rumanians toward all the guaranteeing Powers.

"2. That a communication be addressed to our Moldavian brethren in order to congratulate them on their initiative and in order to make known to them that we, following also in the path which they pointed out to us, shall never in future be aught but a single body, just as we have been and shall be a single soul."

Adunarea aprobă în unanimitate, The Divan unanimously approved însărcinând biuroul pentru redacția acestor adrese.

the foregoing and instructed the secretary to prepare the communication in question.

Extracts from Report on the Reorganization of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, Addressed to the Congress of Paris by the European Commission. April 7, 1858 1

Constatation des voeux émis par les Divans ad-hoc de Valachie

et de Moldavie.

La Commission instituée par l'art. 23 du Traité de Paris, pour préparer les bases de la future organisation des Principautés danubiennes, a été chargée par l'instruction du Congrès de prendre en considération l'opinion émise par les Divans convoqués dans chacune de ces Principautés.

La Commission a donc cru devoir aborder sa tâche par l'examen des vœux du Divan de Valachie, qui a mis fin à ses travaux le 26 (14) Décembre 1857.

Les députés valaques se sont bornés à formuler et à développer les quatre points suivants, exposés dans le procès-verbal No. VII:

"I. Garantie de l'autonomie et des droits internationaux, tels qu'ils sont, l'une et les autres, définis par les Capitulations entre les pays roumains et la Sublime Porte Suzeraine dans les années 1393, 1460, et 1513; ainsi que la neutralité du territoire moldoroumain.

1 Acte si documente, vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 559.

Statement of the votes given by the Divans ad hoc of Wallachia and Moldavia.

The Commission instituted by Article 23 of the Treaty of Paris, to prepare the bases of the future organization of the Danubian Principalities, has been charged by instruction of the Congress to take into consideration the opinion uttered by the Divans convoked in each of these Principalities.

The Commission has therefore thought that it should begin its task by the examination of the votes of the Divan of Wallachia, which ended its labors on December 14/26, 1857.

The Wallachian deputies limited themselves to formulating and developing the four following points, reported in formal minute No. VII:

"I. Guarantee of autonomy and of international rights, as they are both defined by the Capitulations between the Rumanian countries and the Sublime Porte as Suzerain in the years 1393, 1460 and 1513; as well as the neutrality of the Moldo-Rumanian territory.

"II. L'Union de la Roumanie en un seul Etat et sous un seul Gouverne


"III. Prince étranger avec l'hérédité du trône, élu dans une des dynasties régnantes de l'Europe, dont les successeurs, nés dans le pays, seraient élevés dans la religion du pays.

"IV. Gouvernement constitutionnel représentatif, et, conformément aux anciens usages du pays, une seule Assemblée générale, qui soit assise sur une large base électorale, de manière à représenter les intérêts généraux de la population roumaine.”

Ici la Commission doit constater, en premier lieu, la position qui lui est faite par les circonstances dans lesquelles elle se trouve placée. Les instructions ultérieures, que les Commissaires ont reçues de leurs Gouvernements, les mettant dans l'impossibilité de discuter les questions auxquelles se rapportent précisément les vœux ci-dessus mentionnés, il en résulte que la Commission ne peut aborder dans son rapport collectif aucune des questions, sur lesquelles ont exclusivement porté les votes du Divan valaque.

Il n'est pas non plus de la compétence de la Commission de constater, si la manière de procéder du dit Divan et si les Règlements adoptés pour la marche de ses débats sont conformes ou non aux prescriptions du Firman de convocation; car elle n'a pris aucune part à l'élaboration de ce docu

"II. The Union of Rumania in a single State and under a single Gov


"III. A heriditary foreign prince elected from one of the reigning dynasties of Europe, whose successors, born in the country, should be brought up in the religion of the country.

"IV. A representative constitutional government, and, in conformity to the ancient customs of the country, a single general assembly, to be founded on a broad electoral basis, in such a manner as to represent the general interests of the Rumanian people."

Here the Commission must, in the first place, state the position fixed for it by the circumstances in which it finds itself placed. The last instructions which the Commissioners have received from their Governments. placing them beyond the possibility of discussing the questions to which the statements above mentioned precisely relate, it follows that the Commission can not approach in its collective report any one of the questions upon which the votes of the Wallachian Divan exclusively bear.

Nor is it any more within the competence of the Commission to discuss whether the manner of procedure of the said Divan and the regulations adopted for the conduct of its debates, are in conformity with the prescriptions of the Firman of convocation or not; for it has taken no part

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