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On the 27th of December it blew a severe storm of through Straits le Maire. We passed New Year'? wind from the eastward, in the course of which we Harbor and Cape St. John, and on Monday the 31st suffered greatly. One sea broke away the spare were in latitude 60 degrees 1 minute south. yards and spars out of the starboard main-chains; the wind became variable, and we had bad weather. another broke into the ship and stove all the boats. Storms, attended with great sea, prevailed until the Several casks of beer that had been lashed on deck 12th of April. The ship began to leak, and requir broke loose, and were washed overboard; and it was ed pumping every hour, which was no more than not without great risk and difficulty that we were we had reason to expect from such a continuance of able to secure the boats from being washed away gales of wind and high seas. The decks also be entirely. A great quantity of our bread was also came so leaky, that it was necessary to allot the damaged and rendered useless, for the sea had great cabin, of which I made little use except in stove in our stern, and filled the cabin with water. fine weather, to those people who had not berths to On the 5th of January, 1788, we saw the island hang their hammocks in, and by this means the of Teneriffe about twelve leagues distant; and next space between decks was less crowded. day being Sunday, came to an anchor in the road With all this bad weather, we had the additional of Santa Cruz. There we took in the necessary mortification to find, at the end of every day, that supplies, and, having finished our business, sailed we were losing ground; for, notwithstanding our on the 10th. utmost exertions, and keeping on the most advan

I now divided the people into three watches, and tageous tracks, we did little better than drift before gave the charge of the third watch to Mr. Fletcher the wind. On Tuesday the 22d of April, we had Christian, one of the mates. I have always con- eight down on the sick list, and the rest of the peo sidered this a desirable regulation when circum-ple, though in good health, were greatly fatigued; stances will admit of it; and I am persuaded that but I saw, with much concern, that it was impossiunbroken rest not only contributes much towards ble to make a passage this way to the Society Is the health of the ship's company, but enables them lands, for we had now been thirty days in a tempestmore readily to exert themselves in cases of sud-uous ocean. Thus the season was too far advanced den emergency. for us to expect better weather to enable us to double

As I wished to proceed to Otaheite without stop- Cape Horn; and, from these and other consideraping, I reduced the allowance of bread to two- tions, I ordered the helm to be put a-weather, and thirds, and caused the water for drinking to be fil-bore away for the Cape of Good Hope, to the great tered through drip-stones, bought at Teneriffe for joy of every one on board. that purpose. I now acquainted the ship's compa- We came to an anchor on Friday the 23d of May ny of the object of the voyage, and gave assurances in Simon's bay, at the Cape, after a tolerable run. of certain promotion to every one whose endeavors The ship required complete caulking, for she had should merit it. become so leaky, that we were obliged to pump On Tuesday the 26th of February, being in south hourly in our passage from Cape Horn. The sails latitude 29 degrees, 38 minutes, and 44 degrees, and rigging also required repair, and on examining 44 minutes west longitude, we bent new sails, and the provisions, a considerable quantity was found made other necessary preparations for encountering damaged. the weather that was to be expected in a high lati- Having remained thirty-eight days in this place, tude. Our distance from the coast of Brazil was and my people having received all the advantage about one hundred leagues. that could be derived from refreshments of every kind that could be met with, we sailed on the 1st of July.

On the forenoon of Sunday the 2d of March, after seeing that every person was clean, divine service was performed, according to my usual custom on A gale of wind blew on the 20th, with a high sea: this day. I gave to Mr. Fletcher Christian, whom it increased after noon with such violence, that the I had before directed to take charge of the third ship was driven almost forecastle under before we watch, a written order to act as lieutenant. could get the sails clewed up. The lower yards

The change of temperature soon began to be sen- were lowered, and the topgallant-masts got down sibly felt, and that the people might not suffer from upon deck, which relieved her much. We lay to their own negligence, I supplied them with thicker all night, and in the morning bore away under a clothing, as better suited to the climate. A great reefed foresail. The sea still running high, in the number of whales of an immense size, with two afternoon it became very unsafe to stand on: we spout-holes on the back of the head, were seen on therefore lay to all night, without any accident, exthe 11th. cepting that a man at the steerage was thrown over On a complaint made to me by the master, I the wheel and much bruised. Towards noon the found it necessary to punish Matthew Quintal, one violence of the storm abated. and we again bore of the seamen, with two dozen of lashes, for inso- away under the reefed foresail. lence and mutinous behaviour, which was the first In a few days we passed the island of St. Paul, time that there was any occasion for punishment on where there is good fresh water, as I was informed Doard. by a Dutch captain, and also a hot spring, which We were off Cape St. Diego, the eastern part of boils fish as completely as if done by a fire. Apthe Terra del Fuego, and, the wind being unfavor- proaching to Van Dieman's land, we had much bad able, I thought it more advisable to go round to the weather, with snow and hail; but nothing was seen eastward of Staten-land than to attempt passing to indicate our vicinity on the 13th of August, ex

cept a seal, which appeared at the distance of twenty day by five of the natives; but the men were not leagues from it. We anchored in Adventure Bay taken until nearly three weeks afterwards. Learn ing the place where they were, in a different quarter

on Wednesday the 20th.

In our passage thither from the Cape of Good of the island of Otaheite, I went thither in the cutHope, the winds were chiefly from the westward, ter, thinking there would be no great difficulty ir with very boisterous weather. The approach of securing them with the assistance of the natives. strong southerly winds is announced by many birds However, they heard of my arrival; and when 1 of the albatross or petrel tribe; and the abatement was near a house in which they were, they came out of the gale, or a shift of wind to the northward, by without their fire-arms, and delivered themselves their keeping away. The thermometer also varies up. Some of the chiefs had formerly seized and five or six degrees in its height when a change of bound these deserters; but had been prevailed on, these winds may be expected. by fair promises of returning peaceably to the ship, to release them. But finding an opportunity again to get possession of their arms, they set the natives at defiance.

In the land surrounding Adventure Bay are many forest trees one hundred and fifty feet high: we saw one which measured above thirty-three feet in girth. We observed several eagles, some beantiful blue- The object of the voyage being now completed, plumaged herons, and paroquets in great variety. all the bread-fruit plants, to the number of one The natives not appearing, we went in search of thousand and fifteen, were got on board on Tuesday them towards Cape Frederic Henry. Soon after, the 31st of March. Besides these, we had collected coming to a grapnel close to the shore, for it was many other plants, some of them bearing the finest impossible to land, we heard their voices, like the fruits in the world; and valuable, from affording cackling of geese, and twenty persons came out of brilliant dyes, and for various properties besides. the woods. We threw trinkets ashore tied up in At sunset of the 4th of April, we made sail from parcels, which they would not open until I made an Otaheite, bidding farewell to an island where for appearance of leaving them: then they did so, and, twenty-three weeks we have been treated with the taking the articles out, put them on their heads. utmost affection and regard, and which seemed to On first coming in sight they made a prodigious increase in proportion to our stay. That we were elattering in their speech, and held their arms over not insensible to their kindness, the succeeding cirtheir heads. They spoke so quick, that it was im- cumstances sufficiently proved; for to the friendly possible to catch one single word they uttered, and endearing behavior of these people may be as Their color is of a dull black; their skin scarified cribed the motives inciting an event that affected about the breast and shoulders. One was distin- the ruin of our expedition, which there was every guished by his body being colored with red ochre, reason to believe would have been attended with but all the others were painted black, with a kind the most favorable issue.

of soot, so thickly laid over their faces and should- Next morning we got sight of the Island Hua ers, that it was difficult to ascertain what they heine; and a double canoe soon coming alongside, were like. containing ten natives, I saw among them a young On Thursday, the 4th of September, we sailed out man, who recollected me, and called me by my of Adventure Bay, steering first towards east-south- name. I had been here in the year 1789, with Cap east, and then to the northward of east, when, on tain Cook, in the Resolution. A few days after the 19th, we came in sight of a cluster of small sailing from this island, the weather became squally, rocky islands, which I named Bounty Isles. Soon and a thick body of black clouds collected in the afterwards we frequently observed the sea in the east. A water-spout was in a short time seen at no night-time, to be covered by luminous spots, caused great distance from us, which appeared to great ad y amazing quantities of small blubbers, or Medu- vantage from the darkness of the clouds behind it. sæ, which emit a light like a blaze of a candle from As nearly as I could judge, the upper part was about the strings or filaments extending from them, while two feet in diameter, and the lower about eight the rest of the body continues perfectly dark.

inches. Scarcely had I made these remarks, wher. We discovered the Island of Otaheite on the I observed that it was rapidly advancing towards 25th, and, before casting anchor next morning in the ship. We immediately altered our course, and Matavai Bay, such numbers of canoes had come off, took in all the sails except the foresail; soon after that, after the natives ascertained we were friends, which it passed within ten yards of the stern, with they came on board, and crowded the deck so much, a rustling noise, but without our feeling the lest ef that in ten minutes I could scarce find my own peo- fect from its being so near. It seemed to be trav ple. The whole distance which the ship had run, elling at the rate of about ten miles an hour, in the in direct and contrary courses, from the time of direction of the wind, as it dispersed in a quarter of leaving England until reaching Otaheite, was twenty-seven thousand and eighty-six miles, which, on an average, was one hundred and eight miles Each twenty-four hours.

Here we lost our surgeon on the 9th of Decemoer. Of late he had scarcely ever stirred out of the cabin, though not apprehended to be in a dangerous state. Nevertheless, appearing worse than usual in the evening, he was removed where he could obtain more air, but without any benefit, for he died in an hour afterwards. This unfortunate man drank very hard, and was so averse to exercise, that be would never be prevailed on to take half a dozen turns on deck at a time during all the course of the voyage. He was buried on shore.

an hour after passing us. It is impossible to say what injury we should have received had it passed directly over us. Masts, I imagine, might have been carried away, but I do not apprehend that it would have endangered the loss of the ship.

Passing several islands on the way, we anchored at Annamooka on the 23d of April; and an old lame man called Tepa, whom I had known here in 1777, and immediately recollected, came on board, along with others, from different islands in the vicinity They were desirous to see the ship, and on being taken below, where the bread-fruit plants were arranged, they testified great surprise. A few of these being decayed, we went on shore to procure some in their place.

On Monday, the 5th of January, the small cutter The natives exhibited numerous marks of the pe was missed, of which I was immediately apprised. culiar mourning which they express on losing their The ship's company being mustered, we found three relatives; such as bloody temples, their heads being men absent, who had carried it off. They had taken deprived of most of their hair; and what was worse, with them eight stand of arms and ammunition; almost the whole of them had lost some of their but with regard to their plan, every one on board fingers. Several fine boys, not above six years old, seemed to be quite ignorant. I therefore went on had lost both their little fingers; and several of the bore, and engaged all the chiefs to assist in recov-men, besides these, had parted with the middle ering both the boat and the deserters. According- finger of the right hand.

Iv, the former was brought back in the course of the The chiefs went off with me to dinner, and we

carried on a brisk trade for yams: we also got plain- I concluded that along with them I was to be set tains and bread-fruit. But the yams were in great adrift. Another effort to bring about a change proabundance, and very fine and large. One of them duced nothing but menaces of having my brains weighed above forty-five pounds. Sailing canoes blown out.

came, some of which contained not less than ninety The boatswain and those seamen who were to be passengers. Such a number of them gradually ar- put into the boat were allowed to collect twine, canrived from different islands, that it was impossible vas, lines, sails, cordage, an eight-and-twenty-gallon to get any thing done, the multitude became so cask of water; and Mr. Samuel got one hundred great, and there was no chief of sufficient authority and fifty pounds of bread, with a small quantity of to command the whole. I therefore ordered a rum and wine; also a quadrant and compass, but watering party, then employed, to come on board, he was prohibited, on pain of death, to touch any and sailed on Sunday the 26th of April. map or astronomical book, and any instrument. or

We kept near the island of Kotoo all the after- any of my surveys and drawings. noon of Monday, in hopes that some canoes would The mutineers having thus forced those of the come off to the ship, but in this we were disappoint-seamen whom they wished to get rid of into the ed. The wind being northerly, we steered to the boat, Christian directed a dram to be served to each westward in the evening, to pass south of Tofoa; of his crew. I then unhappily saw that nothing and I gave directions for this course to be continued could be done to recover the ship. The officers during the night. The master had the first watch, were next called on deck, and forced over the ship's the gunner the middle watch, and Mr. Christian side into the boat, while I was kept apart from eve the morning watch. This was the turn of duty for ry one abaft the mizzen-mast. Christian, armed the night. with a bayonet, held the cord fastening my hands, Hitherto the voyage had advanced in a course of and the guard around me stood with their pieces uninterrupted prosperity, and had been attended cocked; but on my daring the ungrateful wretches with circumstances equally pleasing and satisfac- to fire, they uncocked them. Isaac Martin, one of tory. But a very different scene was now to be dis- them, I saw had an inclination to assist me; and closed: a conspiracy had been formed, which was to as he fed me with shaddock, my lips being quite render all our past labor productive only of misery parched, we explained each other's sentiments by and distress; and it had been concerted with so looks. But this was observed, and he was removed much secrecy and circumspection, that no one cir- He then got into the boat, attempting to leave the cumstance escaped to betray the impending ca- ship; however, he was compelled to return. Some lamity. others were also kept contrary to their inclination. On the night of Monday, the watch was set as I It appeared to me that Christian was some time have described. Just before sunrise on Tuesday in doubt whether he should keep the carpenter of morning, while I was yet asleep, Mr. Christian, his mates. At length he determined on the latter, with the master-at-arms, gunner's mate, and and the carpenter was ordered into the boat. He Thomas Burkitt, seaman, came into my cabin, and was permitted, though not without opposition to seizing me, tied my hands with a cord behind my take his tool-chest.

back, threatening me with instant death if I spoke Mr. Samuel secured my journals and commission, or made the least noise. I nevertheless called out with some important ship papers: this he did with as loud as I could, in hopes of assistance; but the great resolution, though strictly watched. He at officers not of their party were already secured by tempted to save the time-keeper, and a box with my sentinels at their doors. At my own cabin door surveys, drawings, and remarks for fifteen years were three men, besides the four within: all except past, which were very numerous, when he was hurChristian had muskets and bayonets; he had only ried away with-"Damn your eyes, you are well off a cutlass. I was dragged out of bed, and forced on to get what you have." deck in my shirt, suffering great pain in the mean Much altercation took place among the mutinous time from the tightness with which my hands were crew during the transaction of this whole affair. tied. On demanding the reason of such violence, Some swore, "I'll be damned if he does not find the only answer was abuse for not holding my his way home, if he gets any thing with him," tongue. The master, the gunner, surgeon, master's meaning me; and when the carpenter's chest was mate, and Nelson the gardener, were kept confined carrying away, "Damn my eyes, he will have a vesbelow, and the fore-hatchway was guarded by sen- sel built in a month;" while others ridiculed the tinels. The boatswain and carpenter, and also the helpless situation of the boat, which was very deep clerk, were allowed to come on deck, where they in the water, and had so little room for those who Baw me standing abaft the mizzen-mast, with my were in her. As for Christian, he seemed as if medihands tied behind my back, under a guard, with tating destruction on himself and every one else. Christian at their head. The boatswain was then I asked for arms, but the mutineers laughed at ordered to hoist out the launch, accompanied by a me, and said I was well acquainted with the people threat, if he did not do it instantly, TO TAKE CARE among whom I was going: four cutlasses, however, were thrown into the boat after we were veered astern.


The boat being hoisted out, Mr. Hayward and Mr. Hallet, two of the midshipmen, and Mr. Samuel, The officers and men being in the boat, they only the clerk, were ordered into it. I demanded the waited for me, of which the master-at-arms inform intention of giving this order, and endeavored to ed Christian who then said, " Come, Captain Bligh persuade the people near me not to persist in such your officers are now in the boat, and you must ge acts of violence; but it was to no effect; for the with them; if you attempt to make the least reconstant answer was, "Hold your tongue, sir, or sistance, you will instantly be put to death;" and you are dead this moment." without further ceremony I was forced over the side

The master had by this time sent, requesting that by a tribe of armed ruffians, where they untied my he might come on deck, which was permitted; but hands. Being in the boat, we were veered asteri. he was soon ordered back again to his cabin. My by a rope. A few pieces of pork were thrown to us, exertions to turn the tide of affairs were continued; also the four cutlasses. The armorer and carpenter when Christian, changing the cutlass he held for a then called out to me to remember that they had no bayonet, and holding me by the cord about my hand in the transaction. After having been kep hands with a strong gripe, threatened me with im- some time to make sport for these unfeeling wretchmediate death if I would not be quiet; and the es, and having undergone much ridicule, we were villains around me had their pieces cocked, and at length cast adrift in the open ocean. bayonets fixed.

Certain individuals were called on to get into the boat and were hurried over the ship's side; whence

Eighteen persons were with me in the boat,-the master, acting surgeon, botanist, gunner, boatswain, carpenter, master, and quartermaster's mate, two

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quartermasters, the sail-maker, two cooks, my clerk,| It will naturally be asked, what could be the the butcher, and a boy. There remained on board cause of such a revolt? In answer, I can only conFletcher Christian, the master's mate; Peter Hay-jecture that the mutineers had flattered themselves wood, Edward Young, George Stewart, midship- with the hope of a happier life among the Otaheitmen; the master-at-arms, gunner's mate, boat- ans than they could possibly enjoy in England swain's mate, gardener, armorer, carpenter's mate, which, joined to some female connexions, most carpenter's crew, and fourteen seamen, being al- probably occasioned the whole transaction. together the most able men of the ship's company. The women of Otaheite are handsome, mild, and Having little or no wind, we rowed pretty fast to- cheerful in manners and conversation, possessed of wards the island of Tofoa, which bore northeast great sensibility, and have sufficient delicacy to about ten leagues distant. The ship while in sight make them be admired and beloved. The chiefs steered west-northwest; but this I considered only were so much attached to our people, that they as a feint, for when we were sent away, "Huzza for rather encouraged their stay among ihem than othOtaheite! was frequently heard among the muti-erwise, and even made them promises of large possessions. Under these and many other concomi Christian, the chief of them, was of a respecta- tant circumstances, it ought hardly to be the subole family in the north of England. This was the ject of surprise that a set of sailors, most of them third voyage he had made with me. Notwithstand-void of connexions, should be led away, where they ing the roughness with which I was treated, the re- had the power of fixing themselves in the midst of membrance of past kindnesses produced some re- plenty, in one of the finest islands in the world. morse in him. While they were forcing me out where there was no necessity to labor, and where the ship. I asked him whether this was a proper re- the allurements of dissipation are beyond any conturn for the many instances he had experienced of ception that can be formed of it. The utmost, howmy friendship? He appeared disturbed at the ques-ever, that a commander could have expected was detion, and answered with much emotion, "That sertions, such as have already happened more or -Captain Bligh-that is the thing-I am in hell-less in the South Seas, and not an act of open muI am in hell! His abilities to take charge of the tiny.


third watch, as I had so divided the ship's company, But the secrecy of this mutiny surpasses belief. were fully equal to the task. Thirteen of the party who were now with me had Haywood was also of a respectable family in the always lived forward among the seamen, yet neither north of England, and a young man of abilities, as they, nor the messmates of Christian, Stewart, well as Christian. These two had been objects of Haywood, and Young, had ever observed any cirmy particular regard and attention, and I had taken cumstance to excite suspicion of what was plotting: great pains to instruct them, having entertained and it is not wonderful if I fell a sacrifice to it, my hopes that, as professional men, they would have mind being entirely free from suspicion. Perhaps, become a credit to their country. Young was well had mariners been on board, a sentinel at my cabin recommended, and Stewart of creditable parents in door might have prevented it; for I constantly slept the Orkneys, at which place, on the return of the with the door open, that the officer of the watch Resolution from the South Seas in 1780, we received might have access to me on all occasions. If the so many civilities, that in consideration of these mutiny had been occasioned by any grievances, alone I should gladly have taken him with me. But either real or imaginary, I must have discovered he had always borne a good character. symptoms of discontent, which would have put me When I had time to reflect, an inward satisfaction on my guard; but it was far otherwise. With prevented the depression of my spirits. Yet, a few Christian, in particular, I was on the most friendly hours before, my situation had been peculiarly flat- terms; that very day he was engaged to have dined tering: I had a ship in the most perfect order, with me; and the preceding night he excused him stored with every necessary, both for health and self from supping with me on pretence of indisposervice; the object of the voyage was attained, and sition, for which I felt concerned, having no sustwo-thirds of it now completed. The remaining picions of his honor or integrity.

part had overy prospect of success



"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Thon are dreamt of in your philosophy."








Of wonder, and the wisdum of the world,
I have essay'd, and in my mind there is
A power to make these subject to itself-
But they avail not: I have done men good,
And I have met with good even among men—
But this avail'd not: I have had my foes,
And none have baffled, many fallen before me-
But this avail'd not: Good or evil, life,
Powers, passions, all I see in other beings,
Have been to me as rain unto the sands
Since that all-nameless hour. I have no dread,
And feel the curse to have no natural fear,
Nor fluttering throb, that beats with hopes or wishes,
Or lurking love of something on the earth.-

The Scene of the Drama is among the higher Alps-Now to my task.—
partly in the Castle of Manfred, and partly in the

Mysterious Agency!

Ye spirits of the unbounded Universe!
Whom I have sought in darkness and in light-
Ye, who do compass earth about, and dwell



In subtler essence-ye, to whom the tops

Of mountains inaccessible are haunts,

And earth's and ocean's caves familiar things-
I call upon ye by the written charm
Which gives me power upon you-Rise! appear!
[A pause

MANFRED alone.-Scene, a Gothic Gallery.-Time, They come not yet.-Now by the voice of him


Who is the first among you-by this sign, Which makes you tremble-by the claims of him Man. THE lamp must be replenish'd, but even then Who is undying,-Rise! appear!-Appear!

It will not burn so long as I must watch:
My slumbers-if I slumber-are not sleep,
But a continuance of enduring thought,
Which then I can resist not: in my heart
There is a vigil and these eyes but close
To look within: and yet I live, and bear
The aspect and the form of breathing men.
But grief should be the instructor of the wise;
Sorrow is knowledge: they who know the most,
Must mourn the deepest o'er the fatal truth,
The Tree of Knowledge is not that of life.
Philosophy and science, and the springs

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If it be so.-Spirits of earth and air,
Ye shall not thus elude me: by a power,
Deeper than all yet urged, a tyrant-spell,
Which had its birthplace in a star condemn'd,
The burning wreck of a demolish'd world,
A wandering hell in the eternal space;
By the strong curse which is upon my soul,
The thought which is within me and around me,
I do compel ye to my will.-Appear!
[A star is seen at the darker end of the gallery: it
is stationary; and a voice is heard singing.

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