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Art (1) militaire chez les Nations les plus Célebres de l'antiquité et des temps modernes par Delaverne. 8vo. br. 1805: Paris. 8s.

Statistique elementaire de la France, par J. Peuchet. 8vo. b. 1805. Paris. 125.

Manuel de la ménagère à la ville et à la campagne et de la femme de baffe cour, par Mad. Gacon du Four. 2 Vols. 12mo. br. Portrait. 1805. Paris. 86.

Ceremonial de l'Empire Françaife. 8vo. br. Portraits. 1805Paris. Ios.

Effais fur nos Colonies et fur le retabiiffement de St. Dominique, par Abeille. 8vo. br. 1805. Paris.

Nouveau Dictiomaire abrégé All-François et Fr.-allemand, par Cramer. 2 Vols. 18mo. br. 1865. Paris. 11. Synopfis Plantarum, feu Enchiridium Botanicum, Curante Dr. C. H. Perfoon, pars prima. 1805. Paris Lutet. IZS.

Plantes Equinoxiales, recueillies au Mexiqué, dans l'Ile de Cuba dans les Provinces de Caracas, de Cumana, et de Barcelonne, &c. &c. par Humboldt et Bonpland, 1. Livraison de Planches, pap. com. folio a 13 la Livraison. 1805. Paris.

Ditto, fol. gr. pap. velin, a 11. 15. la Livraison.

Pauvre (le) Aveugle, trad. de l'allemand de Polier. z Vols. 12mo. br. 1805. Paris. 75.

Botaniste (le) fans maitre, ou maniere d'apprendre feul la bo tanique, par M. de C. 18o. br. Fig. 1805. Paris. 55. Impuiffance (de 1') des Mathématiques pour affurer la Solidité des Batimens, et recherches fur la Conftruction des Ponts, par Viel. 4to. br. 1805. Paris. 75.

Oeuvres Choifies de Pellifon de l'académie Francoife par Defefarts. 2 Vols. 12mo. br. 1805. Paris. 75.

Tartuffe (le) des Maurs, comédie en 5 Actes en Vers, par Chéron. 1805. Paris. 3s. 6d.

Navigation (la) Poëme, par Eméfnard. z Vols. 8vo. br. 1805. Paris. 155.

Adriennes (les) Nouvelles, par un Officier au Corps du C. 12mo. br. 1805. Paris. 45.

Gastronomie (la) Poëme par Berchoux fuivi de pièces fugitives de l'auteur. 18mo. br. Fig. 1805. Paris. 35.

Ditto. 18mo. br. fig. Gr. pap. raifin. 1805. Paris. 65. Ages (mes quatre) Poëme par M. St. Cyr Poniet Delpech le fils. 18mo. br. Fig. 1805. Paris. 45.

Ages (les quatre) de la Femme, poëme par Teulieres. 18mo. br. Fig. 1805. Paris. 49.


Lettres de Meffrs. de Villars de Coulanges, et de la Fayette, de Ninon de l'Enclos, &c. 2 Vol. 12mo. Paris. 1805. 8s. Memoires Hiftoriques fur les Templiers. 8vo. br. 1805. 8s. Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte, et la Perfe, fait par ordre du governement, perdant les fix premieres années de la republique, par Olivier, les Vols. 3 and 4, br. avec atlas. 4to. au izmo. Paris. 11. 6s:

Neceffité (de la) de l'Inftruction pour les Femmes: t Vol. i 2mo. br.

Memoire fur la Minorite de Louis XV. de Maffillon, nouv. edit. Vol. I 2mo.

Prem. & Seconde Livraifon des Metamorphofes d'Ovide, tra duction nouvelle avec le texte Latin, fuivre de l'analyse de l'explication des Fables, par Banier et des notes hiftoriques, geographiques et mythologiques. 4to. br. Fig. A la Livraifon. Ditto, ditto, ditto. 8vo. br. Fig

Difcours fur l'Education, le Travail, et la Religion. 8vo. br. Manuel de Santé, ou nouveaux Elements de medicine pratique. 2 Vols. 8vo. br.

Le Fond du Sac renouvellé. 3 Vols. in 18mo. nouv edit. Galerie politique ou Tableau de la politique Etrangere, des rapports diplomatiques de chaque état, &c. 2 Vols. 8vo. br. Fanny Seymour. 3 Vols. 12mo. br.


Epreuves (les) Maternelles. Vols. 12mo. br.


Oeuvres complettes de Sénécé, avec une Notice fur fa Vie, &c.


Oeuvres de Malfilâtre, par Auger.

Hiftoire de la Nation Francaife.. 1 Vol. 8vo; bri

Oeuvres choifies de Ciceron, traduction nouvelle avec le texte en regard. 2 Vols.


12mo. br.

Clef (la) des Phenomènes de la Nature ou la tetre vivante, 1 Vol. 8vo. br..

Avis d'un Pere à fon fils, in 12mo. br.

Etourdis (les) ou les folies de Paris. 2. Vols. 12mo. br.

Lettre du pere Hilation (Religieux du Mont St. Bernard cia devant Marquis de d'Armalange, &c. &c.) a M. Chateaubriand. 18mo. br.

Cantates (les) de Metaftafe et le Corigres de Cythère d'Alga rotti. 8vo. br.

Difcuffions fur le Code Civil, dans le confeil d'Etat fur le plan donné par le Confeiller d'Etat Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely grand procureur de la haute Cour Imperiale. 2 Vols. 4to. br.


BRIT, CŘIT, VOL, sxvi, dec, 1805*


Oratio Dominica CL. linguis verfa & propriis Cujufque lingur Characteribus plerumque Expreffa.

Numifmatique Chinoife, et Defcription des Medailles Chinoises du Cabinet imperiale de France, orné de gravures et de Caracteres Chinoifes avec des eclairiffements fur le Commerce des Grecs avec la Chine, et fur les Vafes precieux que l'on y trouve encore, Vol. 4to. de l'imprimerie imperiale, et d'une belle Exécution typographique.



Examen critique de la Révolution Francoife, confidérée comme fyfteme politique, par Mr. Doutremont, Confeiller au Parlément de Paris. 3 Nos. 8vo. 125.

La Journée du Chrétien, fanctifiée, par la Prière, &c. nouv. edit. augmentée d'un abrégé de la Doctrine chrétienne, par Mr. De La Hogue, Docteur de Sorbonne, reliée. 2s. 6d.


Almanach du Mufée, pour 1806.

18mo. br.

2s. 6d.

Etrennes mignonnes, pour 1805. br. 1s. 6d.

Tableau historique et Statistique de la haute Italie et des Alpes l'entour par L'Abbé Denina. 8vo. br. 8s.

Luftruction pour la Jeuneffe, contenant les principales connoiffances phifiques et morales, préfentées de la manière la plus fimple, avec 8 planches. 2 Vols. Gr. 8vo. br. 165.

Heur et malheur. 2 Vols. 12mo. br.

Roman. 75. Philofophie chymique, ou vérités fondamentales de la chymie de Fourcroy, nouv. edit. augmentée de toutes les nouvelles décou vertes faites depuis dix ans. 8vo. br. 7s.

Amélie de Treville, ou la

Julie St. Ofmond. 3 Vols

folitaire, Roman, par l'auteur de zmo. bz.

Los. 6d.

Correfpondance medicale de plufieurs Indiens, ou petite excursion dans l'Empire de la Medecine et du Sciences qui y ont rapport. 12mo. br. 35.

Lettres de Mad. Montpenfier, de Mefdames de Mottville, de Montmerency, &c. 1 Vol. 12mo, 3s. 6.-même format et caractères que la Lettre de Mefdames de Villars et du Maine. Tragedie d'Alfieri, in Italian. 6 Vols. 12mo. br. 21. 25.

Ditto, 6 Vols. 18mo. 11. IS.

La Méprife du Coche, Roman. 2-Vols,
Almanach des Dames.
В 75.

12mo. br. 75.


Chanfonnier des Graces. 18mo. br.

Almanach des Profateurs. 12mo. br.



La Colombe en Arabe et en Françoife. par Silvestre de Sacy.


An accident at the prefs, not worth explaining, prevented laft month the infertion of the following Letter of a Correfpondent, all our acknowledgements to Correfpondents, the Oriental Intelligence, and a vaft number of articles of Domeftic Literary Intelligence. It occafioned alfo fome Errata to pafs unnoticed, which are specified below.

WE willingly comply with the requeft which has been made us to print the following letter.


October 10th,, 1805.

Being convinced of the intereft which you take in the welfare of the established church, I am induced to addrefs you on a fubject, which, I think, deferves your ferious attention. A book lately published by Mr. Jofeph Lan cafter, on what he calls Improvements in Education, has juft fallen into my hands. From this publication I learn, for the first time, the principles on which his fchool in the Borough-Road, Southwark, is conducted, and his propofition for fimilar feminaries in every part of the kingdom.I am a fincere friend to every rational plan for ameliorating the condition of the lower claffes of fociety; and there is no better way to improve them than by a religious education. Mr. Lancaster's method of inftructing the children under his care appears to be generally unobjectionable, and I would moft readily unite with my neighbours to effablifh fchools on his plan; but I cannot fee, without furprife and regret, the inconfiderate zeal with which fo many members of our church feem to be actuated by this plaufible diffenter. The excellent manner in which the greater part of the bufinefs in his fchool is conducted, has gained fo much of their appro bation, that they are infenfible of the dangers to which the church may be expofed by their undifcriminating patronage of a plan which will. I fear, if fuccefsfully extended, produce a perfect indifference to all religion, under a falfe liberality of fentiment, and an affectation of more pure and enlarged notions of Chriftianity, than is poffeffed by their brethren.

I am willing to give Mr. Lancaster credit for the truth of

Aaa 2


his affertion, that he defires "to avoid making the educa tion given to fuch a large number of children in his inftiLution, a means of inftilling his own peculiar religious tenets into their minds." He is a member of the fociety of friends called Quakers. But it is not in human nature to practice fuch moderation. He acknowledges that it cannot reafonably be expected that confcientious men fhould promote a religious opinion contrary to their own: a Prefbyterian, Baptif, Quaker, or any other, cannot, with fincerity, facrifice his opinions to those of his amiable brethren in the eftablishment. But may we not on the fame principle conclude, that every man will inculcate the religious doctrines which he himfelf believes to be true?


Granting, however, that a diffenter may teach only what he calls the leading and uncontroverted principles of Christianity," is it not to be feared that the difregard fhewn to all religious fyftems and creeds, may fo confound the diftinctions between right and wrong, that it may eventually occafion the rejection of Christianity altogether? Children who are taught to believe that every fyftem of religion may be, indifcriminately adopted or rejected, cannot pay much refpect to religious eftablishments. The fons and daughters of churchmen will foon be withdrawn from the path in which their fathers have walked, and, in the next generation, the pure doctrines of our church will be loft in the heterogeneous mals of loofe and undefined principles of Christian morality.

Mr. Lancaster has opened a fubfcription for training youth as fchool-mafters; but this plan is allo exceptionable. From whom are thefe youths, who are to teach our pofterity, to derive their inftruction? From him, who thinks it proper "not to infift upon, or enforce any particular modes of tuition, religious fyftems, or creeds." From him who recommends the obfervance of this rule to the promoters of his plans, and to the inftructors in the fchools under their patronage. From him who fneers at our church catechifm, (page 158) which yields in his eftimation to one which is unauthorized and unfanctioned.

The object of this addrefs to you, Sir, is to draw your attention to the inftitution and object of Mr. Lancaster, to exprefs my hope that you will point out to the public the neceffity of guarding the eftablished church, against the attacks of difguifed or open enemies; that you will, of courfe, recommend every plan which may improve the education of the poor, but that their inftructors may be


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