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Elles seront fixées ultérieurement par des Commissaires spéciaux, désignés à cet effet par Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français et Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche.

ART. 3. Un arrangement particulier, dont les termes seront arrêtés entre les Commissaires français et autrichiens autorisés à cet effet, déterminera, conformément aux usages militaires et en maintenant tous les égards dus à l'honneur de l'Autriche, le mode et les conditions de l'évacuation des places autrichiennes.

Les garnisons autrichiennes pourront emporter tout le matériel transportable.

Un arrangement ultérieur sera conclu par les Commissaires spéciaux, relativement au matériel non transportable.

ART. 4. La remise effective de possession du Royaume lombardvénitien par les Commissaires autrichiens aux Commissaires français aura lieu après la conclusion de l'arrangement concernant l'évacuation des troupes et après que la paix aura été signée entre Leurs Majestés l'Empereur François-Joseph et le Roi Victor Emmanuel.

ART. 5. Les commandants des troupes autrichiennes s'entendront, pour l'exécution de ces clauses, avec les autorités militaires qui leur seront désignées par les Commissaires français, sauf recours, en cas de contestation, auxdits Commissaires de Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français.

They shall be fixed ultimately by special Commissioners, designated for this purpose by His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of Austria.

ART. 3. A special arrangement, the terms of which shall be agreed upon between the French and Austrian Commissioners authorized for this purpose, shall, in conformity with military customs and with due regard to the honor of Austria, fix the method and the conditions of the evacuation of the Austrian positions.

The Austrian garrisons may remove all transportable stores.

An arrangement shall be later concluded by the Special Commissioners regarding stores not transportable.

ART. 4. The final restoration of the possession of the LombardoVenetian Kingdom by the Austrian Commissioners to the French Commissioners shall take place after the conclusion of the arrangement concerning the evacuation of troops and after the peace shall have been signed between their Majesties the Emperor Francis Joseph and King Victor Emanuel.

ART. 5. The commanders of the Austrian troops shall come to an understanding regarding the execu tion of these clauses, with those military authorities who shall be designated to them by the French Commissioners, the right of appeal being reserved, in case of disagreement, to

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Treaty of Peace Between Austria and Italy.1 Signed at Vienna, October 3,

1866 2

Au nom de la très-sainte et indivisible Trinité.

Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie et Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche ayant résolu d'établir entre leurs Etats respectifs une paix sincère et durable, Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche ayant cédé à Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français le Royaume LombardoVénitien, Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français de son côté s'étant déclaré prêt à reconnaître la réunion du dit Royaume Lombardo-Vénitien aux Etats de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, sous réserve du consentement des populations dûment consultées: Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie et Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity.

His Majesty the King of Italy and His Majesty the Emperor of Austria having resolved to establish between their respective States an absolute and durable peace, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria having ceded to His Majesty the Emperor of the French the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, His Majesty the Emperor of the French having on his part declared himself ready to recognize the union of the said Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom to the States of His Majesty the King of Italy, under the reservation of the consent of the populations, duly consulted: His Majesty the King of Italy and His

1 British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 56, p. 700. 2 Ratifications exchanged October 12, 1866.

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Majesty the Emperor of Austria have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of Italy, the Sieur Louis Frederic, Count Menabrea,

His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, the Sieur Félix, Count Wimpffen; ...


Who, having exchanged their full and respective powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following articles:

I. There shall be peace and friendship between His Majesty the King of Italy and His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, their heirs and successors, their respective States and subjects, from the date of exchange of ratifications of the present treaty, forever.

II. The Italian and Austrian prisoners of war shall be immediately returned by each side.

III. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria consents to the union of the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom to the Kingdom of Italy.

IV. The frontier of the territory ceded is determined by the present administrative boundaries of the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom.

A Military Commission instituted by the Contracting Powers shall be charged with drawing the boundary line on the spot, in the shortest possible time.

XXIV. Le présent Traité sera XXIV. The present treaty shall ratifié et les ratifications en seront be ratified and the ratifications ex

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Report by the President of the Council to Victor Emanuel Recommending that a Plebiscite be Held in the Venetian Provinces. October 7, 1866 1

Sire. Il vostro Regno, con esempio unico nella Storia, crebbe e s'ingrandi per consenso spontaneo dei Popoli ansiosi di dare all'idea nazionale una forma che ne assicurasse lo svolgimento, e fosse all'Europa una guarentigia d'ordine e di civiltà.

I vostri Padri avevano custodito sempre l'indipendenza d'Italia, educato civilmente i popoli a loro commessi, dotandoli insieme di civili istituzioni.

Il vostro augusto Genitore li restituì a libertà mentre si faceva campione d'Italia; e Voi, Sire, seguendo l'esempio degli Avi, calcaste le orme del padre, e foste fermo e leale mantenitore delle sue promesse e magnanimo continuatore della sua opera.

Queste virtù della vostra Dinastia e Vostre meritarono che le popolazioni Italiane scuotendo la soggezione stra


Sire: Your Kingdom, a sole example in history, grew and was enlarged by the spontaneous consent of the peoples who were anxious to give to the national idea a form which should insure its development and be to Europe a guarantee of order and civilization.

Your fathers had always guarded the independence of Italy, had educated politically the peoples committed to their care, and endowed them at the same time with civil institutions.

Your august parent restored them to liberty while he made himself the champion of Italy; and you, Sire, following the example of your ancestors, trod in the footsteps of your father and were a firm and loyal keeper of his promises and a magnanimous continuer of his work.

These virtues of your dynasty and of Yourself deserved that the Italian peoples, in shaking off foreign sub

1 Collezione Celerifera delle Leggi, Decreti, Instruzioni e Circolari pubblicate nell' Anno 1866, pt. 2, p. 1770.

niera si riunissero intorno al vostro Trono, e formassero sotto il vostro scettro costituzionale il Regno d'Italia.

Da quel momento il diritto nazionale fu costituito, ma non si potè estendere su tutta l'Italia. Rimase in soggezione straniera una parte nobilissima della Penisola, che pure aveva fatto eroici sforzi per liberarsene sino dal 1848; manifestando fin d'allora la volontà di unirsi al vostro Regno, confermando, e poi consacrando il suo voto con diciasette anni di resistenza e di patimenti.

La Nazione costituita considerò quindi la Venezia per medesimezza di stirpe, di lingua e di sentimenti come parte integrante di sè, e colle dichiarazioni del Governo di V. M., colle deliberazioni del Parlamento, cogli apparecchi di guerra fece sempre aperta la sua indeclinabile volontà di ricuperarla.

Oggi le cause per le quali la Venezia viveva seperata innaturalmente dall' Italia sono venute a cessare, ed ella è per essere restituita in grembo alla Nazione.

Ora il vostro Governo prega la M. V. a voler consentire che i Veneti siano chiamati a confermare la loro volontà per mezzo di plebiscito.

Il Governo di V. M. giudica conveniente di rendere omaggio, anche in questa occasione, al principio onde s'informa il nostro diritto nazionale. Tutte le altre popolazioni del Regno d'Italia furono chiamate prima o poi

jection, should unite around your throne, and form the Kingdom of Italy under your constitutional scep


From that moment the national right was established, but it could not be extended over all Italy. A most noble part of the Peninsula remained under foreign subjection, although it had made heroic efforts to liberate itself ever since 1848; manifesting from that time a determination to unite with your Kingdom, confirming and substantiating its desire by seventeen years of resistance and suffering.

The Nation, thus constituted, therefore considered Venice, owing to identity of race, language and sentiments, as an integral part of itself, and, through the declarations of Your Majesty's Government, through the deliberations of Parliament, and through military preparations, it always openly manifested its unshaken determination to recover it.

To-day the causes owing to which Venice lived unnaturally separate from Italy have ceased to exist, and it is about to be restored to the bosom of the Nation.

Now your Government requests Your Majesty to kindly consent to having the Venetians called upon to conform their will by means of a plebiscite.

Your Majesty's Government deems it suitable to do homage, on this occasion also, to the principle on which is based our national right. All the other peoples of the Kingdom of Italy were called upon at first or after

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