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The Minister of Foreign Relations of Peru to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Chile, Accepting the Proposal for a Conference, April 25, 1905 .

Confidential Communication from the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs to Sr.

Seoane, Special Envoy of Peru, March 25, 1908 .

Chronological List of Cases of Change of Sovereignty in which the Right to Self-Determination Has Been Recognized


1791 Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin annexed to France after plebiscites

1792 Savoy annexed to France after a plebiscite.

1793 Nice annexed to France after a plebiscite.

The Belgian Communes and Liège annexed to France after plebiscites.

Communes of the Rhenish Palatinate and Alsace annexed to France after plebiscites. 1798 The Republics of Mulhausen and Geneva annexed to France after votes of citizens.

PERIOD OF 1848-1870

1848 The Italian Plebiscites of 1848. Lombardy, Venetia, Parma, Modena, Piacenza, and Reggio annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia after plebiscites.

1848 The Schleswig Question. Proposals by Prussia and the Germanic Confederation for the division of Schleswig by a plebiscite in Northern Schleswig.

1856 Reorganization of the Danubian Principalities. The Treaty of Paris established a European Commission to consult with Assemblies ad hoc in Moldavia and Wallachia. Signed April 27, 1856.

1859 The Italian National Assemblies of 1859. Tuscany, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, and Romagna.

1860 The Italian Plebiscites of 1860. Tuscany, Emilia (Parma, Modena, Romagna), Naples, Sicily, the Marches, and Umbria annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia after plebiscites.

Savoy and Nice annexed to France after plebiscites. The Treaty of Turin, signed March 24, made the cession by Sardinia conditional on a consultation of the inhabitants.

1864 The Ionian Islands ceded by Great Britain to Greece after a vote of the Legislative Assembly of the Islands, especially elected by qualified suffrage. The Protocol of London, signed August 1, and the Treaty of London, signed December 14, 1863, between Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia, stipulated for a vote of the Legislative Assembly of the Islands.

1864 The Schleswig Question. Conferences of London for the settlement of the Danish Question.

1866 Venetia annexed to Italy after a plebiscite.

1866 The Schleswig Question. The Treaty of Prague between Prussia and Austria, signed August 23, 1866, made the transfer of Northern Schleswig conditional on a free vote of the population. Abrogated by the Treaty of Vienna between Prussia and Austria, signed October 11, 1878.

1867 The Danish West Indies. The uncompleted treaty between the United States and Denmark, signed October 24, for the purchase of the islands of St. Thomas and St. John (D. W. I.), contained a stipulation making the cession conditional on the consent of the population in the islands. The plebiscite was held in January, 1868.

1870 The City and Provinces of Rome united to Italy after a plebiscite.

PERIOD OF 1871-1914

1877 St. Bartholomew (W. I.) annexed to France after a plebiscite. The Treaty of Paris between Sweden and France made the cession conditional on the consent of the population. Signed August 10.

1883 Tacna and Arica. The Treaty of Ancon between Chile and Peru provided for a plebiscite in Tacna and Arica (Peruvian provinces occupied by Chile) after ten years. Signed October 20.

1905 The Separation of Norway from Sweden by a plebiscite in Norway.

Bibliographical List of Principal Works Consulted

Acta Sanctae Sedis in compendium opportune redacta et illustrata. Rome, 1870-71. Vol. 6. Acte si documente relative la istoria renascerei Romaniei. Edited by Dimitrie A. Sturdza and C. Colescu-Vartic. Bucharest, 1896. 9 vols.

American Journal of International Law. New York, 1907-.

ANDRÉ, J. F. Histoire de la révolution avignonnaise. Paris, 1844.

Annuaire des deux mondes. Histoire générale des divers états. Paris, 1851-1868. 14 vols. ARANGIO-RUIZ, GAETANO. Storia constituzionale del regno di Italia (1848–1898). Florence, 1898.

Archives diplomatiques; recueil de diplomatie, d'histoire et de droit international. Paris, 1861-.

AUDINET, EUGÈNE. La prescription acquisitive. Revue générale de droit international public. 1896. Vol. 2, p. 313.

BANCROFT, FREDERIC. The Life of William H. Seward. New York, 1900. 2 vols.

BARJAVEL, CASIMIR FRANÇOIS HENRI. Dictionnaire historique, biographique et bibliographique du département de Vaucluse, ou Recherches pour servir à l'histoire scientifique, littéraire et artistique, ainsi qu'à l'histoire religieuse, civile et militaire, des villes et arrondissements d'Avignon, de Carpentras, d'Apt et d'Orange. Carpentras, 1841. 2


BARLOW, JOEL. A Letter to the People of Piedmont on the Advantages of the French Revolution, in Political Writings. 2d ed. New York, 1796.

BELAUNDE, VICTOR ANDRÉS. Nuestra cuestión con Chile. Lima, 1919.

BEAUFFORT, ROGER, Comte de. Histoire de l'invasion des Etats Pontificaux et du siège de Rome par l'armée italienne en Septembre 1870. Paris, 1874.

BLUNTSCHLI, JOHANN KASPAR. Le droit international codifié. Translated by M. C. Lardy. Paris, 1870.

BONFILS, HENRI. Manuel de droit international public (droit des gens). Paris, 1894.

BORGNET, CHARLes Joseph AdoLPHE. Histoire des Belges à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Brussels, 1861-62. 2 vols.

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BOURGEOIS, LÉON. Pour la société des nations. Paris, 1910.

BREAKSTED, H. L. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway. London, 1905.

BRENNAN, REV. RICHARD. A Popular Life of Our Holy Father Pope Pius the Ninth. 4th ed. New York, 1877.

BRISSAUD, JEAN BAPTISTE. A History of French Public Law. Translation by James W. Garner. Boston, 1915.

BUNSEN, CHRISTIAN KARL JOSIAS, Freiherr von. Memoir on the Constitutional Rights of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, presented to Viscount Palmerston by Chevalier Bunsen. 1848 . . . published with M. de Gruner's essay on the Danish question, and all the official documents by Otto von Wenckstern. London, 1848.


CABOUAT, JULES. Des annexions de territoire et de leurs principales conséquences. Paris, 1881.

CADORNA, RAFFAELE. La liberazione di Roma nell'anno 1870 ed il plebiscito. 2d ed. Turin,


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Memoria del Ministerio de relaciones exteriores, octubre de 1911-julio de 1914. Santiago de Chile, 1917.

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