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a lesson of wisdom on the bitterness of party spirit, by which the wise and the good will not fail to profit."

If any thing were wanting to convince this generation of the unutterable importance of the American revolution, it would be the closing scene of the lives of Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Adams. Passing over the long succession of great and memorable scenes, with which their after lives were filled, their minds, in the very moments of dissolution, went back, and dwelt on the first struggles of American liberty.


On the morning of the 4th of July, Mr. Adams, then evidently near his death, awoke at the ringing of bells, and the firing of cannon. The servant who watched with him, asked him, if he knew what day it was? "O yes," he replied, "it is the glorious 4th of July -God bless it, God bless you all." In the forenoon, the orator of the day, the Rev. Mr. Whitney, the parish minister of Mr. Adams, called to see him, and found him seated in an arm chair. In the course of the interview, Mr. Whitney asked him for a sentiment, to be given at the public table. He replied, "I will give you, independence for ever!" After a few moments had elapsed, a lady asked him, if he wished to add any thing to the toast? and he said "not a syllable." This passed an hour or too, only, before he breathed his last. In the course of the day, he said, "it is a great and a good day." That his thoughts were dwelling on the scene of 1776, is evident from the last words which he uttered, "Jefferson survives," which were


spoken about the time that Jefferson expired.

In like manner, Mr. Jefferson, in the short intervals of delirium which occurred in his last hours, seemed to dwell exclusively on the events of the revolution. He talked in broken sentences of the committee of safety. One of his exclamations was, "Warn the committee to be on their guard ;" and he instantly rose in his bed, with the help of his attendants, and went through the act of writing a hurried note. But for the greater part of the time, during the last days of his life, he was blessed with the enjoyment of his reason. The only anxious wish he uttered for himself was, that he might live to breathe the air of the fiftieth anniversary of independence. When that day arrived, he was repeatedly heard to murmur, nunc dimittis Domine, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace!

When,since the death of Socrates, can any thing be found, that will bear a comparison with the deathbed scene of these two great men ?

One circumstance only remains to be noticed in the biography of Mr. Jefferson. In a private memorandum, found among some other obituary papers and relics of Mr. Jefferson, is a suggestion, in case a monument to his memory should ever be proposed, that it should be a granite obelisk, of small dimensions, with the following inscription :

"Here lies buried Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence; of the Statutes of Virginia, for Religious Freedom; and Father of the University of Virginia."

Judge Cranch's Memoir on the life, character, and writings of John Adāms, p57, 58.


Retrospective view-Independence of the United States-Abolition of Co-
lonial System-Views of Great Britain-Independence of Spanish
America-Policy of the United States-Dissolution of Parties-Visit
of La Fayette-National Jubilee-Death of Adams and Jefferson,
Inauguration of President. Meeting of Senate-Lanman's Case-Treaty
with Colombia-Opposition-Creek Controversy-Indian Affairs-
Captains Porter and Stewart-Internal Improvement-Commerce,

Opening of the 19th Congress. Amendments to the Constitution, proposed

by Mr. M'Duffie-By Mr. Benton-Discussion of same-Decision.

Proposal to reduce Executive Patronage.

Proceedings of Senate on the Panama Mission. Mr. Branch's resolution--

Mr. Randolph's conduct-Duel with Mr. Clay-Proceedings in the

House of Representatives on the Panama Mission-Panama Congress,

Bill to extend the Judiciary System-Proceedings in House-Defeated by

the amendment of Senate. Annual Report of Secretary of Treasury.

Report of Committee of Ways and Means. Appropriations for Forti-

fications-Support of Government-Army-Navy. Public buildings.

Bill for relief of Revolutionary Officers. Francis Larche. Conclu-

sion of Session.

WEST INDIES. European Colonies. British West Indies. Order in

Council. Proceedings in Jamaica-Cuba--Political Condition-Go-

vernment Hayti-its Government-French Ordinance-Nature of

it-Accepted by Boyer--Loan-Disturbances--State of Hayti,

MEXICO. Victoria President-Congress--Surrender of ship Asia-St.

Juan de Ullua-Government, and Political Condition in 1826--Cuba

-Sonora--Texas. CENTRAL AMERICA. Constitution-Arce

President-Political Condition. RIO DE LA PLATA. Constitution

--Rivadeira-Political Condition-War with Brazil. CHILI. Com-

motion-Surrender of Chiloe-Congress-Freire. PARAGUAY.

Congress of Panama,

COLOMBIA in 1825. Bolivar President-Recognized by the United

States and England-Rumored Invasion of Cuba-Santander--Con-

gress. PERU. Battle of Ayacucho--Olaneta-Castles of Callao-

Congress-Bolivar-Upper Peru. Constitntion of BOLIVIA. State

of Peru in 1826-Insurrection of Paez--Views of the Government--

Proceedings in Venezula--In Quito-Views of Bolivar-Warlike ope-

rations in Venezuela-Bolivar arrives at Bogota-Reforms--Bolivar

in Venezuela--Tranquillity restored,

BRAZIL. Independence Acknowledged-Character of Pedro--Invasion

of Chiquitos--Banda Oriental-Insurrection-Lavalleja-Battle of

Sarandi The Banda united to Buenos Ayres--Pedro declares War--

Progress of it-Future prospects,

GREAT BRITAIN. Ministers-Parliament 1825-Address-Catholic

Association-Catholic Relief. Finance and Trade-Other Laws-

Greeks-Treaties--Pecuniary Distress-Parliament 1826-Curren-

cy-Finance-Slavery-Miscellaneous-Pecuniary Difficulties-Suf-

ferings of Manufacturers-Dissolution of Parliament---Elections,

FRANCE. Death of Louis XVIII.-Accession of Charles X.---Ministers
-Chambers of 1825-Indemnity to Emigrants-Finances-Sacrilege


Laws-South America-Hayti-Coronation-La Fayette-Prosecu-

tion of Journals-Death of Foy-Chambers of 1826-Law of Succes-

sion-Finance-Religious Disputes-Views of the Government,

SPAIN in 1825. Zea Bermudez-Political condition-Disturbances-Bes-

sieres rebels-Party of Don Carlos-Death of el Empecinado and

Iglesias Colombians-Infantado appointed minister-Algerine war-

Spain in 1826--Disturbances-J. G. Salmon succeeds Infantado-

Proceedings on the Portuguese frontier. PORTUGAL. Brazil in-

dependent-John dies-Constitution and Regency-Incursion from

Spain-Chaves-Aid from England,

Political condition of ITALY. Rome-Naples. AUSTRIA. Hungary.


RIA. SWEDEN. RUSSIA. Death of Alexander-Constantine

proclaimed-Abdicates in favor of Nicholas-Relations with Turkey

-Persian War,

GREECE. Dissensions-Government-Insurrection in the Morea-Pa-

tras-Preparations of the Egyptians and Turks-Messolunghi invested

-Siege of Navarino Engagements Splactina taken and Navarino

Ibrahim advances to Tripolizza-Ulysses-Events at Messolunghi—

French faction at Napoli-Egyptian fleet burnt at Mondon-The

Greek fleet-Hydra threatened-Attempt at Suda-Massacre at Hy-

dra-Attempt at Alexandria.

ASIA. Burman Empire-Origin of war with Britain-Shapurce-Dood-

patlee-Ramoo-Expedition to Rangoon-Operations there-Marta-

ban taken-Bundoola beaten-State of things in 1825-Donabew,

Prome, and Arracan taken-Assau Cochar-Mortality in the English

Army-Armstice of Meeaday-Hostilities renewed-Melloon-Pagan

-Mew taken-Treaty of Peace-Bhurtpore-Netherlands—India,

AFRICA. Arabs in Africa-Slave Trade-Ashantee Wars-Morocco-

Barbary Powers-Egypt-Rise of Mohammed Ali-Conquers Arabia

-Sennaar, &c. Policy and Government of Mohammed Ali,

Local History and Domestic Occurrences,

Executive Officers of the United States,

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Page 6, line 25, for


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


66 24, for

toleration,' read thraldom.'
were,' read' was.'

[ocr errors]

87,"27, before compelled,' insert himself.'
109,"15, before used,' insert' not.'

[ocr errors]

153,"11, before the word world,' insert new.'
168, 66 5, for St.' read 'S.'


187, running title, for Bolivia,' read' Peru.'

66 188, do

do for Bolivia,' read 'Colombia,' to end of chapter. decisions,' read divisions."

one,' read' we.'

10, dele' that.'

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

7, for

14, for

66 210,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

XI,' read' XIV.'

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Morris,' readMorrow.'


8, from bottom, for effecting,' read affecting.' 254, last line, before to,' insert each."


[merged small][ocr errors]
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