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rusalem. And as he journeyed, sen vessel unto me, to bear my he came near Damascus and name before the Gentiles, and suddenly there shined round about kings, and the children of Israel: him a light from heaven. And he For I will show him how great fell to the earth, and heard a voice things he must suffer for my saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why name's sake. And Ananias went persecutest thou me? And he his way, and entered into the said, who art thou, Lord? And house; and putting his hands on the Lord said, I am Jesus whom him, said, Brother Saul, the Lord thou persecutest: It is hard for (even Jesus, that appeared unto thee to kick against the pricks. thee in the way as thou camest) And he, trembling and astonish- hath sent me. that thou mightest ed, said, Lord, what wilt thou have receive thy sight. and be filled me to do? And the Lord said with the Holy Ghost. And immeunto him, Arise, and go into the diately there fell from his eyes as city and it shall be told thee what it had been scales; and he receivthou must do. And the men ed sight forthwith, and arose, and which journeyed with him stood was baptized. And when he had speechless, hearing a voice, but received meat, he was strengthenseeing no man. And Saul arose ed. Then was Saul certain days from the earth; and when his with the disciples which were at eyes were opened, he saw no Damascus. And straightway he man: but they led him by the preached Christ in the synahand, and brought him into Da-gogues, that he is the Son of God. mascus. And he was three days But all that heard him were without sight, and neither did eat amazed, and said, Is not this he nordrink. And there was a certain that destroyed them which call. disciple at Damascus, named Ana-led on this name in Jerusalem, nias, and to him said the Lord in and came hither for that intent, a vision, Ananias: And he said, that he might bring them bound Behold, I am here, Lord. And unto the chief priests? But Saul the Lord said unto him. Arise, increased the more in strength, and go into the street which is and confounded the Jews which called Straight, and inquire in the dwelt at Damascus, proving that house of Judas for one called Saul, this is very Christ.

of Tarsus: for behold, he prayeth, The Gospel. St. Matt. xix. 27. and hath seen in a vision a man PETER answered, and said unnamed Ananias, coming in, and to Jesus, Behold, we have forputting his hand on him, that he saken all, and followed thee; might receive his sight. Then what shall we have therefore? Ananias answered, Lord, I have And Jesus said unto them, Verily heard by many of this man, how I say unto you,that ye which have much evil he hath done to thy followed me, in the regeneration, saints at Jerusalem; and here he when the Son of man shall sit in hath authority from the chief the throne of his glory, ye also priests to bind all that call on thy shall sit upon twelve thrones, name. But the Lord said unto judging the twelve tribes of Israel. him, Go thy way: for he is a cho-And every one that hath forsaken

houses, or brethren, or sisters, or terers, and against false swearers, father, or mother, or wife, or chil- and against those that oppress dren, or lands, for my name's the hireling in his wages, the wisake, shall receive an hundred dow, and the fatherless, and that fold, and shall inherit everlasting turn aside the stranger from his life. But many that are first shall right, and fear not me, saith the be last, and the last shall be first. Lord of hosts.

The Presentation of Christ in the

The Gospel. St. Luke, ii. 22.

rification, according to the

Temple, commonly called, The AND when the days of her puPurification of Saint Mary the law of Moses, were accomplished, Virgin.

The Collect.

they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (as

ALMIGHTY and everliving it is written in the law of the

God, we humbly beseech thy Lord, Every male that openeth Majesty, that as thy only begot-the womb shall be called holy to ten Son was this day presented the Lord;) and to offer a sacrifice, in the Temple in substance of our according to that which is said in flesh; so we may be presented the law of the Lord, A pair of unto thee with pure and clean turtle-doves, or two young pihearts, by the same thy Son Je-geons. And behold, there was a sus Christ our Lord. Amen. man in Jerusalem, whose name

For the Epistle. Mal. iii. 1. was Simeon; and the same man BEHOLD, I will send my mes- was just and devout, waiting for

senger, and he shall prepare the consolation of Israel: and the the way before me: and the Lord, Holy Ghost was upon him. And whom ye seek, shall suddenly it was revealed unto him by the come to his temple; even the Holy Ghost, that he should not messenger of the covenant, whom see death, before he had seen the ye delight in behold, he shall Lord's Christ. And he came by come, saith the Lord of hosts. the Spirit into the temple; and But who may abide the day of when the parents brought in the his coming? and who shall stand child Jesus, to do for him after the when he appeareth? for he is like custom of the law, then took he a refiner's fire, and like fuller's him up in his arms, and blessed soap. And he shall sit as a refiner God, and said, Lord, now lettest and purifier of silver: and he shall thou thy servant depart in peace, purify the sons of Levi, and purge according to thy word: For mine them as gold and silver, that they eyes have seen thy salvation; may offer unto the Lord an offer- which thou hast prepared before ing in righteousness. Then shall the face of all people; a light to the offerings of Judah and Jeru- lighten the Gentiles, and the glory salem be pleasant unto the Lord, of thy people Israel. And Joseph as in the days of old, and as in and his mother marvelled at those former years. And I will come things which were spoken of him. near to you to judgment; and I And Simeon blessed them, and will be a swift witness against the said unto Mary his mother, Besorcerers, and against the adul-hold, this child is set for the fall

and rising again of many in Israel; Ghost by the mouth of David and for a sign which shall be spo- spake before concerning Judas, ken against, (yea, a sword shall who was guide to them that took pierce through thy own soul aiso,) Jesus. For he was numbered with that the thoughts of many hearts us, and had obtained part of this may be revealed. And there was ministry. Now this man purchasone Anna, a prophetess, the ed a field with the reward of inidaughter of Phanuel, of the tribe quity; and falling headlong, he of Aser she was of a great age, burst asunder in the midst, and all and had lived with an husband se- his bowels gushed out. And it was ven years from her virginity; and known to all the dwellers at Jerushe was a widow of about four-salem; insomuch as that field is score and four years, which de- called in their proper tongue, parted not from the temple, but Aceldama, that is to say, The field · served God with fastings and of blood. For it is written in the prayers night and day. And she book of Psalms, Let his habitation coming in that instant, gave thanks be desolate, and let no man dwell likewise unto the Lord, and spake therein and his Bishoprick let of him to all them that looked for another take. Wherefore of these redemption in Jerusalem. And men, which have companied with when they had performed all us all the time that the Lord Jethings according to the law of the sus went in and out among us, beLord, they returned into Galilee, ginning from the baptism of John, to their own city Nazareth. And unto that same day that he was the child grew, and waxed strong taken up from us, must one be orin spirit, filled with wisdom; and dained to be a witness with us of the grace of God was upon him. his resurrection. And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed, Almighty God, who into the and said, Thou, Lord, which place of the traitor Judas. knowest the hearts of all men, didst choose thy faithful servant show whether of these two thou Matthias, to be of the number of hast chosen; that he may take part the twelve Apostles; grant that of this ministry and apostleship, thy Church, being always preserv- from which Judas by transgresed from false Apostles, may be or- sion fell, that he might go to his dered and guided by faithful and own place. And they gave forth true pastors, through Jesus Christ their lots; and the lot fell upon our Lord.

Saint Matthias's Day.

The Collect.


Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven Apostles.

The Gospel. St. Matt. xi 25. AT that time Jesus answered,

For the Epistle. Acts, i. 15. IN those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of the names and said, I thank thee, O Fatogether were about an hundred ther, Lord of heaven and earth, and twenty ;) Men and brethren, because thou hast hid these things this Scripture must needs have from the wise and prudent, and been fulfilled, which the Holy hast revealed them unto babe

The Gospel. St. Luke, i. 26.
ND in the sixth month, the
Angel Gabriel was sent from



Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered unto me of my Father ;| and no man knoweth the Son but God unto a City of Galilee, named the Father; neither knoweth any Nazareth, to a Virgin espoused to man the Father, save the Son, a man whose name was Joseph, and he to whomsoever the Son of the house of David, and the will reveal him. Come unto me, Virgin's name was Mary. all ye that labour and are heavy the angel came in unto her and laden, and I will give you rest. said, Hail, thou that art highly Take my yoke upon you, and favoured, the Lord is with thee; learn of me; for I am meek and blessed art thou among women. lowly in heart and ye shall find And when she saw him, she was rest unto your souls. For my troubled at his saying, and cast yoke is easy, and my burthen is in her mind what manner of salight. lutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, The Annunciation of the blessed Mary; for thou hast found favour with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring

Virgin Mary.

The Collect.

WE beseech thee, O Lord, forth a son, and shalt call his pour thy grace into our name Jesus. He shall be great, hearts; that as we have known and shall be called the Son of the incarnation of thy Son Jesus the Highest; and the Lord God Christ by the message of an angel:shall give unto him the throne of so by his cross and passion we his father David. And he shall may be brought unto the glory reign over the house of Jacob for of his resurrection, through the ever; and of his kingdom there same Jesus Christ our Lord. shall be no end. Then said Mary Amen. unto the angel, How shall this For the Epistle. Isa. vii. 10. be. seeing I know not a man? MOREOVER, the Lord spake And the angel answered and said

again unto Ahaz, saying, Askunto her, The Holy Ghost shall thee a sign of the Lord thy God; come upon thee, and the power ask it either in the depth, or in of the Highest shall overshadow the height above. But Ahaz said, thee: therefore also that holy I will not ask, neither will I tempt thing which shall be born of thee, the Lord. And he said, Hear ye shall be called the Son of God. now, O house of David: Is it a And behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, small thing for you to weary men, she hath also conceived a son in but will ye weary my God als her old age; and this is the sixth Therefore the Lord himself shall month with her, who was called give you a sign: Behold, a virgin barren. For with God nothing shall conceive, and bear a son, shall be impossible. And Mary and shall call his name Immanuel, said, Behold the handmaid of Butter and honey shall he t, the Lord; be it unto me accordthat he may know to refuse the ing to thy word. And the angel evil, and choose the good. departed from her.

Saint Mark's Day.

The Collect.

plieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every Almighty God, who hast in- part, maketh increase of the body, structed thy holy Church unto the edifying of itself in love. with the heavenly doctrine of thy The Gospel. St. John, xv. 1. Evangelist Saint Mark; give us Am the true vine, and my Fagrace, that being not like children ther is the husbandman. Every carried away with every blast of branch in me that beareth not vain doctrine, we may be esta- fruit, he taketh away; and every blished in the truth of thy holy branch that beareth fruit, he Gospel, through Jesus Christ our purgeth it, that it may bring forth Lord. Amen. more fruit. Now ye are clean

The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7. through the word which I have UNTO every one of us is given spoken unto you. Abide in me,

grace, according to the mea- and I in you. As the branch cansure of the gift of Christ. Where-not bear fruit of itself, except it fore he saith, When he ascended abide in the vine; no more can up on high, he led captivity cap-lye, except ye abide in me. I am tive, and gave gifts unto men. the vine, ye are the branches. (Now that he ascended, what is He that abideth in me, and I in it but that he also descended first him, the same bringeth forth much into the lower parts of the earth ?fruit for without me ye can do He that descended is the same nothing. If a man abide not in also that ascended up far above me, he is cast forth as a branch, all heavens, that he might fill all and is withered; and men gather things.) And he gave some apos- them, and cast them into the fire, tles, and some prophets, and some and they are burned. If ye abide evangelists, and some pastors and in me, and my words abide in teachers; for the perfecting of the you, ye shall ask what ye will, saints, for the work of the minis-and it shall be done unto you. try, for the edifying of the body Herein is my Father glorified, of Christ; till we all come in the that ye bear much fruit; so shall unity of the faith, and of the know-ye be my disciples. As the Faledge of the Son of God. unto a ther hath loved me, so have I perfect man, unto the measure loved you: continue ye in my of the stature of the fulness of love. If ye keep my commandChrist: that we henceforth be no ments, ye shall abide in my love; more children, tossed to and fro, even as I have kept my Father's and carried about with every wind commandments, and abide in his of doctrine, by the sleight of men, love. These things have I spoken and cunning craftiness, whereby unto you, that my joy might rethey lie in wait to deceive; but main in you, and that your joy speaking the truth in love, may might be full. grow up into him in all things,

The Collect.

which is the head, even Christ: Saint Philip and Saint James's Day. From whom the whole body fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint sup·|

Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life:

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