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capitală a căreia populație se sue peste opt-deci de mii de suflete, pușă în alăturare cu numărul de 131 de alegători ai têrgului Huşi, care n'are nici măcar 8,000 locuitori dovedesce îndestul părtinirea și sistemul de înlăturare ce aŭ predomnit la facerea listelor;

Fiind-că Galaţii, al doilea oraş al Principatelor și care, după înseșă listele guvernului, are 227 de alegători, s'a desbrăcat de dritul de a alege doi deputați și aceasta în favorarea Focşanilor care, după însușă aceste liste nu numără de cât 92 de alegători, şi că, prin urmare, firmanul s'a călcat prin strămutarea rîndului oraşelor;

Fiind-că, prin mesura arbitrarelor depărtări din slujbe, pusă de curênd în lucrare, și mulți profesori s'aŭ lipsit de dritul lor de alegători ;

Fiind-că alegătorii oraşelor de religia armenească și cari pururea aŭ luat parte la alegerile municipale, s'aŭ înlăturat din liste în contra firmanului, care primesce ca alegători, în representația oraşelor, pe toți alegătorii corpurilor municipale ;

Fiind-că un numěr de alegători înscrişi în liste, cari aŭ proprietăți în mai multe locuri, sunt trecuți ca alegători şi eligibili numai în ținuturile acele unde încunjurările de a fi aleşi nu se pare a le fi favorabile;

Fiind-că un mare numěr de pro

ognized in the city of Jassy, whose population amounts to above eighty thousand, compared with the one hundred and thirty-one electors of the city of Houschi, which contains not even eight hundred hundred souls, souls, sufficiently proves by itself the partiality and methods of exclusion which have presided over the manufacture of the lists.

Considering that Galatz, the second city of the Principality and, even according to the lists of the government, possessing 227 electors, has been deprived of its right to elect two deputies, in favor of Fokshani which, according to these same lists, contains only 92 electors and that, consequently, the firman has been violated by the inversion of the order of the cities;

Considering that, by means of recent arbitrary removals several professors have been deprived of their rights as electors;

Considering that the municipal electors belonging to the Armenian church, and who have always taken part in the municipal elections, have been excluded from the lists, contrary to the firman which admits as electors in the representation of the cities, all the electors of the municipal body;

Considering that certain electors entered on the lists and possessing property in several localities have been entered as electors eligible only in the districts where the chance of being elected does not appear to be favorable for them;

Considering that a great number of

prietari de case s'aŭ scos din liste, pentru că binalele lor s'aŭ prețuit arbitrar de către municipalități mai jos de valoarea lor reală, și sub pretext de ipotecă, în contra textului firmanului;

Fiind-că toți funcționarii chemați, după firman, a forma comitele de reclamație s'aŭ schimbat;

Fiind-că, chiar înaintea publicației listelor, în clasa ţăranilor, s'aŭ făcut mai multe alegeri în clasa de gradul I și de gradul al II, prin mijlocul unor isvoade electorale în care locul numelui aleşilor a remas alb;

Fiind-că acei trei delegați, prin care fie-ce corporație are a fi representată la alegeri, s'aŭ impus mai 'nainte, fără a se fi făcut alegerea lor prin dare de glasuri, și fară nici o publicaţie;

Fiind-că cea mai mare parte dintre starostii corporațiilor s'a schimbat cu câte-va dile înaintea publicației listelor, și că mai marele staroste al neguțătorilor din Iaşi s'a înlocuit prin un funcționar, numit d'a dreptul de către guvern;

Fiind-că preoții, diaconii, dascălii de biserică şi scriitorii satelor, și prin urmare partea cea mai luminată a populației sătești, s'aŭ lipsit de dritul de alegere în clasa locuitorilor țărani;

Fiind-că adunările alegătorilor sunt puse sub presidenția ispravnicilor, în contra firmanului și a art. 9 și 10 din regulamentul organic;

Fiind-că, afară de gazeta guvernu

householders have been excluded from the lists because their property has been valued arbitrarily by the municipal official below their real value, and under the pretext of mortgage, contrary to the firman;

Considering that the members of the committees of revision have all been changed;

Considering that even before the publication of the lists several elections in the peasant class have been held, for the first and second degrees, by means of ballots with the places for the names of delegates left blank;

Considering that the three members by which each guild ought to be represented at the elections have been dictated in advance without their having been elected by means of ballot, and without previous notice;

Considering that the greater part of the heads of guilds have been changed some days before the publiIcation of the lists and that the chief provost of the merchants of Jassy has been replaced by an official direct from the government;

Considering that the priests, the deacons, the choristers and the scribes in the country districts, and, consequently, the most enlightened part of the rural population, have been deprived of their right of electors in the class of peasants;

Considering that the electoral colleges are placed under the presidency of the prefects, contrary to the firman and to articles 9 and 10 of the Organic Act;

Considering that, with the excep

lui, închinată păstrării statului-quo, toate jurnalele, chiar sub condiția de a fi censurate, sunt oprite; că profesiile de credinţă nu sunt învoite, că dritul de a ne aduna ni-s'a contestat; că, în sfîrşit, suntem lipsiți de toate mijloacele neapărate spre a ne putea lumina şi pregăti pentru actul cel mai mare în viața unei nații, adică pentru alegerea deputaților sei;

Fiind-că listele electorale nu s'au publicat întocmai precum fuseseră pregătite de către administrațiile ținute, ci s'aŭ prefăcut și s'aŭ scurtat în Departamentul din lăuntru, și apoi, chiar când se aflaŭ sub tipar, s'aŭ supus unei a treia prescurtără la care aŭ luat parte d-nii caimacamul şi agentul Austriei;

Fiind, în sfîrşit, câ aceste liste nu înfăţişează nici de cum majoritatea claselor societăței Moldovei și că Divanul ce ar resulta din viitoarele alegeri, nu poate nici într'un chip a constitui representația legală și exactă a intereselor tuturor claselor, precum cere hotărît art. 24 din Tratatul de Paris;

Subscrișii se věd în dureroasa nevoe de a se retrage de la ori-ce împărtăşire la nisce alegeri făcute sub jugul înşelăciunii, al împilării și al nedreptății. . .

(Urmează mii de subscrieri.)

tion of the government gazette, devoted to the maintenance of the status quo, all the newspapers, even under the censorship, are forbidden, that professions of faith are prohibited, that our right of public meeting is opposed, that, finally, we are deprived of all the suitable means for informing ourselves and preparing ourselves for the exercise of that most important act in the life of a nation, the elections of its representatives;

Considering that the electoral lists. have not been published at all, as they were prepared by the district administrators, but that they have been modified and sorted in the Ministry of the Interior and thereupon, still under pressure, they have been submitted to a third sorting in which the Caimacam and the Austrian representative have taken part;

Considering finally that these lists in nowise represent the majority of the classes of Moldavian society and that the Divan which will result from them in the coming elections cannot constitute the legal and exact representation of the interests of all the classes, as is categorically ordered by Article 24 of the Treaty of Paris;

The undersigned find themselves under the grievous necessity of refraining from all participation in the elections held under the auspices of pressure, injustice, and fraud. (Thousands of signatures are ap


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Memorandum Interpreting the Firman of Convocation of the Divans ad hoc. 1 June 11/17, 1857 1

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Concerning the first point, namely, the priests, the text of the Firman says, in Article 1:

"And the priests, fulfilling under whatever title the functions of their ministry in the headquarters of each bishopric, shall meet on convocation by their diocesan bishops, to name by dioceses one from among their own number as deputy to the Divan.”

Consequently, the Commission thinks that the ecclesiastical functionaries at the seat of the Metropolitan of each Bishopric and the curés of the parishes of the city which is the headquarters of this bishopric, with the exception of those excluded for canonical reasons, are electors of right, but that protopopes (arch-priests, and the proestoti (aids to the archpriests) who exercise their functions in the diocese, without residing in the headquarters, may not enjoy electoral rights.

However, the Commission observes that it remains to ascertain whether the ecclesiastical functionaries at the seat of the Metropole and the parish curés of the city which is the headquarters for the diocese are the only priests at the headquarters to whom the terms of the Firman above mentioned apply, a question which may be settled by an agreement between the Caïmacam and the Metropolitan.

As for the second question, relating

1 Acte si documente, renascerei Romaniei, vol. 6, part 2, p. 423. Annex to protocol No. 6.

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to domicile, the Commission shares the opinion of the Caïmacam.

Regarding the great boyards (the 3d question) who are not limited by the restriction as to domicile, the Commission believes that each great boyard, owner of the amount of property in one district required by the firman, may be elected in each district where the electors wish to name him as their representative.

As for the 4th point,― the dedicated lands -- the Commission, considering the provisions of Chapter 16, par. 10, of Section 3 of the civil code, and considering that in Wallachia the dedicated lands have at all times bestowed on married men the political rights attached to property, agrees with the opinion expressed by the Caimacam.

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Referring to the explanations presented by the head of the Wallachian government on the subject of the 5th point that is to say the evidence the as to the amount of property Commission is convinced of the impossibility of applying the Firman literally in Wallachia in so far as it concerns the determination of the amount of property. It therefore approves this idea of the Caïmacam, of arriving at the same result by the means the most practiced and the best suited to the local circumstances, and as to the choice of means, the Commission reserves this to the Wallachian Government, as being the most competent authority.

With regard to the 6th point, the maximum of 99 faltches, the Com

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