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or less as he may think proper, and pointing out, from their character and employment, the reasons why they are spoken of as they are in the Bible.

Let him also be provided with a good map of Palestine and the adjacent countries, that he may show them the position of places, and things, as they occur in the portions of Scripture to which they shall attend.

When the way is prepared, by one or more meetings, as the case may require, let the minister, after taking the names of those who wish to attend, give them a portion of Scriptures; say the first and second chapters of Matthew, passing by the genealogy, by merely showing them its object and use. Before they separate, let him show them the manner in which he wishes them to attend to it, by going over, in their hearing, with a few verses himself. Let him then close, commending them, and all who may associate with them, to God and the word of his grace, which is able to enlighten and to purify them, and to fit them for an inheritance among those that are sanctified.

III. Manner of conducting the


When they assemble again, let the youngest sit the nearest to the minister, and the others farther back, as much as is convenient, according to age; and let them always take the same seat, that the minister may address them in rotation, and know that none are passed by. After imploring the divine guidance, let the first read a verse. If he does not read

it rightly, as to pronunciation, emphasis, tones, cadence, &c. let the minister read it over after him, and by a proper manner of reading it, show him, if possible, its meaning. To ascertain whether he understands it, and the

instruction which he ought to receive from it, ask him the meaning of the several parts of the verse. If he cannot answer, after waiting long enough just to fix his mind on the point, let the minister answer; letting them know, that he does not ask questions expecting that they will be able to answer all; but that one important object in asking them, is to awaken attention, and fix the mind distinctly on the question to be answered, that the truth conveyed by the answer may be more clearly apprehended, make a stronger impression, and be longer remembered. After exhibiting the truths, which God reveals in that verse, show the manner in which the same truths are revealed in other parts of Scripture, by quoting from memory the passages in which they are found. Then point out distinctly, in few words, the effects which these truths ought to have upon the heart and life; and lead each one, as in the presence of God, to ask himself whether they do have these effects on him.

Suppose, for instance, that the passage under consideration is the 16th verse of the 5th chapter of Matthew; "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven."

Who is the speaker?
Jesus Christ.

To whom does he speak?
His disciples.

What does he mean by light? Holiness; love to God and love to men.

What does he mean by letting this light shine?

Manifesting holiness; showing love to God by obeying him; and love to men by doing good to all, as they have opportunity, especially to his disciples.

[blocks in formation]

At the present time, and at all times.

What should you from this verse, judge to be one of the most powerful means of leading men to do this?

Christian example, from all who profess religion.

This should lead those who profess religion, to inquire whether they set such examples. And it should lead those who do not profess religion, to inquire whether they are, as is their indispensable duty, now glorifying God, by believing his declarations and obeying his commands; because Christ says, that those who hear his sayings, but do them not, are like a man who builds his house upon the sand. In the day of trial, their hopes for eternity will fail. Hence each one of you should inquire, whether you really believe God and obey him. Jesus Christ spake this for your instruction, as really as for that of those to whom it was at first addressed. Though he spake to those that were then living, he looked down through all future ages, and saw the character, condition, and wants of all people. He saw that you would be here at this time, and be attending to this portion of his word. saw the feelings which you would have, and the effects which his word would produce on you. He therefore adapted it to your

N. S. No. 49.


instruction; and it is of great importance that it should lead you to glorify God. Your salvation is concerned with it, and the salvation of your fellow men. Look at the difference of effect which your example will have, provided you glorify God, from what it will, if you do not. Others may follow you, and thus you be instrumental of fixing them, according to your character and conduct, in heaven or in hell. The effects of your faith and practice must be felt, not merely by yourselves, but by others; not only through life, and to the end of the world, but to all eternity.

Thus a minister may enlarge more or less in the application of divine truth, as may be convenient, and as circumstances may render it useful.

If the passage read be the 21st verse of the seventh chapter of Matthew, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven;" the minister may ask such questions as the following, viz.

What is it for men to call Christ, Lord, Lord?

It is to profess to be his disciples.

What is meant in this place by the kingdom of heaven?

Heaven itself.

[blocks in formation]

Is this the duty of all who have come to years of understanding, and have the Bible?

It is.

Because Christ is worthy of such confidence, and God commands men to exercise it.

What effect will such confidence to Christ have upon a man?

It will lead him to forsake his sins, trust in Christ for eternal life, to believe the Bible, and to make it his highest object in all things to obey it.

How long will such a man continue this course?

To the end of life.

Having gone through with the portion of Scripture allotted for that day, let him in a lucid and brief manner sum up the truths to which they have attended, and make a direct pungent application of them to the conscience and the heart. Or let him fasten on some great truth, revealed in some part of the chapter, and illustrate that, and enforce it strongly on the mind. In this, and in every thing pertaining to the exercises, let him bring their minds into as close contact as possible with the Divine mind. Make them feel, that in attending to the Bible, they are listening to the voice of God, as

Where will he go when he really as if they heard him speak


To heaven.

What will become of those who at death have not done the will of God?

They will go away into eternal punishment. This should lead each one of you to inquire, Am I doing the will of God? and to feel that if you are not, you are not going toward heaven, but toward hell. Every day carries you nearer; and as life is uncertain, no one can, in the morning, be sure that he shall not, before night, arrive there. And at night, when without doing the will of God, he retires to rest, he cannot be sure but that before morning he shall awake in hell. It is, therefore, exceedingly important that each one should make it his highest object to learn the will of God, and without delay to do it; for he that doeth the will of God, abideth for ever.

The particular questions, however, which shall be asked, and the application of divine truth which shall be made, may be such as the minister shall judge will most clearly and fully exhibit divine truth, make the strongest impression, and be the most extensively and permanently useful.

what it contains directly from heaven; and that their salvation depends upon believing and obeying it.

Make them feel that if they, or any of their fellow men who have the Bible, fail of eternal life, it will be because they do not read it, or do not believe it, or do not follow it. Make them feel that it is a light which can guide them all to heaven. But in order for this, they must follow it; and to follow it, they must read it daily, attentively, devoutly, and perseveringly. They must believe it on the testimony of Jehovah, and trusting in Christ alone for whatever they need, they must obey it. Impress upon them, that the exercises of a Bible class are not adapted, and are not designed, to supersede the necessity of their searching the Scriptures daily at home; but only to assist them to do this to greater advantage. And whatever information they may obtain in a Bible class, they must search the Scriptures at home, or they cannot expect to be made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. And as they read, let them from the heart ask God to teach them, by his Spirit, the meaning of his own declara

tions. Let them believe what he declares, and without delay, and without ceasing, do what he commands; resolving in his strength, that henceforth they will live, not unto themselves, but unto him that died for them and rose again. And let their object in doing this be to glorify God, to become in spirit like him, and to do good. At the same time, make them feel, as constantly and as strongly as possible, that their dependance for what they need to do this, and to be accepted in it, must be placed, not on themselves, or on creatures of any description, but on the Lord Jesus Christ. For his sake God can be just, and yet bestow all needed blessings upon those that trust in him.

Let every meeting be opened and closed with prayer. Let the prayers be simple, humble, fervent, pertinent, and short; the first for divine guidance in the exercises; and the last for the divine blessing to follow them. And let all the members draw nigh to God daily, and then he will draw nigh to them. Let them seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and then they shall not want any good thing. God will guide them by his counsel, and afterwards receive them to glory. They shall see him as he is, and be like him through everlasting ages. The above-mentioned things, with many others connected with them, in their various bearings and consequences, which will open to the mind of a faithful minister, who sits daily at the feet of Jesus, and learns of him, cannot indeed all, nor even a principal part of them, be exhibited at one time. Nor is it desirable that they should be.

After a Bible class is established, it is of great importance that it should be continued; and that those who attend, should do it

with ever growing interest. For this purpose, let the minister walk with God, live by faith, reside at the throne of grace, and look intensely and continually on the eternal world. Let him feel that the effect of every meeting will be felt after earth is dissolved, and will be told by strains of higher and higher glory, or by tones of deeper and deeper anguish, during the eternal destinies of men. Let him count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ; exhibit to a greater and greater extent, the unsearchable riches of Him who is the Alpha and Omega of revelation; determining to know nothing save Jesus Christ and him crucified, and looking upward continually for the illuminating and purifying influences of the Holy Spirit, who takes of the things of Christ and shows them to men; that the truth may thus be the wisdom and power of God to their salvation.


And let the members of the class commence with a fixed purpose, trusting in Jesus Christ alone, to ask of God daily to teach them his will; and daily to listen to his voice speaking to them in his word, that they may understand it. And when they do understand, let nothing hinder them from doing it; for the purpose of glorifying God, becoming in temper like him, and doing good. They will then find that the Bible is fect, converting the soul; sure, making wise the simple; right, rejoicing the heart; pure, enlightening the eyes; clean, enduring for ever; true and righteous altogether; more to be desired than gold, yea than mnch fine gold; and that in obeying it there is, indeed, a great reward. It will be a lamp to their feet, and a light to their path. It will show them a way that grows brighter and brighter; and it will lead them

to follow it, till they come to a place where they have no need even of the sun, nor of the moon; where the Lord himself will be their light, and the Lamb their eternal glory.

That such Bible classes may be established over all the earth, and be the means of leading vast multitudes to heaven, may God of his infinite mercy grant, through Jesus Christ! Amen.


THE journals of the late lamented Bishop Heber have doubtless been read with some degree of interest, both by persons of varied and opposite sentiments on religious subjects; and the opinions of a prelate filling a post so important as that which he lately occupied, and possessing a character so highly esteemed and influential, are likely to have considerable weight on the minds of very many readers. The volumes contain much that is beautiful in description, though the descriptions are so multiplied and attenuated, that they tend to satiety; and we lose, amidst the magnificent scenery of British India, those moral and spiritual landscapes, the work of faithful and laborious missionaries, which would be far more interesting to the mind of the intelligent and judicious Christian.

But defective as the volumes are in religious information, it is not the only point in which they appear objectionable. It is to be regretted, that a man of such an amiable spirit, such elegance of mind, and such christian character, should have indulged in any oblique hints against dissenters, and dissenting missionaries; and that the labours these holy men have been performing, should all be merged in the broad shadow of Episcopacy. It is to be deplored, that minds so enlightened should pass by important facts, and consider nothing scarcely done, except it be effected by their own

peculiar coadjutors. But this is not the only point of importance; there is in the volume a long letter of the Bishop to his Clergy, in reply to a variety of points, which had been submitted for his consideration, and among the rest is that of the clergy uniting with Dissenters in their prayer meetings. On this subject we were prepared to expect, that his Lordship would not approve of the mingling of the ministers of the church and dissenting missionaries in such an act of worship; but we were not prepared to find his Lordship disclaiming the practice of Christians holding prayermeetings, as altogether unscriptural, and productive of evil effects.

In giving his opinion on the subject, his Lordship says, " Such is the practice reprobated by the apostle, of a number of persons coming together, with each his Psalm, his prayer, his exhortation; the effect of which is not only often confusion, but what is worse than confusion, self-conceit and rivalry, each labouring to excel his brother in the choice of his expressions, and the outward earnestness of his address, and the bad effects of emulation mixing with actions, in which, of all others, humility and forgetfulness of self are necessary."

In reading this extraordinary paragraph, we are compelled to ask, does his Lordship mean, that the Apostle reprobated prayer? We believe he does not mean

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