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Poi furono riposte in buste separate e distinte secondo le rispettive loro provenienze, onde farne un inserto da custodirsi nell'Archivio del Tribunale di Appello, tutte le carte venute al banco del Magistrato e prese in esame all'atto dello spoglio.

E infine fu redatto, letto, approvato, sottoscritto da tutti i componenti la Seduta giudiziale e munito del suggello d'Ufficio, il presente processo Verbale in quattro originali; l'uno dei quali sarà deposto nelle mani di S. M. il Re, l'altro in quelle di S. E. il Signor Ministro Guardasigilli, il terzo negli Archivi generali del Regno e il quarto, insieme colle carte or ora accennate, nell'Archivio del Tribunale di Appello.






Then all the papers which had come to the Magistrate's bench and had been examined in the counting of the votes, were replaced in separate and distinct folders, according to their respective places of origin, so as to be inserted and preserved in the Archives of the Court of Appeals.

And, finally, the present report was drawn up, read, approved, signed by all the members of the Judicial Session, and sealed with the official seal, in four original copies; one of which will be placed in the hands of H. M. the King, another in those of H. E. the Minister Keeper of the Seals, the third in the general Archives of the Kingdom, and the fourth, together with the papers above mentioned, in the archives of the Court of Appeals. SEBASTIANO TECCHIO, Pres









had been included, but by mistake those of the other communes of that district had been omitted, and that moreover there should have been added some other votes cast by citizens belonging to the provinces recently freed from the Austrian occupation, but dwelling in other parts of the Kingdom, it was declared that the final results of the plebiscite should be registered and proclaimed in the following terms:

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Royal Decree Uniting Venetia to the Kingdom of Italy. November 4, 1866

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zionale di Vittorio Emanuele II e suoi successori;

Sentito il Consiglio dei ministri; Abbiamo decretato e decretiamo: ART. 1. Le provincie della Venezia e quella di Mantova fanno parte integrante del regno d'Italia.

Art. 2. L'articolo 82 dello Statuto sarà applicabile alle provincie suddette fino a che le provincie medesime saranno rappresentate nel Parlamento nazionale.

ART. 3. Il presente decreto sarà presentato al Parlamento per essere convertito in legge.

Ordiniamo che il presente decreto, munito del sigillo dello Stato, sia inserto nella raccolta ufficiale delle leggi e dei decreti del regno d'Italia, mandando a chiunque spetti di osservarlo e di farlo osservare.

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der the Constitutional Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel II and his suc


Having heard the Council of Ministers we have decreed and decree:

ARTICLE 1. That the provinces of Venetia and that of Mantua form an integral part of the Kingdom of Italy.

ART. 2. That Article 82 of the Constitution shall be applicable to the aforesaid provinces until such time as these provinces shall be represented in the National Parliament.

ART. 3. The present decree shall be presented to Parliament to be converted into law.

We order that the present decree, sealed with the Seal of State, shall be entered in the official collection of laws and decrees of the Kingdom of Italy, requiring of all whom it may concern to observe it and to see that it is observed.

Done at Turin, November 4th, 1866.


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Ratification of the Decree of Union. January 30, 1867 1

Progetto di legge presentato alla Camera dei deputati dal Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri, ministro dell' interno (Ricasoli), nella tornata del 30 gennaio 1867.


Bill presented to the Chamber of Deputies by the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Interior (Ricasoli) at the session of the 30th of January, 1867.

1 Le Assemblee, vol. 2, p. 734. The bill was approved in the Chamber in the session of May 16, 1867, and in the Senate on May 25. It is cited as the Law of July 18, 1867. No. 3841.


Appena cessata la dominazione straniera che teneva separate le provincie venete dall'Italia, il Governo del Re chiamava i popoli della Venezia ad esprimere in solenni Comizi la loro volontà di unirsi al regno d'Italia sotto il Governo costituzionale di Re Vittorio Emanuele II e de' suoi successori.

Poichè quelle nobili provincie avevano già sino dal 1848 manifestata questa stessa volontà, facendo prova di valore, di cui rimarrà imperitura la memoria, ed avevano con diciassette anni di resistenza e di patimenti consacrato quel generoso proposito, il decreto 7 ottobre che intimava il solenne plebiscito ebbe principalmente per iscopo di rendere omaggio al principio onde s'informa il nostro diritto costituzionale.

Voi, o signori, sapete in che modo rispondessero i popoli della Venezia all'appello che in nome d'Italia fece loro il Governo del Re.

Nei giorni 21 et 22 ottobre, 647,246 sì raccolti nelle urne elettorali delle provincie venete chiusero per sempre la storia del dominio straniero in Italia.

Conosciuto il risultato del suffragio nazionale, il Governo di S. M. con decreto del 4 novembre 1866, proclamava che le provincie della Venezia e di Mantova facevan parte integrante del regno d'Italia, e vi promulgava l'articolo 82 dello Statuto perchè vi


Scarcely had the foreign domination ceased which held apart the Venetian provinces of Italy, when the King's Government called the people of Venice to express in solemn popular assemblies their will to unite themselves to the Kingdom of Italy under the constitutional government of King Victor Emanuel II and of his


Because these noble provinces have manifested this same desire since 1848, giving proof of valour, which will remain an imperishable memory; and having by seventeen years of resistance and of suffering consecrated this generous proposition, the decree of October 7 which announced the solemn plebiscite, had for its principal purpose that of rendering homage to the principle on which our constitutional law is based.

You, gentlemen, know in what manner the people of Venice responded to the appeal which the Government of the King made to them in the name of Italy.

On the days of the 21st and 22nd of October, 647,246 affirmative votes were recorded in the electoral urns of the provinces of Venetia, and closed for ever the history of foreign domination in Italy.

The result of national suffrage once known, His Majesty's government, by a decree of the 4th of November, 1866, proclaimed that the provinces of Venetia and of Mantua formed an integral part of the Italian Kingdom, and promulgated Article 82 of the

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Proclamation of Cadorna After the Taking of Rome. September 20, 18701

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