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this great Work, must he not firft necessarily confider the refpective Gradations of the four grand Qualities, hom they stand in their Government, whether equal or the contrary, and which of them have the Dominion and Afcendency? Thefe, I say, are the Texts, whereby he must defcribe the Natures, Virtues and Vices of them all, and within the Limits and Operations of thefe four Qualities, he is bound and incircled, and he • that has obtained this Spring-head of Bleffing, to know God, bimself, and the Nature and Operation of things, cannot fail at fight to defcribe any Animal, Vegetable, or the like, and to show their inward Virtues, Vices and Complexions, according to his Gift, Circle or Orb he

moves in.

But, notwithstanding the Objection made concerning the Repetitions that are difper fed here and there in thefe my Letters, the reafon and neceffity whereof I have fully fet forth in the Premiffes, which are fufficient to fatisfy the Scruples of the understanding Reader, and which is all I care for, yet I am to take notice, that there are a great many things contained therein, that are perfectly Novel, for tho there is nothing new under the Sun, and that most of the Subjects have at one time or another been handled after a fort, yet I dare avow it has been quite after a different Method and Form, and no fuch Super-structure erected from fundamental Principles are herein fet down all along: It cannot be expeEted, and it will be too tedious to enter now upon Particulars, they will beft appear in the Perufal of the Work it felf, and therefore as I cannot fee any thing farther to be Objected against me, than that I have been Prolx, and have not confined my felf within the juft Limits of an Epistolary Method, all that I fay, is, that upon my Refolution to publish them, as aforesaid, I found it neceffary, in the Revifing them, to alter fome to enlarge and exemplify others, and to add divers things in divers parts of them, by way of Illustration, which


made them fpin out to fuch a length, as
and was wholly defigned for the Real
Satisfaction; but if I have been fo U
Jhort of my intended Aim, I am forry
his and my own account, and heartily &
who am,

His highly Oblig'd


you fee them, Bom fit and #fato fall th apor Pardon,

Very humble Servant,

Thomas Tryon.




Etter 1. Of the noble Senfe of Hearing, with the
various Ufes and great Benefits thereof."
Leiter 2. Of the Senfe of Smelling, with its proper
Seat, Nature and Vfes."

Letter 3. Of the Senfe of Tafting, and wherein alfa
the great Myfteries thereof are Jet forth.

Letter 4. Of the Senfe of Seeing, and of its various

Ufes and Benefits.

Letters. Of the Senfe of Feeling, with its univerfal
Benefits and Influences over the reft.


Letter 5. Of Fires, and the best way to make Grates,
whereby less quantity of Fuel is required, and yet
that rendred more useful and expeditious in the Pre-
paration of Foods, and upon other occafions, than our

Common Fires.

Letter 7. Of the best Methods for Tempering of Clay,
Making of Mortar, Tyles, Flooring and Bricks, to-
gether with an Account of different forts of Earths,
and what Herbage, Fruits, Seeds, Grains and Trees
each is applicable to.

Letter 8. Of Religion, with the Nature and Practice 57.

thereof, and that the Knowledge of God and a Man's

Self, is the first step to all true and undefiled Religion.

Letter 9. Of Dropfies and the Nature of them, with 57

Some Account of what Diet and Exercifes fuch

hould uje, as alfo how to Retrench Expences by a

Frugal Method of Living.

61 Letter 10. Of various Opinions in Religion, and the

Original Caufe of thofe great Differences, Oppreffi-

ons and Violences proceeding therefrom, with Reme-

dies propofed for prevention thereof.

64 Letter 11. Of the Humanity of Chrift, fhewing the

Grounds from whence the great Differences concern-

ing it do arife, how it is to be underfood, and the

great Benefits that accrew unto Mankind from it.

by Letter 12. Of an Afflicted Mind, and shewing how it

may be prevented, with fome other Remarks.

Letter 13. Of Faith, Hope and Charity, with the

Excellency and Benefit of each, and how Mankind,

by practising the laft, imitates his Creator, and ren-

der's himself capable of being United to all that is


Letter 14. Of that part of Scripture, wherein God

commanded, or rather permitted Beafts to be Killed

and Eaten, with the great Error of Mankind in mif-

interpreting the fame, and how they are rightly to

be understood.

Letter 15. Of a Soldier's Life, fhewing from what
Principle that Bloody Employment takes its Birth,
bow contradictory it is to the Divine Law, and de-
ftructive to the Unity and Well-being of Mankind,
and that all other Creatures have an equal share in
thofe Calamities.

Letter 16. Of the Fountain of Darkness, with the A-
Etions, Employments and Inclinations arifing there-
from,and how they Govern in every particular Crea-
ture, when evil Principles obtain the Afcendant.
Letter 17. Of the Fountain of Love and Light, and
what Actions, Inclinations, Difpofitions, Words
and Works proceed therefrom, and how they Govern
in each particular Creature.

Letter 18. Of Cleanness, with the Benefits thereof,

and the Mifchief of the contrary, as alfo what Foods

in their Nature are clean and unclean.

Letter 20. Of the Right and Left Hands, with the
great Error of Peoples teaching their Children to di̟-
ftinguish them by fuch Terms.

Letter 21. Of the Corpulency of the Body, with the
Caufe thereof, and how to prevent and abate it.
Letter 22. Of the Nature and Causes of Fevers, and
how in fome meafure to prevent them.

Letter 23. Of Education, wherein is fet forth the right,
true and natural way of Bringing up Children.

Letter 24. Of the Nature of Smells, and what Scents

in their Original are Clean, Good and Beneficial, or

the contrary.

Letter 25. Of Predeftination, and how it ought to be


Letter 26. Of Death, and why all Creatures, efpeci-
ally Mankind, are unwilling to Die.

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