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Note 1, page 379, line 3.

That tomb, which, gleaming o'er the cliff, etc.

A tomb above the rocks on the promontory, by some supposed the sepulchre of Themistocles.

Note 2, page 380, line 4.

Sultana of the Nightingale, etc.

The attachment of the nightingale to the rose is a well-known Persian fable. If I mistake not, the «Bulbul of a thousand tales» is one of his appellations.

Note 3, page 380, line 22.

Till the gay mariner's guitar, etc.

The guitar is the constant amusement of the Greek sailor by night: with a steady fair wind, and during a calm, it is accompanied always by the voice, and often by dancing.

Note 4, page 381, line 32.

Where cold obstruction's apathy, etc.

Ay, but to die and go we know not where,

To lie in cold obstruction. >>

Measure for Measure, Act III. 130. Sc. 2.

Note 5, page 382, line 8.

The first, last look by death reveal'd !

I trust that few of my readers have ever had an opportunity of witnessing what is here attempted in description, but those who have will probably retain a painful remembrance of that singular beauty which pervades, with few exceptions, the features of the dead, a few hours, and but for a few hours, after « the spirit is not there." It is to be remarked in cases of violent death by gun-shot wounds, the expression is always that of languor, whatever the natural energy of the sufferer's character; but in death from a stab, the countenance preserves its traits of feeling or ferocity, and the mind its bias, to the last.

Note 6, page 384, line 6.

Slaves-nay, the bondsmen of a slave, etc.

Athens is the property of the Kislar Aga (the slave of the seraglio and guardian of the women), who appoints the Waywode. A pander and eunuch—these are not polite, yet true appellations—now governs the Governor of Athens!


Note 7, page 385, line 15.
'Tis calmer than thy heart, young Giaour.

Note 8, page 386, line 22.

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In echoes of the far tophaike, etc.

Tophaike,» musquet.-The Bairam is announced by the cannon at sunset; the illumination of the mosques, and the firing of all kinds of small-arms, loaded with ball, proclaim it during the night.

Note 9, page 387, line 16.

Swift as the hurl'd on high jerreed, etc.

Jerreed, or Djerrid, a blunted Turkish javelin, which is darted from horseback with great force and precision. It is a favourite exercise of the Mussulmans; but I know not if it can be called a manly one, since the most expert in the art are the black eunuchs of Constantinople. I think, next to these, a mamlouk at Smyrna was the most skilful that came within my observation.

Note 10, page 388, line 16.

He came, he went, like the simoom, etc.

The blast of the desert, fatal to every thing living, and often alluded to in eastern poetry.

Note 11, page 390, line 16.

To bless the sacred « bread and salt».

To partake of food, to break bread and salt with your host, insures the safety of the guest: even though an enemy, his person from that moment is sacred.

Note 12, page 390, line 24.

Since his turban was cleft by the infidel's sabre!

I need hardly observe, that charity and hospitality are the first duties enjoined by Mahomet; and, to say truth, very generally practised by his disciples. The first praise that can be bestowed on a chief, is a panegyric on his bounty; the next, on his valour.

Note 13, page 399, line 28.

And silver-sheathed ataghan; etc.

The ataghan, a long dagger worn with pistols in the belt, in a metal scabbard, generally of silver; and, among the wealthier, gilt, or of gold.

[blocks in formation]

Green is the privileged colour of the prophet's numerous pretended descendants; with them, as here, faith (the family inheritance) is supposed to supersede the necessity of good works: they are the worst of a very indifferent brood.

Note 15, page 391, line 1.

Ho! who art thou?-» «This low salam etc.

Salam aleikoum! aleikoum salam!» peace be with you; be with you peace-the salutation reserved for the faithful::-to a christian,

« Urlarula,» a good journey; or saban «hiresem, saban serula;» good

morn, good even;

usual salutes.

and sometimes, « may your end be happy;» are the

Note 16, page 392, line 4.

The insect-queen of eastern spring, etc.

The blue-winged butterfly of Kashmeer, the most rare and beautiful of the species.

Note 17, page 393, line 19.

Or live like scorpion girt by fire; etc.

Alluding to the dubious suicide of the scorpion, so placed for experiment by gentle philosophers. Some maintain that the position of the sting, when turned towards the head, is merely a convulsive movement; but others have actually brought in the verdict «felo de se.» The scorpions are surely interested in a speedy decision of the question; as, if once fairly established as insect Catos, they will probably be allowed to live as long as they think proper, without being martyred for the sake of an hypothesis.

Note 18, page 394, line 7.

When Rhamazan's last sun was set, etc.

The cannon at sunset close the Rhamazan. See note 8.

Note 19, page 394, line 26.

By pale Phingari's trembling light, etc.

Phingari, the moon.

Note 20, page 395, line 7.

Bright as the jewel of Giamschid.

The celebrated fabulous ruby of Sultan Giamschid, the embellisher of Istakhar; from its splendour, named Schebgerag, «the torch of night; also, « the cup of the sun,» etc.


In the first editions « Giam

schid» was written as a word of three syllables, so D'Herbelot has it; but I am told Richardson reduces it to a dissyllable, and writes " Jamshid.» I have left in the text the orthography of the one with the pronunciation of the other.

Note 21, page 395, line 11.

Though on Al-Sirat's arch I stood, etc.

Al-Sirat, the bridge of breadth less than the thread of a famished spider, over which the Mussulmans must skate into Paradise, to which it is the only entrance; but this is not the worst, the river beneath being hell itself, into which, as may be expected, the unskilful and tender of foot contrive to tumble with a «facilis descensus Averni,» not very pleasing in prospect to the next passenger. There is a shorter cut downwards for the Jews and Christians.

Note 22, page 395, line 16.

And keep that portion of his creed etc.

A vulgar error: the Koran allots at least a third of Paradise to well-behaved women; but by far the greater number of Mussulmans interpret the text their own way, and exclude their moieties from heaven. Being enemies to platonics, they cannot discern «any fitness of things" in the souls of the other sex, conceiving them to be superseded by the houris.

Note 23, page 395, line 22.

The young pomegranate's blossoms strew etc.

An oriental simile, which may, perhaps, though fairly stolen, be deemed «plus Arabe qu'en Arabie.»

Note 24, page 395, line 24.

Her hair in hyacinthine flow, etc.

Hyacinthine, in Arabic, «Sunbul," as common a thought in the eastern poets as it was among the Greeks.

Note 25, page 396, line 3.

The loveliest bird of Franguestan!

«Franguestan,» Circassia.


Note 26, page 398, line 8.

Bismillah! now the peril 's past; etc.

In the name of God;» the commencement of all the chapters of the Koran but one, and of prayer and thanksgiving.

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