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know it won't work here?" How familiar that may sound to many? But how do you know it "won't?" What and where is your authority? Have you given it a fair, practical trial? Experimental knowledge in plans and methods, especially approved ones, is worth much more than theoretical, unsupported wisdom. Do we not need a lesson in daring? in attempting something large for our League? We know there are nostrums here as in medicine. Each one has a favorite remedy. If you have a cure for some of the maladies in church work, do not keep it a secret. The quack recipe or scheme that is a substitute for the real solution of the problem will be quickly learned. But some wonderful work has been done, and some wonderful results gathered from assuming co-operation and expecting results. We need courage for the seeming defeats. We need courage to advance against obstacles. We need courage to triumph over hindrances. We need to encourage each other, and we should not fail to mention what others are doing. We thus provoke one another to good works. Together, like the disciples, two and two, we may dare attempt what neither could accomplish alone. Just eliminate the phrase, “You can't do it in our church," and instead try persuasion and sweet willingness. Instead of brakes on the wheels, instead of clogging the wheels of progress, use every possible means to make enthusiasm contagious in your League. Courage, like salt, can give flavor to your efforts and impart new life to your society. It's worth the trial.

The figure of the Christian athlete is drawn from the games of the Greeks. Possibly it refers to the celebrated Isthmian games. But the race and the prize for which Paul contests is of a different kind from that so familiar to the Greeks. He was anxious, as an Apostle, to labor for the "well done" of Christ. He wants his work to be effective

and abundant. So he practised self-denial, and he had as hard work in this world as you have. His aim was clear, and the goal he intended to reach was personal salvation. He was eager and anxious to gain this glorious prize. As an Apostle he ran in the race, and you, too, must run in your course. same sort of reward is before you. The runners, the leapers, the wrestlers, the throwers have a prize to win, and while in the stadium only one receives the prize, in the Christian race all can receive the prize.


Ist. It means discipline. Whoever engages in a foot race or athletic contest undergoes some training to fit him for the trial of speed, or skill or endurance. This training is not an accident. It is designed as part of the preparation necessary to make a success of the


2nd. It means temperance. Successful athletes practise temperance. So Paul in his race abstained from receiving the world's self. He, therefore, takes for granted the Christian temperance in all things as his natural state. Self-indulgence should not be practised. They aim to keep their bodies under control and to bring them into subjection. It is not a point of merit to do this; it is the matter of wisdom for those who seek the prize to restrain their bodies from its lusts and indulgences. If they are in earnest, they'll do it and not jeopardize their chances to win the prize.

3rd. To observe the rules of the contest. Pride and obstinacy must be broken down. Instead of self-seeking, you must lay yourself out for this work. You must contend fairly and lawfully. Otherwise you may bring upon yourself disgrace. The combat requires conscientious work.

A friend once took me into a great factory where cannon are made. We went through the various shops where machines of all kinds were at work. There was noise and clatter. At last he took me through a small door into a room that was comparatively quiet

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To Original design only from
the simplest Marker to the most
elaborate MORTUARY
CHAPEL for erection in any
Consultation requested for De-
signs to be prepared to any limit
of expense.

Send for Illustrated Hand Book
and photographs of recently ex-
ecuted work.

7. & R. Lamb

STUDIOS: 23, 25, 27 Sixth Ave.,

New York

There was a great engine working noiselessly.
"This is the power room," he said. From
that quiet room, from that silently working
engine, proceeded the power that drove the
machinery we had seen. In every Christian
life there must be the "power room." Your
power to work, your very Christian life de-
pends on getting and keeping near to Christ.
So long as you keep in touch with Jesus his
strength will pass into you and his love will
sustain you.
Now in consecration there are
two things: Ist, a constant Divine operation,
and 2d, an oft-repeated human endeavor
God consecrates us by the call and promises
the Gospel, he inspires motives in us and his
continual guidance is in our lives. We con-
secrate ourselves by the response of our faith
and our obdience to God's law. We form
habits of thinking and feeling which consoli-
date into holy character and build up a holy
life. It does not mean that we wrap our-

selves in a holy web in the sanctuary-it is giving "one's life in its whole flow to God's service," and bids Jesus to be our pilot. For this there must be

1. Heart preparation. The door of the heart must be open to Jesus only. We must bid him enter and be our only guest. The uncleanness, the sensual must be swept out of the heart and it must be made fit for such a guest as Jesus.

2. Absolute self-surrender. "I gave my life for thee, what hast thou given for me?" Shall we grudge? Shall we limit? It is said that the Egyptians offered to their gods the peach because it was like man's heart-a stone in it, and its leaf like man's tongue, to intimate the surrender of the entire man. Is this a type, too, of our surrender? Half-hearted giving of ourselves to Christ cannot secure for us the fulness of his blessing. Let us give all to Him.

In Some of our Large Cities

New York.

-The Church of the Advent, Rev. William M. Horn, pastor, reduced its mortgage debt to the extent of $3,000 in February and took a special Easter offering for the purpose of effecting a further reduction.

-The Easter offering of St. James' Church, Dr. Remensnyder, paster, amounted to abou $1,950.

-The Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, was organized March 26, 1912. The Sunday school was organized October, 1910, in the home of Pastor Flanders, 1325 Sterling place. The second Sunday there were 78 present.

-Lutheran young men active in Church work, and others who are willing to be, are to have an outing that just suits them this year.

The place has been arranged for and is being equipped at Greenwood Lake, 45 m.les from New York, with every facility for rest and recreation. Comfortable quarters in a house and adjoining bungalows, a very good table, many forms of recreation, including the use of a motor boat, are to be provided at about nominal expense.

A group of Lutheran young men will "own the place" during the week beginning July 6. It will not be a "summer school," or "summer conference," or "summer assembly," but a genuine and jolly get together outing.

Talk about Church work if we want to, yes, and as much as we like, and men worth talking with will be there; but no scheduled study classes or lecture courses. Just a good, wholesome, lung expanding, blood quickening, health building recreation period, under the trees on the shore of one of the finest lakes in the Eastern hills.

For more information, write to James Gear, Sixty-eighth street and Third avenue, or I. S. Runyon, in care of the Review.

-Charlotte C. Wills, a devoted member of the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, who died April 12, left a large portion of her estate to various causes of the Church. The Church of the Redeemer, the Home Mission work and the Foreign Mission cause of the General Council each receives $1,000; the Wartburg Orphans' Home, $500; the German Evangelical Aid Society, $500; the Home of the Blind on Long Island, $500.

-Rev. F. F. Buermeyer, D. D., city missionary of the Lutheran Inner Mission Society, is now a regular visitor at Sing Sing prison, and by special request has consented to be the spiritual adviser of a negro who is condemned to death for murder. Once a month he preaches in the King's Park Asylum, on Long Island. He is also now able to do quite effective work on Blackwell's Island. He finds great opportunity for usefulness among the sick and the poor and discharged convicts.

-Rev. G. Doering, for years the successful director of the Emigrant House, has resigned. The decline of German immigration in recent years has compelled the board to consider retrenchment.


-A new mission was begun recently at Morton Park, a suburb to which one of the elevated roads was extended last summer. The service was held in a storeroom rented for the purpose, and was under the direction of a mission superintendent. A young minister who will graduate this year will become pastor.

-A mission has been started at Matteson, a town of 700 people, five miles from Chicago Heights, where there is a German church, but none worshipping in the English language until the present.

-Augsburg Mission expects to build a church this year. The lot bought last summer at a cost of $1,500 has been entirely paid for. The work, under the energetic leadership of Rev. William E. Wheeler, is making steady and substantial progress. Seven members were recently received.

-A $40,000 building is to be erected in this city for the old people's home of the Augustana Synod. Rev. F. O. Hanson, of Galesburg, Ill., has been called to become superintendent. St. Louis.

-Missouri Synod Lutherans are planning to establish a deaconess mother house in this city.

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-"Lutheran Week," at Mt. Gretna is August 10-17. Last year there were 175 people there during a part of the week set apart to Lutherans, and all who can plan to do so are going to be there again this year. The program last year provided a delightful blend of inspiration and recreation. A good many people have said how much they enjoyed the lectures, the rest and the genial company. The accommodations are offered at minimum expense. If you want information write to Rev. Charles L. Fry, D. D., Catasauqua, Pa.

-The building of Nachusa Orphans' Home, Nachusa, Ill., was entirely destroyed by fire on April 3. The building was insured for $5,500, but to rebuild to house the family comfortably will cost about $10,000. The children will be cared for temporarily in two small houses in the village.

-Rev. Ephraim E. Neibel, a missionary of the General Synod on the African field, died at Buhlo Pelle, Africa, March 1, 1912. Buhlo Pelle is an outpost sixty miles from the mission station at Monrovia, to which Rev. and Mrs. Neibel had

gone for educational and evangelization work among the natives.

-The will of the late Col. George F. Huff, of Greensburg, Pa., ex-member of Congress, gives $5,000 to Zion Lutheran Church of Greensburg, Rev. William J. Miller, D. D., pastor.

-On the ill-fated Titanic were the wife and three children of Rev. Allen O. Becker, one of the General Synod's missionaries at Guntur, India. They were among those rescued by the Carpathia and are now again with their friends here.

--The German Lutheran congregation at Blue island, Ill., is preparing to put up a $20,000 school building-modern in structure and in its furnishings.

-Hartwick Seminary received a legacy of $300 from the estate of Miss Elizabeth Haynor, of Troy, N. Y.

-The Western Theological Seminary has received for its German work a legacy of $1,000 from Mrs. Miller, Pittsfield, Ill.

-Mrs. Catharine Free, of Cly, York County, Pa., who died several weeks ago, has made several bequests to the Lutheran Church, among which are a plot of ground in Cly to the Lutheran Board of Church Extension for the erection at some future time of a Lutheran Church; $200 to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of York

Laven, and $100 to Christ Lutheran Church of Manchester, Pa. MIS. Free was a member of the Lutheran Church for sixty-five years.

-One of the members of Christ Church, of Charleroi, has offered $7,500, provided the other members ofer a similar amount. This will mean a reduction of $15,000 in the debt, and will put the congregation in comfortable condition.

-The Norwegian Lutherans in Canada have decided to locate their new Saskatchewan College at Outlook. The first contribution toward the building fund consists of $1,000 from a young man whose name is not mentioned in the reports.

-The United Synod South will send its fifth missionary to Japan. His support for eight years in advance has been guaranteed.

-The First Church, Mansfield, Ohio, Rev. S. P. Long, D. D., pastor, has decided to enlarge the church building to increase its seating capacity to 2,000 persons.

-By the death of Miss Phoebe P. Fetterly, of Bedford, Pa., the Lutheran Church is made the beneficiary as follows: Real estate to National Home for the Aged, Washington, and Tressler Orphans' Home in equal parts, at death of a nephew; $200 to Trinity Lutheran Church, Bedford, Pa.; residue and remainder of estate of all kinds and wheresoever situate to the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, to be invested, the income to be used in support of young men of worthy character to enable them to educate themselves for the Lutheran ministry. The exact money value cannot now be known, but it will be considerable.

-The late Dr. Isaac K. Funk, of New York, left a bequest of $10,000 to Wittenberg College, of which he was an alumnus. Dr. Funk was for several years in the active Lutheran pastorate in New York and Brooklyn. In 1877 he founded the publishing house of Funk & Wagnalls Company, of which he was the president at the time of his death.

-One of the Indian papers recently stated: "Educated India is agitated over a special marriage bill now before the Viceroy's Council. The Hon. Mr. Basu, himself a Hindu, has introduced the bill to legalize marriages between Hindus of different castes and persons of different creeds. No more fatal blow at the caste system has ever been struck. Meetings to support the bill and to denounce it have been held in all parts of the empire." After giving an account of one such meeting in Bombay, the writer goes on to say: "But the most remarkable fact about the Bombay meeting was that three Hindu ladies were present and spoke in support of the bill. Parsee ladies, Brahmo and Arya Samaj (reform societies) ladies have often taken part in public gatherings, but that Hindu ladies of the social prominence of those named should address a public meeting, largely composed of men, is the commencement of a social revolution. The purdah (that which secludes women) has been lifted. It will never be dropped again."

Conducted by I. S. RUNYON

SEND IN THE NEWS.-Under this heading we aim to give the fullest reports possible of all District and Local Leagues. Secretaries and other officers are earnestly solicited to send in reports and items of

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Pres., P. WALTER BANKER. ......Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Cor. Sec., MRS. B. B. HARKER, 438 W. Queen Line,
Germantown, Philadelphia
President, REV. EUGENE E. NEUDEWITZ, Jersey City
Cor. Sec., MISS E. BUSCH, 54 Mercer St., Jersey City



President, MURRAY S. MOIST.




Cor. Secretary, MISS VERNA SCHLEISSER.....Toledo

President, Rev. G. KELLER RUBRECHT... Milwaukee
Secretary, JOHN MAEL.

President, E. A. HAAS...



President, REV. H. F. MARTIN..
Secretary, O. J. VILAND..

.Mt. Horeb

Lafayette ..So. Bend

Iowa City

Lake Preston ..Lake Preston

President, JAMES O. BERDAHL..
Cor. Secretary, ARTHUR DAHL.
President, OTTO JOHNSON..

St. Paul

President, FRANK GOETZE..

.New Haven



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President, REV. F. C. SCHULDT.
President, F. C. HESSLER.
District Leagues in States Not Organized
President, H. R FELLINGER..... Washington, D. C.
Cor. Sec., HARVEY A. BENNER... Washington, D. C.
President, HENRY A. KRAMER, 1030 Lynn St.,

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