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Select Biography.

physic; and more particularly in 1666, he concurred in a plan, devised by Dr. Plott, for keeping a

"No part of History is more in register of the air, in order to per

structive and delightful than the Lives of great and worthy Men."



fect the history of what the physicians call" Non-naturals." This he printed at the end of a posthumous work of Mr. Boyle, entitled "A general history of the A," under the name of "A Register of the Changes of Air observed at Oxford by the Barometer, Thermometer, and Hygrometer, from June 23, 1660, to March 28, 1667.”

The immortal Locke was born at Wrington, in Somersetshire, in 1632. During his infancy, his education was conducted with paternal affection, but at the same time, with great strictness, by his father, who had been bred up to the law. The first part of his learning he received at Westminster School, whence, at nineteen, he was removed to Christ Church, Oxford. He became subsequently a Student of In 1870 and the following year, that College, and distinguished he began to form the plan of his himself by several copies of verses."Essay on Human Understand

He was thus employed when accident brought him acquainted with Anthony Ashley Cooper, afterwards Earl of Shaftesbury : and this gentleman became Locke's declared patron.

Having taken, at the regular ing," but was prevented from periods, both his degrees in Arts, making any considerable progress he placed himself on the physic in it by other employments; beline, in which profession he prac-ing, in 1672, appointed by his tised a short time at Oxford; but patron (then Lord Chancellor) sefinding his constitution unable to cretary of the Presentations. The bear the fatigue of much business, Great Seal being taken from and being highly delighted with Shaftesbury in the November of the philosophy of Des Cartes, he the year following, Locke of transferred his studies to that course fell with him. As his Lordbranch of science. ship, however, continued PresiIn 1664, he had an opportunity dent of the Board of Trade, Locke of going abroad, as secretary to was made secretary, with a salary Sir W. Swan, Envoy to the Elec- of £500 per annum; but this tor of Brandenburgh, and some likewise, was an appointment of other German Princes. The next short duration, the commission year he returned to Oxford, where being dissolved in the year 1674. he continued to improve his know- Being still Student of Christ ledge in natural philosophy and Church, he resorted frequently

thither, as well for the conveniency Oxford, who had attacked his first. of books, as for the improvement In 1693, his "Thoughts con

of his health, the air of London cerning Education" appeared, not agreeing well with his consti- and at different times he published tution. After taking his degree two other letters on toleration. of M.B. he, in 1675, went to But the asthma to which Mr. Montpelier, being apprehensive Locke had been long subject, inof a consumption; keeping up creasing with his years, now renhowever, at the same time an ac- dered him very infirm. From quaintance with several of the this time he retired from public English faculty, and continuing duties, and continued at Oates, his studies in the profession. where he spent the last years of He had not been a year on the his life in the study of the Holy Continent, when he was accused Scriptures. He had often spoken at the English court of having of his departure, which he found written certain tracts against the in 1703, fast approaching. government; and though another he had been long incapable of person was subsequently found to going to church, he received the be the author, yet application was sacrament at home; as soon as made to Bishop Fell, then Dean of the office was finished he told the Christ Church, to expel him from his Studentship, which was effected in November, 1684.

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minister, that, "he was in the sentiments of perfect charity towards all men, and of a sincere In 1889, he printed at Gouda, union with the church of Christ, in Latin, his "First Letter upon under whatever name distinToleration." Soon after the Re-guished. volution, he returned to England, and preferred a claim to his Stu-exhorted Lady Masham, who was dentship at Christ Church: but attending him, "to regard this that society rejected his preten-world only as a preparation for sions as the proceedings against the next," adding "I have lived him, they contended, were conformable to their statutes.

The day before his death, he

long enough, and I thank God for having lived so happily."

In 1690, he published his cele- His death took place on the brated "Treatise on Government." 28th of October, 1704: he was And the same year he produced interred in the church at Oates, his "Essay on Human Under- where a simple monument was standing," nor was the year ex-erected to his memory, with an pired when his "Second Letter on inscription in Latin, written by Toleration" appeared, in answer himself, containing all that he to Mr. J. Proast, Chaplain of All thought proper to leave concernSoul's College, in the University of ing his character.

To the Editor of the Oxford Entertaining Miscellany.


Several of your readers have expressed a desire to see the following little interesting narative, from The Novelist," in

faintly through the dusky foliage of a yew tree, planted near the curate's last home. I thought of those I had loved and lost for ever! I fancied every feeling became purer, and my heart, seemed disposed to abandon itself to the influence of those ideas the hopes

your Entertaining Miscellany, and I among the rest shall feel obliged of another and brighter world inspire, by your inserting it.


I am, Sir,
Yours, &c.


A deep sigh near me awakened me from my dream, and, turning hastily round, I perceived a female figure, habited in the deepest mourning, bending, in the act of We shook hands and parted, endeavouring to fasten he refracmy friends passed on, while I re- tory bramble which had confined, mained seated on the marble slab the green turf of a newly-made which recorded the name and years grave. I started up, and taking of the deceased village curate. the briar from her feeble attenuThe Bolognian stones, they say, ated hands, placed it once more possess the property of retaining firmly in the earth :-an expressi-, the light that has once shone on on of thankfulness broke from her them; thus my heart, in that mo- lips as I rose from the ground, ment of solitary reflection in a tears fell fast from her eyes, and village churchyard, seemed to frequent sighs agitated her bosom, glow with the light of other days her face was pale, and her whole

so silent, so calm was every appearance seemed to indicate a thing around me, that involun-speedy removal from this world of tarily I began to retrace scenes of tears.

happiness long since passed away! During my stay in the village, There was a time when memory I frequently observed her bend loved to dwell on them; but now her way to the same place, and the recollection of them may be had heard her little history. She compared to a lingering sunbeam was the daughter of the late worshedding its rays over a world of thy village school-master; was once beautiful, amiable, and confiding;-had loved, trusted, and been deceived! and now drooping and spiritless, wept over the grave of her father, whose death


I felt happy, almost resigned, but melancholy; yet there was more pleasure in that sensation than I had experienced for years in gayer scenes, the setting sun shone was in a great measure caused by

the desertion of a child he adored! for consolation to sorrow such as hers, she could only apply to heaven, and from heaven alone could she receive it.

chair is an altar, on each side of which are stately tombs of brass and marble, of the most curious workmanship. That of Urban VIII. on the right hand, has two statues of white marble, representing two virtues of exquisite beauty. Among the other tombs,

Some months afterwards I had occasion to visit L.... again, and, in answer to my inquiries concerning her, heard she was placed those of the Emperor Otho II. beyond the influence of sorrow and shame for ever!

I went to the churchyard, and near the spot where I had first seen her, a plain white stone denotes where her ashes repose, and all of eulogy or compassion is comprised in the short and simple inscription of "Poor Ellen!"

"Poor Ellen," repeated I, as I stood over it," a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise,"



Charlotte Queen of Jerusalem, Adrian IV. the only English pope; Paul III. and Alexander III. are works of great magnificence. Nor must we forget the mausolea of the Countess Matilda, and Christina, Queen of Sweden; the former of whom gave her estate to the church, and the latter voluntarily abandoned her dominions, and the glory of a crown, for a religious retirement. Christina's tomb is nobly designed, without being over-charged with ornament; and her features are well expressed on a great brass medal, which must have been the work of an excellent artist. The riches and beauty of the little chapels and altars round this church are almost inexpressible; the gilding, carving, embossed work, brass and marble statues, are all so well contrived At the bottom of the church, and disposed, that the abundance highly elevated, stands St. Peter's occasions not the least confusion, chair, of the finest workmanship, nor does any thing appear superall of brass gilt, and supported by fluous. Among other curious pieces four gigantic figures, represent- of sculpture, the Dead Christ, ing four fathers of the church, in alabaster, by Michael Angelo, viz. St. Ambrose, St. Jerom, St. is particularly admired; as are Austin, and St. Gregory; with a also two wreathed pillars of alagilded glory over them reaching baster, brought from Jerusalem by quite to the roof. Under the Helen, the mother of Constantine,

An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from Page 229.)

The church of St. Mary Maggiore, though but small, is esteemed one of the most beautiful in

Mosaic work.

Before I conclude this descrip-› tion of Rome it will be proper to: mention some of the most remark-·

able Piazzas, called places by the

and erected at a side-altar. But, that the riches it contains are though every thing in St. Peter's equally surprising with its exterchurch is worthy the observation nal magnificence, the sacristy beof a curious traveller, I think ing filled with a vast variety of nothing deserves it more than the holy vessels and utensils, in gold: Mosaic pictures wherewith the and silver, enriched with preciou's altars are decorated, which ex-stones, as crosses, shrines, chalices, ceed any thing of that kind that mitres, and priestly habits and ever was done by the ancients. In ornaments of inestimable value. this sort of work we see represented the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, the crucifixion of St. Peter, the fall of Simon Magus, and Rome; the body of it being sup-. a thousand other pieces of scrip-gilt, and the walls adorned with ported by marble pillars, the roof: ture and ecclesiastical history: one of these pictures especially, which represents the story of St. Petronilla, St. Peter's sister, is so excellently designed, and so nicely coloured and polished, that it seems impossible for human art to go beyond it. To the eye it appears exactly like a picture be- Romanum, famous for the pleadhind a glass; yet it consists only ings and harangues delivered here of little glass squares of various from the Rostra by the Roman colours, nicely cemented together orators. When a man stands in by an astringent gum, mixed with the middle of this great square, whites of eggs and other ingredi- and sees nothing all round him ents. This sort of work is the but the ruins of ancient Rome, it more valuable, as the colours have gives him some concern, and a fine lustre, are surprisingly du- raises melancholy reflections. On rable, and proof against the inju- one side we see the walls of the ries of the weather. However, Capitol, on the other the Conby extolling these Mosaic works, stantine arch, and that of Titus, I would not be thought to despise in a broken decaying condition: or depreciate the paintings of this on the right hand we view the rechurch, many of which are excel-mains of the Temple of Concord, lent, and some of them master-and on the left the immense ruins pieces of the most celebrated pen- of the Temple of Peace. cils. Enough has been said to I will now say a word or two regive a grand idea of this superb specting his Holiness the Pope. edifice: I shall only add farther, The form of demanding audi

French, and squares by the English. That called the Campo Vaccino was the ancient Forum

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