A Tale of Three Thirsty Cities: The Innovative Water Supply Systems of Toledo, London and Paris in the Second Half of the Sixteenth CenturyBRILL, 1 nov 2017 - 412 páginas In A Tale of Three Thirsty Cities: The Innovative Water Supply Systems of Toledo, London and Paris in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century, Chaim Shulman presents an analysis of three projects of urban water supply systems carried out between 1560s–1610s. The technical and economic differences between these projects resulted from external conditions not directly related to the water supply problem. Although the same basic technology was apparently available at the time in all cases, the geographical, engineering, entrepreneurial and cultural nature of each region differed. The inhabitants’ wellbeing improvement achieved varied accordingly. Much broader insights are drawn on the policies of the three monarchies regarding the initiative of and support for grand scale public works in general. |
Introduction | 1 |
Chapter 1 Human Water Consumption in England France and Spain in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries | 11 |
Chapter 2 WaterLifting Technology in the GraecoRoman World and Its Development through the Renaissance | 29 |
Chapter 3 Toledo | 99 |
Chapter 4 London | 167 |
Chapter 5 Paris | 233 |
Chapter 6 Conclusions | 285 |
Sources and Bibliography | 307 |
384 | |
391 | |
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A Tale of Three Thirsty Cities: The Innovative Water Supply Systems of ... Chaim C. Shulman,Jaime-Chaim Shulman No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 2018 |
Términos y frases comunes
accessed Agostino Ramelli agua Alcázar Aldermen Ancient aqueduct Archimedean screw Archives Artificio de Juanelo authorities Biblioteca Bibliothèque building built Castillo City of London ciudad conduits construction département detail device drainage drinking Early Modern edited engineers England entrepreneurs España Europe extracted Felipe FIGURE force pumps fountains François García Tapia Henri Henri IV historians History hydraulic Ibid Ingenio invention Islamic Jean John John Norden José Juan Juanelo Turriano King l'eau la imperial land reclamation lift water Lintlaër London Bridge Madrid Maximilien de Béthune mechanism Medieval meters Middle Ages mills Miron Morris municipal Nicolás noria operation original Paris patent pipes Pont Neuf prévôt projects raise water Ramelli Registration number Renaissance river Roman Samaritaine Science screw seventeenth century siglo sixteenth century Spain Spanish Sully Taccola Tajo technical Thames tion Toledo translated urban volumes water supply Water Technology water-lifting waterwheel waterworks Website Wenceslaus Hollar wheel William York