But thy known voice has lur'd her back again. Hor. By heav'n, my heart bleeds for thee; e'n this moment, I feel thy pangs of disappointed love. "Is it not pity that this youth should fall, "That all his wond'rous goodness should be lost, "And the world never know it? Oh, my Altamont!” Give me thy sorrows, let me bear 'em for thee, And shelter thee from ruin. Lav. Oh, my brother, Think not but we will share in all thy woes; And mourn the youth that was, like thee, undone. [Exeunt. ACT V. SCENE I. A Room hung with Black; on one side Lothario's Body on a Bier; on the other a Table, with a Scull and other Bones, a Book and a Lamp on it. Calista is discovered on a Couch, in Black; her Hair hanging loose and disordered. After soft Music, she rises and comes forward. "SON G. HEAR, you midnight phantoms, hear, "And fill the wretch who wakes with fear; "From the coverts where you stray, "Chide Calista for delay, Cal. 'Tis well! these solemn sounds, this pomp horror, Are fit to feed the frenzy in my soul. Here's room for meditation ev❜n to madness; of 20 Till the mind burst with thinking. This dull flame [Throwing away the book. I have more real anguish in my heart, Is this that haughty, gallant, gay, Lothario, Enter SCIOLTO. 40 Sci. This dead of night, this silent hour of dark ness, Nature for rest ordain'd, and soft repose; "Vainly in words and long debates they're wise, "While the fierce factions scorn their peaceful orders, "And drown the voice of law in noise and anarchy." Amidst the general wreck, see where she stands, [Pointing to Calista. Like Helen, in the night when Troy was sack'd, Spectatress of the mischief which she made. Cal. It is Sciolto! Be thyself, my soul; Be strong to bear his fatal indignation, That he may see thou art not lost so far, But somewhat still of his great spirit lives In the forlorn Calista. Sci. Thou wert: once My daughter. Cal. Happy were it I had dy'd, And never lost that name. Sci. That's something yet; Thou wert the very darling of my age: 60 I thought the day too short to gaze upon thee, H A poor imperfect copy of my father, "Where goodness, and the strength of manly virtue, "Was thinly planted, and the idle void "Fill'd up with light belief, and easy fondness;" It was, because I lov'd, and was a woman. Sci. Hadst thou been honest, thou hadst been a cherubim ; But of that joy, as of a gem long lost, Beyond redemption gone, think we no more. 80 Cal. I have, as on the end of shame and sorrow. Sci. Ha! answer me! Say, hast thou coolly thought? 'Tis not the stoick's lessons got by rote, The pomp of words, and pedant dissertations, That can sustain thee in that hour of terror; Books have taught cowards to talk nobly of it, But when the trial comes, they stand aghast ; Hast thou consider'd what may happen after it ? How thy account may stand, and what to answer? Cal. I've turn'd my eyes inward upon myself, Where foul offence and shame have laid all waste; Therefore my soul abhors the wretched dwelling, And longs to find some better place of rest. Sci. 'Tis justly thought, and worthy of that spirit That dwelt in ancient Latian breasts, when Rome Was mistress of the world. I wou'd go on, And tell thee all my purpose; but it sticks Here at my heart, and cannot find a way. Cal. Then spare the telling, if it be a pain, And write the meaning with your poignard here. 100 |