Imágenes de página

Gaelic and Hebrew lan-
guages, affinity between
them, 233

Gale, severe one felt over
Scotland, 177
Gaming-houses in Paris,
notice of a work on, 561
Gas light introduced into
Edinburgh, 486
Geological Society, proceed-
ings of, 268

notices, 520
Germany, people of, petition
for representative consti-
tutions, 80-Present state
of the universities of, 272
--Review of travels in, 342
-Dispute between the
Grand Duke of Baden
and the King of Bavaria,
Girardelli, Signora, the in-
combustible lady, expe-
riments by, of her power
of resisting the action of
fire, 437-Various in-
stances of a similar facul-
ty possessed by others,
439- Observations on
Signora Girardelli's exhi-
bition, 444
Glasgow, mortality bill of,
178 Review of report on
the management of the
poor of, 455, 507
Godwin, Mr, review of his

novel of Mandeville, 57
-Letter of advice to a
young American by, 209
Granite, blocks of in the

mountains of Jura, 334
Halifax and St Johns, in
British America, declared
free ports, 579
Hamilton, Lord Archibald,

his motion in the House
of Commons, on the state
prosecutions in Scotland,

the late Mrs Eli-
zabeth, review of Me-
moirs of, 558
Hebrew and Gaelic lan-
guages, affinity between
the, 233
Herculaneum, Dr Sickler's
mode of unrolling the
manuscripts of, 470,
Highland superstitions, cu-

rious facts concerning, 104
Hogg, James, the Ettrick
Shepherd, account of his
life and writings, 35
Observations on his poem
of the Mountain Bard,
123 The Forest Min-
strel, 125-Essays in the

Spy, a periodical work,
126 Description of a
Mountain Funeral, 127-
The Queen's Wake, 129
Pilgrims of the Sun, and
Mador of the Moor, 215
Holland, journal of a visit
to, 234, 540
Hone, Mr, trials and ac-
quittal of, on a charge of
publishing blasphemous
libels, 84

Hudson, Henry, account of
his discoveries in the
northern seas, 514-Left
to perish by his mutinous
crew, 516

Hume, Lady Grizzel, par-
ticulars respecting, 325,
431-Songs written by,


- Sir Patrick, account
of his remarkable con-
cealment and escape from
Scotland, 325-His man-
ner of life in Holland,

[blocks in formation]

nalian festivals at Flo-
rence, 309
Justiciary, High Court of,
trial in for celebrating un-
lawful marriages, 379-
Trial of several boys for
housebreaking, 380-Of
several persons for reset-
ting stolen goods, 585
Kilda, St, specimens of the
poetry of, 240
Kosciusko, Ode to the spirit
of, 70

Lamp without flame, ac-
count of a, 366
Landed property near Edin-
burgh, great rise in the
value of, 584
Lawrie, Deacon, of Edin-
burgh, succeeds in setting
aside the election of Ma-
gistrates, 585

Legend of the Rose, a poem,


Leith, singular incident
there, 583

Hurricane in the West In- Literary and scientific intel-

dies, 82

Iceland, state of the weather
there in spring 1817, 269
Jews, intolerant proceedings
regarding them, in Poland
and Saxony, 577
Indies, East, treaty with
the Peishwa, 80, 172—
Monument at Bengal to
the late Governor Duncan,
81-New war with the
Mahratta powers in, 372
--Accounts of its progress,
478-Treaty of peace with
Holkar and the Berar ra-
jah, 577

West, destructive
hurricane in the Leeward
Islands, 82-Christmas
racket among the negroes
of Jamaica, 213-State
of St Domingo, 373-
Death of President Pe-
tion, 579
Infirmary, Royal, of Edin-

burgh, inquiry into the
management of, 381
Inverness, improvements in
the harbour of, 177
Journal of a visit to Holland

and Flanders, 234, 540
Ireland, revenue of, in 1816

and 1817, 281-Exports
from Britain to, 580
Italy, letters from a travel-
ler in, 9-Description of
Mont Blanc, ib.-Pas-
sage of the Simplon, 10
-Milan, 12-Florence,

[ocr errors]

ligence, 73, 167, 269,
365, 468, 569
Literature, desultory essays
connected with, No. I.
-On the moral constitu-
tion of Childe Harold,
223--No. II. On the
Darwinian School of
Poetry, 313

Llewellyn, a novel, review
of, 457

London, bill of mortality
in, 83
Longitude, magnetical in-
strument for determining
the, 334
Lords, House of, proceed-
ings in, 174-Speech of
the Prince Regent on o-
pening Parliament, ib.-
Repeal of Habeas Corpus
suspension bill, 175-Re-
port of Committee on the
state of the country, 278

-Ministers' indemnity
bill passed, 374-Mes-
sage of the Regent relat-
ing to the marriage of
his royal brothers, 480
Lunatic asylums, on the
proposed erection of in
Scotland, 410
Luther, on his merits in re-

gard to psalmody, &c.
303, 418
Macgregors, singular story
of a chief of the, 132
Mandeville, a novel, review
of, 57

Marriages, register of, 94,
192, 294, 394, 498, 596
Mechanical inventions, ac-
count of some curious
ones, by John Spence, in
Linlithgow, 408, 528
Mediterranean, hot spring
rising through the sea in
the, 16

Merceron, J. a magistrate,
convicted of embezzling
the poor's money, &c. 584
Meteorological Reports, 88,
185, 287, 387, 492, 590

hints for the extension of,

Notices, 336
Mexico, geographical sketch
of, 5

Milan, observations of a
traveller there, 12
Monster, notice of a shaved

bear, exhibited in Edin-
burgh, under the name
of Peruvian monster, 448
Mont Blanc, description of,

by a traveller, 9
Montolieu, Madame la Ba-
ronne, remarks on four
tales published by, 359
Mortality bill for London,
83-for Glasgow, 178
Murder, shocking one at
Dunning, 282
Murray, Lady, her narra-
tive of the sufferings of
the families of Polwarth
and Jerviswood, 322, 430
-Specimen of her mo-
ther's talents in song writ
ing, 435
Music, on the want of pa
tronage of, in Edinburgh,
&c. 118

Natural History, notices in,
16-Birds and marine
animals of Shetland, ib.
-Hot spring in the Me-
diterranean, 17-Vapour
rising from the sea at Ha-
lifax, ib.-Gulf-stream in
Mexico, 18-On birds,
110-Curious facts in,
111, 320-Miscellane-
ous notices in, 138, 332,
Neale, Dr Adam, his tra-
vels through Germany,
&c. review of, 342
Negroes in Jamaica, ac-
count of a

racket among the, 213
Newhaven, affecting inci-
dent at, 178
New Zealand, massacre of
the crew of a British ship

there, 403 Account of
Tippahee, a chief of, 409
Northanger Abbey, a no-

vel, review of, 453
Northern Passage, notice of
voyages for the discovery
of a, 399, 508-Sir
Hugh Willoughby's, 399
-Dutch expeditions, 508
-See Voyages
North Pole, notice relating
to the expedition to the,
332, 365
Observatory, foundation of
a new one at Edinburgh,
468--Proposal to build
one at Cambridge, 471
Odeon theatre at Paris, de-
stroyed by fire, 372
Parliament, opening of the
session of, 174
Parson Schmolké, and the
Schoolmaster Bakel, a
poem, translated from the
German of Langbein, 524
Passion, instance of the fa-
tal effects of, 378
Patents lately enrolled, 88,
183, 285, 383, 489, 586
Persuasion, a novel, review
of, 453


made with Horner's, 571
Pichegru, General, circum-
stances attending his
death, 134
Pilgrimage to Canterbury,
an engraving by Heath,
&c. account of, 531
Plants, notice respecting the
geography of, 140, 168
Poetry Original-Song and
fragment by Burns, 70-
To the spirit of Koscius-
ko, ib. On the death of
the Princess Charlotte,
71-The poor man's la-
bour, 72-Melancholy,
ib.--From the Song of
Solomon, 162--Sonnets,
ib.--The Evening Land-
scape, 266- A Night
Piece, ib. To a Lady,
267--Sonnet on the grave
of a young Lady, ib.-
The Soldier's Grave-
The November Garden,


Verses to a Friend,
362-Laye of ane aun-
cient Mynstrell - Son-
nete on a Grete Capitaine,
367-The Dirge of Tip-
poo Sultaun, 464-The
Confession, 465-The

Thorn of Preston-Song,
565 The Legend of the

Rose Sonnets from Pe-
trarch, 566-To Octavia,
Poets, remarks on the early
English,-No. I. Chau-
cer, 327
Polar Seas, on Captain
Scoresby's observations
on the, 333-Ice, notice
respecting the, ib.
Polwarth and Jerviswood,
families of, account of
their sufferings previous
to the Revolution of
1688, 323, 430
Poor in Scotland, report of
the General Assembly, re-
specting a provision for,

Pope, Mr, on the question
whether he was a poet,
Porteous mob at Edinburgh.
remarks on the, 543
Preston, the Thorn of, a
poem, 565
Prince Henry, poems on
the death of, 421
Princess Elizabeth, married
to the hereditary Prince
of Hesse Hombourg,383
Princess Charlotte, lines on
the death of, 71, 423
Promotions, appointments,
&c. 88, 183, 285, 384,
489, 587
Prussia, effects of a storm

there, 172-Answer of
the king of, to his sub-
jects' petition for a re-
presentative government,
Prussian blue, discovered
in England, 470
Pseudo-volcano in Stafford-
shire, account of, 570
Publications, monthly list
of, 77, 170, 273, 369,
474, 573
Racine's Phedre, defence of,


Railways, proposed ones, in
the neighbourhood of
Edinburgh, 484
Regalia of Scotland, pearls
in the, supposed to be
Scottish, 139-Discovery
of the, in Edinburgh Cas
tle, 179
Remarkable preservation
from death in a coal pit,

Revenge, the, of Tirinie, a
Highland legend, 532
Revenue of Britain, com-
parative statement of, in
1816 and 1817, 181—Of

Ireland in the same pe
riods, 281-Of Great Bri-
tain and Ireland, for se-
ven years previous to
1818, 382

Review of Rob Roy, a no-

vel, 41, 148-Shake-
speare and his times, 50


-A Father's Gift to his
Children, 55-Mande-
ville, a novel, 57-The
Life of Richard Watson,
Bishop of Llandaff, 142
-Agnes, a poem, 153
-The late Embassy to
China, &c. 243-Fran-
kenstein, a novel, 249
-Birkbeck's Journey
in America, 253-Hill's
Church of Scotland,
259-Women; or Pour
et Contre, a tale, 337-
Neale's travels in Ger-
many, 342-Beppo, a
Venetian story, 348-
Franklin's Memoirs, 351
-Byron's fourth canto of
Childe Harold, 449
Northanger Abbey, and
Persuasion, two novels,
453 Mr Ewing's report
on the Poor of Glasgow,
455 Llewellyn, a novel,
457-New edition
Cowper's Poems, 458
Bright's travels in Lower
Hungary, 549-Principal
Robertson's Sermon, 552
The Fudge Family in
Paris, 553-Memoirs of
the late Mrs Hamilton,

[blocks in formation]

of a sermon by, 552
Rousseau, remarks on the
confessions of, 357
Royal Society, proceedings
of, 163, 268, 364, 568
of Edinburgh,
proceedings of, 164, 268,
Scientific and Literary In
telligence, 73, 167, 269,
365, 468, 568
Scotland, on the present state
of, 199-Its prosperity
dated from the year
1770, ib.-No accumu-
lation of capital in, 201-
On the domestic habits

[ocr errors]


of the people of, 202-
Country houses, 203-
Road-making still imper.
fect in some respects in,
206- Observations on
Lord Binning's bill for
erecting lunatic asylums
in, 410 Proposal to e-
rect a national monument
in, 485-Report of the
General Assembly re-
specting providing for the
poor in, 504-Female
authors of, No. I. Joanna
Baillie, 517-Reflections
on the political state of
in 1737, 543
Scottish burghs, proceedings
in, on the subject of re-
form in their municipal
government, 85,
284, 382, 488, 585

report of the
state of, ordered by the
of Royal
Burghs in 1691, 307

Zoology, No. I,
105 No. II. 423
Shakespeare and his Times,
review of, 50
Sheriffmuir, account of the
battle of, 240
Shetland, notice of Dr Ed-
mondstone's history of
the birds of, 16


ones on the coasts of
France and Britain, 85,

Sicily, effects of an earth-
quake in, 372
Sidmouth, Lord, challeng-
ed to fight, by Arthur
Thistlewood, 282
Snake, account of the great

sea one, 33-confirma-
tion of the fact of its ex-
istence, 367

Spain, decree for abolishing
the slave trade in, 80-
Dispute between and the
United States, 578
Spanish ballads, notice of a

collection of, 271
Spence, John, account of
some curious mechanical
inventions of 408-Far-
ther particulars respect-
ing him, 528-Notice of
a letter from Dr Spurz-
heim on the develope
ment of his organs, 530
Sphynx, Egyptian, notice
respecting the, 141
Staffordshire, account of a

pseudo-volcano there, 570
State prisoners in England


discharged without recog-
nizance, 179
Storm, violent one in Eng-
land, 283
Superstitions in the High-
lands, 104-Curious re-
mains of, in Forfarshire,
Sweden, death of the king,
and elevation of Berna-
dotte to the throne of,
276 Ceremony of his
coronation, 577

Tea, ten grocers in Lon-
don prosecuted for adul-
terating, 580
Temperature, experiments
on, at various depths in
the ground, 300
Thistlewood, Arthur, late
a state prisoner, chal-
lenges Lord Sidmouth to
fight a duel, 282-Sen-
tenced to twelve months
imprisonment, 580
Thunder storms in Britain,
fatal effects of, 579
Tippahçe, a New Zealand
chief, interesting account
and portrait of, 407
Tippoo Sultaun, the dirge
of, 464

Tirinie, the revenge of, a

Highland legend, 532
Vaccination, notice of a re-
port to the French Insti-
tute on, 160
Universities in Germany,
present state of the, 272
Volcanoes, trapp-porphyry
the general seat of, 335
Voyages undertaken for the
discovery of a north-east
passage, 399, 508-Sir
Hugh Willoughby's voy-
age, and miserable fate,
599-Dutch expedition
in 1595, 518-Their in-
tercourse with the Sa-
moiedes, ib.--Landing
at Nova Zembla, ib.-A
party of them attacked
by a white bear, 509-
Sufferings and failure of
another Dutch expedition,
ib. 510 Voyages for the
discovery of a north-west
passage by Frobisher in
1576, &c. 511-by Da-
vis in 1585, &c. 513-
By Hudson in 1609,

Wales, New South, estab-

lishment of a bank in, 373
Waterloo, reliques from the
field of, 326-Proposed
monument in Scotland,

in memory of the battle Wernerian Society, notice

of, 485

and Thomson,
Messrs, on the employ-
ment of money left by
them for charitable pur-
poses in Edinburgh, 121
Watson, Richard, bishop of
Llandaff, review of the
life of, 142
Wellington, Duke of, at-
tempt to assassinate him
at Paris, 276
Werner, the German mi-
neralogist, funeral of, 15

of the 2d Vol. of their
Memoirs, 73-Proceed-
ings of, 164, 364
Whales, a large one caught
on the west coast of Scot-
land, 486

White bears, desperate ren-
contre with one in Nova
Zembla, 509
Wild duck, curious anec-
dote of a, 111
Women; or Pour et Con-
tre, a novel, review of,

Works preparing for publi-
cation, 75, 169, 272,
367, 473, 572
York Hospital, medical
practice there under Sir
William Adams, 269
Zealand, New, account of
the destruction of a Bri-
tish vessel there, 403-
Account of Tippahee, a
chief of that country,
Zoology, Scottish, No. I.
105 No. II. 423

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