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manufactured is not served up at the tables of the rich, but is principally consumed by those who only drink wine occasionally in the presence of friends; not that the better classes of purchasers escape being imposed on, but maybe they are cozened in a different manner, by giving West India Madeira an artificial flavour, and passing it off for that which is East India, and in consequence much dearer. The basis of the adulteration of Madeira itself is Vidonia, mingled with a little Port, Mountain, and Cape, sugar candy and bitter almonds, and the colour made lighter, or deepened to the proper shade, as the case may require; even Vidonia itself is adulterated with cider, rum, and carbonate of soda; to correct acidity sometimes a little Port or Mountain is added. Bucellas, Cape itself, in short every species of wine that it is worth while to imitate, are adulterated or manufactured in this country with cheaper substances. Common Sicilian wine has been metamorphosed so as to pass for Tokay and Lachrima Christi; even Cape wine itself has

been imitated by liquids if possible inferior to the genuine article."

Honour then be given to Port! Let those who are given to change, who prefer novelties merely because they are new-let such asses grow sour on whatever acid beverages they will. Never be it ours to forsake the generous wine which the wisdom of our ancestors has approved, and on which our orators have grown more eloquent, our judges more sage, our great men more glorious and great. The want of our age is not Teetotalism, but an act of Parliament to hang, or at any rate transport for life, every wine merchant who in any way doctors his wine with any evil compound injurious to human health. For such men we would have no mercy. Of all men who defraud the public, and pocket the wages of infamy, we deem them the worst. The burning passions which inspired the poisoners of the Middle Ages, stamped something of greatness even on their crimes. These mean wretches, on the contrary, have nothing whatever to plead in defence, but

the extra shilling profit, to receive which they would willingly sell their souls. It is a crying shame that Government should overlook this. In Paris the laws for the adulteration of wine are rigidly enforced. A due regard to public health requires that something of the same kind be attempted at home.

And now, my Teetotal brother, farewell. I would fain wish thee a wiser and better man, one of more temperance and self-command. Shut up as thou art in thine abstinence and asceticism, in thine own opinion the salt by which the social world is salted, we have little hope of reclaiming thee, of releasing thee from thy bondage and ritual observances, of rendering thee more human. We wish thee well. May you always have a friend, and a bottle-we mean a glass,-of cold water to give him!

"O'er thy head may sweet marjoram wave,

And fat be the gander that feeds on thy grave!"



"I like the women, too, (forgive my folly)—
From the rich peasant-cheeks of ruddy bronze,
And large black eyes, that flash on you a volley
Of rays that say a thousand things at once-
To high dame's brow, more melancholy."


"CARELESS.' Where are the women? I am weary of drinking, and begin to think them the better company.'"

Congreve's Double Dealer.

"SACKBUT.-'You don't look so merry as you used to do.

Are'nt you well, colonel ?""

"FREEMAN.' He has got a woman in his head.""

A Bold Stroke for a Wife.

"Tis woman that seduces all mankind.

By her we first were taught the wheedling arts-
Her very eyes can cheat."

Beggar's Opera.

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