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" Hulbert, Archer Butler, ed. The Crown collection of photographs of American maps. A collection of original photographs, carefully mounted, of maps important historically yet hitherto unpublished, contained in the British museum and other foreign archives... "
Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle - Página 90
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The Annual American Catalog, 1900-1909, Volumen 4

1906 - 754 páginas
...c. 192 p. 12°, (Historic highways of America, v. 16.) cl., *$2.so net. Hulbert, Archer Butler, ed. -The crown collection of photographs of American maps:...archives, especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America,, f 1600-1800;] selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert. In 5 vv i and 2....
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Bibliotheca geographica: jahresbibliographie der geographischen ..., Volumen 14

1909 - 578 páginas
...del secólo XVI. 166 pag. 6 f. Torino, 1905, Carlo Clausen, Hans Rinck suce. edit. L. 6. Htllbert, Archer Butler, The crown collection of photographs...archives, especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America [1600-1800], selected and ed. by — . In 5 vols. Vol. I. Maps of American...
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News Notes of California Libraries, Volumen 5

California State Library - 1910 - 612 páginas
...Guest, Lady Theodora (Grosvenor). Round trip in North America. 1895. 917.3 G93 Hulbert, Archer Butler. Crown collection of photographs of American maps....archives especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America, selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1909 912.973 H91 Library has Index...
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Annual Report of the American Historical Association

American Historical Association - 1911 - 844 páginas
...America," published, London, 1776. ILL. HIST. soc. JOUR., II (July) 55-67. Hulbert, Archer Butler, ed. The Crown collection of photographs of American maps....archives especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America . . . Index. Cleveland, O., Priv. printed by The AH Clark co. 43 p. [384 Lyell,...
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Annual Report of the American Historical Association

American Historical Association - 1911 - 826 páginas
...America," published, London, 1776. ILL. HIST. soc. JOUR., II (July) 55-67. [383 Hulbert, Archer Butler, ed. The Crown collection of photographs of American maps....archives especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America . . . Index. Cleveland, 0., Priv. printed by The AH Clark co. 43 p. [384 Lyell,...
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The United States: A Catalogue of Books Relating to the History of Its ...

Arthur H. Clark Company - 1920 - 408 páginas
...Cuba, etc. CROWN COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF AMERICAN MAPS: a collection of 250 Original Photographs, of maps important historically yet hitherto unpublished,...in the British Museum and other foreign archives; selected and edited by Archer B. Hulbert. Each photograph was made direct from the original negative...
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United States Congressional Serial Set

1911 - 824 páginas
...America," published, London, 1776. ILL. HIST. soc. JOUR., II (July) 55-67. [383 Hulbert, Archer Butler, ed. The Crown collection of photographs of American maps....archives especially chosen and prepared to illustrate the early history of America ... Index. Cleveland, O., Priv. printed by The AH Clark co. 43 p. [384 lyell,...
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