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where there is not Faith exercised in all Duties where there is not a willingness to have what you ask, and to defire what is in him for your good, he will be exceeding angry. And that thall fuffice for a Third Ufe.

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It appears from hence, That it is the Duty of the Minifters of Chrift, to Chide and Reprove harply Unbeleeving Chriftians. Unbelief is as well to be upbraided and reproved as any fcandalous courfe of living. It would be thought a great deal of want of Wisdom, and tenderness, if one fhould come in the fadn.fs of their heart, and complain to a Minifter, That Chrift is gone from them: fin hath taken away their Lord,and they know not where to find h m And he should tel him again,this is folly of heart,hardness of heart,fluggishness & floathfulnefs of heart, careleffnefs and negligence of Spirit that puts you into this cafe and condition: Who would not almoft think this, and judge this to be an harsh, and an unfitting way to take with fucha one? And yet you fee this is the way and method which our Lord takes in the way of his love. When Chrift could by no other means bring them to beleeve that it was he, he falls on chiding. When the alurements and perfwafions of the Golpel will not, then the terrours and reproofs of the Gospel nuft be used: If Gentleness will not, yet the Rod must drive out this folly. It is nothing (beloved) in Jefus Chrift that keeps you from beleeving: for he is troubled that you will not have of his Fulness: that you apprehend not his kindness. It is no good. nefs in you that you do not beleeve, but your folly, your flownefs of heart, and dullness of Spirit. Reproving will not hinder your Faith, for thereby

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Chrift means to excite it. As every godly man. when he fees his fin, immediately runs to Jefus Chrift that he may cure it: So Chrifts difcovering the finfulness of complaining, and of unbelief, is a means to ftis up that Grace to go to Jesus Christ to have it cured. As Chyrurgions are wont to fay, The making of a large Orifice, when they let blood, or the cutting deep into a place that is putrified, is the best kindness that can be, because it lets out the worst blood, and brings to a cure quickly. So it is the greatest kindness that can be fhewed, to fhew the ground of unbelief. And therefore there lyes a foolish, ftour, proud heart at the bottom of it.



Ule 5. Bo perfwaded to be quick of Hearing, when
God fpeaks to you of Comfort. We should be fo
ready to beleeve: 1. As that even the leaft inti-
2. As ever we
mation jhould be a motive to us..
were to fin. 3. As a guilty Conscience is to ap-
prebend the wrath of God. 4. As we are to Be-
leeve the Will of God in any thing we are to do for
bim. 5. As we were at our firft Converfion.
6. As presumptuous men are to apply Comforts
to themselves. 7. As a Fool is to beleeve what
be bears, witbout Examining it. 8. As God is
to give..


He Laft Ufe therefore that I fhall make of the

Troint, is this; To perfuade you to be quick of Hearing when God speaks to you of Comfort: that you would be eafily perfoaded of the great things which Jefus Chrift bath done for you, and will do for you who are Beleervers. To be easily perfwaded, but not without ground, but upon fniall ones, that is good: And not to need many Apparitions of Jefus Chrift for the affurance of our hearts, nor many Meffengers to carry tydings of his heart and good will to us. Do not freighten nor limit your Faith only to Promifes which concerns Freedom from condemnation, but as it is in Luke 24. 25. Beleeve all that the Prophets have spoken, elfe you are Fools, and


flow of heart to beleeve, and do fall under this reprehenfion. As the parched and dry ground drinks in the rain: or as one that is of pregnant parts takes in learning; whatever he reads or hears is his own, he apprehends the matter as foon as it is mentioned, and he understands much in a little : As fome delicate bodies take every infection, fo fhould e very beleever quickly embrace and take hold of the Grace offered. And I have the best Argument that can be used for it in my text: You will not elfe keep the love of Jefus Chrift, but he will be angry; Continue you in my love, faith Christ, in John 15.9. And he tells them next, Keep my Commandements: For he knew that rather than the Apostles would lofe his love, they would do any thing. For indeed that is the temper of one that is a beleever. What will not fuch a one do, rather than he will grieve the Spirit of Jefus Chrift? Do what you will, yet Jefus Chrift will be angry, if you be not apt and ready to beleeve, if you be not apt and rea· dy to be coniforted through him.

Being angry, he will upbraid you.

We use to say that meats do upbraid, when they rife up from the Stomach, and we cannot digeft them: In fuch a cafe they have a filthiness with them which is very difpleafing: Thofe meats which are most pleasant to the tafte, are exceeding troublefome when they come up agáin. Mercies will be exceeding afflictive, when we are upbraided by them, and that we fhall be, when we do not be leeve and lay hold upon more. Chrift never thinks much of what he hath done, but when we think we have enough of him. When Chrift fhall come and fay, It repents me that ever I did this and that, Of I am angry at you; The Soul will prefently fay

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concerning all its enjoyments, as Abfalom did when he lived like a Prince, but was out of the fight of his Father; What is all this to me? I am as a banished man fo long as I cannot fee the face of my Father. What are Gifts and Parts fo long as Jefus Chrift is angry? No more than beauty is in dark-nefs, no more than things that have a relative good are when as their Relation or Dependency are cut from them.This is that which ftirs up anger in Jefus Chrift, that you are backward to beleeve, that you are not ready to beleev.As it's faid of an Elder, that be must be apt to teach, 2 Tim.2.24. that is, be fo full of knowledge, as upon every occafion he may give advice, and counfel: As a man is faid to be apt to be angry, when he is provoked with the smallest things that crofs his will: So, a man ought to be apt to beleeve, that is, by the fmalleft and leaft intimations of Gods love: the least found of his feet and voyce may affect his heart, and be enter tained by him. It is the commendation and excelIency of a Chriftian, that he is prepared unto every good work, 2 Tim.2.21.

Prepared to every good Work.

That is, You need but thew him his duty, and he will forthwith go about it. As it is the conmendation of a Patient, that he will take any thing that the Phyfitian (to whom he hath committed himfelf) fhall prefcribe him. In Rom. 12.1. I beseech you Brethren (faith he ) present your selves a living Sacrifice to God.

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