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Feb. 16. 1818.-Mr Macvey Napier read "Remarks illustrative of the Scope and Influence of the Philosophical writings of Lord Bacon." In this learned and interesting paper, Mr Napier endeavoured to controvert the opinions of some highly respectable recent writers, who have undervalued the merits of Lord Bacon's philosophy, and have considered the splendid progress of modern experimental science, as independent of any impulse which he may have given. Among these are found the distinguished names of Fabroni and Biot, to whom may be added, the author of an able criticism in the Quarterly Review, on Mr Dugald Stewart's Dissertation on the progress of Philosophy. The writer in the Review proved to have been in many points inconsistent with himself; and the only serious charge which he is able to advance against Lord Bacon, that of believing in the possible transmutation of metals into gold, seems to vanish, when we find the same belief entertained, in a more improved age, by Boyle, and even by Newton. Mr Napier then began with a rapid sketch of the improvements introduced by Lord Bacon, into the mode of philosophizing, chiefly comprised in the diligent use of observation and experiment, and the making of general inferences, only after a copious investigation of facts. These principles stood much in need of illustration, at a time when many great men, and among others, Descartes, contended for an entirely opposite mode of carrying on inquiries into nature. Mr Napier next proceeded to the main object of his essay, which was to prove the actual effects produced by Lord Bacon's writings. These were illustrated by a most extensive research into the writings of his contemporaries, which leaves no doubt of the strong impression made by his Novum Organon. Ben Jonson says, it really openeth all defects of knowledge whatsoever;" and Sir Henry Wotton declares, “ your Lordship hath done a great and everlasting benefit to all the children of Nature, which never before had so true an interpreter, or so inward a secretary of her In an address from the University of Oxford, he is called “a mighty Hercules, who had, by his own hand, greatly advanced those pillars in the learned world, which by the rest of the world, were supposed immoveable." But the most striking proof of Bacon's influence appeared in the formation of the Philosophical, which was afterwards formed into


the Royal Society." This evidently originated in a plan laid down by him, in a romantic piece, called the "New Atlantis," where he paints an imaginary college or society, to which he gives the name of "Solomon's House." Sprat, Glanvill, Cowley, and other writers, whe witnessed the foundation of that illustrious society, universally describe it as established altogether on Bacon's principles, and looked up to him as its virtual founder. The same testimony was shewn to be as clearly rendered by the opponents of the experimental, or, as it was then termed, the "New Philosophy." Dr Stubbes, the most indefatigable of these as sailants, brands the Royal Society as "a Bacon-faced generation," and gives as a reason for his constant attacks upon that great man, that "the repute of Lord Bacon was great in that age," and "the Royal Society pretended to tread in his footsteps.' The Lord Bacon," he says, "is like great piles, when the sun is not high, they cast an extraordinary shadow over the earth, which lesseneth as the sun Mr Napier," the prophecy involved in this "How vain," observed grows vertical." uncouth simile! The fame of Bacon has brightened, as science has advanced, every new discovery bringing a fresh proof of that transcendent sagacity which enabled him so unerringly to plan and predict the indefinite enlargement of her empire."

The most arduous and original part of the undertaking still remained. That Lord Bacon's writings had been highly prized in England, was more or less admitted by all; but his most ardent admirers supposed that his fame, till of late, was much confined to his native country. Even Mr Stewart observes, that," for a century and a half, Lond Bacon failed to command the general admiration of Europe." The researches of Mr Napier, however, prove that the repu tation of Bacon, even during his lifetime, was, if possible, greater abroad than at home. It is said by Osborne, that the voice of foreign fame silenced the cry of Atheism, which had been raised by the stupid bigotry of some of the schoolmen; and Dr Rawley distinctly states, that "his fame was greater, and sounded louder abroad than at home." It appeared that several editions of his works had been printed in France and Holland, and high panegyrics are quoted from Peiresc, Gassendi, and even from Descartes. It was proved, that he was held in high vene ration by several of the persons who took the lead in the formation of the Academy

of Sciences. Ample proof was also given of the deep interest which his works excited among the philosophers of Italy. It appeared even that he was in correspondence with Galileo, so that this great man might be partly indebted to Bacon for the skill with which he conducted his inquiries into nature. Mr Napier concluded with the testimony of eminent German writers in the latter end of the seventeenth century, particularly Morhof, Puffendorff, and Boerhaave.

March 16. Professor Leslie read a paper on certain cold impressions transmitted from the higher atmosphere, with the description of an instrument for measuring them, to which he gives the name of Ethrioscope. By the help of this truly ingenious instrument, we are enabled to discover the relative temperature of those remote and elevated regions of the atmosphere which are inaccessible to direct observations. The Ethrioscope, collecting the cold pulses which shoot downward from the sky, indicates thus a much lower temperature than that of the air by which it is surrounded. The effect would be reversed if it were carried to a considerable height above the earth, and collected the warm pulses which are sent from below. It is needless to enlarge on the benefits which may result from such an instrument to the science of meteorology. Mr Leslie exhibited it to the Society in three forms, differing in size and structure; but it would be impossible, without the aid of plates, to convey any adequate idea of this beautiful invention.

April 6.-Professor Playfair read part of a biographical account of the author of the Naval Tactics.

In this essay, which excited the greatest interest in the Society, Mr Playfair observed, that Mr Clerk belonged to a class of active and vigorous minds, which extend their thoughts and inventions beyond their regular and professional sphere. Mr Clerk, however, though not a seaman, was led by circumstances, at an early period of life, to take a voyage on board a ship of war, and was even present at the great fight near Gibraltar. His situation then as a spectator, and not an actor, might be favourable to the habit of reflecting on the mode

See the article Climate, in Supplemen to Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. III. p. 198-200.

in which naval affairs were conducted. After coming home, he gradually matured his well known system of naval tactics. Mr Playfair observed, that no plan was then known by which one fleet could bring another to action without great disadvantage. It was impossible that the whole could be brought into line opposite to the enemy, without some part being first exposed to an unequal combat and considerable loss. All these disadvantages were obviated, and, in case of superior valour, a complete victory secured, by the plan of bearing down upon the enemy's centre, and breaking his line. Admiral Rodney, well known as the first who put this grand manœuvre in practice, universally declared himself indebted for the knowledge of it to Mr Clerk. To other testimonies, Mr Playfair could add that of Lord Haddington, who saw this illustrious veteran, at an advanced age, when he was unable to stir from his sofa. Even then he loudly professed his obligations to the Naval Tactics, and cried out, with charasteristic enthusiasm," John Clerk for ever!" Lord Howe, when a copy of the work was sent to him, wrote, that he admired the ingenuity of the writer, but that he would follow the old system. In fact, however, before the 22d of June, he must have changed his opi nion ;for he followed the plan of the Naval Tactics, and thereby gained a complete triumph. It was by acting upon the same system, that Lords St Vincent, Duncan, and Nelson, gained that series of vic tories which rendered their names immortal. In short, this system might justly be consi dered as the main instrument which raised the naval glory of Britain to such an unrivalled height. Mr Playfair then adverted, in terms of deep and eloquent regret, to the circumstance,-that no tribute of national gratitude had been paid to merit so transcendent. Whatever might be the cause, it could little affect Mr Clerk, to whom the proud consciousness of having conferred so signal a benefit on his native country, must have afforded higher satisfaction than could be derived from any adventitious distinction. It could not but be viewed in a different light, however, when considered as affecting the character of the nation and its rulers, for whom the bestowing of honours and rewards upon great public benefactors, must always be numbered as one of the most important and imperious duties.


Foundation of a New Observatory in Edinburgh. On the 25th April, according to previous intimation, the members of the Astronomical Institution assembled at the Observatory on the Calton Hill, where they were joined by the Lord Provost and Magistrates, the only persons not proprietors who were invited to attend upon this occasion. The day being exceedingly cold, Professor Playfair, the President of the Institution, having been for some time indisposed, was afraid to venture out, and therefore the duty to be performed devolved on Sir George S. Mackenzie, Bart. the VicePresident. The usual donatives to posterity being prepared, and inclosed in two glass bottles, hermetically sealed, they were deposited by the Vice-President in the hollow of the stone. The cover being placed with the usual solemnities, and the blessing of the Almighty, the Great Architect of the universe, implored for the success of the undertaking,—a hearty cheer concluded the ceremony. The bottles contained copies of each of the Edinburgh newspapers, an alınanack for this year, with the current coins of the country, together with a platinum plate, on one side of which was engraved the following inscription, with the names of the office-bearers, and on the reverse an alphabetical list of all the proprietors.


Ad siderum cursus aliaque coelestia Contemplanda

Sumptibus suis extruendae Primum lapidem ponendum curarunt Institutionis Astronomica Edinensis Sodales;

VII. Cal. maj. acrae Christianae an. MDCCCXVIII,

Georgio Tertio an. LVIII. regnante, Period. Julian. 1ɔɔcɔXXXI. Gulielmo Henrico Playfair architecto: Ne diutius

Urbi clarissimae

Scientiam omnium pulcherrimam atque amplissimam excolendi facultas deesset. Translation. On the 25th of April, in the year 1818 of the Christian era, the 58th of the reign of George the Third, and the 6531st of the Julian Period, the foundation stone of an Observatory was laid by the Astronomical Institution of Edinburgh, to be built at its own expence, according to a plan given by William Henry Playfair, architect, in order that a great city, renowned for learning and knowledge, might no longer be without the means of cultivating! the most sublime and most perfect of the sciences.

At five o'clock, the members repaired to Oman's, where a party, consisting of hfty gentlenen, sat down to an elegant dinner, Professor Playfair in the chair, supported by the Lord Provost and Lord Gray, with the Honourable Captain Napier, Sir John Hay, Sir William Forbes, Sir M. Shaw Stewart,-Sir George Mackenzie and Mr Thomas Allan, Croupiers. After dinner, the healths of the royal family being drank, the President proposed as a toast, the Astronomical Institution of Edinburgh, and may the Observatory be as permanent as the rock upon which it is founded, and as the science to which it is dedicated; after which, Sir George Mackenzie proposed Professor Playfair, their distinguished President.

Mr PLAYTAIR, in rising to return thanks to the company for the honour they had done him, expressed his great regret, that the state of his health had deprived him of the gratification of seeing the foundation stone laid of a building which he had long entertained the most anxious desire to see erected, in order that a stain, which had long sullied the character of Edinburgh, as a seat of science, might be wiped away. For many years of his life, the hopes of such an event seemed to be so remote, he might almost say so improbable, that he considered it as a case of a perfectly forlorn nature; it could well be believed, therefore, how sincerely he participated in the satisfaction which all present must feel in meeting together to celebrate so desirable an event as the actual commencement of this undertaking. Few people knew how painfully disgraceful the want of this es tablishment had been to those connected with the scientific duties of this place, in illustration of which, he had only to mension an anecdote which occurred some time ago. About ten or twelve years since, a frigate had been fitted out at Copenhagen, destined on a voyage of discovery. From some accidental circumstance, she had been obliged to set sail before her chronometers and watches were adjusted, so as to be able to keep the proper time; the port of Leith being but little out of their way, they proposed to touch there, in order to repair the omission, never doubting that any difficulty could exist at such a seat of learning, in ascertaining the true time; they were woe fully deceived, however, for nobody at Edinburgh could tell them what o'clock it was, neither chronometers nor transit instruments being to be found in the place. They were consequently obliged to proceed to some port in England, probably with serious inconvenience from delay, in order

to have that apparently very simple question resolved.

It might be thought, perhaps, that, in consequence of the great discoveries which have been made in astronomy, the field is fully occupied, and that little remained to be done; let it be remembered, however, that, within the memory of many then present, at least within his own, no less than five new planets had been discovered-new worlds in fact, unknown to former astronomers. Herschel, besides, had discovered several double and triple stars, with various nebulæ, and other astronomical phenomena, that it was impossible for him to enumerate. It would be better, therefore, to consider the wide expanse of Heaven as a field in itself inexhaustible, even if we had nothing to expect from the improvement of our means, and from the ingenuity of artists, in providing instruments, which would enable us to observe with more precision and effect.

The situation of Edinburgh as the site of an Observatory was peculiar and promi. nent; for, together with all the advantages that every other Observatory enjoys, its situation is particularly well adapted for the determination of the great problem of refraction, so eminently important, not only in the theory of astronomy, but for the improvement of nautical science.

In looking around him, it gave him peculiar satisfaction to find himself supported by so numerous and so respectable a company, particularly when he reflected upon the rise and progress of this institution, which, like many others of the same kind, had originated in the exertions of a few private individuals. Of these, the name which he recollects first to have heard mentioned, he has great pleasure in treasuring in his memory-it is that of a gentleman who has eminently distinguished himself, not only by his philanthropy, but by his uncommon exertions in behalf of a great variety of scientific bodies, and to whom we owe the foundation of a library, which, even here, in Edinburgh, does honour to the city to this gentleman the Astronomical Institution is chiefly indebted for its foundation; he need scarcely tell the meeting that it is to Mr Bonar, their Treasurer, to whom he alluded. Thus the first idea of an association for astronoinical and other scientific purposes, seems to have originated with Mr Bonar and his friends. Sir George Mackenzie soon became acquainted with the suggestion; he saw its full value; from the beginning he had had an opportunity of observing the uncommon assiduity and successful exertions of this gentleman; and it is to his zeal, activity, and perseverance, more than to those of any other individual, that we owe the establishment and form of the institution as it now exists. He would therefore beg


leave to propose first the health of the Vice-President, and afterwards that of the Treasurer.

Sir GEORGE MACKENZIE returned thanks for the very flattering notice which had been taken of his exertions by the President, and assured the meeting, that, if a sincere and active zeal could promote the objects of the institution, his exertions should never be found wanting in its sup❤ port.

After the health of the Lord Provost and Magistrates had been given from the chair, Mr Playfair proposed the health of Mr Pillans, through whose able instruction they might look forward with confidence for a succession of men to fulfil those duties which now fell to the lot of the mem bers of this institution.

Mr PILLANS, in acknowledging the distinguished honour done him, said it was impossible not to feel it more deeply, when he thought of the eminent individual with whom it originated. Laudari a laudato viro. He felt it at that moment to be not only a high gratification and a rich reward, but a most powerful incentive to continue in the cheerful performance of an arduous duty. Warmly interested, like every Scotsman, in the glory of his country, he rejoiced in the event which they were met here to celebrate; and was confident that, under the management of the able men who more immediately superintended it, the Observatory would speedily produce an accession of fame to our native city. And though it is as much out of his power as it is out of his province to introduce his pupils to the arcana of astronomy, it shall never cease to be an object of his ambition, by a simple exposition of its elementary truths, and by employing the means of illustration and excitement which this institution will afford him, to diffuse among the youth of his country, at a time of life when the mind is most susceptible of lasting impressions, such a taste for that sublime and difficult science as may enable some of them to claim kindred with those

"Felices animi, quibus hæc cognoscere primis, Inque domos super as scandere cura fuit;" and to have their names enrolled among the men who

Admovere oculis distantia sidera nostris, Altheraque ingenio supposuere suo."

A great variety of toasts, suitable to the occasion, were given by the President and other members; and the company, after passing the evening with much satisfaction, separated with the most cheering anticipations of soon witnessing a brilliant increase to the scientific celebrity of our northern capital.

In other countries, scientific establishments partake of public patronage, and Observatories, in general, have been usual.

3 P


Literary and Scientific Intelligence.

ly the peculiar objects of munificence among Princes. Here, unaided by any public grant, and without the means even of compensating the valuable time bestowed by the observer, this institution is rising so rapidly in the estimation of the public, that, it is hoped, the private subscriptions of individuals will soon remove all difficulties, and that the innate love of science among our countrymen will soon enable the institution to place its establishment on as respectable a footing as any in Europe.

About two years ago, one Dr Sickler, a professor of Hildburghausen, undertook to unrol and decypher the remains of ancient literature found among the ruins of His overtures were atHerculaneum. tended to by the Regent, and it was agreed that the professor should come over to England, and submit his plan to a committee. The professor arrived, and submitted his scheme in all its details to a committee, consisting of the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Grenville, Lord Colchester, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Sir Humphrey Davy, the late Dr Burney, and William Hamilton, Esq. But, after attentive examinations, the committee, who had called to their assistance Sir William Drummond, Sir W. A'Court, Sir Charles Blagdon, and Mr Taylor Combe, came to the unanimous conclusion that Dr Sickler "had totally failed in his endeavours to satisfy them that his method of unrolling the Herculanean manuscripts is available, and such as can warrant them in recommending to his Majesty's government a further perseverance therein." The committee, however, notwithstanding his failure, recommended, in addition to his expences, a remuneration of L. 200, being a sum about equal to that which he had lost by leaving his professional duties in Germany for four months. The total amount being L.1111-Dr Sickler's proposed system may be classed under three distinct heads :

1. As to the improvement of the ma-
chine made use of by him.

2. As to the liquid applied to the roll: and,
3. As to his mode of manipulation.
To which the committee made the fol-
lowing objections:

1. That the machine made use of by Dr
Sickler does not, in the opinion of the com-
mittee, appear to be calculated to remove
any of the difficulties which have hitherto
occurred in the system of unrolling the

2. That the liquid, from the application of which the committee were induced to

adopted by Dr Sickler, is too violent an
operation to produce entire consecutive co-
lumns, or single layers of the papyrus;
and his method of indiscriminately cover-
ing the surface of the roll with the lining,
which, being attached to the roll by the li-
quid preparation, brings off with it, in the
process of detaching, the part so lined, is
very imperfect; since, in raising the layers,
it it scarcely possible to observe, by the
eye, whether one or more layers are about
to separate from the mass,-a part of the
operation, which, at Naples, is carried on
with the greatest caution.

hope that the separation of the layers of the
papyrus would be considerably facilitated,
does not, in the judgment of the commit
tee, appear to possess any effective power
beyond that of acting as glue for the lining
of the part to be detached; and,

3. That the mode of manipulation

Blue Iron Earth.-The blue iron earth, or native Prussian blue, as it was formerly called, has been found in many parts of the continent of Europe; as also in Iceland and in Shetland; but it had never been discovered in the island of Great Britain, until it was observed by Dr Bostock, at Knotshole, near Liverpool. On the north-east bank of the Mersey, about a mile and a half above the town, a small glen, or dingle, is formed, apparently by a fissure in the brown sandstone, which, in this place, rises up to the edge of the water; the sides of the dingle are covered with brush-wood, and at the bottom is a flat swampy pas ture. The upper stratum of the soil of the pasture is chiefly sand, mixed with a little vegetable mould; but at the depth of four or five feet, there is a body of stiff white clay, mixed with a considerable quantity of vegetable matter, consisting principally of the roots and stems of different species of rushes, and other aquatic plants. A por tion of this clay was procured for examination, principally in order to ascertain how far it was likely to prove useful as a manure, when, after being exposed for soure time to the air, the vegetable fibres which it contained were found to be encrusted with a dusky blue substance, the shade of which became gradually more intense, un til at length it acquired a deep indigo colour. It exhibited a pulverulent, or feathery appearance, and seemed to be at tached to the vegetable matter alone. Its chemical composition was found to agree with that indicated by Klaproth and Lau to consist essentially of oxide With regier, or of iron and phosphoric acid. spect to its production, it may be ob served, that many circumstances lead to the idea, that the valley formerly occupied a small bay in the river, which was gradually filled up by the accumulation of sand and earth, either deposited by the tide, or washed down from the higher ground, and that a chalybeate spring issues from a rock at the upper part of the valley. If, therefore, we may be permitted to suppose that the remains of marine animals were mixed with the clay and sand by which the bay was filled up, we have on the spot both the constituents of the phosphate of iron.

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