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ages. This greatly enriches the book, and supplies the reader with a more enlarged view of the subject than could be offered by a single mind. In an introduction by Professor Hovey, this is said to be a work almost equally adapted to meet the wants of scholars and of the people; for on the one hand it is learned and exact, while on the other it is perspicuous and interesting." It may therefore be recommended to students as well as to readers of the Scriptures. It is almost needless to say that the author confines his labours to the literal sense, including, however, doctrinal, ethical, and historical subjects, so far as they are expressed in discrepant statements; and in some of his statements and solutions, under the two first of these heads, the New Church student may not always be able entirely to concur. there is so much that he can cordially agree with, that he can afford to deduct the little that he cannot accept. Considering how worthy of encouragement is every earnest and intelligent attempt to roll away the reproach which the uncircumcised of all times have endeavoured to fasten on the Scriptures, and to remove honest doubts, we cannot but commend the work before us.


ON MIRACLES, AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM. Three Essays. By ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE, Author of "The Malay Archipelago," "Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, etc., etc. London: James Burns, 15 Southampton Row. 1875.


THIS is in some important respects a disappointing book. Mr. Wallace is a man of more than ordinary intelligence, well-known in the scientific world; and it is to his credit that he proclaims himself as one who, formerly a thorough and confirmed materialist, has now found a place in his mind for the conception of spiritual existence, and other agencies in the universe besides matter and force. For such a declaration, in the present temper scientific men, is tantamount to drawing down upon him the ridicule and supercilious pity of those leaders of the scientific world, who are supposed by their followers to have defined the limits of exact knowledge, and placed their veto upon everything which the "laws of nature" (as known to them) do not explain. Therefore we commend our author that he has had the boldness to face the prejudices of his scientific fellows, and to proclaim that which he believes to be true.

Mr. Wallace begins by a critical examination of the arguments used by Hume, Lecky and others, against miracles-arguments which are generally received by sceptics as decisive and unanswerable. But it can only be to those who are desirous to be convinced that what is called the miraculous could not occur that those arguments are conclusive, they are accepted by one and another, and year after year, as standing and triumphant vindications of materialism, while no one has the boldness to look into them and see if they are the bulwarks they pretend to be, and Mr. Wallace has brought artillery upon them which we consider to have perforated them, and let the light of truth through the obstructive screen of darkness; and here we consider the author has done good service. He shows that Hume gives a false definition of miracles, which begs the question of their possibility-that Hume states the fallacy that miracles are isolated facts, to which the entire course of human testimony is opposed, and that he absolutely contradicts himself as to the amount and quality of the testimony in favour of miracles. But unfortunately Mr. Wallace here qualifies his views, and herein he disappoints us. For he tells us more than once in rounded phrases what would lead us to gather that he is anxious that it should not be thought that he is a religious man. "I soon lost (after living from the age of fourteen with an elder brother of advanced liberal and philosophical opinions), and have never since regained all capacity of being affected in my judgments, either by clerical influence or religious prejudice (p. vi.). Not that we would have it imagined that our author is an

irreligious man, or has not a religion of his own, but it is one which takes its rise from spirit-manifestations, and all the questionable phenomena associated with table-turning and spirit-rapping,-and not from the Bible as a source of truth, or from the Lord as a Saviour. We therefore cannot be surprised that he stigmatizes it as an "extraordinary assumption that a miracle, if real, can only come from God," and supposes that such may "be performed by any of the probably infinite number of intelligent beings who may exist between ourselves and the Deity" (pp. 12, 13).

Now, the present writer is not what is termed a spiritualist, nor has he seen any of the so-called spiritual phenomena, but from what he knows of the nature of spirit, derived from the consistent, philosophical, and luminous writings of Swedenborg, added to the immense amount of testimony brought forward in proof of the reality of the alleged phenomena, he is fully prepared to give his adhesion to their genuineness. The sarcasms of Professor Huxley, the doggedness of Professor Tyndall, and the utterly unphilosophical scepticism of Dr. Carpenter, are all alike, to him, curiosities of psychology, which hereafter will be used "to point a moral and adorn a tale," and the amusingly inconclusive article by the latter in the Quarterly Review (October 1871) only shows to what shifts men are driven when the theories of a lifetime are invaded, and seem in danger of falling to pieces. Admitting, then, the existence of spirits, and the presence of spiritual influences about us, doctrines familiar to all who receive the teachings of the New Jerusalem Church, we feel at once saddened and rejoiced-saddened to think that the imperfect and untrustworthy revelations of the "Spirits' should be taken as sufficient to found a new religion (p. 108), when we are acquainted with an infinitely more perfect and authorized system by which the utterances of the spirits themselves may be tested and corrected-and rejoiced, since it seems almost providential that at this juncture men should, by any means, be led into that very current which, properly guided, may bring so many to an acquaintance with the Heavenly Doctrines which fill the writings of the Lord's servant Emanuel Swedenborg. With these writings our author would appear to be totally unacquainted, as not only does he omit to mention the name where it could with great propriety have been introduced, but he also makes positive statements which a knowledge of New Church doctrines would have shown him to be erroneous. Thus, with regard to the first proposition, when combating (p. 21) Mr. Lecky's statement that in certain stages of society "an accretion of miracles is invariably formed around every prominent person," he might, with the greatest propriety, have alluded to Swedenborg as a man who, although he claimed to be in constant communication with the spiritual world, yet, so far from an accretion of miracles being formed round him, neither claimed nor is credited with any miraculous power beyond that communication. But Swedenborg is not once mentioned in the book, and we will now point out some passages in which Mr. Wallace makes statements which he would have known to be incorrect had he possessed any acquaintance with the doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church. Thus in the chapter "on the Moral Teachings of Spiritualism" he says (p. 108), "The hypothesis of spiritualism is further remarkable as being associated with a theory of a future state of existence, which is the only one yet given to the world that can at all commend itself to the modern philosophical mind." This we know to be an utter fallacy-and that the system known to us all is not only the same in its nature, but far superior, as being amplified and philosophized in a manner we despair of the spirits ever arriving at in their communications. The addresses of the trance-medium, Mrs. Emma Hardinge, excellent as they appear to our author, are but poor imitations of the doctrines to be found everywhere in the writings of Swedenborg, which have a higher tone, and more trustworthy ring, than even the selected quotations on pp.


"Could the philosopher or man of science picture to himself a more perfect ideal of a future state than this?" he asks, and we can only reply by regretting that such inquirers should be unacquainted with the mine of knowledge and wisdom which they would find at least equally to commend itself to them, if they would take the trouble to look for it and dig into it. Again (p. 114) he says, "It is palpable to every reader that these doctrines are essentially different in every detail from those taught and believed by any school of modern philosophers, or any sect of modern Christians." We would reply, to any modern philosophers, or modern Christians, Yes, excepting only Swedenborgians, to whom, in a purified and exalted form, they are familiar. So also (p. 115), "All popular religions, all received notions of a future state of existence, ignore one important side of human nature," he refers to mirth, wit, laughter and merriment. Do we not fully understand our teacher that all these, as part of the human nature here, must be part of our spiritual nature hereafter? Unquestionably, and this crucial point is admittedly one of Swedenborgian teachingso that to his conclusion that “continuity has been pre-eminently the law of our mental development, and it rests with those who would abruptly sever this continuity to prove their case," we can only reply, Then it does not rest with us, for this very continuity is an ESSENTIAL part of our faith, and no point is more often and more strongly insisted upon by Swedenborg than this philosophical fact.

But the difference between the teachings of spiritualism, the best of which have been collected and selected by our author, and the teachings of the New Church are well accounted for by a passage from the trance-medium (on p. 111). "Spirits" (she says) "only present you with the testimony of those who have advanced one step beyond humanity." But we have the cheering conviction that the wisdom given to our Teacher had a far higher source, for not only does he instruct us in these matters much better than the spirits, but he also gives us light and knowledge on matters of more transcendent wisdom, of such a kind that we are persuaded that no man could speak the things which he speaks "unless God be with him."

In concluding our notice of this suggestive volume, we must refer with some regret to the author's speculations upon the value of prayer, and the nature of its answer. He says, "Prayer may be answered, although not directly by the Deity-nor does the answer wholly depend on the morality or the religion of the petitioner; but as men who are both moral and religious, and are firm believers in a Divine response to prayer, will pray more frequently, more earnestly, and more disinterestedly, they will attract towards them a number of spiritual beings who sympathize with them, and who, when the necessary mediumistic power is present, will be able, as they are often willing, to answer the prayer" (p. 209). And he absolutely cites the case of Mr. Müller of Bristol in illustration of this theory! How great a fall is here! "The spiritualist explains all this as a personal influence," and herein we see the fallacies and errors which those may fall into who begin their religion at the wrong end. But we wish better things of our author and such as he, and we trust that, having now so fully studied the phenomena of so-called spiritualism, he will be induced to examine the writings to which this paper has referred. For these writings are neglected, not because they are worthy of such neglect, but through sheer ignorance of their value and importance. And as an incentive to a study of them we cannot do better than adapt a passage which the author uses (p. 117) with regard to an examination of spiritualism. "Those who will examine its literature will acknowledge its facts. Those who will not examine for themselves should at least refrain from passing judgment on a matter of which they are confessedly and wilfully ignorant." Μ. Α. ΟΧΟΝ.



MAY MEETINGS.-The month of May is devoted to the anniversary assemblies of the several Christian institutions which are devoted to the propagation of Christianity, or the extension in various ways of Christian works. The usual place of assembly is Exeter Hall, though other large halls are also brought into requisition. The usual interest seems this year to have attended these assemblies, and the Reports presented have been mostly of a cheerful kind. We give a brief notice of the more prominent Missionary Societies.

Church Missionary Society.-The Report of this Society enters into particulars respecting the several mission stations. From these it appears that at some of the stations the Societies raised up are contributing largely to the support of the work carried on in their localities. The following are the statistics of the missions:-Stations, 157; European clergymen, 211; native and country-born clergymen, 154; number of communicants, 24,497. From the statement of the accounts it appeared that the income was not equal to that of last year. "Encouraged by the unexampled liberality which placed in their hands a balance of £10,407 for the year 1873-74, the Committee, in strengthening and permitting expansion in their existing missions, and also in entering on new fields of labour, undertook an estimated expenditure for the year just closed of between £172,000 and £173,000. The whole of this expenditure has been more than met by the income of the year. From donations and legacies the committee have received £42,672, 1s. 3d., while their associations have exceeded all previous returns by nearly £4000, having sent in this year the unprecedented sum of £131,668, 17s., thus making the total income of the Society £174,340, 18s. 3d., and leaving in hand a surplus of £922, 4s. 9d."


London Missionary Society. The Directors of this Society report that the ordinary receipts from subscriptions, donations, and collections have continued to increase, and have reached a higher amount than in any former year. For six years running the income of the Society has exceeded £100,000; and they feel that the time is come when they

may enter with earnestness upon that increase of the Society's missions in India and China which they have long desired. The total income for the year is £103,553, or, including the balance of last year, £105,401. The expenditure leaves in the Society's favour a balance of over £3000. The Report dwells largely on the Society's missions in Madagascar and India. To the former place a deputation from the Society was sent out, and extended efforts of service have been

arranged. Of India the Report says, "The Indian census lately taken has shown that we have 200,000,000, directly subject to the Crown; the protected states increase this number to 283,000,000, and the conviction is that, if the census could be made complete, it would show the population of India to exceed 300,000,000 of souls. What are the 600 foreign missionaries and their 3000 native helpers among these masses of human beings. But we have learned too much of the power of little things in God's hands to doubt that He, who knew the end from the beginning, will so sustain his servants, and so multiply in their hands the bread of life, that in due time even this multitude shall be fed by Him. .

Strange cases are constantly met with of individuals who are secret believers in the Saviour; at times small communities are found to whom the Word of God is a constant study, and who, unobserved, are seeking to guide their lives by its precepts."

Baptist Missionary Society. - This Society reports that during the year 3546 persons have been baptized, viz., in the East, excluding Santhalistan, 392; of the Santhals, 1600; and in Africa, the West Indies and Europe, 1554. The mission staff has been increased by nine persons, two of whom have become pastors in Colombo and Bombay. The missions of the Society extend to India and China, the West Indies and several continental countries. further progress has been made, while in Rome the Committee has secured suitable premises for the prosecution of Mr. Wall's most interesting work. The hall that has been built for Divine worship was opened on the 21st March, amidst many marks of the Divine blessing. The church now consists of

In Norway

ninety members. The income of the Society has been £40,121-only £134 less than that of last year, which included £3126 for the Famine Fund. The expenditure has, however, exceeded the income by £1143.

5 in Ireland, and 5 in connection with circuits in large towns. On these were employed 137 missionaries. In South Australia they had 16 stations, 7 of which were missions with 8 missionaries; in Victoria and Tasmania, 26 stations, 14 of which were missions with 14 missionaries; in New South Wales, 15 stations and 17 missionaries; in Queensland, 5 stations with 5 missionaries; in Canada, 64 stations with 79 preachers; and in Africa, 4 stations with 7 missionaries; making a total of 176 stations and 267 missionaries. The total income for the year was £46,706, being an increase on any preceding year of £11,498.

Wesleyan Missionary Society.—The Report of this Society stated that the steady increase of income (something like £3000 a year for some years past) had been more than maintained, a number of legacies, lapsed annuities, &c., bringing up the total receipts for the year to £184,039; of this sum £47,630 had been received from affiliated conferences and mission districts. The disbursements were £179,946. A general The British and Foreign Bible Society. recapitulation of the several particulars The report stated that the receipts and exgiven in the Report showed that the penditure during the past year had been Society had-principal stations, called larger than the previous year. The Society circuits, throughout the world, 944; was founded in London in the year 1804, chapels and other preaching places, for the purpose of circulating the Holy 7047; ministers and assistant-mission- Scriptures, without note or comment, aries, including supernumeraries, 1224; throughout the world. The constitution other paid agents, as catechists, inter- of the Society admits of the co-operapreters, day-school teachers, etc., tion of all who are favourable to its 4840; unpaid agents, as Sunday-school object. At the beginning of the present teachers, 25,307; full church members, century it is probable that there were 174,834; on trial for church member- not more than four or five millions of ship, 17,173; scholars, 267,692; print- copies of the Sacred Volume in all the ing establishments, 4. world, existing in about fifty different United Methodist Free Churches' Home translations. Since the establishment and Foreign Missions. The Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, stated that numerically all the foreign nearly seventy-four millions of copies of stations show an increase of 224 accre- the Word of God, in whole or in part, dited members, and 545 on trial, making have been circulated from its depôts, the total number of church members while other kindred societies which have 6112 on foreign stations alone, which, sprung out of it, and have been aided added to the home circuits, give a total by it, have distributed about fifty-three of 67,371 members, with 6195 proba- millions of copies more; so that during tioners. The financial increase on the the present century about one hundred year's income at home on behalf of mis- and twenty-seven millions of copies of sions has been £1617 in advance of last the Sacred Scriptures, in whole or in year, the total being £11,119. The expenditure has been £10,397. Some of the increase in the receipts was due to a legacy and special gifts, and there was an advance on the ordinary receipts of £765, 18s. 2d. For the first time the juveniles have had a separate column of their amounts, but they were not credited with all the receipts coming from them, some circuits not having divided the amounts; but as far as they go they show a sum of £2776, and there is every prospect of the sum being annually increased.

Primitive Methodists.-This Society has 67 home mission stations, 49 in England, 5 in Wales, and 6 in Scotland;

part, have been put into circulation by Bible Societies alone in various parts of the world. The number of languages and dialects in which God's Word is translated has been raised from fifty to upwards of two hundred, while in the number of versions of the Scriptures, in whole or in part, hitherto prepared (there being sometimes more than one version in the same language) is about two hundred and sixty, the preparation of which has been promoted, directly or indirectly, by the British and Foreign Bible Society. In above thirty instances languages have been for the first time reduced to a written form. In addition to a circulation of English

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