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where your friend-you know who-has just got such a threshing,

Tra. I say she's an angel. Ink.

Say rather an angle.

That it is, as the phrase goes, extremely "refresh- If you and she marry, you'll certainly wrangle, ing." I say she's a Blue, man, as blue as the ether. Tra. And is that any cause for not coming together?

What a beautiful word!

Ink. Very true; 'tis so soft And so cooling-they use it a little too oft; And the papers have got it at last-but no matter. So they've cut up our friend then? Tra. Not left him a tatterNot a rag of his present or past reputation, Which they call a disgrace to the age and the nation. Ink. I'm sorry to hear this; for friendship, you know

Our poor friend!-but I thought it would terminate


Our friendship is such, I'll read nothing to shock it. You do'nt happen to have the Review in your pocket?

Tra. No; I left a round dozen of authors and others

(Very sorry, no doubt, since the cause is a brother's) All scrambling and jostling, like so many imps, And on fire with impatience to get the next glimpse. Ink. Let us join them.

Tra. What, won't you return to the lecture? Ink. Why, the place is so cramm'd there's not room for a spectre.

Besides, our friend Scamp is to-day so absurd-
Tra. How can you tell that till you hear him?
I heard
Quite enough; and to tell you the truth, my retreat
Was from his vile nonsense, no less than the heat.
Tra. I have had no great loss then!

Loss-such a palaver!
I'd inoculate sooner my wife with the slaver
Of a dog when gone rabid, than listen two hours
To the torrent of trash which around him he pours,
Pump'd up with such effort, disgorged with such



Ink. Humph! I can't say I know any happy alliance

Which has lately sprung up from a wedlock with


She's so learned in all things, and fond of concerning
Herself in all matters connected with learning,
Tra. What?

I perhaps may as well hold my tongue, But there's five hundred people can tell you you're


Tra. You forget Lady Lilac's as rich as a Jew.
Ink. Is it miss or the cash of mamma you pursue?
Tra. Why, Jack, I'll be frank with you-some-
think of both.

The girl's a fine girl.
And you feel nothing loth
To her good lady-mother's reversion; and yet
Her life is as good as your own, I will bet.

Tra. Let her live, and as long as she likes; I demand

Nothing more than the heart of her daughter and hand.

Ink. Why, that heart's in the inkstand-that hand on the pen.

Tra. Apropos-Will you write me a song now and then?

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That--come-do not make me speak ill of one's For the heart of a fair like a stanza or two;
And so, as I can't, will you furnish a few ?
Ink. In your name?
In my name. I will copy them out,
To slip into her hand at the very next rout.
Ink. Are you so far advanced as to hazard this?

Tra I make you! Ink Yes, you! I said nothing until You compell'd me, by speaking the truthTra.

To speak ill?

Is that your deduction ? Ink.


When speaking of Scamp ill, Do you think me subdued by a Blue-stocking's eye, I certainly follow, not set an example. So far as to tremble to tell her in rhyme

The fellow's a fool, an imposter, a zany.
Tra. And the crowd of to-day shows that one
fool makes many.
But we two will be wise.

Tra. I would, butInk.

Pray, then, let us retire.

What I've told her in prose, at the least as sublime? Ink. As sublime! If it be so, no need of my Muse Tra. But consider, dear Inkel, she's one of the "Blues."

Ink. As sublime!-Mr. Tracy-I've nothing to


There must be attraction much higher Stick to prose-as sublime!!-but I wish you good

Than Scamp, or the Jews' harp he nicknames his lyre,
To call you to this hot-bed.

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Tra. And is not that a sigr I respect them? All flocking to moisten their exquisite throttles
Why that With a glass of Madeira at Lady Bluebottle's,

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Ink. That's my bookseller's business; I care not Like a fool, I must needs do the thing in a hurry for sale;

Indeed the best poems at first rather fail.

My life is reversed, and my quiet destroy'd;
My days, which once pass'd in so gentle a void,

There were Renegade's epics, and Botherby's plays, Must now, every hour of the twelve, be employ'd:
And my own grand romance-

Had its full share of praise. I myself saw it puff'd in the "Old Girl's Review." Ink. What Review?


'Tis the English "Journal de Trevoux;"
A clerical work of our jesuits at home.
Have you never yet seen it?

Tra. Make haste then.


The twelve do I say of the whole twenty-four,
Is there one which I dare call my own any more?
What with driving and visiting, dancing and dining
What with learning, and teaching, and scribbling.
and shining,

In science and art, I'll be curst if I know
Myself from my wife; for although we are two,
That pleasure's to come. Yet she somehow contrives that all things shall be

Why so?
I have heard people say
That it threatened to give up the ghost t' other day.
Ink. Well, that is a sign of some spirit.
No doubt.
Shall you be at the Countess of Fiddlecome's rout?
Ink. I've a card, and shall go; but at present, as



In a style that proclaims us eternally one.

But the thing of all things which distresses me more
Than the bills of the week (though they trouble me

Is the numerous, humorous, backbiting crew
Of scribblers, wits, lecturers, white, black, and blue,
Who are brought to my house as an inn, to my cost
-For the bill here, it seems, is defray'd by the host-

As friend Scamp shall be pleased to step down from No pleasure! no leisure! no thought for my pains,

the moon,

(Where he seems to be soaring in search of his wits,)
And an interval grants from his lecturing fits,
I'm engaged to the Lady Bluebottle's collation,
To partake of a luncheon and learn'd conversation:
"Tis a sort of reunion for Scamp, on the days

Of his lecture, to treat him with cold tongue and

And I own, for my own part, that 'tis not unpleasant.
Will you go? There's Miss Lilac will also be present.
Tra. That "metal's attractive."

No doubt-to the pocket. Tra. You should rather encourage my passion than shock it.

But let us proceed; for I think, by the hum

Ink. Very true; let us go, then, before they can

Or else we'll be kept here an hour at their levy,
On the rack of cross questions, by all the blue bevy.]
Hark! Zounds, they'll be on us; I know by the

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But the luncheon attends.
I pray ye be seated, "sans ceremonie."
Mr. Scamp, you're fatigued; take your chair there,
[They all sit.

next me.

Oh, my dear Lady,

Sir Rich. (aside.) If he does, his fatigue is to come Lady Blueb. Mr. TracyOf old Botherby's spouting, ex-cathedra tone, Lady Bluemount-Miss Lilac-be pleased, pray, to Ay. there he is at it. Poor Scamp! better join place ye; Your friends, or he'll pay you back in your own coin. And you, Mr. BotherbyTra All fair; 'tis but lecture for lecture. Both. Ink That's clear. I obey. But for God's sake let's go, or the bore will be here. Lady Blueb. Mr. Inkel, I ought to upbraid ye: Came, come: nay, I'm off. [Exit INKEL. You were not at the lecture. You are right, and I'll follow; Ink. Excuse me, I was: Tis high time for a "Sic me servavit Apollo." But the heat forced me out in the best part-alas! And yet we shall have the whole crew on our kibes, And when Blu dandies, and dowagers, and second-hand scribes.


Lady Blueb. To be sure it was broiling; but they You have lost such a lecture!

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The first time he has turn'd both his creed and his However, to save my friend Betherby trouble,

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Sir Rich. But this placeInk.

A lecturer's.

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Is perhaps like friend Scamp's, Stick to those of your play, which is quite your own

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Lady Bluem.


And for shame!

Lady Bluem. How good?

You're too bad. Very good! Lady Blueb. He means nought-'tis his phrase. Lady Bluem. He grows rude. Lady Blueb. He means nothing; nay, ask him. Lady Bluem. Pray, sir! did you mean What you say? Ink. Never mind if he did: 'twill be seen That whatever he means won't alloy what he says. Both. Sir!

Ink. Pray be content with your portion of praise; Twas in your defence.

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Lady Bluem. You're a fugitive writer I think, sir;

of rhymes ?

Ink. Yes, ma'am ; and a fugitive reader sometimes. On Wordswords, for instance, I seldom alight, Or on Mouthey, his friend, without taking to flight. Lady Bluem. Sir, your taste is too common; but Time and posterity Will right these great men, and this age's severity Become its reproach. Ink. I've no sort of objection, So I'm not of the party to take the infection. Lady Blueb. Perhaps you have doubts that they ever will take?

Ink. Not at all; on the contrary, those of the lake Have taken already, and still will continue To take-what they can, from a groat to a guinea, Of pension or place ;-but the subject's a bore! Lady Bluem. Well, sir, the time's coming. Ink. Scamp! don't you feel sore? What say you to this?

Scamp. They have merit, I own; Though their system's absurdity keeps it unknown. Ink. Then why not unearth it in one of your lectures ?

Scamp. It is only time past which comes under my strictures.

Lady Blueb. Come, a truce with all tartness:

the joy of my heart

Is to see Nature's triumph o'er all that is art Wild Nature!-Grand Shakspeare!


And down Aristotle! And making them substance:
Lady Bluem. Sir George thinks exactly with
Lady Bluebottle;

And my Lord Seventy-four, who protects our dear

And who gave him his place, has the greatest regard
For the poet, who, singing of pedlars and asses,
Has found out the way to dispense with Parnassus.
Tra. And you, Scamp,-

Scamp. I needs must confess I'm embarrass'd.
Ink. Don't call upon Scamp, who's already so

and all schools.

'tis something

Ink. Shall I help you, my friend, to a little more

Both. I thank you; not any more, sir, till I dine.
Ink. Apropos-do you dine with Sir Humphrey

[ocr errors]

Tra. I should think with Duke Humphrey was more in your way.

Ink. It might be of yore; but we authors now look To the knight. as a landlord. much more than the Duke.

With old schools, and new schools, and no schools, The truth is, each writer now quite at his ease is, And (except with his publisher) dines where he pleases.

Tra. Well, one thing is certain, that some must
be fools.

I should like to know who.
And I should not be sorry
To know who are not-it would save us some

But 'tis now nearly five, and I must to the Park.
Tra. And I'll take a turn with you there till 'tis
And you, Scamp-

Excuse me; I must to my notes,

Lady Blueb. A truce with remark, and let noth- For my lecture next week.
ing control

This "feast of our reason, and flow of the soul."
Oh, my dear Mr. Botherby! sympathise!-I
Now feel such a rapture, I'm ready to fly,
I feel so elastic-" so buoyant—so buoyant !".
Ink. Tracy! open the window.
I wish her much joy on't.
Both. For God's sake, my Lady Bluebottle, check


This gentle emotion, so seldom our lot

Upon earth. Give it way; 'tis an impulse which


Our spirits from earth; the sublimest of gifts;
For which poor Prometheus was chain'd to his

"Tis the source of all sentiment-feeling's true

'Tis the Vision of Heaven upon Earth: 'tis the gas Of the soul: 'tis the seizing of shades as they pass,

• Fart from life, with the words.

He must mind when he quotes
Out of " Elegant Extracts."
Lady Blueb.

Well, now we break up;
But remember Miss Diddle invites us to sup.
Ink. Then at two hours past midnight we all
meet again,

For the sciences, sandwiches, hcck, and champagne!
Tra. And the sweet lobster salad!

I honor that meal;
For 'tis then that our feelings most genuinely-feel.
Ink. True; feeling is truest then, far beyond


I wish to the gods 'twas the same with digestion !
Lady Blueb. Pshaw!-never mind that; for one
moment of feeling

Is worth-God knows what.
'Tis at least worth concealing
For itself, or what follows-But here comes your

Sir Rich. (aside.) I wish all these people were
dd with my marriage. [Exeunt

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Florence! whom I will love as well
As ever yet was said or sung,

(Since Orpheus sang his spouse from hell,) Whilst thou art fair and I am young;

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