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organizer and first president of the Luther League of Nebraska, and has always représented the organization in the West. He has also been an associate editor of the Luther League Review for several years."

Of his work in the last ten years a volume might be written. He has visited and spoken in churches of every Synod, has been in every State and spent a year going around the


world, speaking for the Luther League wherever he could. His interesting report at the last convention at Pittsburgh is still fresh in everybody's mind. May he be spared many years in the Master's cause is the sincere wish of the thousands of young people enlisted under our banner and the many thousands of Lutherans he has learned to know during his service in the ministry.

Report of the General Secretary

Tis interesting to learn that we will soon be able to accurately fix the exact time of the world by wireless telegraphy. About the middle of November we are told it will be possible to establish with precision for the first time the longitude of America and Europe in their relation to each other, by the exchange of wireless signals between the great stations at Arlington and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Commander Hoff at the International Time Conference told the world, the observatory in Washington was now distributing time with errors of only one-thousandth part of a second. Hitherto, time between Europe and America has been established by cable, allowance being made for loss of time in transmission. This has been accurately fixed three times. In 1866, 1870 and 1872.

For all this the General Secretary has found it impossible to meet all the demands made upon him for visitations. Time flies fast and as there are only fifty-two Sundays in the year, he regrets it is beyond his power to accept all the invitations that come to him. At Viewmonte, N. Y., we had a very interesting service. This congregation is one of the oldest Lutheran churches in America. It is in Livingston Manor and in the heart of one of the finest fruit regions in America. Sixty Luther Leaguers marched up the aisle and took seats in the front of the church at this service. We apprehend that as a result of this visit the Luther League will have to furnish the pastor with a new pulpit chair.

The Secretary visited Schenectady, Oneonta, and we also addressed a meeting at the First Church, Albany. At Ellenville the General Secretary was privileged to participate in the fiftieth anniversary of the congregation, preaching the communion sermon in the morning and delivering the Luther League address in the evening, following the eloquent anniversary sermon by Rev. H. E. Snyder.

The seventeenth annual convention of the Luther League of New Jersey in Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. Eugene E. Neudewitz, pastor, Jersey City, was not a large but an interesting convention. The keynote of the convention was "Lengthen Thy Cords, Strengthen Thy Stakes." Mr. Carl E. Thorbeck, of Riverside, who was chosen by the executive committee as president upon the resignation of the former president, presented an interesting report. Mr. Thorbecke deserves great credit for what was accomplished by him in his short term and we were heartily glad to know that New Jersey had a young layman so interested in the work.

The reports of the officers and standing committees indicated progress in New Jersey. Mr. William C. Stoever, President of the Luther League of America, delivered an address and the General Secretary delivered an address and conducted a question box. The addresses in the evening were delivered by Revs. F. V. Christ, of New York, and George A. Genzmer, of Newark. Rev. F. H. Bosch, of New York, delivered an address on Junior Luther League work. Delegates and visitors were entertained at dinner and supper in the parlors of the church. This convention was more largely attended by the pastors of New Jersey than any for a number of years previous.

A word to the delegates and visitors to Albany. On the same dates as our convention there will be a convention of the Federated Woman's Club of New York. The general committee in charge at Albany advise that all delegates and visitors intending to be present at the Luther League Convention write at once for reservation of rooms to kev. H. E. Meyer, Ph.D., 62 Alexander street, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee. Hotel rates will be found in the September and October numbers of the LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW.



(Continued from September Number.)


HE evening of the open session finally

THE even and almost every member was

present, and a large turnout of the parents and friends. Paul was delighted. It was a far larger crowd than he had dared to hope for.

The children marched in from the Sunday school room singing the "Rally Hymn" and took their accustomed places. A meeting was then conducted exactly the same as the afternoon session, up to the presentation of the lesson. Then Paul made a little speech to the parents, telling them of the object and purpose of the Junior League. He said it was a place of amusement, but to save the soul of the child. It was not to take the place of the Sunday school, or the church service, but to help supply the things not to be received during the short lesson of the morning hour, and to teach the child the history and doctrine of their glorious Church and faith. To make them love their Church, and create in them the desire for more knowledge, so, when they come under the pastor's care they will be anxious and ready to accept his instruction.

After his address he rapidly outlined the lesson and gave them a question drill on it, and some of the supplemental work which they had been having.

Helen and Ethel then delighted the members and their friends with a violin and piano selection, after which Dr. Carroll gave a short history of the organization of the League and paid a high compliment to Paul and his assistants. He then led them in player, closing with the Lord's Prayer, in which all joined.

At the close of the service all were invited to the basement, where the older members served refreshments, and all present were expected to enjoy themselves in the society of their friends.

Paul moved among the assembly, seeking out the parents and asking why this one's boy or girl did not attend and whether he could hope for their presence at the next meeting.

Among the people in attendance was a man who introduced himself as a Mr. Austin, from Portland. He was a prosperous looking, elderly gentleman, and seemed to be particularly interested in Paul. While he did not speak to him he watched his every movement very closely, and made many inquiries about him

and his parents. No one seemed to know Mr. Austin, but he made himself agreeable, and told Dr. Carroll and others, with whom he talked, that he was a Lutheran, a member of St. Luke's Church, of Portland, and deeply interested in young folks. He happened to be in their community on business, and learning of the open session, had come to see and hear what he could. He left earlier than the others, and when he was gone, Dr. Carroll told Paul of the questions asked.

Helen, too, had accidentally been near him on one or two occasions, and had been questioned in regard to Paul. Once Grace came to speak to her and Mr. Austin regarded her very attentively for a moment and after she went away had asked questions about her. Helen told him she was a sister to Paul, and then pointed out Dorothy also, and the three seemed to occupy practically all of his attention during the remainder of his visit. She also spoke to Paul of the interest which the strange gentleman manifested in him and his sisters, but they were all at a loss to explain it.

So many people congratulated Paul and his helpers on the successful work they were doing that he confidentially told Helen he "really was afraid he would need a new hat, and he did not know how he could possibly afford it," at which Helen laughed, and replied, "When you need a new one, I think it will be forthcoming."

The evening was certainly a success, and was going to do more for the League than they had hoped, when they were in their most hopeful mood.

Paul, Dorothy and Grace walked home with Helen that evening, and as the two little girls went ahead comparing notes and telling each other about the happy time they had enjoyed, it gave the older ones a chance to have a private chat, which they were quick to take advantage of.

On their arrival home and the children put to bed, Paul told his mother all the events of the evening. When he came to the part of the stranger and the interest which he seemed to have in their family, she became visibly excited.

"What did you say his name was?" she asked.

"Mr. Austin. I did not learn his first name." "Where was he from?"

"Portland. He said he was a member of St. Luke's Lutheran Church. Why, what is the matter, mother?" Paul cried. Mrs. Cecil had turned deathly white and was breathing heavily.

"Nothing, Paul; nothing at all," but she clutched at her heart convulsively.

"You do not know Mr. Austin, do you, mother?"

"I once knew a Mr. Austin," she said faintly. "He was living in Portland, too, some twenty years ago." She seemed whiter than at first. "What is the trouble, mother? Let me bring you some water," and he ran and fetched her a glass.

"I shall be all right in a moment," she said, sipping the water. "It was all so suddenly told. What sort of a looking man was he? Did he speak to you?"

"No, he did not speak to me, or either of the, girls. He talked with a number of people, among them Helen Dahl, and Grace came to her while he was talking. He looked her over very carefully, but did not attempt to speak to her, and Helen then pointed out Dorothy, and she said he watched all three of us nearly the entire time he stayed."

"What did he look like?"

"He was a little above average height and finely built, with gray hair, smooth face, and looked to be about sixty years old and very prosperous."

"Oh, I wonder if it could be possible!" she moaned.

"Could be who?" asked Paul.

Mrs. Cecil did not speak for a few moments and Paul waited patiently for her to break the silence.

"Did I ever tell you anything about my Uncle Henry?" she questioned.

"Not that I remember, mother."

"He was mother's only brother," she went on, half to herself, "and I was his only niece. It appeared he could never do enough for me, and then he wanted me to do something for him-and-and-I could not, and thenand then-______”

She looked at Paul vaguely.

"And then he grew angry and said I was ungrateful. He was in a rage, beside himself with passion, or he would never have said the bitter things he did; and then-I went away, and I have never seen or heard a word from him to this day."

"What did he want you to do?" Paul asked softly.

"He wanted me to marry a man I loathed, and he was very unreasonable about your father, who was a good man. I knew some things about my uncle's choice, which I believe he did not. In going against Uncle Henry's wishes I gained his ill will. Years afterward the man was exposed and I think Uncle Henry learned to know him as he was, but whether he was still bitter against me I never knew. He was a very proud and reserved man, and could not own himself in the wrong very easily, but if convinced that he was really in the wrong, he would attempt to make reparation in some manner."

"If this was your Uncle Henry, what do you suppose he was doing at the League meeting?"

"There can be only two reasons: either he is desirous of seeking a reconciliation, or else it was purely accidental-his being in this town."

"But mother, you would not want to have anything to do with him, would you?"

"Yes, Paul, if he is willing to own himself in the wrong, and really wants to be friends again. He may be poor, or he may be prosperous. I do not know, and do not care as to that; but if he is lonely, if he is sad, we ought to cheer him as much as possible. He is getting up in years. He lost his wife and only child Marie long, long ago, and has lived alone ever since."

"But think how he has neglected you and forgotten our very existence, one might say. I never knew we had any relatives. Why have you never spoken of him?"

"True, he has neglected us; but what does the Master say: 'If we forgive not every one his trespasses.' You know the rest. If he is lonely, if he still loves us, we can surely learn to love him. I love him again, and you children love him as a long-lost uncle. I never told you, as it would only have made you feel bitter against one, who, perhaps, was really acting according to his best knowledge, and who is now afraid to ask forgiveness, lest he be refused. He knows how much he has wronged me."

"How can you let him know you are willing to be friends?"

"He will come to us. He is very proud and reserved, as I told you; but his sense of duty is strong, and if he once decides himself (Continued on page 26.)

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Deut. 10:12-13; Matt. 22:37-40; Romans 13:8-10. Topic reviewed by Rev. Paul W. Koller. We have heard so often that it is impossible for human beings to keep perfectly these Ten Commandments that somehow there has crept into the minds of people a feeling that these commandments are so far beyond and above us as to be impracticable. Therefore a question like the one that forms our topic is natural, and consideration of it valuable.

"Are the Ten Commandments practicable today?" Men answer this question differently. "Certainly," glibly answer some who have never half comprehended their high requirements or lofty purpose. "By no means," reply others who for the first time are brought to realize the great gulf which separates human frailty and divine requirement. And if we were to judge from the conduct of many who call themselves Christians, we too would say "Impossible." But God gave the Commandments to be obeyed, and He never as's what is impossible or impracticable. Let us, however, see for ourselves by looking at what God demands of us, and we will know, in part at least, whether they have a place or not in this practical age.

God demands:

1. That We Put Him First.

This is the very first commandment, and in the New Testament we find Christ urging it again and again. Matt. 6:33. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness." Many pay no attention, however, either to the Law or to Christ's words. They seek gain first of all and not God. There seems to be nothing men will not sacrifice and undergo to get possessions. The cold of the North does not deter them. The scorching heat and fever of the Tropics does not prevent. Men undergo privations, hardships, loneliness, war, anything and everything to possess things. On the other hand, it is just as true that all about us there are men and women who are putting God first in their lives and even the Father of Lies would not declare impracticable what is wrought every day with blessed results. There are business men whose first question is not "Will it pay?" but "Is it right in God's sight?" We meet men everywhere who put God first

in every department of life's activity. They are not impractical dreamers, but men of common sense and brains, who are demonstrating that God's Commandments are practicable.

2. That We Love Our Neighbor as Ourself. That is the all embracing requirement that covers the second table of the Ten Commandments. While not as much is done as ought to be done for the welfare and happiness of our fellowmen, yet there is no question but that it is a good thing and practicable even in this selfish age. Men and women are doing it every day and not making much fuss about it either. The schoolboy who helps his competitor: the shopmate who steps aside that another who has a wife and children may profit; the daughter who gives up her chance of happiness for another's welfare, all are proving the practical worth of this command Men no longer say that the Golden Rule is not practicable. Some years ago a governor of New York said "Nobody obeys the Golden Rule any more." Not long after Secretary of State Hay said, "The sum and substance of international law is the Golden Rule." These Commandments of God are practicable today. 3. Love the Fulfilling of the Law.

Those who try to keep the Commandments do not find it easy, and no one except our blessed Saviour has ever kept them perfectly. We come far short; we transgress again and again. Christ knows our difficulty and has given us a way by which we can keep His law. He gave it to us through one of his consecrated followers who lived very near to Him. It is the great and precious truth that love is the fulfilling of the law, true Christian love which reaches up to God and out to our fellowmen. When such love is in the heart, putting God first and loving our neighbor will not be so hard, and what we lack Christ's love will supply.


1. What is the test of practicality? 2. Has any one ever kept the Commandments perfectly.

3. Will the Commandments always be required.

4. What is the practical result of putting God first? Of keeping the Sabbath?

5. What results when men keep the Commandments of the second table?

6. Have you found them practicable?

The Luther League Topics, complete lessons (of which the above are outlines and reviews), in 32-page pamphlet, covering three months, can be supplied at rates given on page 35 by LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW, Box 876, New York, N. Y.

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PROF. REV. ROY STROCK, Vice Principal, College, Guntur. Education is considered one of the most important phases of the work of our mission. In most respects it is closely correlated with the evangelistic work.

The work in the parish schools in the various villages where there are Christian congregations is really the starting point for all our educational work. This is natural. These village schools are sometimes excellent. The teachers are supposed to be men and women who have been trained in our Guntur higher schools. Oftentimes, in the looseness and freedom of the life in small villages, the teachers neglect many of the good habits acquired in school and become more like the villagers among whom they work. The teachers were formerly villagers themselves. I must not leave the impression that these village schools are worthless. From these schools come all of our higher trained and better workers. Many of the boys and girls when they come for admission to the boarding schools show evidences of good and faithful training.

Each year and sometimes twice a yeareach of the boarding schools holds an examination of boys and girls from the village schools. Out of those examined a certain number are selected as fit to proceed to higher studies.

There are at present two boarding schools for boys and two for girls. In some missions every town in which a missionary lives has a boarding school, and these missions have a larger proportion of well-trained workers. This is our ideal.

These schools are boarding establishments rather than schools. The pupils attend schools. in the town-close to the boarding schools. The newly admitted boys are placed in the third or fourth year class of one of the college branch schools-according to their attainments.

If they fail to pass they are usually sent back to their villages. Some who show reasonable ability but fail in English are allowed to continue their studies, but in the elementary school.

I should state right here that education is of two kinds in the Madras Presidency-elementary and secondary. The elementary education is in Telugu, while in the secondary

course great stress in laid upon the acquirement of English, and after the eighth year instruction is given with English as the medium. Boys more advanced in age, or boys who show weakness only in English, are allowed to read in the elementary school in Guntur.

The college and the higher grade Bible training school form the climax for the secondary education of our mission. Below the college are the high school (three years), the lower secondary department (three years) and the branch school (primary, five years). Up to the high school the teaching is chiefly in the vernacular, with English as the chief subject in the curriculum. For high school and college all instruction is given in English, with the exception of some of the study of the vernacular itself. Up to the last year of the high school course we give our own examinations. At the close of the high school course, however, there is a public examination conducted by the Government, and uniform for all high schools throughout the Presidency. In this examination students are examined in English, vernacular composition, elementary mathematics (including arithmetic and elementary algebra and geometry), and in two or three optional subjects selected from a list of a dozen or more, such as algebra and geometry, trigonometry, history of England, physics, chemistry, Telugu, Sanscrit, etc. The examination standard is high-fully as high as that of the better high schools of the United States. The percentage of pupils who obtain full passes is very small-10, 15 or 20 per cent.

Our college in Guntur teaches only up to the junior class, so that our boys have to attend another college for the last two years of their A. B. degree course. All the examining is done by the Madras University itself. At the end of the sophomore year, as a rule, about 40 per cent. pass. In the college there are elective group courses. English is compulsory for all. We teach mathematics, physics, chemistry, ancient and modern history, logic, Telugu, and Sanscrit. We now have about eighty boys in the two classes. In our senior high school class we have 110 boys. In the college, high school, lower secondary school and three branches we have almost 1,000 students. In Rentachintala we have a lower secondary school which is also connected with the college and high school.

The Bible training school consists of two

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