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wonderfully favoured, the enemy would in all probability. have fallen upon us. Many daily secured, and proclamations out for more conspirators.

8th May. My kinsman, Sir Edward Evelyn, of Long Ditton,' died suddenly.

12th. A fast..

13th. I dined at my cousin Cheny's, son to my Lord Cheny, who married my cousin Pierpoint.

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15th. My niece, M. Evelyn, was now married to Sir Cyril Wyche, Secretary of State for Ireland.1 After all our apprehensions of being invaded, and doubts of our success by sea, it pleased God to give us a great naval victory, to the utter ruin of the French fleet, their admiral and all their best men of war, transport-ships, &c.

29th. Though this day was set apart expressly for celebrating the memorable birth, return, and restoration of the late King Charles II., there was no notice taken of it, nor any part of the office annexed to the Common PrayerBook made use of, which I think was ill done, in regard his restoration not only redeemed us from anarchy and confusion, but restored the Church of England as it were miraculously.

9th June. I went to Windsor to carry my grandson to Eton School, where I met my Lady Stonehouse and other of my daughter-in-law's relations, who came on purpose to see her before her journey into Ireland. We went to see the Castle, which we found furnished and very neatly kept, as formerly, only that the arms in the guard-chamber and keep were removed and carried away.-An exceeding great storm of wind and rain, in some places stripping the trees of their fruit and leaves as if it had been winter; and an extraordinary wet season, with great floods.

23rd July. I went with my wife, son, and daughter, to Eton, to see my grandson, and thence to my Lord Godolphin's, at Cranburn, where we lay, and were most honourably entertained. The next day to St. George's Chapel, and returned to London late in the evening.

25th. To Mr. Hewer's at Clapham, where he has an excellent, useful, and capacious house on the Common,

See post, pp. 367-8.

built by Sir Den. Gauden, and by him sold to Mr. Hewer, who got a very considerable estate in the Navy, in which, from being Mr. Pepys's clerk, he came to be one of the principal officers, but was put out of all employment on the Revolution, as were all the best officers, on suspicion of being no friends to the change; such were put in their places, as were most shamefully ignorant and unfit. Mr. Hewer lives very handsomely and friendly to every body.'

Our fleet was now sailing on their long pretence of a descent on the French coast; but, after having sailed one hundred leagues, returned, the admiral and officers disagreeing as to the place where they were to land, and the time of year being so far spent,-to the great dishonour of those at the helm, who concerted their matters so indiscreetly, or, as some thought, designedly.

This whole summer was exceeding wet and rainy; the like had not been known since the year 1648; whilst in Ireland they had not known so great a drought.

16th July. I went to visit the Bishop of Lincoln, when, amongst other things, he told me that one Dr. Chaplin, of University College in Oxford, was the person who wrote the Whole Duty of Man; that he used to read it to his pupil, and communicated it to Dr. Sterne, afterwards Archbishop of York, but would never suffer any of his pupils to have a copy of it.

19th August. A fast.-Came the sad news of the hurricane and earthquake, which has destroyed almost the whole Island of Jamaica, many thousands having perished.

11th. My son, his wife, and little daughter, went for Ireland, there to reside as one of the Commissioners of the Revenue.

14th. Still an exceeding wet season.

15th September. There happened an earthquake, which, though not so great as to do any harm in England, was universal in all these parts of Europe. It shook the house

'Much will be found concerning him in the Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, edited by Lord Braybrooke, published by Mr. Bohn.

2 Richard Sterne, grandfather of the author of "Tristram Shandy." He attended Archbishop Laud to the scaffold as his chaplain. On the Restoration he was created Bishop of Carlisle, and subsequently Archbishop of York. He assisted in the Polyglott and in the revisal of the Book of Common Prayer Born 1596, died 1683.

at Wotton, but was not perceived by any save a servant or two, who were making my bed, and another in a garret. I and the rest being at dinner below in the parlour, were not sensible of it. The dreadful one in Jamaica this summer was profanely and ludicrously represented in a puppet-play, or some such lewd pastime, in the fair of Southwark, which caused the Queen to put down that idle and vicious mock show.

1st October. This season was so exceedingly cold, by reason of a long and tempestuous north-east wind, that this usually pleasant month was very uncomfortable. No fruit ripened kindly.-Harbord dies at Belgrade; Lord Paget sent Ambassador in his room.


6th November. There was a vestry called about repairing new building of the church [at Deptford], which I thought unseasonable in regard of heavy taxes, and other improper circumstances, which I there declared.

10th. A solemn Thanksgiving for our victory at sea, safe return of the King, &c.

20th. Dr. Lancaster, the new Vicar of St. Martin's, preached.

A signal robbery in Hertfordshire of the tax-money bringing out of the north towards London. They were set upon by several desperate persons, who dismounted and stopped all travellers on the road, and guarding them in a field, when the exploit was done, and the treasure taken, they killed all the horses of those whom they stayed, to hinder pursuit, being sixteen horses. They then dismissed those that they had dismounted.

14th December. With much reluctance we gratified Sir J. Rotherham, one of Mr. Boyle's trustees, by admitting the Bishop of Bath and Wells' to be lecturer for the next year, instead of Mr. Bentley, who had so worthily ac quitted himself. We intended to take him in again the next year.

1692-3. January. Contest in Parliament about a selfdenying Act, that no Parliament - mau should have any office it wanted only two or three voices to have been carried. The Duke of Norfolk's Bill for a divorce thrown out, he having managed it very indiscreetly.-The quarrel Bishop Kidder.


between Admiral Russell and Lord Nottingham yet undetermined.

4th February. After five days' trial and extraordinary contest, the Lord Mohun was acquitted by the Lords of the murder of Montford, the player, notwithstanding the Judges, from the pregnant witnesses of the fact, had declared him guilty; but whether in commiseration of his youth, being not eighteen years old, though exceeding dissolute, or upon whatever other reason, the King himself present some part of the trial, and satisfied, as they report, that he was culpable, 69 acquitted him, only 14 condemned him.

Unheard-of stories of the universal increase of witches in New England; men, women, and children, devoting themselves to the devil, so as to threaten the subversion of the government.'-At the same time there was a conspiracy amongst the negroes in Barbadoes to murder all their mas ters, discovered by overhearing a discourse of two of the slaves, and so preventing the execution of the design.Hitherto an exceeding mild winter.-France in the utmost misery and poverty for want of corn and subsistence, whilst the ambitious King is intent to pursue his conquests on the rest of his neighbours both by sea and land. Our Admiral, Russell, laid aside for not pursuing the advantage he had obtained over the French in the past summer; three others chosen in his place. Dr. Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury's book burnt by the hangman for an expression of the King's title by conquest, on a complaint of Joseph How, a Member of Parliament, little better than a madman.

19th. The Bishop of Lincoln preached in the afternoon at the Tabernacle near Golden Square, set up by him.-Proposals of a marriage between Mr. Draper and my daughter Susanna.-Hitherto an exceeding warm winter, such as has seldom been known, and portending an unprosperous spring as to the fruits of the earth; our climate requires more cold and winterly weather. The dreadful and

Some account of these poor people is given in Bray and Manning's History of Surrey, ii. 714, from the papers of the Rev. Mr. Miller. Vicar of Effingham, in that county, who was Chaplain to the King's forces in the Colony from 1692 to 1695. Some of the accused were convicted and executed; but Sir William Phipps, the Governor, had the good sense to reprieve, and afterwards pardon, several; and the Queen approved his conduct.

astonishing earthquake swallowing up Catania and other famous and ancient cities, with more than 100,000 persons in Sicily, on 11th January last, came now to be reported amongst us.

26th February. An extraordinary deep snow, after almost no winter, and a sudden gentle thaw.-A deplorable earthquake at Malta, since that of Sicily, nearly as great.

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19th March. A new Secretary of State, Sir John Trenchard; the Attorney General, Somers, made Lord-Keeper, a young lawyer of extraordinary merit.-King William goes towards Flanders; but returns, the wind being contrary.

31st. I met the King going to Gravesend to embark in his yacht for Holland.

23rd April. An extraordinary wet spring.

27th. My daughter Susanna was married to William Draper, Esq., in the chapel of Ely House, by Dr. Tenison, Bishop of Lincoln (since Archbishop). I gave her in portion 4,000l., her jointure is 500l. per annum. I pray Almighty God to give His blessing to this marriage! She is a good child, religious, discreet, ingenious, and qualified with all the ornaments of her sex. She has a peculiar talent in design, as painting in oil and miniature, and an extraordinary genius for whatever hands can do with a needle. She has the French tongue, has read most of the Greek and Roman authors and poets, using her talents with great modesty; exquisitely shaped, and of an agreeable countenance. This character is due to her, though coming from her father. Much of this

1 Of Bloxworth, in Dorsetshire. He had been engaged with the Duke of Monmouth, but escaped out of England, and lived some time abroad, where he acquired a large and correct knowledge of foreign affairs. Ho was a calm and sedate man, and more moderate than could have been expected from his previous party connection. He was the confidential friend of King William, by whom he had been commissioned to concert measures with his friends on this side of the water, and ensure his favourable reception. Previously to his appointment of Secretary-of-State, the King had made him Serjeant-at-law, and Chief Justice of Chester. He died in 1694, at the age of forty-six, and is buried at Bloxworth. There is an engraved portrait of Sir John Trenchard in mezzotinto, by James Watson, representing him in the dress of his office, and expressing a weakness which he had in his right hand and arm: also another in armour, from a miniature after the original, by Osias Humphrey, R.A., engraved by Cantlo Bestland. See Hutchins's History of Dorset shire, vol. iii.

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