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guage is illustrated - allusions to eastern customs shortly noticed-the situation of cities, countries, &c. mentioned- and the symbolical style of prophecy expounded." We have not proved the accuracy of the whole work, but from the correctness of the articles we have consulted; and from the general neatness and care which characterizes the volume, we are persuaded it will be found replete with valuable and accurate information, and eminently calculated to advance the intelligent and profitable perusal of the divine word.

Dr. Watts's Scripture History is well known and justly valued: we think, however, it was susceptible of great improvements, and we congratulate Mr. Whitridge on the production of a new edition, which is, in every way, superior to the first edition of the Doctor's, which was prepared under some disadvantages, and never revised.

Mr. W. has divided the work into ten periods, after the proposed arrangement of Mr. Prebendary Townsend, to each of which he has prefixed a synopsis of general history connected therewith, and a table of those portions of Scripture which relate to it. The text is occasionally illustrated by pertinent notes, and the whole is very creditable to the industry of the editor. To those parents who wish to instruct their children in the history of the Scriptures, we cordially recommend this cheap volume, and we believe that they will derive information from its contents, as well as their families.

"The Scripture Diary" for 1829, is by the same editor, and presents to the heads of Christian families a Calendar and Directory for scriptural reading throughout the year, by which the entire volume may be perused in twelve months. Many ecclesiastical and biblical matters are also introduced, and we shall be happy to know that this guide is conducting the Bible reading of many households.

ALLEGIANCE TO CHRIST, LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE. Two Sermons delivered in the Independent Meeting House, Coggeshall, Essex, on Lord's Day, August 24th, 1828; being the Anniversary of the Ejectment from the

Church of England of the Two Thousand Nonconformist Ministers by the Act of Uniformity on Bartholomew's Day, August 24, 1662. By Algernon Wells. London: Holdsworth and Ball, 8vo. 56pp. 2s.- We owe to the author of these excellent discourses many apologies that they have lain so long on our table, when their worth demanded that they should be early introduced to the notice of our readers. The subjects of these sermons are identified with the cause of liberty, piety, and true happiness, and we rejoice that they are discussed in a temperate, dignified, and Christian manner, reflecting great honour on the head and the heart of their author, so that we predict he will command the respect of his readers, even were he may not secure their concurrence. We trust his manly example will, on suitable occasions, be imitated by our brethren, as we are convinced that these topics are not presented to our hearers from the pulpit with the frequency which their important and close connection with spiritual religion requires.


Mr. Edmeston has in the press, "The Woman of Shuneni, a Dramatic Sketch, and other Sacred Poems."

Three Sermons, on the Prosperity of a Christian Church, and the Scriptural Means of promoting the Revivals of R-ligion. Preached at Stepney, by the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, A.M. Will be pub

lished early in February.

The Advantages and Deficiencies of the Protestant Reformation: a Se mon preached at Kensington before the Monthly Association of Congregational Ministers, and published at their request, by J. P. Dobson, In one vol. 12mo. Preparing for publication.

"A Mother in Israel;" being a Sketch of the Character of the late Mrs. Ewing, of Glasgow. 18o. By the Rev. E. Miller. Will be published in a few weeks.

Forty-nve Expository and Practical Lectures, on the whole of our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. By J. E. Good. To be published in one vol. 8vo.

The Christian Minister's Pocket Companion: containing Selections of the most striking Passages relative to the Ministerial Office, Character, &c. from the Works of eminent Authors, Ancient and Modern By W. Shuttleworth. 1 vol. 18mo. Will appear in a few days.

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Neapolitan Edition of the Sacred

"Anxious you should not incur the charge of having stated an untruth, I have carefully translated the prospectus of the Neapolitan edition of the Bible. It seems the honest intention of the parties engaged that it should be known, from the number of advertisements with which the booksellers are furnished for circulation; but it is not advertised on the walls like the life of the Virgin Mary, the Revelations of Saint Bridget, and the Sayings or Doings of the Monks and Fathers. When I first saw the advertisement, I mentioned it to the Rev. Mr. Benson, who happened to be here, and he said the same thing was doing in all the Italian States. On his authority I stated its universality; and I thought his authority good, because I knew that one of his objects in his travels, was to ascertain, as much as possible, the exact state of the existing church. However this may be, I have, at any rate, established the fact as far as Naples is concerned, and this may be sufficient for your purpose.

Vecchio e Nuovo
Testamento Secondo
La Volgata,

Tradotto in Lingua Italiana,

The present are times of great difficulty. Man, more than ever enemy to the truth, renews his attacks every day with increased energy and artifice, with the hope to expel for ever from the hearts of the faithful, the sentiment of religion. But the Holy Scriptures are a shield of defence against all attacks; a sword of keenest temper, powerful to resist the assaults of the enemy. Whoever will furnish himself with these sufficient weapons, shall be sure of victory. The promise can never fail. Meditate then on the Holy Scriptures: endeavour to understand their fullest meaning: feed daily on the divine word. You shall fortify your faith, and advance step by step in piety and holiness.

These are our motives for the present publication. The necessity of the case demands it. Other places are exerting all their power in promoting the good work. It would be a disgrace to Naples to be backward. The book will be printed in the cheapest possible form consistent with correctness, that it may come within the reach of all.

Here follows the conditions. It is to be in sixteen volumes; the price of each volume according to the number of sheets, at three grains a sheet, (abont a) penny farthing, or not quite three halfpence.)


e con Annotazioni dichiarato da Monsignore Naples, 20th March, 1828.

Antonio Martini, Arcivescovo de Firenzi.


Monsignore Martini's Italian Version of the Bible is so well known, and in such great reputation, that it is quite unnecessary for us to praise it. The object of this learned prelate was to collate the various translations, and to avail himself of the aid of all who had treated the subject. The result of his labours has been eminently successful. This elegant translation, enriched as it was with most valuable notes, had scarcely issued from the press, when it was sought for, and reprinted in all the principal cities of Italy. The book was soon in every hand, and the immortal Pope Pius the Sixth was so much pleased with it, that he distinguished the work and the author by his decided approbation.




Our English readers will participate with us in the surprise and pleasure which the following Resolutions have excited. We do unfeignedly rejoice that Clergymen of known piety in the Irish Church are taking such measures, but then we cannot suppress our astonishment, that proceedings which in the English Church would be condemned as "irregular" and subversive of "discipline" should be tolerated by the Episcopal Bench. Surely they govern with a lighter hand than some Diocesans of the Sister Establishment in this country.

"At a Meeting of some Members of the Established Church, held on Thursday, the 30th of October, 1828, at 7, Rutland Square, East, the following Resolutions were entered into: -

"1st. That feeling an especial respons

sibility resting upon us to exert our selves at the present moment in proclaim ing the Gospel of Christ to all who, in this country, are 'ignorant and out of the way,' we form ourselves into an Association of Members of the United Church of England and Ireland, for the purpose of carrying into effect this object, to be denominated, The Established Church Home Mission.


66 2dly, That being in the midst of a Roman Catholic population, we ready to confess that we have been verily guilty concerning our brethren,' in that we have not more plainly and faithfully preached to them the great truths of the Gospel of Christ, and that we desire now to direct our attention and exertions more particularly to our brethren of that persuasion.

"3dly, In furtherance of this object, it is proposed to avail ourselves of the occasional labours of employed and beneficed Clergymen, who shall be disposed to devote a limited portion of time to the work of the Lord, in this department of the vineyard, their places being supplied by such persons as shall be approved by their respective Diocesans, as well as of the labours of such Clergymen as shall appear to the Board to be qualified, and are willing to devote their whole time to the work of Missionary labour.

66 4thly, That, as it is our especial object to bring the Gospel to the hearing of our Roman Catholic brethren, under every circumstance, we wish it to be understood that our Missionaries are expected not only to address them from the pulpits of the Established Church, but also in all places where it is possible to collect a congregation.

"5thly, That the affairs of this Asso. ciation be conducted by a Board of Twenty-one Ministers of the Established Church, who shall fill up any vacancies which may occur in their body.

"6thly, That the following constitute the Board:-Rev. Wm. Cleaver, Robt. Daly, L. Foot, Wm. Fawsset, R. G. Greene, John Hare, George Hare, George Hazelwood, Henry Moore, Richd. Murray, B. W. Mathias, Robt. M'Ghee, H. Newman, C. Otway, Wm. Purdon, Peter Roe, A. Ross, J. H. Singer, Robt. Stevilly, Ed. Wade, and Hugh White. Secretary Rev. Denis Browne."


INGS OF THE DISSENTING MINISTERS AT THE LIBRARY, RED CROSS STREET. The deliberations of this venerable body being considered private, it has been our practice only to publish its

resolutions, from time to time, without any report of the discussions by which they have been preceded. As a member of the Body, Mr. Ivimey, has, however, published a pamphlet, entitled, "Dr. Williams' Library, and the Debate on the Roman Catholic claims," in which there are statements calculated to produce very incorrect impressions on the public mind, we feel it our duty to give some account of the proceedings.

"The special meeting" was convened, as usual, by a requisition, signed, as is necessary on all such occasions, by three ministers of each party united in the body, viz. the Presbyterian, Independent, and Baptist Denominations. It required the meeting "to take into consideration the expediency, at the present juncture, of issuing Resolutions declaratory of our earnest desire of the repeal of all the remaining Statutes that attach civil disabilities to religious opinions, and of our loyal confidence in the wisdom and con ciliatory spirit of the Legislatnre and of his Majesty's Government; and, also, the propriety of petitioning both Houses of Parliament for the speedy adoption of such measures as may allay discontent, and unite all the subjects of the realm in the enjoyment of equal religious liberty."

The Body was summoned for Tuesday, Jan. 20th, when the REV. F. A. Cox, LL.D. was called to the chair. The Rev. R. Aspland addressed the assembly in a powerful speech, and moved the Resolutions inserted below, which were briefly seconded by Dr. Winter. The Rev. J. Ivimey rose to move an amendment, and produced a bulky manuscript, containing his speech, which he begged permission to read. This was immediately resisted, as contrary to the usage of that body. Mr. I. however, persevered in a very extended reading of his notes, and, as many of his remarks were not thought relevant, he was twice called upon to speak to the question, and his statements excited occasional laughter; but the "confusion" and "awfully tremendous clapping" of which he speaks in his pamphlet, must be the creatures of his own imagination.

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The amendment was as follows: "That as the consideration of the Roman Catholic Claims is likely to be brought shortly before Parliament, and as that subject does not relate to Religious Liberty, properly so called, we consider it would be highly inexpedient at this critical juncture for this Body to publish any Resolutions, or to present any Petitions to Parliament, for the Repeal of Statutes which attach civil disabilities to the Roman Catholics, on account

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of the allegiance they owe to a foreign Potentate, and who are thereforé unable to give a pledge of entire subjection to the Monarch of these Realms. And from the proof of justice and kindness, lately given to the Protestant Dissenters, by the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, that we ought to express our loyal confidence in the wisdom and conciliatory spirit of the Legislature and his Majesty's Government,' not doubting but they will speedily adopt such measures,' as to their wisdom shall appear most proper, to allay the discontent of his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects.' And for the above reasons this Body thinks it most expe dient to observe and maintain a strict neutrality, and therefore to avoid adopting any proceedings which may be considered as expressing a favourable opinion in regard to the Claims of the Roman Catholics."

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The Rev. Mr. Douglas seconded the amendment, and, as on former occasions, drew largely on the patience of his brethren.

The addresses of the Rev. Messrs. Aspland, Ivimey, and Douglas having been extended to a great length, the time of the meeting was nearly expired, so that after the Rev. Joseph Hughes had briefly spoken in support of the Resolutions, the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, the 27th, at 12 o'clock.

On that day, after the despatch of some preliminary business, the debate was resumed, and a leading Independent Minister moved "the previous question," avowing most fully his entire agreement with the sentiments of the Resolutions, but fearing that they might occasion a nearly equal, and, consequently, inexpedient division of the body. His proposal was seconded by a venerable Baptist minister, and, we think, four or five Independent ministers spoke in support of his motion, at the same time expressing, we believe with only one exception, their concurrence in the sentiments of the Resolutions. The debate continued, with great animation and eloquence, for four hours, during which, six Presbyterian, twelve Independent, and four Baptist ministers addressed the chair. We report these numbers to prove that the published insinuation that the Body has been influenced and led on by the Unitarian ministers is entirely without foundation. We have, of course, no authorized return of the division, but if we distinctly heard," the previous question" was negatived by a majority of fourteen. The Amendment was only supported by nine votes! and the following Resolutions

were finally carried by forty-eight votes to fifteen!


"That we cannot assemble as a body, without again expressing fervent gratitude to the Almighty Disposer of events, for the signal benefit conferred, through His gracious providence, upon the Protestant Dissenters of Great Britain, by the late repeal of so much of the Corporation and Test Acts as imposed the Sacramental Test.

"That deeply impressed with a sense of the importance of this measure to the interests of true religion, and to the peace and prosperity of the kingdom, we deem it our bounden duty to put upon record our earnest desire of the repeal of all the remaining Statutes that attach Civil Disabilities to Religious Opinions.

"That, at the present crisis, we feel ourselves called upon to declare our loyal confidence in the wisdom and conciliatory spirit of the Legislature and of his Majesty's Government.

"And that Petitions be presented by this Body to both Houses of Parliament in the ensuing Session, praying the speedy adoption of such measures as may unite all the subjects of the realm in the enjoyment of equal religious liberty.

THOMAS REES, LL.D., Secretary."


Dr. Blomfield has been "enthroned" Bishop of London. This ceremony took place at St. Panl's Cathedral on Friday, the 16th of January, with appropriate pomp! Should some of our readers ask, what this ceremonial means, we might employ the language of a celebrated journal. "We really cannot


There is no allusion to any such ceremony in the Gospel of Christ; it cannot, therefore, be a Christian ceremony, and cannot properly pertain to a Christian Church, or a Christian Bishop. It is most probably some pagan rite, passed through the calendar of Popery into our reformed church It were better that the Bishops should practise humility, conciliate the clergy amongst whom they preside by brotherly kindness, and set an example of moderation to the laity, than that they should occupy themselves in costly exhibitions and state shows, which can only excite envy. We fear, however, these remarks have been lost on the Right Reverend Diocesan, for if the reports

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* The Times Newspaper.

of the public journals be true, he has commenced a course of discipline, which will do little to increase the popularity of the Established Church. By an article in "the Standard,” of 24th January, we learn that Dr. Blomfield has commanded the Rev. Mr.P- (understood to refer to that excellent Minister, the Rev. Josiah Pratt) to discontinue a prayer meeting held at his own house!! The venerable "Book Society," formed in 1750, and established on the Catholic principles of uniting Churchmen and Dissenters in promoting Christian knowledge, and conducted by a joint Committee of Churchmen and Dissenters, has occasionally had collection sermons in the churches of this city; and in the list of Episcopalian preachers, the venerated names of Jones, Romaine, Venn, and Newton occur. The Rev. Hugh M'Neile, of Albury, had engaged to preach at Christ Church, Newgate Street; but upon the translation of the Bishop of Chester to the See of London, he declined the service, because he had not been permitted to preach in the latter diocese, during the Episcopate of Dr. Blomfield. Another clergyman was therefore obtained, but a communication was made, it is said, by the Bishop's Chaplain to the Curate of Christ's Church, prohibiting the service, and accompanied with an intimation, that it was his Lordship's determination to prevent the use of the churches of his diocese, in aid of any Society, having Dissenters on its Committee!

We had hoped, that Dr. Blomfield was convinced, that such is the amount of ignorance, vice, and infidelity in his See, that it is desirable that good men of every denomination should unite to lessen it. We shall be glad, therefore, to learn, for the sake of public morals, that we have been misinformed; but should these statements prove true, and the Reverend Prelate still pursue the same course, we shall not only pity the littleness, but laugh at the impolicy of measures, which can only tend to increase the evil which his Lordship vainly supposes he can suppress.



The horror which the recent murders at Edinburgh has spread through the empire, need not be described; every one of our readers has felt appalled at such disclosures of human depravity. W. Johns, Esq. M. D., of Manchester, has published a note in the Guardian newspaper of the town, in which he remarks "Rumour attributes about thirty

murders, as perpetrated with a view to dissection. This substantiated is so shocking, that the most obdurate mind revolts from the recital of its details. The actual returns of the English government in India, to the inquiries of their superiors at home, give an average of forty-eight women burnt alive every month, during two preceding years. Murders there are not done in obscurity, but in open day, amid collected multitudes, under the eye of our own government, and in the presence of their official delegates, and notwithstanding that the local authorities in some quarters where the practices are most common, have declared that there is a crying necessity for suppressing them The Chairman of the Honourable the East India Company, in his place, is reported to have said, that in the year 1824, 527 were thus destroyed by the most horrible of deaths; 1825, 639; in 1826, only five hundred and eighteen !!! If Edinburgh be not five hundred miles from the British Court, and India be fifteen thousand, I maintain, that the inhabitants of the latter country, as well as of the former, are equally subjects of the British empire, and equally claim our sympathy and protection. Is it possible that the simple fact just stated can be credited, and that a human heart can be found to exist in a British breast, which does not bleed for the woes thus perpetuated under a government into whose hands Providence has thrown these distant provinces, for their protection and welfare? If my feeble voice cannot be heard on behalf of the most delicate and tender part of our species, the most helpless and yet the most oppressed, let the eloquent Burke be heard. The blood of man should never be shed, but to redeem the blood of man. It is well shed for our family, for our friends, for our God, for our kind. The rest is vanity, the rest is crime.""

We trust that the friends of humanity and religion do in various places design to petition the Legislature in the approaching Sessions, and to facilitate their design, we insert a draught of a petition, which has been forwarded to us for that purpose.

"To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled. "The Humble Petition of the Congregation of meeting in

"Showeth,-That your petitioners have learned with the greatest regret, that the burning of living women, with the dead bodies of their husbands, and other customs by which human life is wantonly

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