Theologia & Miscell. Hebr. Gr. &C................ 30 320 Medici, Chirurg. & Hist. Nat............ 57 281 Tract. Medici &c. et Hist. Nat..... ....... 89 Livres Francois 93 384 Itagliani, Espagn. &c. Deutsche und Holl. Bucher. Mathemat. & Philosoph... 98 372 .....110 365 .... 112 357 History, Antiq. Topogr. &c............................. 121 Poetry and the Draina.......... Divinity & Eccles. Hist.................. Sermons Law, Civ. & Eccles. Typography, Painting, &c............... Biblia, Hebr. Gr. & Lat. &c. 156 .... 173 ..... 213 226 235 241 28 280 * Libraries arranged and catalogued: also, a liberal price given for Collections of Books either in Exchange or Money. ANCIENT AND MODERN ORIENTAL LITERATURE. FOLIO. 1. 2 3 DANIEL's Views in India. Parts 1 and 2. eleg. bd. in Russia. 501. Lond. 1806 Views in Ceylon. sewed. 121. 12s. Lond. 1808 Views in Egypt. Parts 1 and 2. h. b Russia 251. Lond. 1808-9 4 Salt's Views in India, Abyssinia, &c. intended to accom pany LORD VALENTIA's Travels. 271. 6s. Lond. 1809 5 Meyer's Views in Egypt and Palestine. 2 vo. bds. 107. 10s. Lond. 1801-4 6 Watt's Views in Turkey in Europe and Asia. 127. 12s. 1801 7 Costume of Hindostan. eleg. bd. red mor. gilt leaves, &c. 81. 18s. 6d. 1804 8 Pococke's Travels in the East, Egypt, &c. plates. 2 vo. fine copy. scarce. 151. 15s. 9 vol. 1st. 41. 14s. 6d. 1743 1743 10 Norden's Travel's in Egypt. LARGE PAPER. fine plates. very rare. a most superb work. elg. bd. in Russia. Lond. 1757 15l. 15s. 11 Historia Saracenica, Arabice & Latine, auctore G. Elmacino, latine reddita a Th. Erpenio: accedit Roderici Ximenez historia Arabum. opus rariss. L. Bat. 1625. The marginal notes and corrections are in the hand writing of M. GAGNIER. 12 Bibliothecæ Medicæ Laurent. & Palatinæ Codicum MSS: Orientalium Catalogus; auctore S. E. Assemano. a fine large paper copy. plates. scarce. 21. 2s. Flor. 1642 13 Chronicon Orientale, latine redditum ab Abrahamo Ecchellensi. large paper. uncut. 17. 11s. 6d. Paris. e typograph. reg. 1685 14 Egesippi historia Judæorum & excidii Hierosolym. latine a D. Ambrosio. S. Colon. 1530.-Otto Phrisingen de A rebus ab origine mundi gestis. ED. PR. g. c. very rare. 1. 18. Argent. 1515. v. Schelhornii amenit. litter. p. III. pp. 2230. 15 Hospiniani de ceremoniis et ritibus festorum dierum Judæorum, Græcorum, Romanorum & Turcarum. 10s. 6d. Tigur. 1593 16 Covel's Account of the present Greek Church, their doctrine and discipline. f. copy. 10s. 6d. Camb. 1722 17 Evangelium sec Matthæum, in lingua Hebraïca, cum versione Latina & annot. S. Munsteri. fine copy. rare. 10s. 6d Basil. 1537 18 Photii Myrobiblion sive bibliotheca librorum quos Photius legit et censuit. Gr. and Lat. ed. A Schotti. 17. Is. ap. P. Stephan. 1611 19 Herbert's Travels into Persia, Industant, &c, fine copy. scarce. 11. 1s. 1638 20 Sandy's Travels through Turkey, Egypt, &c. plates. 15s. 21 fine copy. 11. 1s. 1632 1632 22 Hodge's Views in India. fine impressions. calf eleg. Lond. 23 Ogilby's Asia. plates. good copy. 11. 1s. 24 1673 China. fine plates by Hollar. good copy. 11. 11s. 6d. 1673 25 Asiatic Researches. 8 vols. (7 vo. eleg. bd. and vol. VIII. in boards.) 10l. 10s. Od. 1799-08 26 Thevenot's Travels into the Levant. Portr. by Faithorne and Plates. fine copy. eleg. bd. 11. 11s. 6d. 1687 27 Catena Græcorum Patrum in beat. Job collectore Niceta. Gr. & Lat. opera et studio Patr. Junii; access ad calcem Textus Jobi, &c. 10s. 6d. Lond. ex typogr. Reg. 1637 28 PSALTERIUM in quatuor linguis, Hebr. Gr. Æthiop.& Lat. a Jo. Potken. fine copy. eleg. bd. in Russia. gilt edges, &c. Impr. Coloniæ 1518. See the Bibliog. Dict. vo. V. p. 287. where this work is said to be "Liber eximiæ raritatis." 28* Olearus's Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors into Muscovy and Persia, and Mandelslo's Voyages and Travels into the East Indies. indifferent copy. scarce. 7s. 6d. 1662 ANCIENT AND MODERN ORIENTAL LITERATURE. QUARTO. 29 Mosis Maimonidis libri, 2, de doctrina Legis sive educatione puerorum, & de natura & ratione pœnitentiæ, 30 Hebraïce, & Lat: a Clavering. good copy. 9s. Oxon. 1705 de iure pauperis & peregrini, apud Judæos, Hebraïce & Lat. a Prideaux. fine copy. 9s. Oxon. 1679 31 Joma: Codex Talmudicus, in quo agitur de sacrificiis de die expiat. et aliis, Hebr. & Lat. a Sheringamio. Lond. 1648 rarus. 10s. 6d. 32 Apocalypsis S. Joannis, edita charactere Syro & Ebræo, cum versione Lat. & Notis Opera Lodov. de Dieu. liber rariss. 15s. L. Bat. Elzevir. 1627. The first ed. of the Apocalypse in Syriac. 33 Vetus Testamentum Hebraïce. s. a. Novum Testamentum Græce 1619-and the Book of Psalms by Sternold and Hopkins. bound together. 21. 2s. Lond. 1624 34 J. Braunius de Vestitutibus Sacerdotum Hebræorum cum tab, aneis. 2 vol. 16s. Amstel. 1680 35 Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, i. e. de bello sacro historia, opera Reineccii, Helmætadi. 1584. - Historia Orientalis Haythoni. 1585.-M. Paulus Venetus de rebus orientalibus. 1535. & fragm. e Speculo historiali Vincentii. very curious and rare, and in singular binding. 21. 2s. Helmæstadi 1585 36 Outramus de sacrificiis Judæorum, gentium profanarum, et de sacrificio Christi. 7s. 6d. Lond. 1677. See Clarke's Bibl. Dict. who calls this a work of considerable worth. 37 Lightfoot. Horæ Hebraicæ & Talmudicæ, in Chorograph. terræ Israël. et in Evangel. S. Matthæi & S. Marci. fine copy. 10s. 6d. Cantab. 1653 Cantab. 1658 39 40 41 42 43 Aliud Exemplar. 7s. 6d. Hora Hebraicæ and Talmudicæ in Evangel. Horæ Hebraicæ & Talmudicæ in Evang. S. Lucæ. 5s. Aliud exemplar. fine copy. 6s. Hora Hebraicæ & Talmudicæ Cantab. 1663 Cantab. 1674 Cantab. 1674 in Evang. S. Cantab. 1671 Hora Hebr. & Talmud. in Acta Apostolorum & partem Epist. ad Roman, & ad Corinth, e museo Campzovi. 4s. 6d. Lips. 1679 44 Joann, Pier. Valeriani Hieroglyphica, sive de sacris Aegyptiorum. Access. Hieroglyphicorum Collectanea. cum figg. indiff. copy, 5s. Colon. Agrippin. 1614 45 J. Drusii Commentarius in Prophetas minores XII 5s. Amstel. 1627 46 Cartwrighti Commentarij in Proverbia Salomonis. 5s. Amstel. 1638 |