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4512. Se a ciascuno l'interno affanno

Si leggesse in fronte scritto,

Quanti mai che invidia fanno

Ci farebbero pietà! (It.) Metast. ?—If the secret troubles of every one were written on his forehead for all to read,

how many who now excite envy, would excite our pity!

4513. Se Charles fust en France encore y fust Roland. (Fr.) Adam de la Halle, La vie du Monde.-If Charlemagne were once more in France, he would find his Roland.

4514. S'échauffer au dépens du bon Dieu.

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(Fr.)—To warm one's

Juv. 10, 89.-These

4516. Secret et hardi. (Fr.)-Secret and bold. M. of Ld. Dynevor. 4517. Secundis dubiisque rectus. (L.)-Upright, whether in prosperous or in adverse fortune. Motto of Duke of Cleve

land and Earl of Camperdown.

4518. Secundum artem. (L.)—According to the rules of art. (2.) Secundum genera.-According to classes.

(3.) Secundum naturam vivere. Cic. Fin. 5, 9, 26.-To live in accordance with nature. (4.) Secundum usum.—According to use.

4519. Secundum subjectam materiem. (L.)-According to the subject matter in hand. In the interpretation of deeds words have often to be understood in their popular rather than technical sense, and the language interpreted secundum subjectam materiem, particular expressions being referred to the particular subject matter of the argument.

4520. Securitas regni. (L.)-The security of the State. Order of Cyprus (or Silence).

4521. Securus judicat orbis terrarum. (L.) S. Aug. c. Epist. Parmen. 3, 24, fin.-The verdict of the world is free from intimidation.

Respecting the Donatist schism, the world (says S. Augustine) is of opinion that their separation cannot be defended on its own grounds, much less when referred to the principles of Christian charity and Catholick unity; and the world's judgment in this matter is free from all suspicion of partiality or compulsion. It judges freely, fearlessly. The weight which this single sentence had in undermining Cardinal Newman's faith in the Anglican position, very analogous to the Donatist, will be remembered by all who have read his Apologia.

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Nil actum reputans, si quid superesset agendum,
Instat atrox.

But Cæsar in his headlong course,

(L.) Lucan. 2, 657.

Counting nought done if aught remained

Of enterprise to be attained,

Furious and fierce pursues his way

To death or else to victory.-Ed.

4523. Sed de hoc tu videris. De me possum idem, quod Plautinus pater in Trinummo:

Mihi quidem ætas acta ferme est: tua istuc refert maxime. (L.) Cic. Ep. Brut. 1, 2, fin.-But that question concerns you more than me. For, as regards myself, I may say with the Father in the Trinummus:

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My life is all but spent: that question specially concerns you." 4524. Sed de me ut sileam. (L.) Ov. Ep. 1, 2, 147.—But, not to speak of myself.

4525. Sed difficulter continetur spiritus,

Integritatis qui sinceræ conscius

A noxiorum premitur insolentiis. (L.) Phædr. 3, Epil. 39.-The spirit of conscious integrity is with difficulty restrained, when offended by the insolent attacks of guilty


4526. Sedet æternumque sedebit Infelix Theseus. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 617.-There sits the unhappy Theseus, and will ever sit. Imprisoned in the lower world for his attempt to rescue Proserpine, Theseus remained until rescued by Hercules.

4527. Sed fugit, interea, fugit irreparabile tempus

Singula dum capti circumvectamur amore.

But time irrevocably flies away

(L.) Virg. G. 3, 284.

As, charm'd with each fresh object, we delay.—Ed.

4528. Sed fulgente trahit constrictos gloria curru

Non minus ignotos generosis. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 6, 23.
But glory like a conqueror drags behind

Her glittering car the souls of all mankind:
Nor less the lowly than the noble feels

The onward roll of those victorious wheels.-Conington.

4529. Seditione dolis scelere atque libidine et ira,

Iliacos intra muros peccatur, et extra.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 15.

Strife, treachery, crime, lust, rage, 'tis error all,
One mass of faults within, without the wall.-Conington.

4530. Sed jam serpentum major concordia: parcit
Cognatis maculis similis fera. Quando leoni
Fortior eripuit vitam leo?

But serpents live in greater peace
Together nowadays than these.

(L.) Juv. 15, 159.

The wild beast notes the kindred spot
Upon his like, and harms him not,
Or when did stronger lion, pray,

A weaker lion rend and slay?-Ed.

4531. Sed nec mihi dicere promtum, Nec facere est illi. (L.) Ov. M. 13, 10.-As little skill have I in speech, as he in action. Ajax' reply, when contending with Ulysses for the arms of Achilles.

4532. Sed nisi peccassem, quid tu concedere posses ?

Materiam veniæ sors tibi nostra dedit. (L.) Ov. T. 2, 31.
But what could you forgive, had I not erred?

The grounds for pardon my misdeeds conferred.-Ed.

4533. Sed non in Cæsare tantum

Nomen erat, nec fama ducis: sed nescia virtus

Stare loco solusque pudor non vincere bello. (L.) Lucan.
But more there was in Cæsar's fame
Than titled leadership and name:
His was the keen, unsated breast
That never knew repose or rest;
His only shame, in battle fray,

To fight and not to gain the day.-Ed.

4534. Sed nunc non erat his locus.

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(L.) Hor. A. P. 19.

All in their way good things, but not just now.-Conington. 4535. Sed quid poetas? Opifices post mortem nobilitari volunt. Quid enim Phidias sui similem speciem inclusit in clypeo Minervæ, quum inscribere non liceret? Quid? Nostri Philosophi-nonne in his ipsis libris, quos scribunt de contemnenda gloria, sua nomina inscribunt? (L.) Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34.-But not poets only; artists also desire their fame to be extended after death. Else, how is it that Phidias, when he was not allowed to engrave his name upon the sculpture, included a portrait of himself among the figures on the shield of Minerva? I might say the same of our philosophers also. Have they not, even in the very works they have written to advocate a contempt for human glory, inscribed their own names upon the title page?

It will be remembered how Sir J. Reynolds inscribed his name upon the hem of Mrs Siddon's robe, in his portrait of her as the Tragic Muse. The letters are now (1886) barely legible.

4536. Sed quum res hominum tanta caligine volvi
Adspicerem, lætosque diu florere nocentes,
Vexarique pios: rursus labefacta cadebat

(L.) Claud. Ruf. 1, 12.

The prosperity of the wicked.

But, when I saw men's lives to be
Involved in such obscurity;

And marked the wicked flourish long,
While pious souls were suffering wrong,
Then my religion, shattered sore,


Fell tottering to the ground once more..

4537. Sed tamen amoto quæramus seria ludo. (L.)

Hor. S. 1,

1, 27.-But, joking apart, let us devote ourselves to more serious matters.

4538. Sed te, mihi crede, memento

Nunc in pellicula, cerdo, tenere tua. (L.) Mart. 3, 16, 5.

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4539. Sed Timor et Minæ

Scandunt eodem quo dominus; neque

Decedit ærata triremi, et

Post equitem sedet atra Cura. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 1, 37.

Fierce alarm

Can clamber to the master's side,

Black cares can up the galley swarm,

And close behind the horseman ride.-Conington.

4540. Sed tu ingenio verbis concipe plura meis. (L.) Ov. R. A. 360.-But you must, of your own wit, understand more is merely expressed by my words. The reader is, as the phrase goes, to read between the lines.

4541. Sed vatem egregium cui non sit publica vena,
Qui nihil expositum soleat deducere, nec qui
Communi feriat carmen triviale moneta,

Hunc qualem nequeo monstrare, et sentio tantum,
Anxietate carens animus facit.

The ideal poet.

(L.) Juv. 7, 53.

The perfect poet, of no vulgar vein,
Who will produce no trite or hackneyed strain,
Nor mint you trivial verse of common ore,
He, whom I cannot paint but feel the more,
Must have a mind by hardship undistressed,
And with no sad anxieties opprest.-Ed.

4542. Se Gennaio sta in camicia

Marzo scoppia dal riso.

(It.) Prov.-If January stay in his shirt-sleeves (is mild), March will explode with laughing (will mock you with rough weather).

4543. Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem,
Quam quæ sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus, et quæ
Ipse sibi tradit spectator.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 180.

A thing when heard, remember, strikes less keen
On the spectator's mind than when 'tis seen.-Conington.

4544. Sei im Besitze, und du wohnst im Recht. (G.) Schill. Wallenstein's death.-Be in possession and you are in the right. Cf. ibid. ("An die Freunde "), Der Lebende hat Recht.-The living is in the right.

4545. Se la moglia pecca, non è il marito innocente. (It.) Prov. -If the wife sins, the husband is not innocent.

4546. Semen est sanguis Christianorum. (L.) Tert. Apol. 50.The blood of Christians is seed.

Don't think, says Tertullian (addressing the pagan persecutors of his day), that persecution will have any effect in diminishing the number of Christians. Plures efficimur quoties metimur a vobis, The more you mow us down, the more we grow. The blood of her martyrs is the seed of the Church.

4547. Semper avarus eget: certum voto pete finem:

Invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis.

Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni

Majus tormentum.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 56.

The miser's always needy: draw a line
Within whose bound your wishes to confine.
His neighbour's fatness makes the envious lean:
No tyrant e'er devised a pang so keen.-Conington.

4548. Semper eadem. (L.)—Always the same.
Elizabeth and Lord Forester.

Thou sun,

Motto of Queen

shine on her joyously! Ye breezes, waft her wide! Our glorious Semper eadem ! the banner of our pride! -Macaulay (Armada).

4549. Semper eris pauper, si pauper es, Emiliane,

Dantur opes nulli nunc nisi divitibus. (L.) Mar. 5, 81.

If poor, Emilian, you'll be poor always;

Wealth is but given to rich men nowadays.-Ed.

4550. Semper fidelis. (L.)—Always faithful. Motto of Earl of Onslow.

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