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and tableaux-vivants, are made of Any common hard wood will anthough cherry, birch, and mahogany eferable.

è ring is turned from two pieces of , one-half of an inch thick, glued tor, with their grain running in condirections. It should be varnished shellac, at least three coats, and highly ed. Thus made, it is beautiful and . Fig. 21 is a good illustration of a gany ring.

o sizes afford a sufficient variety. body of the ring, for men and women, cen-eighths of an inch thick, and its


inner diameter four and one-fourth inches. The ring for boys and girls has an inner diameter of four inches, with a body threefourths of an inch thick.

All ring exercises are performed by the combined efforts of the students arranged in pairs, as in Figs. 22 and 23. They should be sedulously practiced; for, while they bring into play every joint and muscle of the body, they are peculiarly effective in increasing the volume and power of the extensors of the shoulder, arm, and forearm-muscles that are usually weak in most persons, and they also give rapid development to the chest.


ALKATIVE men seldom read. This is among the few truths which apthe more strange the more we reflect n them: for what is reading but silent versation? People make extremely free of their other senses; and I know not it difficulty they could find or appred in making use of their eyes, particuy in the gratification of a propensity ch they indulge so profusely by the que. The fatigue, you would think, is ; the one organ requiring much motion, other little. Added to which, they y leave their opponent when they please, I never are subject to captiousness or sonality.

n open contention with an argumentaadversary, the worst brand a victor poses is a blush. The talkative man ws the fire himself for the reception of and we can not deny that it may likese be suffered by a reader, if his conence lies open to reproach: yet even in s case, the stigma is illegible on his brow; one triumphs in his defeat, or even shens his wound, as may sometimes ppen, by the warmth of sympathy. All men, you and I among the rest, are re desirous of conversing with a great ilosopher, or other celebrated man, than

reasons for this; some of which it would be well if we could deny or palliate. In justice to ourselves and him, we ought to prefer his writings to his speech; for even the wisest say many things inconsiderately; and there probably never was one of them in the world who ever uttered extemporaneously three sentences in succession, such as, if he thought soundly and maturely upon them afterward, he would not in some sort modify and correct.

Effrontery and hardness of heart are the characteristics of all great speakers; or if one is exempt from them, it is because eloquence in him is secondary to philosophy, and philosophy to generosity of spirit.

On the same principle as impudence is the quality of great speakers and disputants, modesty is that of the taciturnespecially of great readers and composers. Not only are they abstracted by their studies from the facilities of ordinary conversation, but they discover, from time to time, things of which they were ignorant before, and on which they had not even the ability of doubting. We, my readers, may consider them not only as gales that refresh us while they propel us forward, but as a more compendious engine whereby we are brought securely into harbor. and



O subject requires the aid of apparatus to illustrate its problems so much as astronomy. It is a science which has been built up by the combined agency of observations on natural phenomena, and of mathematical investigations founded upon them. Neither branch of the subject is complete in itself. To make observations upon the heavenly bodies, even with the most perfect instruments, without bringing into use the agency of mathematics to develop them, is at best only a scientific amusement. To study only the laws of astronomy, without going back in our discussions to the fundamental observations, and verifying the methods by which they were made, is, to say the least, to reason without making sure of our premises.

To teach astronomy intelligibly and successfully, both its two great departments must be taken into account. As in land surveying, no instruction in the theory is valuable without the use of surveying instruments, and as in navigation, the principles of the science must be inculcated by the aid of actual observations, so in astronomy, no thorough comprehension of its principles, and no ability to expand and apply them, can be attained without a reasonably complete knowledge of the matter and methods of astronomical observation.

For these reasons it is to be feared that most of the instruction in practical astronomy in our institutions of learning is very defective. A knowledge of the facts of astronomy can of course be communicated, but the manner in which the science is built, the methods by which our knowledge of these facts has been obtained, the mutual dependence of theory and observations, these can not be made plain without introducing the student into the mysteries of an observatory. We venture to say that not one student in a hundred, even of our colleges, comes out with any definite ideas of the vast system of facts and computations which have rendered astronomy the most perfect of all sciences.

To remedy these defects, many institutions of learning have provided themselves


with extensive observa purchased large and which have been mour proved methods; and these all the essential class observatories. I these efforts to extend country, they still fail e kind of aid that is wa the subject. The very cellence of these inst for the uses of class delicate adjustments ruined by subjecting t necessary to explain t class of students. If for purposes of instru utterly unreliable and refined and delicate scientific observations tronomer. No astrono observations to take r world, would for one permitting his exquisit all their complicated turned "to such bas would the surgeon per with which he can find subtle boundaries wh organs of the human fi exquisite edges can n from disease, and life degraded by being us for his Christmas dinn Besides, it would details of those ingeni trivances, which give accuracy to these instr of the skillful observ confuse and repel the students to master the paratively simple and in is greatly to be preferr themselves may be as of their kind. The g their arrangement co power is not at all nec the complex apparatus mounting may be saf The most that can be ited time usually dev

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I be to make clear the great principles olved in astronomical observation. The ute details of the science, the insight o the improvements which have been, roduced into the manufacture of the t apparatus, and the almost miraculous uracy which has been attained, must be to the professional student in astrony. But the great principles of these ronomical instruments, and the philosy of the problems of time, latitude, 1 longitude-these can be taught, and ey can only be well taught by the use instruments adapted to the purpose, ither too good to be handled and examed, nor too insignificant to give a clear ea of the working of those which are ore perfect.


The trustees of Rutgers College are endeavoring to supply precisely this want in their institution. An equatorial telescope has already been presented to the college by a liberal and public-spirited citizen. The additional instruments required are:

1. A meridian circle, serving the purposes both of a transit and meridian circle, and costing, perhaps, $500.

2. An astronomical clock, costing $300. 3. Star catalogues, recording apparatus, etc., $150.

4. Building, piers, etc., for mounting, $1,200.

We have no doubt that these needs will be speedily supplied, and that this college will then possess facilities for teaching astronomy equal to any in the country.

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The reports do not show the number of -chool-houses built during the year to relace others of the same material, but only the amount actually expended for sites, and for building, purchasing, hiring, repairing, and insuring school-houses, and for fences, &c., which was in cities, $242,547.53; rural districts, $186,961.40; total, $429,508.93.

During the last ten years, there have been expended for this purpose $6,322,998.68, and a very large part of this expenditure has been incurred for the erection of better school-buildings, furnished with more appropriate accommodations.

The Legislature of 1863 made an appropriation of $500, to be expended in preparing designs, specifications, and working drawings, for the school-houses and their accessories, under the direction of the Su

soon published. It will contain a number of separate plans, with full specifications for building of brick or wood, and with due regard to health, comfort, and economy.

There was expended for libraries in 1863, $29,465.65, of which sum $23,099.95 was expended in the rural districts. The number of volumes in all the district-school libraries in the State is reported as 1,172,404. There is apparently a falling off from the number of the year before. The statistics in this regard are, however, far from being reliable, because, as is well understood, trustees make their reports without even counting the books. The average amount of library money apportioned annually to the rural districts is only $3.05 to each, and the amount expended, $2.77—a sum too small to keep up the waste, to say nothing of adding new books. The libraries are of less value than formerly, for reasons fully stated in the annual report of 1863, and the Superintendent suggests that the people of the districts be allowed to elect whether to expend the library money for books, or apparatus, or for teachers' wages. Also, that they have the power


annually to replenish the libraries. He suggests that this would create greater solicitude as to the use, care, and preservation of the books, and that the authority would be exercised by districts in which the libraries are appreciated.

There was expended for school apparatus in the cities, $124,580.03; in the rural districts, $8,626.17; total, $133,206.20 (showing a gratifying increase over the expenditure of the previous year of more than $38,000). Of the amount expended for libraries and apparatus ($162,671.85), the sum of $55,000 was from the income of the U. S. Deposit Fund.

The number of persons in the State between the ages of four and twenty-one years is 1,357,047 (a reported increase over the preceding year of 34,224). Of this number, 453,798 are in cities, and 903,249 in the rural districts.

Of the whole number of children of school ages, 886,815 are reported as having been at some time during the year in school. In 1862, there were 892,550, showing a decrease in attendance of 6,745. This is accounted for by the increased demand for the services of the youth between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years. Of those who are not themselves connected with the army, many are withheld from the schools on account of the want of necessary laborers. The decrease in the attendance at the academies may be attributed to the same


There are 771 free schools and 1,668 private schools. The attendance upon the latter was 51,023. Two cities do not report private schools. Allowing for these, the attendance is not far from 60,000.

In the colleges there were 2,688 students, and in the academies and academical departments of Union schools, 35,192-making the aggregate attendance upon all the chools in the State, 984,695. A little more han 90 per cent. were in private schools,

per cent. in academies, and 3-10 per "ent. in the colleges. When so large a proportion of the people look to the common school for the education of their children, the character and support of these schools are of paramount concern.

Making due allowance for the large number of children between four and six years

of age, who do not (a school, and for those twenty-one, as above ber of children of " as not attending any ates less astonishment

Of the seventeen sc law, there are therefo practically, school-goi Of the 886,815 regi schools, only 72,104 months; 65,161 eight ten; 115,450 six mo eight; 176,221 four n six; 240,328 two mo four; and 217,551 less

A majority of the attend but a very sho and a brief calculati virtual loss incurred b ure in the duty of scho aggregate loss of sch those children who at months during the ye 1,876,185 months, equa

years of six months e school year. If it be 634,100 children, wh hibits this deficiency, taught the whole six of teachers actually en ing fifty pupils to each loss equal to the service teachers. The loss, th muneration paid to the ployed, will exceed on annually! and a far m jurious loss is inflicted our country. The loss years is equivalent to 312,697 children for on months. It may be sho decade, as to these now taking one hundred doll value of a lifetime of an of an uneducated pers ten years the sum of $ this be added to the mated at $10,000,000, it or an annual relative, no cause relative loss, of as the figures appear, th whole loss. Time (and harvest time of youth is

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ew parents are aware of the serious ry wrought by a day's absence once or ce a week in the child and in school. he mind of the child despondency takes place of cheerfulness and courage, inerence supersedes animated interest, the apathy of ignorance supplants all tful desire for intelligence, or for an orable and useful career in life. In the ool the classes are deranged and demored, and extra care and labor are imposed -n the teacher in the government and inaction of the pupils. In whatever light sented, the non-attendance and irreguity of the attendance upon the schools, st command the serious attention of the gislature.

It is suggested, that in the rural districts, ater regularity of attendance might be ured, if a part of the public money -re apportioned on the basis of attendce. This would make it the pecuniary cerest of every taxpayer to encourage a gular and general attendance at school. is mode of apportionment has been opted in sister States with happy results. The average time school was taught durthe year, not including the cities, was ven months and eleven days-from year year quite uniform,

The number of teachers employed in 62 was 26,500-7,585 males and 18,915 males. In 1863 there were 26,213-6,394 ales, 19,819 females. This includes all ho were employed for any term, however


The number of teachers reported as aving been employed at the same time for x months or more (indicating more nearly he number required to supply the schools), 1862, was 15,685; in 1863, was 15,703.


in the rural districts, $1,431,015.02: total,
$2,725,886.67. This amount is upward of
$50,000 less than that expended in 1862,
and the decrease may be accounted for, in
part by the diminution in the number o.
male teachers, and in part by a more rigid
economy practiced in the rural districts, in-
duced by the pressure of the times.
There were raised by local taxation for
school purposes:

In Cities. Rural Districts.
In 1868....$1,595,728.80 $508,181.28
In 1862....
1,560,456.40 507,601.34

Total. $2,095,910.08


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The New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb is effectively fulfilling the purpose of its establishment. There are among its pupils 257 beneficiaries of this State; 31 country pupils, under the act of 1863; 33 supported by their friends, and 11 by the State of New Jersey; in all 332. Forty-six State pupils have been appointed during the year, and 43 reappointed. The "high class" has been a success, the pupils having very generally acquitted themselves with credit.

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