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importance. The oblateness of the earth is a quantity which varies considerably, by the least difference in the elements on which it depends. Accordingly it is not surprising, that its value fluctuates between two proportions which differ sensibly from each other. To illustrate this, let p be the function which serves to determine the oblateness of the earth, so that

=p. When this equation varies — de = e* . dp.

Now the coefficient being very great, we see why the least variation in the elements of the function p, occasions so considerable a variation in the denominator of the oblateness. This is precisely what happens in the lunar equations dependent on the figure of the earth, and which M. LAPLACE has deduced from his beautiful theory. Thus, for example, in the inequality that depends on the longitude of the moon's node, which he has determined analytically with so much precision, the numerical coefficient found by BURG gives for the oblateness; but if this coefficient be diminished by o",665, then the oblateness becomes, so that a variation even to this small amount in the coefficient augments the denominator of the oblateness nearly part.




The same happens with regard to the pendulum vibrating seconds; for, supposing its length at 45° to have been correctly ascertained by M M. BIOT and MATHIEU, if we wish to know the length of a second's pendulum at the equator, corresponding to an oblateness of, we find it to be 439,1810 lines. Now this length differs from that determined by BouGUER only by 0,029 of a line, and M. LAPLACE even thinks that the result of BOUGUER should be diminished by about double this quantity. We see from hence how much these little differences, whether produced by errors of observation,

or irregularities in the earth itself, are liable to affect the denominator of the fraction expressing the oblateness.

Fortunately, it seems probable, that the utmost latitude of our present uncertainty is between the limits of 330 and 310, and the mean of these may be considered as a very near approximation to the truth.

XVIII. An Account of some Experiments on different Combinations of Fluoric Acid. By John Davy, Esq. Communicated by Sir Humphry Davy, Knt. LL. D. Sec. R. S.


Read June 11, 1812.


wo years ago, I engaged, at the request of my brother, Sir H. DAVY, in an inquiry respecting the nature of common fluoric acid gas. My principal object was to ascertain whether silex is essential to its constitution, and whether the proportion is constantly the same. This subject, and experiments on the fluoric and fluoboracic acids, occupied me for about six months. Since that time, the work of M. M. GAY LUSSAC and THEnard has appeared, entitled "Recherches Physico-Chemiques,” in the second volume of which is an elaborate dissertation on fluoric acid. These philosophers, I find, have anticipated many of my results, and consequently very much abridged my labour of detail in the following pages. To repeat what is already known would be useless, I shall therefore confine myself to describe what I have observed, which appears to me yet novel, or different from the observations of the French chemists. The order which I shall pursue, will be that which I observed in my experiments. I shall divide what I have to advance into four parts. The first part will relate to the silicated fluoric acid gas, and to the subsilicated fluoric acid; the second to the

combinations of these acids, and of pure fluoric acid with ammonia; the third to fluoboracic acid; and the fourth to its ammoniacal salts.

SECT. 1. On silicated fluoric acid Gas, and subsilicated fluoric Acid.

The facts which have already been published by M. M. GAY LUSSAC and THENARD and others, appear to me to be sufficient to prove that pure fluoric acid has not yet been obtained in the gaseous state, and that silex, or boracic acid, is requisite that it may assume this form. Were more evidences necessary, I could advance many in point. One circumstance only I shall mention, proving that common fluoric acid gas is perfectly saturated with silex. I have preserved this gas, made by heating, in a glass retort, a mixture of fluor spar and sulphuric acid, for several weeks over mercury in a glass receiver uncoated with wax, without observing the slightest erosion to be produced.*

This gas, with great propriety, has lately been called silicated fluoric. Before I proceed to its analysis, I shall notice what method I have found the best for obtaining it. I have, for a considerable time, long before M. M. GAY LUSSAC and THENARD'S Work was published, added to the mixture of fluor spar and sulphuric acid, a quantity of finely pounded glass, and have thus procured the gas with the greatest facility. The advantages of this addition are considerable. The retort is saved, which otherwise, in less than one operation, would be

The sides of the receiver indeed became obscure; but this was not from erosion, but from deposition, as appeared from the transparency and polish of the glass being readily restored by slight friction. What the deposition was, I am ignorant of. After several weeks it was so trifling, as to give only a slight degree of opacity to the receiver.

destroyed; and a much larger quantity of gas is procured from the same materials, and with less trouble and less heat; the action indeed at first is so powerful, that gas begins to come over before the application of heat is made, and a very gentle one only is required to continue its production.

Previous to its analysis, it was necessary to ascertain the specific gravity of the gas. This I have endeavoured to do. The gas, the subject of experiment, was quite pure, being totally condensed by water. A Florence flask was exhausted; in this state, weighed by a very delicate balance, it was

=1452.2 grains.

Filled with common air

1452.2 + 10.2

Again exhausted

= 1452.2

Filled with silicated fluoric gas1452.2 + 36.45

Hence as 10.2: 31: 36.45: 110.78.

Thus it appears, that 100 cubic inches of silicated fluoric acid gas, at ordinary temperature and pressure, are equal to 110.78 grains.

When silicated fluoric acid gas is condensed by water, it is well known that part only of the silex is deposited. To obtain the whole, in order to ascertain the proportion in the gas, I have employed ammonia in excess. 40 cubic inches of the gas (barom. 30, therm. 60) were transferred in portions of 10 cubic inches, at a time to a solution of ammonia. The silex precipitated was carefully collected on a filter, and washed till the water that passed through it, ceased to be affected by nitrat of lime. It was next dried, and strongly heated in a platina crucible. It weighed 27.2 grains, and was pure silex. Supposing fluoric acid to be the remaining 17.1 grains, which added to 27.2 grains are equivalent to the weight of 40 cubic

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