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Gen. Brooks has been re-elected governor of Massachusetts by a majority of about

10,000 votes.

The trustees of the Massachusetts Hospital, have appointed Dr. Rufus Wyman of Chelmsford, to be physician and superintendent of the Insane Hospital.

Revolutionary Soldiers.-A Boston paper of the 4th ult. says, that, during the past week, about 220 old revolutionary warriors appeared before Judge Davis, to present their claims to pensions, under the late act of Congress. They seemed to be chiefly eommon soldiers or inferior officers. There died in Edgarton, in 1817—Two under 1 year; one under 10; one under 20; one under 40; two under 50; one under 60; two above 70; one 83; one 79.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Report of Diseases treated at the Public Dispensary, New-York, during the month of February, 1818. (Qmitted last month.)


FEBRIS Intermittens, (Intermittent Fever,) 1; Febris Remittens, (Remittent Fever,) 2; Febris Continua, (Continued Fever, 4) Febris Infantum Remittens, (Infantile Remittent Fever,) 2; Ophthalmia, (Inflammation of the Eyes,) 4; Cynanche Tonsillaris, (Inflammation of the Fauces,) 3; Cynanche Trachealis, (Hives or Croup,) 1; Catarrhus, (Catarrh,)5; Bronchitis, (Inflammation of the Bronchie,) 6; Pneumonia, (Inflammation of the Chest,) 26; Pneumonia Typhodes, (Typhoid Pneumony,) 3; Pertussis, (HoopingCough,) 5; Rheumatismus, (Rheumatism,) 3; Cholera Morbus, 1; Hydrocephalus, (Dropsy of the Head,) 1; Convulsio, (Convulsions,) 1; Rubeola, (Measles,) 2; Variola, (Small-Pox,) 9; Vaccinia, (Kine-Pock,) 101.


Asthenia, (Debility,) 6; Vertigo, 2; Cepha Jalgia, (Head-Ach,) 3; Dyspepsia, (Indiges tion,)5; Gastrodynia, (Pain in the Stomach,) 2; Obstipatio, 4; Colica, 1; Paralysis, (Palsy,) 1; Catarrhus Chronicus, 2; Bronchitis

Chronica, 7; Asthma et Dyspnoea, 1; Phthisis Pulmonalis, (Pulmonary Consumption,) 1; Vomica, 1; Rheumatismus, 6; Pleurodynia, 1; Lumbago, 2; Menorrhagia, 1; Hæmorrhois, 1; Leucorrhoea, 1; Diarrhoea, 2; Amenorrhoea, 3; Dysuria, (Difficulty in discharging Urine,) 2; Plethora, 1; Anasarca, (Dropsy,) 1; Ascites, (Dropsy of the Abdomen,) 1; Scrophula, (King's Evil,) 1; Tabes Mesenterica, 1; Vermes, (Worms,) 3; Fistula, 1; Syphilis, 6; Urethritis Virulenta, 4; Paraphymosis, 1; Cataracta, (Cataract), 1; Tumor, I; Peraio, (Chilblains,) 3; Contusio, 8; Stremma, (Sprain,) 2; Fractura, 2; Vulnus, (Wound,) 2; Ulcus, (Ulcer,) 9; Abscessus, 2; Erysipelas, 1; Scabies et Prurigo, 11; Porrigo, 2; Psoriasis, 1; Herpes, 1; Aphthæ, 2.

The weather of this month has been, generally speaking, intensely cold, with the wind mostly between the N. W. and S. W. There have been some falls of snow and hail, with a small quantity of rain. The coldest days were the 9th, 10th and 11th, the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer ranging between 2 and 100, and the wind blowing very strong from the N. W. In

Albany and other more northern parts of the United States, an extraordinary severity of cold has prevailed; the mercury in the thermometer having fallen between 27 and 34° below zero, while in this city it was at no time so low as zero. The Barometrical range has extended from 30.19 to 30.68. The highest temperature at eight o'clock in the mornings has been 36°, lowest 29; highest temperature at sunset 44°, lowest 8°.

The general state of health in the city during this interval has been favourable. The same class of diseases has prevailed as in the former month; but partaking rather more of the juflammatory character, and affecting chiefly the Bronchia and pulmonary organs. Some cases of pure Pneumonia have occurred in children; but Croup, and, indeed, Cynanche under any form, has been less than usual. A few cases of continued and remittent fevers have been under treatment. Rubeola and Pertussis have occasionally fallen under notice, the former generally of a mild character. The cases of smail-pox have continued to be mostly of an unfavourable description.

In a case of vaccinia, a numerous crop of vesicles of the size of a pea in circumference, accompanied the formation of the pustule, which they surrounded, extending to the distance of between one and two inches.

A case of Peripneumonia in which the lancet was not rsorted to, terminated in hydrothorax.

A case of Asthma was accompanied by anasarca, which was relieved by blood-letting, followed by an emetic, and the use of a few purgatives.

The deaths stated in the New-York Bills of Mortality for the four weeks of this month are as follow:

Abscess, 1; Apoplexy, 4; Asthma, 2; Burned, 1; Casualty, 1; Childbed, 2; Colic, 2; Consumption, 44; Convulsions, 25; Cramp in the Stomach, 3; Dropsy, 15; Dropsy in the Chest, 5; Dropsy in the Head, 9; Drowned, 2; Dysentery, 1; Dyspepsia, 1; Epilepsy, 2; Inflammatory Fever, 1; Typhous Fever, 9; Gravel, I; Hives, 3; Hooping Cough, 1; Inflammation of the Bowels, 5; Inflammation of the Liver, 1; Insanity, 2; Intemperance, 1; Jaundice, 2; Killed, 1; Measles, 2; Marasmus, 1; Old Age, 11; Palsy, 4; Pneumonia Typhodes, 4; Rheumatism, 2; Scrofula or King's Evil, 2; Small-Pox, 3; Sprue, 3; Spasms, 1; Still-born, 14; Sudden Death, 5; Suicide, 1; Tabes Mesenterica, 1; Teething 2; Unknown, 1; Worms, 1.--Total 221.

Of which number there died 55 of and under the age of 1 year; 13 between 1 and 2 years; 10 between 2 and 5; 5 between 5 and 10; 9 between 10 and 20; 23 between 20 and 30; 32 between 30 and 40; 19 between 40 and 50; 25 between 50 and 60; 15 between 60 and 70; 9 between 70 and 60; 5 between 80 and 90.

New-York, Feb. 28, 1818.

Report of Diseases treated at the Public Dis pensary, New-York, during the month of March, 1818.


Febris Intermittens, (Intermittent Fever,) 2; Febris Remittens, (Remittent Fever,) 2; Febris Continua, (Continued Fever,) 7 ; Febris Infantum Remittens, (Infantile Reittent Fever,) 3; Phlegmone, 2; Ophthalmia, (Inflammation of the Eyes,) 6; Cynanche Tonsillaris, (Inflammation of the Tonsils and Fauces,) 8; Cynanche Trachealis, (Hives or Croup,) 1; Cynanche Parotidea, (Mumps,) 1; Catarrhus, (Catarrh,) 10; Bronchitis, (Inflammation of the Bronchie,) 4; Pneumonia, (Inflammation of the Chest,) 24; Pertussis, (Hooping Cough,) 2; Rheumatismus, 3; Icterus, (Jaudice,) 1; Hæmoptysis, (Spilting of Blood,) 1; Erysipelas, (St. Anthony's Fire,) 2; Rhubeola, (Measles,) 4; Varriola, (Small-Pox,) 1; Vaccina, (Kine-Pock,) [85; Dentitio, 2.


Asthenia, (Debility,) 3; Vertigo, 6; Ce phalagia, (Head-Ach,) 3; Dyspepsia, 7; Gastrodynia, (Pain in the Stomach,)3; Ob. stipatio, 8; Colica, (Colic,) 1; Paralysis, (Palsy,) 1; Ophthalmia Chronica, 1; Catarrhus, (Catarrh,) 2; Bronchitis Chronica, 5; Phthisis Pulmonalis, (Pulmonary Consumption,) 3; Rheumatismus, 12; Pleurodynia, 3; Lumbago, 6; Nephralgia, 2; Lithiasis, (Gravel,) 1; Cancer Uteri, 1; Hydarthrus, (White Swelling,) 1; Tumor, 2; Hernia Ingruinalis, 1; Hæmoptysis, (Spitting of Blood,) 1; Menorrhagia, 1; Hæmorrhois, 3; Dysenteria, 1; Amenorrhæa, 6; Dysmenorrhea, 1; Ischuria, (Suppression of Urine,) 1; Dysuria, (Difficulty in discharging Urine,) 2; Plethora, 2; Anasarca, (Dropsy,) 2; Ascites, (Dropsy of the Abdomen,) 1; Vermes, (Worms,) 8; Syphilis, 10; Urethritis Virulenta, 4; Contusio, (Bruise,) 5; Stremma, (Sprain,) 2; Luxation, (Dislocation,) 1; Fractura, 3; Vuinus, (Wound,) 3; Ustio, (Burn,) 3; Abscessus, (Abscess,) 2; Ulcus, (Ulcer,) 16; Psoriasis, 1; Herpes, 1; Scabies et Prurigo, 26; Porrigo, (Scald Head,) 3; Eruptiones Variæ, 5.

The month of March commenced with rain, and was more or less stormy and unsettled during the first four days; after which the weather became clear and remarkably pleasant, with the wind chiefly between the N. W. and S. for thirteen days in succession. On the 18th the weather became less agreeable, and cold easterly winds, which were accompanied with some overcast and stormy days, prevailed throughout the remainder of the month. The Barometrical range has been from 30. 21 to 30. 76. The highest temperature of the mornings has been 50° of Fahrenheit, lowest 19°; highest temperature of the afternoons, 60°, lowest 220; highest təmperature at sun-set 58°, lowest 23°.

There is little to remark upon the diseases of the period embraced by this report. Our catalogue presents nearly the same series of

morbid affections as reported for the preceding month. The mortality, however, has somewhat increased, and the cold easterly winds which prevailed in the latter part of this period have multiplied the number of of Catarrhal complaints, some of which have been attended with a considerable degree of pyrexia, and have required active depletion and a strict adherence to the Antiphlogistic method. Opthalmia and inflammatory sore throats have been rather prevalent, and fevers of the continued kind, partaking of the typhoid character, have also increased in frequency.

Variola and Rubeola have diminished. Cases of asthenia, cephalalgia, dyspepsia, gastrodynia, enterodynia and obstipatio, which always constitute a considerable proportion of the chronic diseases among the lower classes of society, have been more common. The great number of eruptive disorders, particularly of the apyretic sort, which occur in Dispensary practice, may, perhaps, excite some surprise; but when we take into consideration the poverty, bad diet, neglect of cleanliness, and consequent distress of the lower orders of people, we have a ready solution of the cause of the frequency of such diseases.

The general Bill of Mortality for March, gives the following account of deaths from different diseases:

Abscess, 1; Apoplexy, 6; Burned, 1; Casualty, 3; Catarrh, 2; Colic, I; Consumption, 50; Convulsions, 19; Diarrhoea, 2; Dropsy, 6; Dropsy in the Chest, 5; Dropsy in the Head, 9; Drowned, 2; Dyspepsia, 1; Remittent Fever; 2; Typhous Fever, 11; Gravel, 1; Hæmoptysis, 1; Hæmorrhage, 1; Hives or Croup, 11; Hooping Cough, 4; Inflammation of the Brain, 1; Inflammation of the Chest, 10; Inffammation of the Bowels, 1; Inflammation of the Liver, 1; Insanity, 1; Intemperance, 3; Jaundice, 1; Marasmus, 1; Menorrhagia, 1; Mortification, 1; Nervous Disease, I; Old Age, 7; Palsy, 4; Pneumonia typhodes, 6; Quinsy, 2; Rheumatism, 1; Scrophula or King's Evil, 2; Small-Pox, 3; Still Born, 15; Stranguary, 1; Sudden Death, 2; Suicide, 4; Tabes Mesenterica, Teething, 2; Unknown, 7; Worms, 1.Total 244.

Of this number, 62 died of and under the age of one year; 18 between 1 and 2 years; 16 between 2 and 5; 7 between 5 and 10; 10 between 10 and 20; 31 between 20 and 30; 30 between 30 and 40; 35 between 40 and 50; 12 between 50 and 60; 9 between 60 and 70; 9 between 70 and 80; 3 between 80 and 90; and 1 of 100.

JACOB DYCKMAN, M. D. New-York, March 31st. 1818.




THIS lady was much admired as a poetess by her countrymen, yet, except her pastorals, the subjects chosen by her are little interesting; and rather evince strength of mind than harmony of verse, or delicacy of feeling. Indeed they are what might have been expected from a character endued with the self-possession displayed in the following adventure, in which she conducted herself with an intrepidity and coolness which would have done honour to a hero.

Madame Deshoulieres was invited by the count and countess de Larneville to pass some time at their chateau, several leagues from Paris. On her arrival she was freely offered the choice of all the bed-chambers in the mansion, except one, which, from the strange noises that had been for some time nocturnally heard within it, was generally believed to be haunted, and as such had been deserted. Madame Deshoulieres was no sooner informed of this circumstance by her friends, than, to their great surprise and terror, she immediately declared her resolution of occupying this dreaded room in preference to any other. The count looked aghast as she disclosed this determination, and in a tremulous voice entreated her to give up so rash an intention, since, however brave

curiosity might at present make her, it was more than probable that in her present situation she would pay for its gratification with her life. The countess observing that all that her husband said failed of intimidating the high spirited Madame Deshoulieres, now added her persuasions to divert her friend from an enterprise from which the bravest man might shrink appalled. "What have we not to fear then," she added, "for a woman on the eve of becoming a mother? Let me conjure you, if not for your own sake, for that of your unborn infant, give up your daring plan." All these arguments repeated over and over again, were insufficient to shake the determined purpose of the adventurer. Her courage rose superior to these representations of the dangers to which she was going to expose herself, because she was convinced that they owed their colouring to superstition acting upon weak minds-she entertained no faith in the "fleshly arm" of a departed spirit, and from an immaterial one her life was safe. Her noble host and hostess pleaded, pitied, blamed, but at length yielded to her wish of taking possession of the haunted chamber. Madame Deshoulieres found it grand and spacious--the windows dark from the thickness of the wallsthe chimney antique and of cavernous depth. As soon as Madame was undressed, she


stepped into bed, ordered a large candle to be placed in a bracket which stood on a stand near it, and enjoining her femme de chambre to shut the door securely, dismissed her. Having provided herself with a book, according to custom, she calmly read her usual time, then sunk to repose-from this she was soon roused by a noise at her door -it opened, and the sound of footsteps succeeded. Madame Deshoulieres immediately decided that this must be the supposed ghost, and therefore addressed it with an assurance that, if it hoped to frighten her from her purpose of detecting the impostor which had created such foolish alarm throughout the castle, it would find itself disappointed in the attempt, for she was resolutely bent on penetrating and exposing it at all hazards. This threat she reiterated to no. purpose, for no answer was returned. At length the intruder came in contact with a large screen, which it overturned so near the bed, that getting entangled in the curtains, which played loosely on their rings, they returned a sound so sharp, that any one under the influence of fear would have taken for the shrill scream of an unquiet spirit, but Madame was perfectly undismayed, as she afterwards declared. On the contrary, she continued to interrogate the nocturnal visiter whom she suspected to be one of the domestics, but it still maintained an unbroken silence, though nothing could be less quiet in its movements, for it now ran against the stand on which stood the heavy candle and candlestick, which fell with a thundering noise. In fine, tired of all these exertions, it came and rested itself against the foot of the bed. Madame Deshoulieres was now more decidedly called upon to evince all that firmness of mind and intrepidity of spirit of which she had boasted-and well did she justify the confidence she had placed in her own courage, for still retaining her selfpossession she exclaimed, "Ah, now I shall ascertain what thou art," at the same time she extended both her hands towards the place against which she felt that the intruder was resting. They came in contact with two soft velvety ears, which she firmly grasped, determined to retain them till day should lend its light to discover to whom or to what they belonged. Madame found her patience put to some trial, but not her strength, for nothing could be more unresisting and quiet than the owner of the imprisoned ears. Day at length released her from the awkward, painful position in which she had remained for so many hours, and discovered her prisoner to be Gros-Blanc, a large dog belonging to the chateau, and as worthy, if faith and honesty deserve the title, as any of its inhabitants. Far from resenting the bondage in which Madame Deshoulieres had so long kept him, he licked the hands which he believed had been kindly keeping his ears warm all night; while Madame Deshoulieres enjoyed a hearty laugh at this ludicrous end to an adventure,

for the encounter of which she had braced
her every nerve.

In the meantime the count and countess,
wholly given up to their fears, had found it
impossible to close their eyes during the
night. The trial to which their friend had
exposed herself, grew more terrible to their
imagination the more they dwelt upon it,
till they at length persuaded themselves that
death would be the inevitable consequence.
With these forebodings they proceeded as
soon as it was light to the apartment of Ma-
dame Deshoulieres-scarcely had they cou-
From this state of petrifaction
rage to enter it, or to speak when they had
done so.
they were revived by their friend undrawing
her curtains, and paying them the compli-
ments of the morning with a triumphant
look. She then related all that had passed
with an impressive solemnity, and having
roused intense curiosity to know the catas-
trophe, she smilingly pointed to Gros-Blanc,
as she said to the count, "There is the noc-
turnal visiter whom you have so long taken
for the ghost of your mother;" for such he
had concluded it from having been the last
person who had died in the chateau. The
count regarded his wife-then the dog-and
blushed deeply, not knowing whether it were
better to laugh or be angry. But Madame,
who possessed a commanding manner, which
at the same time awed and convinced, ended
this state of irresolution by saying, "No,
no, Monsieur, you shall no longer continue
in an illusion which long indulgence has en-
deared to you. I will complete my task and
emancipate your mind from the shackles
of superstition, by proving to you that all
which has so long disturbed the peace of
your family has arisen from natural causes.
Madame arose, made her friends examine
the lock of the door, the wood of which was
so decayed as to render the locking it use-
lees, against a very moderate degree of
strength. This facility of entrance had been
evidently the cause of Gros-Blanc, who liked
not sleeping out of doors, making choice of
The rest is easily accounted for,
this room.
Gros-Blanc smelt, and wished to possess
himself of the candle, in attempting which
he committed all the blunders and caused
all the noises which has annoyed me this
night, and he would have taken possession
of my bed also if he had not given me an op-
portunity of seizing his ears.
most simple events magnified into omens of
fearful and supernatural augury.

Thus are the


John V. King of Portugal, and his Mistress

This prince was so much captivated by a young and handsome lady of the court, that, although well informed of her having already bestowed her heart on a lover every way deserving of it, he was determined to endeavour at winning the preference through all those temptations which kings have it in their power to offer. The young lady's sen

timents and principles were, however, proof against these undue attempts to shake her fidelity to the first possessor of her affections; and to prove her resolutiou to maintain it unbroken, she retired to the convent D'Oliveira, hoping that she should there be safe from the importunities of her royal admirer. In this she was sadly mistaken: she fled not with more earnestness than the king pursued ; and as no retreat, however sacred, could be barred against him, whose power was despotic, she was still obliged to submit to his visits, and trust to time and her own perseverance in virtue for that release which she had vainly sought in a religious retirement. Determined, at all events, to avoid ever being alone with the king, she engaged, as her constant companion, a young lady belonging to the convent, who might at the same time be a restraint on the king's conduct, and a strict witness of her own. This circumspection, from which nothing could for a moment divert her, failed of proving to the royal lover that her heart was closed against him. John, therefore, persevered in his suit; but suspecting that the little progress he had hitherto made, was attributable to the opportunities his rival still enjoyed of keeping alive his interest in the affections of his mistress, he determined on removing this fancied obstacle to his success, by sending the young man out of the kingdom; and this he did in a manner most calculated to extenuate in some degree the motives which actuated him. He generously conferred on him an honourable and Jucrative employment, at a distance from Portugal, and made every branch of his family easy in their circumstances through his munificence. A more summary and a more cruel method of getting rid of a rival, might have been expected from a despotic monarch of a country noted for the most atrocious acts of jealous passion.

All his Majesty's schemes were vain; the object of them maintained the same cold, respectful reserve, which virtue had first tated as the most dignified mode of checking the unlawful hopes of the king; who now, as a lover's last resource, endeavoured to enlist vanity in his cause-that auxiliary which has so often proved all-powerful where love and ambition have failed. To rouse this passion in his behalf, the king affected to transfer his admiration and attentions to the companion of his mistress; but here again he was fated to meet disappointment-a pure and constant attachment guarded Mademoiselle de $- from that mean species of jealousy which it was intended should effect her downfall. John, however, continued to act the part he had assumed till, unconsciously to himself, he became charmed by the sense, wit, and interesting manners of the person through whom he had hoped to have wounded the vanity of the first object of his admiration. But his majesty was at length convinced that the latter was rejoiced at being relieved from his importunities, and

that she anxiously waited for the moment when she might feel herself wholly emancipated from the painful restraint under which she had for some time suffered. This soon took place: the king's new attachment so rapidly gained strength, that it shortly conquered all remains of his former inclination; and his second mistress, less scrupulous or more interested by the passion of the king, yielded without reserve to the pleasures of a mutual affection. The intercourse to which this led, continued unbroken for many years, and was finally dissolved in a manner honourable to both parties.

This event originated in the following circumstances :

Lisbon was just recovering from the fat. effects of a disorder resembling the plague, which had carried off a great portion of its inhabitants, when it was again visited by a calamity which severely renewed the affliction and miseries of the survivors. There arose, from the south, so tremendous a storm, that it threatened to involve this ill-fated city and its neighbourhood in irremediable ruin, Seven hundred vessels, which were riding at anchor in the Tagus, were torn from their moorings, and either entirely wrecked or greatly injured by running aground. One English man of war, commanded by Lord Were, and destined for the secret conveyance of money privately granted by the court of Portugal to that of London, alone weathered unhurt this frightful tempest. The ships of war belonging to his Portuguese majesty shared in the destructive consequences already mentioned. The country in the vicinity of the metropohis exhibited a similar scene of devastationhouses on all sides reduced to a heap of rubbish-the earth strewed with the dis membered branches of the finest trees, and millions of the largest olives torn up by the roots, presented a sad spectacle of a loss which there could be no hope of repairing for many years. When these melancholy and desolating effects of the storm were described to the king, he was so deeply penetrated with grief at the sufferings of his people, that, wholly unable to control his feelings, his tears flowed unchecked in the presence of father Govea. This worthy man was of the order of Capuchins, and an admirable preacher. The holiness of his life, which was exemplary, had impressed the king with the highest veneration for his person, and the most perfect confidence in his disinterestedness, a strong proof of which he had given in having refused both the dig nity of patriarch of Lisbon, and cardinal of Rome, which had been pressed upon him. The state of mind in which father Govea now saw the king of Portugal, was too favourable to the accomplishment of a wish he had long cherished at heart, to be suffered to subside without an effort at obtaining it. He had in real charity grieved over the state of adultery in which the king lived, and therefore seized the present auspicious

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