OR, 'TIS SIXTY YEARS SINCE BY SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART., AUTHOR OF "KENILWORTH," "IVANHOE," "THE MONASTERY," ETC. Under which king, Bezonian? speak or die! HENRY IV., PART II. NEW YORK: NEW YORK PUBLISHING COMPANY, 26 CITY HALL PLACE. TO THE KING'S MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY. SIRE,-The Author of this collection of Works of Fiction would not have presumed to solicit for them Your Majesty's August Patronage, were it not that the perusal has been supposed, in some instances, to have succeeded in amusing hours of relaxation, or relieving those of languor, pain, or anxiety; and therefore must have so far aided the warmest wish of your Majesty's heart, by contributing, in however small a degree, to the happiness of your people. They are therefore humbly dedicated to your Majesty, agreeable to your gracious permission by Your Majesty's Dutiful Subject, ABBOTSFORD, 1st January, 1829. WALTER SCOTT. |