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Tacna y Arica y los chilenos y los peruanos que hayan residido tres años en el territorio. Todos los votantes deberán saber leer y escribir. Tan pronto como V. E. me manifeste cablegráficamente su conformidad con estos propósitos y los hayamos ratificado también por cable acreditaremos Ministro Plenipotenciario que colabore a la inmediata formalización de este convenio y procure llevar a efecto arreglos de comercio y de navegación de mutua ventaja.

(Firmado) WENCESLAO Valera.

Ministro de Relaciones

Excmo. Señor Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.- Santiago.

preme Court of Chile, who shall preside. There shall vote those born in Tacna and Arica and those Chilians and Peruvians who shall have resided three years in the territory. All voters shall be able to read and write. As soon as your Excellency shall have notified me by telegraph of your acceptance of these proposals and as soon as we shall have ratified them by wire, we will give the necessary credentials to our Minister Plenipotentiary who will collaborate in the immediate framing of this convention and will endeavor to effect agreements concerning commerce and navigation which shall be of mutual benefit. (Signed) WENCESLAO VALERA.

Minister of Foreign Relations. To His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Relations.— Santiago.


Address to the King by the Riksdag Postponing Negotiations Regarding Separation Until After a Further Expression of the Desire of the Norwegian People. July 28, 19051

I vissa af de inom Riksdagen afgifna motioner har framhållits, att Sverige icke borde lämna sitt samtycke till unionens upplösning, förr än det norska folket fått uttala sig, vare sig ett sådant uttalande komme att gifvas, på sätt en motionär ifrågasatt, genom nya val till Stortinget eller, enligt en annan motionärs mening, medelst folkomröstning.

Riksdagen anser ock, att i ett årende af så utomordentlig räckvidd som frågan om unionens upprätthållande eller upplösning ett säkrare uttryck för det norska folkets vilja bör gifvas, än som skett genom stortingsbeslutet den 7 juni 1905.

Hvilkendera af de ifrågasatte formerna för att bereda det norska folket tillfälle till uttalande i denna fråga bör väljas, anser Riksdagen böra bero af Norges eget afgörande. Men tydligt synes det Riksdagen vara, att från svensk sida icke någon åtgärd för unionens uplösning eller för att lämna erkännande åt den politiska

1 Unionens Opløsning, p. 293.

In certain of the motions proposed in the Riksdag it was pointed out that Sweden ought not to give her consent to the dissolution of the union before the Norwegian people had been able to express their opinion, whether such expression be given, as suggested by one member offering a motion, by means of a new election to the Storting, or, according to the suggestion of another, by means of a plebiscite.

The Riksdag is also of the opinion that in a matter of such extraordinary consequence as the question of the maintenance or dissolution of the union, a surer expression of the will of the Norwegian people ought to be given than occurred through the Storting's resolution of June 7, 1905.

The Riksdag is of the opinion that the question of which one of the aforementioned methods ought to be chosen to give the Norwegian people an opportunity for expression upon their question should depend on Norways' own decision. But it seems clear to the Riksdag that from the Swedish point of view no measures

ställning, hvari Norge kommit, bör vidtagas, förrän det norska folket haft tillfälle att gifva otvetydigt uttryck för sin uppfatning i saken och, därest det därvid uttalat sig för unionens upplösande, framställning i sådant syfte skett från Norge. Om sådan framställning kommer och om ur svensk synpunkt tillfredsställande öfverenskommelse visar sig kunna träffas i fråga om de villkor, som från Sveriges sida måste uppställas för erkännande af Norge såsom en från unionen med Sverige skild stat, anser Riksdagen, att Sverige bör vara beredt att för sin del medgifva riksaktens upphäfvande och unionen upplösning.

Vid eventuella förhandlingar härom bör med kraft och bestämdhet fordras och fasthållas, hvad hänsyn till Sveriges välfärd och värdighet kräfver.

För båda folken måste det vara en angelägenhet af högsta vikt, att, därest unionen upplöses, fred dem emellan dock måtte råda för framtiden. Därför böra icke anordningar, som det ena landet kan uppfatta såsom ett hot från det andra landets sida, upprätthållas. Fastmer bör en öfverenskommelse träffas, hvarigenom dylika anordningar äfven for framtiden förebyggas.1

ought to be taken for the dissolution of the union or for taking cognizance of the political situation to which Norway has come, before the Norwegian people has had a chance to give unequivocal expression of its opinion in the matter, and, in case it expresses itself in favor of the dissolution of the union, a report to that effect is received from Norway. In case such report comes and in case it appears that an agreement, satisfactory from the Swedish point of view, can be made respecting the conditions which must be stipulated from Sweden's side for the recognition of Norway as a state disunited from Sweden, then the Riksdag is of the opinion that Sweden should be ready, for its part, to agree to the annulment of the Act of Union and the dissolution of the union.

In the event of negotiations concerning this, that which consideration for Sweden's welfare and dignity demands should be forcefully and decisively demanded and insisted upon.

For both peoples it must be a matter of greatest weight that, in case the union is dissolved, peace should prevail between them for the future. Therefore negotiations which one country might interpret as a threat from the other country ought not to be maintained. be maintained. Moreover an agree

ment ought to be concluded, by means of which such regulations might be precluded even for the future.

1 The provisions stipulated by the Riksdag in the passages omitted concern an agreement as to arbitration, a neutral zone, pasturage rights for the Swedish Lapps, commerce in transit and waterways owned in common.

Under åberopande af hvad sålunda blifvit anfördt, får Riksdagen dels, under uttalande att Eders Kungl. Maj:ts förevarande proposition icke kunnat, sådan den blifvit Riksdagen förelagd, bifallas, förklara, att Riksdagen icke har något att invända mot att, därest ett efter nya val tillkommet Storting gör framställning om riksaktens upphäfvande och unionens upplösning eller ock sådan framställning från Norge ingår efter det norska folket genom folkomröstning uttalat sig för unionens upplösning, förhandlingar af här ofvan angifven art upptagars; .

Stockholm den 28 juli 1905.
Med undersåtlig vördnad
På Riksdagens vägnar:
för Första Kammaren:

n. v. Talman.

för Andra Kammaren:


n. v. Talman.

With reference to what has been stated, the Riksdag wishes to announce first, that while stating that Your Majesty's present proposition can not be approved in the form in which it was laid before the Riksdag, in case the newly elected Storting demands the annulment of the act of union and the dissolution of the union, or in case such a demand proceeds from Norway after the Norwegian people, by means of a plebiscite, have pronounced in favor of the dissolution of the union, the Riksdag has no objection to make against the initiation of negotiations of the nature described above;

Stockholm, July 28, 1905.

As respectful subjects on behalf of the Riksdag:

for the First Chamber:


For the Second Chamber:


Report to the Storting by the Norwegian Department of Justice Recommending a Plebiscite in Norway. Approved by Resolution of the Norwegian Government of the same Date. July 27, 1905 1

Ved den af forholdene nødvendiggjorte ekstraordinære afgjørelse, som paa nationens vegne er truffet af stortinget gjennem dets beslutning af 7de juni 1905, har nationalforsamlingen optraadt med den beføielse, som er hjemlet den ved dens stilling og ved

1 Unionens Opløsning, p. 219.

Regarding the extraordinary decision necessitated by the circumstances, a decision made on behalf of the nation by the Storting in its resolution of June 7th, 1905, the national assembly has acted with the authority granted to it by its position and by

bevidstheden om at handle under fuld tilslutning og billigelse af det norske folk.

Udenfor Norge har der imidlertid været forsøgt at reise tvil om tilstededeværelsen af en saadan folkemening. Særelig maa dette tvilsmaal antages at ligge til grund for de ønsker om yderligere tilkjendegivelse af det norske folks vilje og mening, der er kommet til orde i den Sveriges riksdag nu forelagte komiteindstilling og riksdagens paa grundlag heraf fattede beslutning i anledning af unionens opløsning og de dermed i forbindelse staaende spørsmaal.

Uden for nærværende iøvrigt at indlade sig paa de i den nævnte indstilling omhandlede vilkaar eller de derfor angivne udgangspunkter og forudsætninger, finder departementet, at der en opfordring til snarest muligt gjennem en folkeafstemning at bortrydde den ube føiede tvil. I lande, hvor man ikke har tilstrækkelig anledning til at lære den virkelige stemning i Norge at kjende, kunde paastanden om splittelse inden det norske folk vanskeliggjøre eller forhale ordningen af det suveræne Norges forhold til udenverdenen.

En fri folkeafstemning af norske borgere angaaende det spørsmaal, til hvis besvarelse den nævnte tvil er søgt knyttet unionens opløsning, vil bringe ogsaa fjernt staaende fuld klarhed og bortrydde virkningerne af de feilagtige opfatninger, som kan have gjort sig gjældende i udlandet.

the consciousness of acting with the full approval and agreement of the Norwegian people.

Outside of Norway, however, attempts have been made to arouse doubts regarding the presence of such a popular opinion. Such a doubt must supposedly be the basis of the desire for a further manifestation of the will and opinion of the Norwegian people, which has been expressed in the committee report now laid before the Swedish Riksdag, and a resolution of the Riksdag adopted on the basis thereof with regard to the dissolution of the union and the questions arising in connection therewith.

Without discussing for the present the conditions mentioned in the said report or the points of departure given and presuppositions given therefor, the department finds that there is a demand for removing as quickly as possible the unjustified doubt by means of a plebiscite. In countries where sufficient opportunity is not at hand to become acquainted with the real opinion in Norway, the charge of division within the Norwegian nation might make difficult or might delay the regulation of the relation of the sovereign state of Norway to foreign countries.

A free plebiscite of Norwegian citizens concerning the question, upon the answer of which an attempt has been made to cast doubt the dissolution of the union — will bring complete clearness even to those at a distance and will remove the effect of the mistaken suspicions which may

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