Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, F.R.S.: To which is Subjoined the Private Correspondence Between King Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas, and Between Sir Edward Hyde, Afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne, Volumen 1

H. G. Bohn, 1862

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Página 23 - In 2 vols. • - ; or, with the plates coloured, 7*. 6d. per vol. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain ; or, Calendar of Victory. Being a Record of British Valour and Conquest by Sea and Land, on every day in the year, from the time of William the Conqueror to the Battle of Inkermann. By Major JOHNS, KM, and Lieutenant PH NICOLAS, RJkt.
Página 32 - CARPENTER'S (Dr. WB) Zoology, A Systematic View of the Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the principal Families of the Animal Kingdom, and of the chief Forms of Fossil Remains. Revised by WS Dallas, FLS Numerous Woodcuts. 2 vols. 6s. each. — Mechanical Philosophy, Astronomy, and Horology. A Popular Exposition. 181 Woodcuts. i8 BOHN'S LIBRARIES. CARPENTER'S Works.— < Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany.
Página 24 - Collection of Works of Art, with the prices at which they were sold by auction, and names of the possessors. To which are added, an Introductory Lecture on Pottery and Porcelain, and an Engraved List of all the known Marks and Monograms.
Página 32 - Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany. A complete Introduction to the Knowledge of Plants. New Edition, revised, under arrangement with the Author, by E.
Página 32 - CHEVREUL on Colour. Containing the Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, and their Application to the Arts ; including Painting, Decoration, Tapestries, Carpets, Mosaics, Glazing, Staining, Calico Printing, Letterpress Printing, Map Colouring, Dress, Landscape and Flower Gardening, &c. Trans, by C. Martel. Several Plates. With an additional series of 16 Plates in Colours, 7$.
Página 41 - THIS series is intended to supply for the use of Schools and Students cheap and accurate editions of the Classics, which shall be superior in mechanical execution to the small German editions now current in this country, and more convenient in form. The texts of the Bibliotheca Classics, and Grammar School Classics, so far as they have been published, will be adopted.
Página 33 - On* and WS DALLAS, FLS Fine Portrait. In five vols. 3s. 6d. each ; excepting Vol. V., 6s. *,* In this edition the notes are placed beneath the text, Humboldt's analytical Summaries and the passages hitherto suppressed are included, and new and comprehensive Indices are added. Travels in America.
Página 10 - Scholz at the foot of the page, and Parallel References in the margin. Also a Critical Introduction and Chronological Tables. Two Fac-similes of Greek Manuscripts. 650 pages.

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