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acter, will be in a great measure robbed of their effect. It is from want of attention to this fact, no doubt, that some ministers of the gospel who seem not to be deficient in knowledge or in fluency of speech, accomplish comparatively little by their pulpit labors.

Then, again, if a minister is to be successful in his public ministrations, he must follow them up with efforts of a more private and personal character. He must mingle with his people so as to gain their confidence and affection, become acquainted with their circumstances and wants, and administer to their several necessities. To do this successfully requires the particular talent to which we now have reference. In its absence, all attempts in this direction, must prove a failure, if they do not result in something worse. Where, however, it exists and is employed in the way recommended, it is attended with the most happy results. "He that has the happy talent of parlor-preaching," says Dr. Watts, "has sometimes done more for Christ and souls in the space of a few minutes, than by the labor of many hours and days in the usual course of preaching in the pulpit." And the truth of this remark is constantly verified in the experience of the Christian ministry.

We will yet note as another important qualification for the work of the ministry, the possession of bodily health. Of course this cannot be insisted upon to its utmost extremity. Every candidate for the ministry, however, should possess at least a moderate share of this blessing. The halt and the maimed were not allowed to enter the priesthood under the Old Testament dispensation; nor would any animal having about it a bodily defect, be received in sacrifice. The principle embodied in this rule, we conceive to hold good with respect to the Christian ministry, at least so far as bodily health is concerned.

The duties of the ministry are such as to demand the most vigorous bodily health for their successful performance. The course of intellectual training through which the ministry should pass in the way in the way of preparation for their work, is itself

such as to make the very heaviest draught upon the physical powers. The same remark holds with respect to a proper subsequent prosecution of their studies from week to week. The exhaustion occasioned by the effort of public speaking, moreover, as those who have had experience in the matter are fully aware, is also such as to require good bodily health, to enable them to bear up under it. And the frequent exposure and fatigue to which the out door labors of the ministry subject them, are too much to be endured by feeble constitutions. It is a great mistake, therefore, to imagine, as is the case in some instances, that the ministry is a proper sphere of labor for invalids, or persons of infirm bodily health. Such persons are fitted for almost any other sphere rather than this; and will be found, if in their proper place, anywhere else than here. The labors of the ministry call for men of vigorous bodily health, as well as for men of the various other qualifications which have been specified.

The several particulars which have been thus briefly considered, constitute, according to the writer's view of the subject, the qualifications indispensable to the successful discharge of the duties of the ministry. It is true, that all of them are but seldom, if ever, found in full perfection in any one single individual. Still they must all be present to a greater or less extent in every one who shall be properly qualified for the arduous and responsible duties of the ministerial office. And the greater the degree of perfection in which they shall be found to exist in any single case, the more fully will that individual be fitted for the important duties of his station.

By way of bringing our article to a close, we shall briefly advert to several of the practical lessons furnished by the subject discussed.

In the first place, it is not without profitable instruction to the membership of the Church generally. A consideration of the qualifications necessary for the work of the ministry, must serve to give them some idea of its true character, and impress them with a sense of its greatness and importance. This again, is

calculated to lead them to appreciate the ministry as they ought, and to induce them cheerfully to do all in their power to place them in a position to discharge successfully the various important and responsible duties devolving upon them. It may also serve to create a willingness on their part, in view of the infirmities which attach to the best of our fallen race, to make every allowance for whatever short comings they may discover, and constantly to seek for them the bestowment of a large measure of divine influences, whilst they themselves strive diligently to profit by the instruction which is communicated to them from time to time.

In the second place, those who are aspiring to the office of the ministry can learn, in the light of the subject discussed, what is required of them, if they shall be properly fitted for the work to which they are looking forward. If in any particular they find themselves deficient, they should set themselves diligently to the work of acquiring it, if its acquisition be at all within their power. And should they be found, to a great extent, destitute of the several qualifications, specified, and the acquisition of them from natural causes or from circumstances over which they have no control, be placed beyond their reach, it should be a plain indication to them, that they are aspiring to a work for which God never designed them. At the same time, however, in forming their conclusions with respect to these matters, they should implore the direction of heaven, and seek the aid and counsel of those whose position and experience fit them for forming a correct judgment in the


In the third place, parents, ministers of the gospel and others, can learn, in the light of the subject discussed, the particular cast of young men whom they should seek out, encourage, assist, and urge forward to the work of the ministry. Not every one who manifests a willingness to enter upon this sphere of labor is qualified for it. The same may be said of some who are urged forward to it by their friends. In the midst of their anxiety to multiply candidates for the ministry, greatly increased as it necessarily must be, by the loud calls that come from

every quarter for laborers in the vineyard of our Lord, they should be careful not to encourage any to aspire to this position, who do not possess, in a reasonable measure, the qualifications requisite for the ministry, or are not at least capacitated for acquiring them. To introduce men into the ministry who are destitute of these qualifications, is to place them in a sphere in which they cannot but be unhappy, and in which their influence is decidedly against the interests of the very cause they professedly would promote. As greatly as men are needed for the ministry, it is only such as are properly fitted for its duties, that can be advantageously entrusted with its important functions.

In the last place, the subject discussed, is calculated to remind those who are already clothed with the responsibilities of the ministry, of the solemn nature of their calling and of the imperious necessity of faithfully improving whatsoever talents God may have entrusted to them, as qualifications for their particular work. The best of them cannot but be impressed with a deep sense of their vast deficiencies; and should, therefore, humble themselves before God on account of them. At the same time, they should seek diligently to employ every talent of which they may be possessed, to the purpose for which it has been given, and endeavor faithfully to improve every opportunity which may be afforded them for the successful discharge of their responsible duties. In the midst of allthey should constantly look to God for his presence and grace, and especially for his blessing to accompany all the efforts they may put forth for his glory. And thus, whilst they undertake to preach the gospel to the perishing, they shall give to the world some reasonable evidence at least, that they do not preach without being sent.

As ministers of the gospel, they are entrusted with an important work, demanding for its successful performance qualifications of no ordinary character. They should see to it, then, that their duties are faithfully met in the several spheres in which they are called to labor, by the diligent use of the means of which they are respectively possessed; and in that event,

there is reason to believe that their labors shall be successful, and that when their work on earth is done, they shall each be permitted to hear the welcome plaudit: "Well done good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." Chambersburg, Pa.

S. R. F.






Administration and death of Count Capo d'Istrias-Arrival of King Otho in Greece -Conspiracy of Kalo-Kotronis-Dissentions in the Regency-Government of Armansperg-Anecdotes-Internal organizations—Improved state of the Country—Diplomatic intrigues—Ministry of Councilor Rudhardt-Second Conspiracy, frustrated-The Turko-Egyptian War-Agitation in Greece-Ministry of Zographos-Dilemma of King Otho-Ministry of Christidis-Crusade of the Public Press against the Government—English Calumnies—Russian influence— Third conspiracy and insurrection of September, 1843-Night scene at the Palace-Revolutionary movements in the Provinces-National Assembly of the BallRoom-Inaugural speech of King Otho-Violent disputes in the Assembly-Constitution of 1844-Ministry of Kolettis-Rebellion of Grivas-Blockade of the Peiraeus by Lord Palmerston-Weakness of the Greek Government and lingering apathy of the nation-Insurrection of Epirus and Thessaly supported by Greece, in the present Russo-Turkish War.

THE rising of the humbled and oppressed Hellenic nation against their Othoman tyrants, and the heroic fortitude with which they, single-handed, for eight years repelled their overwhelming forces, forms one of the most interesting pages in the history of our century, and excites the more our admiration and sympathy, when we consider the weak and defenceless state of Greece in 1821, the heterogeneous admixture of her Romaic,

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