Bibliotheca historico-naturalis: Verzeichniss der Bücher über Naturgeschichte, welche in Deutschland, Scandinavien, Holland, England, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien in den Jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sind. Erster Band ...Wilhelm Engelmann, 1846 - 786 páginas |
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Página 318 - CARPENTER'S (Dr. WB) Zoology. A Systematic View of the Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the principal Families of the Animal Kingdom, and of the chief Forms of Fossil Remains. Revised by WS Dallas, FLS Numerous Woodcuts. 2 vols. 6s. each. — Mechanical Philosophy, Astronomy, and Horology. A Popular Exposition. 181 Woodcuts. CARPENTER'S Works.— Continued. — Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany.
Página 454 - CATLOW.-POPULAR CONCHOLOGY ; Or, the Shell Cabinet arranged : being an Introduction to the Modern System of Conchology : with a sketch of the Natural History of the Animals, an account of the Formation of the Shells, and a complete Descriptive List of the Families and Genera. By AGNES CATLOW.
Página 622 - Phillips. — Figures and Descriptions of the Palaeozoic Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset ; observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS, FGS, &c.
Página 380 - Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and .Romans ; in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain : and the remarkable local agreement of History with the remains of such Animals found in Europe and Siberia.
Página 249 - Ostéographie, ou Description iconographique comparée du squelette et du système dentaire des cinq classes d'animaux vertébrés récents et fossiles, pour servir de base à la zoologie et à la géologie.
Página 554 - Spirit of the Church of Rome," &c. 4 vols. 8vo. with 24 highly-finished Portraits engraved on steel, 32s. cloth. STEPHENS. -A MANUAL OF BRITISH COLEOPTERA, or, BEETLES: containing a Description of all the Species of Beetles hitherto ascertained to inhabit Great Britain and Ireland, &c. With a Complete Index of the Genera. By JF STEPHENS, FLS Author of "Illustrations of Entomology.
Página 466 - Figures of Shells, etched on copper-plates, in which the most characteristic examples are given of all the Genera established up to the present time, arranged in Lamarckian Order, accompanied by copious Explanations; Observations respecting the Geographical or Geological distribution of each ; Tabular Views of the Systems of Lamarck and De Blainvilie; a Glossary of Technical Terms, &c. New Edition, considerably enlarged and improved, with numerous Woodcuts in the text, now first added, 8vo, cloth,...
Página 374 - Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals Of Southern Africa. Delineated from Life in their Native Haunts, during a Hunting Expedition from the Cape Colony as far as the Tropic of Capricorn in 1836 and 1837, with Sketches of the Field Sports.
Página 271 - ... l'homme et les animaux vertébrés, l'histoire du système ganglionnaire des animaux articulés et des mollusques, et l'exposé de la relation qui existe entre la perfection progressive de ces centres nerveux et l'état des facultés instinctives, intellectuelles et morales.
Página 265 - Histoire générale et particulière des Anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux, ouvrage comprenant des recherches sur les caractères, la classification, l'influence physiologique et pathologique, les rapports généraux, les lois et causes des Monstruosités, des variétés et vices de conformation ou Traité de tératologie; par Isid.