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in Parma pel dì 7 del mese di settembre suddetto.

ART. 3. I Direttore dell'interno nelle provincie parmensi è incaricato dell'esecuzione del presente decreto.

Dato a Parma, li 30 agosto 1859

Il Direttore dell'interno


vened in Parma for the 7th day of September.

ART. 3. The Director of the Interior of the Provinces of Parma is charged with the execution of the present decree.

Given at Parma, August 30th, 1859.
Director of the Interior,

Decree of the Representative Assembly of the States of Parma Dethroning the House of Bourbon. September 11, 18591


dichiara che la dinastia Borbonica non può restituirsi in questi Stati senza conculcare i diritti di questi popoli, senza offesa al sentimento nazionale, senza pericolo di nuove e più grandi commozioni per tutta Italia.— Dichiara per ciò non potere, nè richiamarsi nè riceversi la dinastia Borbonica a regnare nuovamente sulle Provincie Parmensi.


declares that the Bourbon Dynasty can not be restored in these States without trampling upon the rights of this people, without offending the national sentiment, without danger of new and greater uprisings in all Italy. For this reason it is declared that the Bourbon Dynasty can not be recalled or taken back to reign again over the Provinces of Parma.

Decree of the same Assembly for Union with the Constitutional Kingdom of

Sardinia. September 12, 1859 2



Veduti gli atti di dedizione di queste provincie al Regno Sardo nell'anno 1848;





In view of the dedicatory acts of these Provinces to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1848;

1 Le Assemblee, vol. 1, p. 704. The vote was by secret ballot and unanimous.

2 ibid., vol. 1, p. 715. The vote was by secret ballot and unanimous.

Vedute le recenti unanimi deliberazioni dei Municipi dello Stato;

Veduto il risultamento della votazione diretta universale delle popolazioni di queste provincie per la aggregazione loro al Regno di Sardegna;

Conferma e proclama l'unione delle Provincie Parmensi al Regno costituzionale della dinastia di Savoia.

In view of the recent unanimous deliberations of the Municipalities of this State:

In view of the result of the direct and universal vote of the population. of these provinces for their union with the Kingdom of Sardinia;

Confirms and proclaims the union of the Provinces of Parma with the Constitutional Kingdom of the Dynasty of Savoy.


The Congregation and the Municipality of Milan Attest the Unanimous Desire of the Population to Renew the Pact of 1848. June 5, 1859 1


Il Corpo municipale di Milano è orgoglioso d'usare uno de suoi più preziosi privilegi, quello d'essere l'interprete naturale de'suoi concittadini nelle circostanze straordinarie, quando la vita politica e la comunale si confondono e si completano a vicenda, per testimoniare alla Maestà Vostra l'unanime voto della popolazione.

Essa vuol rinnovare il patto, del'48 e riproclamare in cospetto della Nazione un fatto politico che undici anni di fidente aspettazione e d'intemerata lealtà avevano maturato in tutte le intelligenze e in tutti i cuori. L'annessione della Lombardia al Piemonte fu proclamata stamane quando ancora le artiglierie del nemico potevano fulminarci e suoi battaglioni sfilavano Le Assemblee, vol. 1, p. 263.



The Municipal Body of Milan is proud to exercise one of its most precious privileges, that of being the natural interpreter of its fellow citizens in these extraordinary circumstances, in which the political and the communal life so mingle and complete each other, and to attest to Your Majesty the unanimous desire of the population.

It is their desire to renew the pact of 1848 and to proclaim again before the Nation a political fact which eleven years of faithful waiting and of fearless loyalty have brought to maturity in all minds and in all hearts. The annexation of Lombardy to Piedmont was proclaimed this morning while yet the enemy artillery might have been turned upon

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us and while their battalions were marching across our squares. Such a union is the first step on the path of a new public law which gives back to the nations the arbitrament of their own destinies. The heroic army of Your Majesty and that of Your generous Ally, who proclaimed that Italy should be free from the Alps to the Adriatic, will shortly complete the magnanimous enterprise.

Until then, Sire, accept the homage which the city of Milan tenders you through us, and be assured that there is but one voice speaking from all hearts, but one cry: "Long live the King! Long live the Constitution! Long live Italy!"

Milan, June 5, 1859.

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The Communal Council of Milan Ratifies the Vote of the Municipal June 6, 1859 1


Radunatisi oggi in via d'urgenza il Consiglio comunale di questa città, ed informato delle disposizioni prese dalla Congregazione municipale in conseguenza degli attuali straordinari eventi, il medesimo ha prese per acclamazione le seguenti deliberazioni, di cui la prima e la seconda fra le grida unanimi da parte dei numerosi 1 Le Assemblee, vol. 1, p. 264.

The Communal Council of the city summoned to-day in haste and informed of the resolution taken by the Municipality in consequence of the extraordinary events which have transpired, has adopted by acclamation the following resolutions, of which the first and the second were given with the unanimous acclama

intervenuti di: Viva il Re! Viva l'Italia! e Viva l'Imperatore Napoleone!

I. Il Consiglio comunale approva l'operato della Congregazione municipale e fa proprio l'indirizzo di omaggio da lei spedito a S. M. il Re Vittorio Emanuele II. incaricandola di far pervenire alla lodata M:S. un tale voto della civica rappresentanza.

Milano, 6 giugno 1859.

tions of the great number of those who attended: "Long live the King! Long live Italy! and Long live the Emperor Napoleon!"

I. The Communal Council approves the action of the Municipality and sanctions the address of homage sent by it to H. M. King Victor Emanuel II, instructing the congregation to send to Your Majesty a similar vote passed by the representatives of the citizens.

Milan, June 6, 1859.

Proclamation of Victor Emanuel to the People of Lombardy 1

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Dispatch of Lord John Russell to Earl Cowley, British Ambassador at Paris, Containing the British Proposal of the "Four Points" 1


Foreign Office, January 15, 1860.

It appears from the present aspect of affairs, that either the Congress will not meet at all, or that, if it should meet, it must be divided by irreconciliable differences of opinion.

Between the doctrine that it will be the duty of a Congress to restore the authority of the Pope in Romagna, and the doctrine that no force ought to be used to impose a Government or Constitution on the people of Central Italy, there can be no agreement.

Her Majesty's Government, hopeless of arriving at any general consent by means of the Congress, have taken into their serious deliberation the possibility of devising some means by which the external and internal independence of Italy might, according to the preamble of the Treaty of Zurich, be placed upon solid and durable bases.

It is clear that the occupation of Rome and Bologna by the troops of France and Austria during a period of unprecedented length in the history of foreign occupations, has added a danger instead of creating a security. At Bologna, no sooner were the Austrian troops withdrawn, than the people of all classes, the highest as well as the lowest, abjured the temporal authority of the Holy See. At Rome the wise councils which have from time to time been given by the occupying Power have been rejected or neglected, and the basis of a beneficent administration, calculated to secure the affections of the people, has yet to be laid.

After the melancholy experience of ten years, ending in a sanguinary war between the two Powers which jointly occupied the Roman States, is it not time to resort to other means of pacification more consonant to the general law of Europe, less provocative of discontent, and less calculated to sow the seeds of war?

Her Majesty's Government are greatly encouraged in such an attempt by the communications they have received both from Paris and Vienna.

1 British Parliamentary Papers, Affairs of Italy [2636], p. 4.

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