Imágenes de página

Im. 7. 34. these are the r. the Lord commanded| Deut. 19. 20. c. no more any such evil among you
Num. 15. 39. rtnwmbtr all the r. of the Lord
Der 8.11. in not keeping c. which I command thee
11. 13. if you shall hearken to c. 58.13. Judg. 3. 4
7. if ye will obey the c. of the Lord your God
it hT ye will not obey the c. of the Lord your G.
1 Sam. 13. 11. Saul hath not performed my c.
1 *n;f 11.34-because he hath kept my c. and slat.
14. V David who kept my e. and followed me
18. 16- in that ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord
Agy 17. Ki. and they left all the c. of the Lord
lO. Junah kept not the r. of the Lord their God
IS- (. but kept his c. which he commanded Moses
2 Chrom. 7- 19. if ye forsake my c. I set before you
£4. 3D. why transgress y« the e. of the Lord?
Erm 9. 10. U our God, for we have forsaken thy e.
14 ahcuhl we again break thy e. and join in affin,
Paal 80.31. if they keep not my c. then will I visit
III.7. his works are verity, all his c. are sure
It. 1. blessed is he that delight.greatly in his c.
119- IO. O set me not wander from thy c.
39. 1 am a stranger, hide not thy e. from me
35. nuke me to go in the path of thy e.
47. I wilt delight in thy c, which I have loved
66. teach me, for I have believed thy r.
73. give understanding, that I may learn thy c.
66. all thy *. are faith. [| 151. all thy c. are truth
98. then throagh thy c. hast made me wiser than
17. I love thy c. 131. I longed for thy c.
143. thy r. are my delights || 172. e. righteous.
I06. I have done thy c. 176. not forget thy e.
JVaw. S.1. if thoa wilt hide my r. with thee
7-1. keep my words and lay up my c. with thee
14. 8. the wise in heart will receive c.
Is. 48. IS. O that thoa hadst hearkened to my c.
Max. 5. 19. whoso shall break one of these least c.
15.9-teach. for doctrines the e. of men, Mark 7.7.
S. 40. on these two r. hang all the law and proph.
Mart 10. 19. thou knowest the c. Lute 18. 30.
12- 29. the first of all the e, is, hear O 1st. the L.
Lmha 1.6. walking in all the c. of the L. blameless
Jan 14. SI. he that hath my c. and keepeth them
15.10. if keep my r. as I have kept my Father's c.
1 Caw. 7. 19- is nothing, but keeping the e. of God
14.57. things I write yon, are the e. of the Lord
Ca. 2.2. after the e. and doctrines of men
1 Ten.4-2. for ye know what c. we gave you by L.
1 John 2. 4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar
3.4. he that keepeth his e. dwelleth in him
Jen 6. this is love, that we walk after his c.

Judg. 13. +1. added to c. evil in the sight of the Lord
2 Chr. 21. 11. caused Jerusalem to c. fornication
Job 5. 8. unto God would I c. my cause
Psal. 31. 5. into thine hand I c. my spirit
37. 5. c. thy way to the Lord, trust also in him
Prov. 16.3. c.thy works unto the Lord, thy thoughts
12. an abomination to kings to c. wickedness
Isa. 22. 21. I will e. thy government into his hand
Jer. 37. 21. c. Jeremiah to the court of prison
44.7. why c. ye this great evil against your souls?
Ezek. 8. 17. c. abominations which they c. here
16. 43. and thou shalt not c. this lewdness
22. 9. in the midst of thee they c. lewdness
Hos. 6. 9. the priests murder, they c. lewdness
7.1. for they c. falsehood, and the thief cometh
Luke 12. 48. and did e. things worthy of stripes
16. 11. who will c. to your trust the true riches?
John 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself to them
Rom. 1. 32. who c. such things are worthy of death
2.2. is against them which c. such things

Num. 15. 40, do all my c. and be holy to your God
Deams 6.°5. obs. to do all c. 15.5. | 28.1,15. | 30.8.
1Cs7««. 28. 7. if he be constant to do my c.
P**/.103.18. those that remember, his c. to fo them
111. IO. understanding have they that do his c.
«V?. 2. 14. blessed are thev that do his e.
L. 26. 14. bat if ye will met do all these e.
15. so that ye will not Jo all my c. but break coven.
Keep Commandments, see Kief.

Signifies, [1] To extol, or praise. Cor. 3. 1. | 5. 12.
To commit, or give in charge, Luke 23. 46.
3] To render more illustrious and commendable,
Rom. 3. 5. [4] To make or render one more
aeceptalte, 1 Cor. 8. 8.

Lic 23. 46. Father, into thy hands 1 c. my spirit
Arts 20. 32. and now, brethren, 1 c. you to Gnd
R.3-5.if onr unrighteousness r. righteous, of God
10. 1. I e. unto you Phebe our sister, a servant
Car. 3. 1. do we begin again to e. ourselves?
'. 12. foe we c, not ourselves again to you
10. IS. or compare oarselves with some that c,

2 Car.3.1.or need we, as some others, epistles of c.?


Gen. 12. 15. the princes r. Sarai before Pharaoh
Pro*. 12. 8. a man shall be c. accord, to his wisdom
Eeri. 8. 15. then I c. mirth, because a nian hath
Lake 16. 8. the Lord r. die unjust steward, because
At 14.23. e. them to the L. on whom they believed
2 Cor. 12. 11. I ought to have been c. of you

Rom. 5. 8. hut God e. his love towards us, in that
1 Oar. 8. 8. but meat c, us not to God

2 Car.10.18.DOt he that c. is approved, bat whom L. COMMENDING.

C. 4. 2. c. ourselves to every man's conscience
6.14. in all r. ourselves as the ministers of God

£sr 8. 36, and thev delivered the king's e.
Acts 26. 12. as I went with c. from the chief priest


22. that abhorrest idols, dost thou c. sacrilege?
1 Cor, 10. 8. neither let us c. fornication
1 Tim. 1. 18. this charge I c. to thee, son Timothy
2 Tim. 2. 2. the same c. thou to faithful men
Jam. 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons ye c. sin
1 Pet. 4. 19. c. the keeping of their souls to him
1 John 3. 9- whoso is born of God doth not c. sin
Rev. 2. 14. who taught Israel to e. fornication
20. to teach and seduce my servants to c. forui-
See Adulter*,
COMMIT ini<mity.

2 Sam. 7. 14. if he c. iniquity I will chasten him
Job 34. 10. Almighty, that he should c. iniquity
Jer. 9. 5. they weary themselves to c. iniquity
Etek. 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and e. in. 33. 13.
COMMIT trespass.

Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. a trexpass through ignorance
Num. 5. 12. if a man's wife go aside and c. trespass
31.16. caused Israel to «\ trespass against the Lord
Josh. 22. 20. Achan c. a trespass in the accur. thing

COMMIT uhoredom, or whoredoms.
Lev. 20. 5. I will cut off that r. uher. with Molech

Num. 25. 1. to c. whor. with the daughters of Moab
Ezek. 16. 17- and thou didst c. whor, with images

34. whereas none followeth thee to c. uhoredom
20. 30. e. ye whoredom after their abominations?
23. 43. will they e. w. with her, and she with them
Hos. 4. 10. they shall e. whoredoms and not increase
13. tDerefore your daughters shall c. whor. 14.

COMMITTED iniquity.
PsaS.106.6.we have c. inig. we have done wickedly
£**t.33.13.for his inig. he hath c. he shall die, 18.
Dan. Q. 5. we have e. iniquity and done foolishly
COMMITTED trespass.

Iav.5.7.bring for his trespass he c. two turtle-doves
Josh. 7. 1. Israel c. a trespass in the accursed thing
22.16.what trespass is this ye have c. against God?
31.because ye have not e. thi» trespass against L.
Etek. 15. 8. because they have c. a trespass, I will
20.27. in that they c. a trespass against me
Psat. 10.14. the poor c. himself to thee, thou helper
Exek.8.6. the great abomination that Israel c. here
33. 15. walk in statutes of life without e. iniquity
Hos.4.2. by lying, killing, stealing, and c. adultery
5. 3. for now, O Ephraim, thou c. whoredom
John 8. 34. whosoever c. sin is the servant of sin
1 Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornic. sinoeth against
John 3. 4. whoso c. sin transgrcsseth also the law
8.he that c. sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth


Acts 27. 12. the haven was not c. to winter in

By common, is meant that which is ordinary, or
usual; as a common death, Num. 16. 29. a com-
mon evil, /></. 6. 1. Sometimes that which is
ceremonially unclean, Acts 11. 9. To eat uith
common hands, that is, without washing one's
hands, Mark 7. 2. Common bread, that is,
unhallowed bread, 1 Sam. 21. 4. It is said.
Acts 2. 44, That such as believed had all
things common; that is, as to use, but not as to
title. Moses calls a vineyard common, or pro-
fane: What man is he that hath planted a vine-
yard, and hath not yet made it common?
Deut. 20. +6. If there be such an one, he may
return to his house; because the first-fruits of
trees and vines were reckoned unclean, or rather
were consecrated to the Lord, and the owner was
not allowed to touch them, till after the fourth
year, Lev. 19. 24, 25.



Num. 16.29. if these men die the c. death of all men
Deut.20. t 6. planted a vineyard, and not made it c.
28. 30. shall plant, and not use it as c. meat
Sam. 21. 4. there is no c. bread under my hand
5.lhe vessels holy, and the bread is in a manner c.
Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and it is c. among men
Jer. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as e. things
E*ek. 23. 42. men of c. sort were brought Sabeans
Mat. 27. 27. the soldiers took Jesus into the c. hall
Mark 7. 2. the disciples eat bread with c. hands
Acts 2. 41. believers had all things c. 4. 32.
5. 18. and put the apostles in the c. prison
10. 14.1 have never eaten any thing that is c. 11.8.
15. what God hath cleansed call not thou r. 11.9.
28. that 1 should not call any thing e. or unclean
Rom. 14. †14. there is nothing c. of itself; but to

him that esteemeth any thing to be c.

1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation taken you but c. to men
Tit. 1. 4. to Titus my own son, after the c. faith
Jude 3. diligence to write to you of the c. salvation
COMMON people.

Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hath to my hand
22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners
Lev. 4. 35. priest make atonement for sin he hath c.
18. 30. these abominable customs which were c.
20. 23. they c. these things, and I abhorred them
Num. 15. 24. if aught be c. by ignorance
Deut 17.5. bring forth that man or woman that c.
21. 22. if a man have c. a sin worthy of death
Judg.20.6. they have c. folly and lewdness in Israel
1 Kings 8.47. we have sinned, we have c. wickedn.
14. 22. they provoked him with sins, they c.
27.brasen shields c.he to the guard, 2 Chr. 12.10.
Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c.
Jer. 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils
5.30. a wonderful and horrible thing is c. in land
16. 10. what is our sin that we have c. against Ld.
44. 3. which they have c. to provoke to anger, 9.
Ezek. 16. 26. tnou hast e. fornication with Egypt
51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy sins
18. 21. turn from all his sins he hath c. 22. 28.
20. 43. shall lothe yourselves for evils ye have c. 2 Chron.29.48. Lord hath delivered them to great c.
23. 3. they c. whoredoms in Egypt in their youthJer. 10. 22. a great c. out of the north country
7. thus she e. whoredoms with them
Luke 21. 9- when ye hear of c. be not terrified


33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall be mentioned
Hos. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom
4. 18. they have c. whoredom continually
Mark 15. 7. who had c. murder in the insurrection
Luke 12.48, and to whom men have c. much, of him
John 5. 22. Father hath c. all judgment to the Son
Acts 8.3. haling men and women, c. them to prison
25. 11. if I have c. any thing worthy of death
25. had found he had c. nothing worthy of death
27.40. they c. themselves to the sea and loosed
28.17. though I have c. nothing against the people
Rom.3.2.because to them were c. the oracles of God
Cor.9.17.dispensation of gospel is me. Tit.1.3.


10. 8. nor let us commit fornic. as some of them c.

Lev. 4.27. if any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance
Jer.26.23.cast his dead body into the graves of c. p.
Mark 12. 37. and the c. people heard him gladly

Eph. 2. 12. being aliens from the c.-wealth of Israel



Exod. 25. 22. and there I will meet and c. with thee
Sum. 18.22. f.with David secretly, and sav, behold
19. 3. and I will c. with my father of thee
Job 4.2.if we essay to c. with thee, will be grieved?
Psal.4.4. c.with your own heart on your bed,be still
64. 5. they e. of laying snares privily, they say
77.6. in the night I c. with mine own heart
Gen.23.8.Abraham c. || 34.6.Hamor e. with Jac.8.
42. 24. Joseph c. 1| Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech c.
1 Sam.9.25.Samuel c. 25.39-David c. with Abigail
1 Kings 10.2.the queen of Sheba c. with Solomon of
all that was in her heart, 2 Chrou. 9. 1.

2 Cor.5.19. hath c. to us the word of reconciliation 2 Kings 22. 14. they c. with Huldah the prophetess

12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have c. Eccl. 1. 16. I c. with mine own heart, saying, lo Gal. 2. 7. gospel of the uncircumcision was c. to me Dan.l.19. and king e. with them, none like Daniel as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1. 11. Zech. 1. 14. the angel that c. with me, said unto me 1 Tim. 6. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. to thee Luke 6. 11. they c. what they might do to Jesus 2 Tim.1.12.he is able to keep that which I c. to him 22. 4. Judas e. to betray Jesus unto them Jam. 5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forgiven 24. 15. that while they c. Jesus himself drew near Ler. 5.17. if sin, and c.any of these things forbidden Jude15.of all their ungodlydeeds which they have c. Mat. 5. 27. 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. 1 Pet.2.3.c.himself to him that judgeth righteously Acts 24. 26. Felix s*nt and e. the oftener with Paul Rev. 17.2. with whom kings have c. fornication 18. 3, 9.

Ered. 2, 14. thou shalt not c. adultery, Deut.5.18.

18. 26. not c. any of these abominations, 30.
29. who shall e. any of these abominations
Num. 5 6. if a man or woman e.any sin that men c.



Gal.6.6.\ei him that is taught him that teacheth
Phil. 4. 14. that ye did c. with my afflictinn
1 Tim. 6. 18. that they do good, be willing to e

Heb. 13, 16. bat to do good and to 0. forget not

Gal. 2. 2. I c. to them that gospel which I preach
Phil. 4. 15. no church e. with me but ye only

C 8«m.*, Jt. Abner had r. with the elders of Israel
2 Kings g. 11. he said, ye know the man and his r.
Mat. 5. 57. bat let your r. be yea, yea, nay, nay
Luke 24. 17- what manner of r. are these ye have?
1 Cor. 15. 33. evil r. corrupt Rood manners
FyhA.'^J. no corrupt c. proceed out of your mouth,

Luke 6.17.he came down the e, of his disciples and
22. when they separate you from their c.
9. 14. make them sit down by fifties in a c.
38. a man of the c. cried out, saying, Master
24. 22. a woman of our c. made us astonished
Acts 4. 23. being let go, they went to their own c.
10. 28. unlawful for a man that is a Jew to keep c.
15. 22. to send chosen men of their c. to Antioch

Job 40. 22. the willows of the brook o. him about Psal. 5.12. with favour wilt thou c. him as a shield 7.7. the congregation of the people c. thee about 17. 9. from my deadly enemies who c. me about 26.6. wash my hands, so will I e. thine altar, O L. 32. 7. shalt c. me about with songs of deliverance 10. trusteth in the Ld. mercy shall e. him about 49. 5. the iniquity of my heels shall c. me about 17.5. Jews gathered ac. and set city on an uproar 140. 9. as for the head of those that c. me about 21.8. next day we that were of Paul's c. departed 142.7.the righteous shall c. me about,for shalt deal Rom. 15.24. if first I be somewhat filled with your c. Prov. 4. 49. she shall c. thee with a crown of glory Col. 3. 8.1 Cor. 5. 11. not to keep e.with a fornicator, a drunk. Isa. 50. 11. that e. yourselves about with sparks 2 Thess. 3.14. note that man, and have no c. with him Jer. 31. 22. a new thing, a woman shall e. a man Heb. 12.22. are come to an innumerable c. of angels Hab.1.4. for the wicked doth c. about the righteous Rev. 18. 17. all c. in ships and sailors stood afar off Mat. 23. 15. woe to you, for ye e. sea and land Great COMPANY. Luke 19. 43, thine enemies shall e. thee round COMPASSED.

Philem. 6. that c. of thy faith may become effectual
Gen. 18. 33. the Lord left c. with Abraham
Exod.31.18. when be had made an end of c. on Sinai

Gen. 50. 9. there went up with Joseph a great c.
Chron.9.1. the queen of Sheba came with a great c.
20. 12. we have no might against this great c.
Psal.68.11. great was the c. of those that published
Jer. 31. 8. a great c. shall return thither
Ezek. 17. 17. nor shall Pharaoh with his great e.
John 6. 5. saw a great c. come to him, he saith
great c. of priests obedient to the faith


wrote not to e. with fornicators

these men which have c. with us

This word signifies fellowship, concord, or agree-2
ment, 8 Cor. o. 14. What communion hath light
with darkness? Such as are enlightened by the
word and Spirit of God can have no profitable,
agreeable, or comfortable converse with such as
are in darkness or ignorance. Communion is
likewise taken for a sacrament, or sacred sign Acts 6. 7. a
of our spiritual fellowship with Christ, 1 Cor.
10. Id. The cup of blessing, is it not the com- 1 Cor. 5. 9.
munion of the blood of Christ? Our drinking of
the wine in the cup, is a religious action, whereby Acts 1. 21. of
and wherein Christ communicates himself and
his grace to us, and we communicate our souls to
him; so that Christ, and believers in that ac-
tion, have a mutual communion one with another.
Believers have communion with Christ by election
in him; by their kindred with his humanity;
and by a participation of his Spirit. They have
communion with the Father and the Son, 12 Kings 5. 2. the Syrians had gone out by c.
John 1. 3. They partake of alt those blessings
that God the Father has promised to those that
are in covenant with him; and also of alt those
privileges which Christ has purchased for his
members; such as, pardon, reconciliation, adop-
tion, smnct(fication, &c.

Gen. 19. 4. the men of Sodom c. the house round Deut. 2. 1. and we c. mount Seir many days Josh. 6. 11. so the ark of the Lord e. the city Judg. 11. 18. then they c. land of Edom and Moab 16. 2. they c. Samson in, and laid wait all night 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul and his men e. D. and his men 2 Sam.22.5.waves of death c me, Ps.18.4. | 116.3. 2 Kings 6, 15.beheld an host c. the city with horses 2 Chron. 21. 9. smote the Edomites which e. him in Job 19. 6. know that God hath c. me with his net 26. 10. he hath c. the waters with bounds Psal. 17. 11. they have now c. us in our steps 22. 12. many bulls c. me || 16. for dogs have c. me Eccl. 7. † 25. I and my heart c. to know wisdom Lam. 3. 5. he hath c. me with gall and travail Zech. 14. + 10. all the land shall be c. as a plain Luke 21. 20. when ye shall see Jerus.c.with armies Heb.5.2.for that he himself also is c. with infirmity COMPASSED about. 11. 7. two c. of you shall keep the watch Deut.32.+10. in howlingwilderness he c.them abous Neh. 12. 31. two great c. of them gave thanks, 40.2 Sam. 10. 15. ten young men c. Absalom about Job 6. 19. the c. of Sheba waited for them Isa. 21, 13. O ye travelling c. of Dedanim 57. 13.when thou criest, let thy c. deliver thee Mark make all sit down by c.on green grass COMPANION.

Judg. 7. 16. he divided the 300 men into three c.
20. and the three c. blew the trumpets

9. 34. they laid wait against Shechem in four c.
43. the people he divided them into three c.
1 Sam. 11. 11. Saul put the people in three c.
13. 17. the spoilers came out of camp in three c.

The Communion of saints: That fellowship which
the saints have with Christ, and all his benefits Exod.32.27.go thro' camp and slay every man his c.
by faith, and among themselves by love, 1 John Judg.14.20.Samson's wife was given to his e. 15. 6.
1.3. This Communion is both astive and passive; 1 Chron. 27. 33. Hushai the Archite was king's c.
that is, it consists both in doing good to, and re-Job 30. 29. I am a brother to dragons, a c. to owls
ceiving good from, one another. There be divers Psal. 119. 63. I am a c. to all them that fear thee
sorts of it, as, (1) Fellowship in doctrine, or be- Prov. 13. 20. but a c. of fools shall be destroyed
lief, Acts 2. 42. Gal. 2. 9. (2) In exhortation, 28. 7. but a c. of riotous men shameth his father
Heb. 10. 24. 25. (3) In consolation, Eph. 5. 19. 24. the same is the c. of a destroyer
1 Thess. 4. 18. (4) In humility, or submission, Cant. 1.+15. thou art fair, my c. thou art fair
Rom. 12. 10. Eph. 5. 21. (5) In love. Rom. 12. Mal. 2. 14. yet she is thy c. wife of thy covenant
10. (6) In pity, Rom. 12. 16. (7) In prayer, Phil.2.25. Epaphroditus my brother and labour
Eph. 6. 18, 19. (8) In helping and relieving Rev.1.9. I John, your brother and c. in tribulation
one another, Acts 4. 32, 34, 35.

1 Cor. 10. 16. c. of the blood of Christ, c. of the
body of Christ
2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. hath light with darkness?
13. 14. the c. of the Holy Ghost be with you all

Psal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is a city c. together

Eph.4.16.from whom whole body fitly joined and e.

Gen. 30. 11. Leah called his name Gad, a c.
32. 8. if Esau come to the one c. and smite it
21. and himself lodged that night in the c.
35. 11. a c. of nations shall be of thee, kings come
Num. 16. 6. take ye censers, Korah and all his c.
16. be thou and all thy c. before the Lord stranger offer,that he be not as Korah and c.
22. 4. now shall this c. lick up all that are round
26. 9. who strove in the c. of Korah, 27. 3.
Judg. 9. 37. another c. come along by the plain
18. 23. what ails thee, thou comest with such a c.?
1 Sam. 10. 5. thou shalt meet a c. of prophets
19. 20. they saw the c. of prophets prophesying
30. 15. canst thou bring me down to this c.?
2 Kings 5. 15. he and all his c. came to Elisha
9.17. he spied the c. of Jehu, and said, I see a c.
2 Chron. 24. 24. the Syrians came with a small c.
Job 16.7. thou hast made desolate all my c.

Judg. 11.38. with her c. and bewailed her virginity
14. 11. they brought thirty r. to be with him
Job 35. 4. I will answer thee and thy e. with thee
41. 6. shall the c. make a banquet of him
Psal. 45. 14. her c. shall be brought unto thee
122.8. for my c. sake, I will say, peace be in thee
Cant. 1.7. that turneth aside by the flocks of thy c.
8. 13.the e.hearken to thy voice, cause me to Hear
//«.1.23.thy princes are rebellious and r.of thieves
Etek. 37. 10. write on it for Judah and Israel his c.
Dan. 2. 17. he made the thing known to his c.
Acts 19. 29. having caught Paul's c. in travel
Heb.10.33. ye became c. of them that were so used

Lam. 4. 8. the precious sons of /ion c. to fine gold

Psal. 69. 6. who in heaven can he c. to the Lord?
Prov. 3. 15. are not to be c. to wisdom, 8. 11.
Cant.1.9.1 have r.thec. O my love, to a company
Isa. 40. 18. or what likeness will ye e. to him? whom will ye e. me, that we may be like?
Rem. 8. 18. are not worthy to be c. with the glory
1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual things with spiritual
2 Cvr.10.12. c. ourselves with some that commend,
andr.themselves amongst themselves, are not wise

Judg. 8. 2. what have I done now in e. of you? 3. 34. 8. goeth in c. with the workers of iniquity it not in your eyes in c. of it as nothing? Psal. 55. 14. we walked to the house of God in c. Mark 4. 30. or with what c. shall we compare it? 63. 27. the princes of Judah with their c. COMPASS, Substantive. 30.rebuke the c. of spearmen, the buils, the calves Erod. 27. 5. shall put the net under the c. of altar 84.7. they go from c. to e. every one in Zion 38. 4. he made a grate of net-work under the c. 106. 17. the earth covered the c. of Abiram 2 Sam. 5. 23. but fetch a c. behind them and come 18. and a fire was kindled in their c. 2 Kings3.9.they fetched a c. of seven days' journey Prov. 24. † 19. keep not c. with the wicked Prov. 8.27. when he set a c. on the face of the earth 29. 3. that keepeth c. with harlots, spendeth Isa. 44. 13. he marketh the image out with the c. Cant. 1. 9. to a c. of horses in Pharaoh's chariots Acts 28.13.from thence we fetched a c. to Rhegium 6. 13. as it were the c. of two armies COMPASS, Verb. Ezek. 16. 40. they shall brind up a 1. against thee Num. 21.4. they journeyed to c. the land of Edom 23. 46. saith the Lord, I will bring up a c. on them Josh. 6. 3. ye shall c. the city, all ye men of war 22. 22. Ashur is there and all her c. his graves 38. 7. prepare for thyself, thou and all thy c. Hos, 6.9. so the c. of priests murder in the way Luke 2. 44. supposing him to have been in c.

4. and the seventh day c. the city seven times 2 Sam. 24. 2. c. the tribes of Israel and number 2 Kings 11.8. c. the king round about, 2 Chr. 23.7.

22. 6. the sorrows of hell c. me about, Psal. 18. 5. 2 Kings 6. 14. Syrians came by night and r. city . 8. 21. Joram smote Edomites which e. him abvut 2 Chron. 18. 31. they c. about Jeboshaphat to fight Psal. 40. 12. innumerable evils have c. me about 88. 17. they c. me e. together, 109.3. j 118.11,12. 118. 10. all nations c. me about, but in the name Jonah 2.3.floods a. thy billows passed over me Heb. 11. 30.walls of Jericho fell, after c. a. 7 days 12. 1. c. about with such a cloud of witnesses Rev. 20. 9- they went up and e. camp of saints about COMPASSEST, ETH.

Gen. 2. 11. c. Havilah || 13. c. the land of Ethiopia
Psal. 73.6. therefore pride r.them about as a chain
139. 3. thou c. my path and my lying down
Hot.11.12. Ephraim about with lies.and Israel


1 Kings 8. 50. give them r. before them who carry
Cat. 30. 9- your children shall find r. before them
Mat. 9. 36. Jesus moved with c. 14.14. Mark 6.34.
18. 27. the lord of that servant was moved with c.
Mark 1. 41. Jesus moved with c. put forth his hand
1 Pet. 3. 8. be of one mind, having c. one of another
I John 3. 17. shutteth up his bowels of e. from him
Psal. 78.38.he being full of r.forgave their iniquity
86.15.thou art a G. f. of c.111.4. J 112.4. | 145.8.
Hate or had COMPASSION.
Esod. 2. 6. the babe wept, and she had e. on him
Dcut.YA.i7. the Lord may turn and have e.on the*
30. 3. then the Lord thy God will have c. on the*
1 Sam. 23.21. blessed be ye of L.for ye har- c. on me
1 Kings 8. 50. that they may hare c. on them
2 hints 13.23. Lord was gracious and had c.on them
2 Chron. 36. 15. because he had c. on his people

17- Chaldees etf no c. on young man or maiden
Isa.4Q.16 that she should not have r.on son of womb
Jer. 12. 15. I will return and hare c. on them
Lam. 3. 32. yet will he have r. Mic. 7- 19.
Mat. 15. 32. I have c. on the multitude, Mark 8. 2.
18. 33. also have had e. 00 thy fellow-servant
20. 34. so Jes.had r.on them and touched their eyes
Mark 5. 19. how the Lord hath had r- on thee
9 22. if thou canst, have r. on us, and help u*
Luke 7.13. when the Lord saw her, he had c. on her
10. 33. the Samaritan saw him, he had c. on him
15. 20. father had c. and ran and fell on his neck
Rom. 9. 15. I will have e. on whom I will hate c.
Heb. 5. 2. who can hate c. on the ignorant, and theia
10. 34. for ye had c. of me in my bonds
Judo 22. of some have c. making a difference
Lom.3.22. are not consumed, because his e. fail not
Zech. 7.9- shew mercy and e. every man to brother


Lev. 25, 39. not r. him to serve as a bond-servant
Mat. 5. 41. t. thee to go s mile, go with bira
Marl 15. 21. they r. one Simon to bear his cross
Luke 14. 23. go into high-wav*, c. them to come in

| Job 16.13. his archers c. me round about, he cleav.11 Sam. 28. 23. his servants with the woman . Saul

Chron.21.11. moreover Jehoram e.Judah thereto | Hos.9.11.their glory shall flee from the birth and c.
Met. 27. 32. Simon, him they c. to bear his cross

Arts 96.11.and I e.them to blaspheme and persecut. Ezek. 12. 10. say to them, this burden c. the prince
2 Car.12.11. I am a fool in glorifying, ye have Acts 28. 31. teaching things which c. the L. J. C.
Gel. 2. 3. nor Titus a Greek was c. to be circumcised 2 Cor. 11.30. glory in things which c. my infirmities
14. why c. thou the Gentiles to live as the Jews?
Num. 11. 1. the people c. it displeased the Lord
Judg. 21. 29. or their brethren came to us to e.
Jed 7. 11. I will e. in the bitterness of my soul
31. 38. that the furrows likewise thereof c.
Pral. 77.3. I c. and my spirit was overwhelmed
144. 14. that there be no e. in our streets
Lam. 3. 39. wherefore doth a living man e.? a man

Num.11.4 1. when people were c. it displeased Lord
Jude 16.these are murmurers, c. walking after lusts

1 Sam.1.16.out of abundance of myc.have I spoken
Je 7. 13. when I say, my couch shall ease my c.
9.27. if I say, I will forget my e. I will leave off
10. 1. I will leave my c. on myself, I will speak
£1.4. as for me, is my e. to man? and if it were so
€1.2.even to-day is my c. bitter, my stroke heavier
Psal. 55. 2. I mourn in my e. and make a noise
14%. 2. I poured out my e. before him, and trouble
Acts 25.7.laid e.against Paul, they could not prove
Col. 3. +13. if any man have a c. against any

Let shall count, seven sabbaths shall be c.
Cel. 2. 10. ye are e. in him who is the head of all
4. 12. that ye may stand c. in all the will of God

Ered. 30. 32. nor make any like it after the c. 37.
Erd. 30.25. an ointment e. after art of apothecary
33.whosoever c. any thing like it, or putteth any

Job 37. 5. great things doth he which we cannot c.
Ep.3.18. may be able to c. with saints the breadth

Isa 40.12.hath c.the qust of the earth in a measure
Join 1. 3. light shined, and the darkness c. it not briefly e, in this saying, thou shalt love

Bus ever since the abrogation of polygamy by
our Lord Jesus Christ, and the reduction of
marriage to its primitive institution, the abuse
of concubines has been condemned and forbidden
among Christians.

Judg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore against him
29. he laid hold on his c. and divided her
20. 4. I came into Gibeah, I and my e. to lodge
2 Sam.3.7.why hast thou gone in to my father's c.f
21. 11. what Rizpah the c. of Saul had done

9. yea, the queens and the c. and they praised her Dan. 5. 3. the king and his c. drank in them, 23.


Gen. 19. 21. I have accepted thee c. this thing
Ezod, 6.8.c. which I did swear to give, Num.14.30.
Lev. 4. 26. priest make atonem. for him e. sin, 5. 6.
6. 3. hath found what was lost, and lieth c. it
Num. 10. 29. the Lord hath spoken good c. Israel
1 Kings 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing Gen. 25. 6. to sons of the c. Abraham gave gifts
2 Kings 20. +1.give charge c.thy house, Isa.38. † 1.2 Sam. 5. 13. David took him more c. and wives
Neh. 1. 2. I asked them c. the Jews that escaped 16.22. Absalomwent in to father's sight of Isr.
Psal. 90. 13. repent thee e. thy servants, 135. 14. 19. 5. have saved thy life, and the lives of thy c.
Eccl. 7. 10. for thou dost not inquire wisely c. this 20. 3. the king put his c. in ward and fed them
Isa. 5. + 20, woe to them that say c. evil, it is good 1 Kings 11. 3. and Solomon had three hundred c.
30.7. shall help in vain, theref. have I cried c. this 2 Chron. 11. 21. for Rehoboam took threescore c.
45.11. ask me c. my sons, and e. work of my hands Esth. 2. 14. to custody of Shaashgaz who kept the c.
Jer. 16. 3. thus saith the Lord c. sons, c. daughters Cant.6.8.there are 60 queens and 80. e. aod virgins
born in this place, c.their mothers, c.their fathers.
27. 19. c. the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, c. vessels
Exek. 14. 22. shall be comforted c. evil, even c. all
21. 28. thus saith the Lord God c. the Ammonites
47. 14. c. which I have lifted up my hand to give
Dan. 2. 18.would desire mercies of G. c. this secret
6.17. that purpose might not be changed c. Daniel
Mat. 16. 11. that I speak it not to you e. bread
Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine
Luke 24. 27. he expounded the things c. himself
Acts 13. 34. as c. that he raised him up from dead
28. 22. as c.this sect, we know it is spoken against
Rom.9.5.of whom as c. flesh Christ came,who is G.
11. 28. as e. the gospel, are enemies for your sake
16. 19. you wise to what is good, and simple c. evil
2 Cor.11. 21. I speak as c. reproach, as though weak
Eph. 5. 32. but I speak c. Christ and the church
Phil. 4. 15. as c. giving and receiving, but ye only
Tim. 6.21. some professing have erred c. the faith
2 Tim. 2. 18. who c. the truth have erred, saying
3. 8. men of corrupt minds, reprobates c. the faith
1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strange c. the fiery trial


Beware of the concision, Phil. 3. 2. that is, such
who under pretence of maintaining circumcision,
which is now no longer a seal of God's covenant,
and so is no better than a mere cutting or slask-
ing of the flesh, do prove destroyers and renders
of the church.

Gen. 37. 26. if we slay our brother and c. his blood
Dear. 13. 8. not spare, neither shalt thou e. him
Jol 6. 10. I have not c. the words of the holy One
27.11. what is with the Almighty will I not c.
41. 12. I will not c. his parts nor his proportion
Pal.40.10.I have not c. thy loving-kindn.and truth Joel 3. † 14. multitudes in the valley of c.
Prev.11.13.he that is of a faithful spirit c.the matter Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of the c.
12.23. a prudent man c. knowledge, heart of fools
£3.2. it is the glory of God to c. a thing
Jer. 50. 2. declare ye, publish and c. not



Rom. 3.28. we c. a man is justified by faith without

Acts 21. 25. as touching the Gentiles, we have e.
Rom. 11. 32. for God hath c. them all in unbelief
Gal. 3. 22. but the scripture hath c. all under sin
CONCLUSION. man's wealth as an high wall in c.
6. 5. answer a fool, lest he be wise in his own e.
12. seest thou a man wise in his own c.? more hope
16.sluggard is wiser in his own c. than seven men
8. 11. the rich man is wise in his own c.
Rem. 11. 25. lest ye should be wise in your own c.2 Cor. 6. 15.
12.16. be not wise in your own c.


Gen.30.38, they should c. when they came to drink
Num.5.28. then she shall be free, and shall c. seed
Judg.13.3. shalt e.and bear a son, 5, 7. Luke 1. 31.
Job 15.35. they c. mischief, bring vanity, Isa.59.4.
Pal. 51. 5. and in sin did my mother c. me
Lea. 7.14. a virgin shall e. and bear a son
33.11 shall e. chaft || 59. 13. c.words of falsehood
Ezek. 38.+10. thou shalt c. a mischievous purpose
Heb. 11. 11. Sarah received strength to c. seed

Gen. 4. 1. Eve e. and bare Cain || 17.Cain's wife c.
16. 4. Hazar c. 21. 2. Sarah c. and bare Isaac
25. 21. Rebekah his wife e. || 29. 32. Leah c. 33.
30. 5. Bilhah c. | 23. Rachael c. and bare a son
39. the flocks c. 31. 10. || 38. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5.

18. Tamare. || Erod. 2.2. Jochebed c.and bare
Lev. 12. 2. have c. seed, and born a man child
Num. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all this people?
1 Sam.1.20.Hannah c.and bare a son,Samuel,2.21,
Sam. 11. 5. Bathsheba e, sent and told David
Arags 4.17.Shunamite c. | Isa. 8.3.prophetess c.
Jed 3.3. it was said, there is a man child c.
Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought forth falsehood
Cent. 3. 4. into the chamber of her that e. me
Jer. 49. 30, and hath c. a purpose against you
Hes. 1.3. Gomer which c. and bare him

e. 5. she that c. them hath done shamefully
Mat. 1.90.that which is c. in her is of the H.Ghost
Late 1. 36. Elizabeth hath c. a son in her old age
2. £1. was so named before he was c. in womb
At 5.4. why hast thou e.this thing in thine heart?
Hem. 9. 10. when Rebekah had c.

Jam. 1. 15. when lust hath e. it brings forth sin

Gen.3.16. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and e.
kas 4. 13. the Lord gave here and she bare a son

Eccl. 12. 13. let us hear the c. of the whole matter

and what c. hath Christ with Belial?

Prov. 1. 21. she crieth in the chief place of c.
Acts 19.40. whereby we may give account of this c.

Signifies, [1] Sinful lusts, the depravity of our nature,
or that original concupiscence which it the foun
tain from whence all particular lusts do flow, the
furnace from which all sinful motions, as so
many sparks, do continually arise, Rom. 7. f7.
Jam.l. 14. [$] AetKal motions and inclinations
to sin, springing from this natural concupiscence*
Rom. 7. 8.

Rom. 7. +7. I had not known c. except law had said
8. sin wrought in me all manner of c.
Col.3.5. mortify members, evil c. and covetousness
1 Thess. 4. 5. not in the lust of e. as the Gentiles

Signifies, [1] A declaring guilty, or pronouncing
the sentence of punishment upon any malefactor
by some judge, John 8. 10. [2] That which
aggravates one's sin and punishment, or that
which is the reason, the evidence, and great cause
of condemnation, John 3. 19. [3] The punish-
ment itself, whereunto one is adjudged and con-
demned, 1 Cor. 11. 32. [4] A censuring other
men's persons, purposes, words, or actions, either
rashly, unjustly, or uncharitably, Luke 6. 37.
[5J A witnessing against and convicting persons
of their wickedness and faults by the good ex-
ample and conduct of others; thus the Ntne-
vites shall condemn the obstinate Jews, Mat.

12. 41. because the former repented at the preaching of Jonas, but the others shewed no signs of repentance, notwithstanding our Saviour preached and did many mighty works among them. God condemned sin in the flesh, Rem. 8. 3. He

adjudged it to destruction, passed sentence upon it, and accordingly punished it by the sufferings of his Son in the flesh; and thereby declared openly before all the world, by these sufferings of Mis Son, how abominable sin was to him, and how contrary to his nature.

Christ, being no civil judge or magistrate, did not condemn the woman taken in adultery to a civil punishment: Neither did he acquit her, for that would have been making void the law of God: He only performs the office of a minister, and speaks to her as the Mediator and Saiiour of men, in calling her to repentance and reformation, John 8. 10, 11.

This term in scripture signifies wife of the se-
cond rank, who was inferior to the matron, or
mistress of the house. The chief wives differed
from the concubines, (1) In that they were taken The manner of passing sentence upon persons, varied
into fellowship with their husbands by solemn in most countries. The Jews by a simple pro-
stipulation, and with consent and solemn rejoic- nunciation of the sentence, as Thou N. art
ing of friends. (e) They brought with them just; Thou N. art guilty; both absolved and
dowries to their husbands. (3) They had the condemned them. The Romans gave sentence,
government of their families under and with by casting in tables into a certain hot or urn
their husbands. (4) The inheritance belonged| prepared for the purpose. If they absolved any,
to the children brought forth by them. Though they wrote the tetter A in the table, it being the
the children of concubines did not inherit their first letter of Absolvo; if they condemned any,
father's estate, yet the father in his life-time they wrote the letter C, the first of Condemno.
might provide for them, and make presents to Among the Grecians, Condemnation was signified
them: Thus Sarah was Abraham's wife, of by giving a black stone; Absolution by giving a
whom he had Isaac, the heir of all his wealth: white stone: To this last there seemeth to be an
But he had besides two concubines, namely, allusion. Rev. 2. 17, To him that overcometh
Hagar and Keturah; of these he had other I will give a white stone: that is, I wilt absolve
children, whom he distinguished from Isaac, and and acquit him rn the day of judgment.
made presents to them. As polygamy was some- Luke 23. 40. seeing thou art in the same c.
times proctised by the patriarchs and among the John 3.19. this is the e. that light is come into world
Jews, either by God's permission, who could 5. 24. he that believeth shall not come into c.
rightly dispense with his own laws when and Rom. 5. 16. for the judgment was by one to c.
where he pleased; or by their mistake about the 18. as by one, judgment came upon all men to c.
lawfulness of it; as this was their practice, it 8. 1. there is no c. to them who are in Christ Jesus
was a common thing to see one, two, or many 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c.
wires, in a family; and besides these several 2 Cor. 3. 9. if the ministration of c. be glorious
concubines. David had seven wives, and ten 1 Tim. 3. 6. lest he fall into the c. of the devil
concubines, 2 Sam. 3. 2, 3, 4, 5. | 20. 3. So- Jam. 3. 1. knowing we shall receive the greater c.
lomon had seven hundred wives, who all lived 5. 12. let your nay be nay, lest ye fall into c.
in the quality of queens, and three hundred con- Jude 4. who were of old ordained to this c.
cubines; and his wives turned away his heart,

1 Kings 11. 3. Rehoboam his son had eighteen Exod. 22. 9. whom the judges shall c. he shall pay
wives, and sisty concubines, 2 Chron. 11. 21. Deut.25.1. judges may judge them, and c. the wick.

Job 9. tO. If I justify myself, my month thai! e. me
10. 2. I will say to G. do not c. me, shew me why
34. 17. and wilt thou e. him that is moat just?
40 H. wilt thou e. me, that thou mayest be righte
'tal. 37.33. not leave him, nor c. him when judged
9*. 21. and they c. the innocent blood
109. 31. to save him from those that e. his soul
Prov. 12. 2. a man of wicked devices will he e.
Isa. 50.9. L.will help me, who is he that shall e. me?
54. 17- every tongue that shall rise ag. thee shall e.
Mat. 12. 41. and shall e. it because, Luke 11. 32.
42. queen of the south shall rise up in judgment
and e. it, Luke 11. 31.
SO. 18. they shall e. him to death, Mark 10. 33.
Luk* 6. 37. e. not, and ye shall not be condemned
John 3. 17. God sent not his Son to c. the world
8. 11. neither do I c. thee, go and sin no more
2 Cor. 7.3. I speak not this to e. you, for I said
1 John 3. 20. if our heart c. us, God is greater than
21. if our heart e. us not, then have we confidence

2 Chron. 36. 3. and r. the land in 100 talents of silver
Job 32. 3. they found no answer, yet had e. Job
Ptal. IO9.7. when he shall be judged, let him be c.
Amos 2.8. drink the wine of c. in house of their god
Mat. 12.7. ye would not have e. the guiltless

37. and by thy words thou shalt be e.
27. 3. Judas, when he saw that he was c. repented
Mark 14. 64. they all r. him to be guilty of death
Luke 24. 20. how the rulers delivered him to be e.
John s. 18. he that believeth on him is not c. but he
that believeth not is c. already, because not believed
8. 10. Jesus said, woman, hath no man r. theei
Hom. 8. 3. sending his Son, for e. sin in the flesh
1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not be c. with the world
Tit. 2. 8. sincerity, sound speech that cannot be c.
3. 11. sinneth, being c. of himself is subverted
Heb. 11. 7. an ark, by the which he c. the world
Jam. 5. 6. ye have e. and killed just, not resist you
9. judge not one another, brethren, lest ye be c.
S Pot, 2. 6. God e. them with an overthrow


1 Kings 8. 32. and judge thy servants e. the wicked
Job 13. 6. thine own month e. thee, and not I
Prop. 17.15. he that e. the just,is abomination to Ld.
Acts 13. 27. they have fulfilled them in e. him
Rom. 2. 1. wherein judgest another thou e. thyself
8. 34. it is God that justifieth, who is he that r.?
14.22. that e. not himself in that thing be alloweth

Hom. 12, 16. not high things, but c. to men of low

1 6dm.11.2.on this e. I will make a coven, with you
Dan. 11. 17- set his face to enter with equal c.
Luke 14. 32. he seudeth and desireth c. of peace

£ Sam.19.15.Judah came to c.king over Jordan,31.
40.all the people of Judah c. the king and Israel
Acts 17 15.they that c. Paul brought him to Athens
1 Cor.l6.ll.but c. him forth in peace to come to me

8 Kings 18.17.they came and stood by c. Isa. 36.2.
CO. CO. Hezekiah, how he made a pool and a e.
Isa. 7. 3. go forth to meet Ahax at the end of the e.
Etek. 31. +4. sent out her c. to the trees of the field

Erod.S0.S5. shalt make a c. after art of apothecary

instruction; or to the whole congregation, when Mic. 7. 5. trust not a friend, put ye not a guide
our fault is public, Psal. 32. 5. Mat. 3. 6. Jam. Acts 28. 31. preaching the kingd, of G. with all c.
5. 16. 1 John 1. 9. [5] To acknowledge a crime 2 Cor. 1. 10. in this c. I was minded to come before
before a judge, Josh. 7. 19. [6] To own and 2. 3. having c. in you all, that my joy is joy of you
profess the truths of Christ, and pay obedience 7. 16. I rejoice that I have c. in you in all things
to it, Luke 12. 8. We are to make confession, 8. 22. diligent on the great c. which I have in you
(1) To God, whom we have offended, who knows 10. 2. with that c. wherewith I think to be bold
our sins, can pardon us, or else will punish us if 11. 17. but as it were foolishly in this c. of boast
we refuse to confess, Psal. 32. 5. Prov. 28. 13. Jam. 5. 10. I have c. in you through the Lord
(2) To our neighbour hurt by us, who otherwise Eph. 3. 12. in whom access with c. by faith in him
complaining to God, shall have him to revenge Phil. 1. 25. having this c. I shall abide with you all
his quarrel; and thus man can and ought to for 3.3. we rejoice in Chr. Jes, and have no c. in flesh
give so much of the offence as is done against
him, if his adversary repent and confess, and
seek pardon. Mat. 5. 23, 24. Luke 17. 4. (3)
To the minister of God, or to tome godly person,
that pitying the sinner's case, can and will give
him spiritual advice against his tin, and pray
for him. Job 33. 23.

26. 41.

Confession to God is made by a man for himself,
Psal. 32. 5. A father for his children. Job
1. 5. A magistrate for those under his autho-
rity, Neh. 1. 6. And must be with know-
ledge of sin, Jer. 2. 23. Consideration of that
which is done, Jer. 8. 6. Humiliation, 2 Chron.
7. 14. Accepting of punishment for sin. Lev.
A particularising of sins. Lev. 5. 5.
1 Sam. 12. 19. Prayer, Exod. 32. 32. And
forsaking of sin, Prov. 28. 13.
Lev.5.5. he snail e. that he hath sinned in that thing
16.21.Aaron shall c. over live goat all the iniquitt
26. 40. if they shall c. their iniquity and fathers*
Num. 5. 7. they shall c. their sins they have done
1 Kings 8.33.Isr.c.thy name and pray, 2 Chr, 6.24.
35. c. thy name and turn from sin, 2 Chron. 6. 26.
Neh. 1. 6. and c. the sins of the children of Israel
Job 40. 14. I will c. that thy hand can save thee
Psal. 18. † 49. I will c. to thee among the heathen
32.5. I said, I will transgressions to the Lord
Mat. 10.32. whosoever shall c. me before men, him
will I r. before my Father in heaven, Luke 12.8.
John 9. 22. if any man did c. that he was Christ
12.42.rulers did not c.him,lest be put out of synag.
Acts 23.8.say no resurrection, but Pharisees e. both
24. 14. this I e. that after the way they call hereay
Rom. IO. 9. shalt c. with thy mouth the Lord Jesus
14.11. every knee bow, every tongue shall c. to G.
15.9. I will c. to thee among the Geniiles and sing
Phil. 2. 11. that every tongue shall c. Jesus is Lord
Jam. 5. 16. c. your faults one to another and pray
1 John 1.9.if we c. our sins, he is faithful to forgive
4. 15. whoso shall c. that Jesus is the Son of God
2 John 7.who c. not that Jesus Chr. is come in flesh
Rev. 3. 5. but I will c. his name before my Father
Exra 10. 1. when Ezra had e. weeping and casting
AVA.9.S. Isr. stood and e. their sins, a fourth part c.
Prov. 28. 13. but whoso c. and forsaketh them shall
Dan. 9.20. while e. my sin and the sin of my people
Mat.3.6.were baptized of him in Jordan,r.tneir sins
John 1. CO. John r. that I am not the Christ
Acts 19.18.manycame and c.and shewed their deeds
Heb.11.13.these c. that they were strangers on earth
13.15. the fruit of our lips, c. to his name

1 John 4.2.cvery spirit that e. Christ is come in flesh
3.every spirit that e.not that Jesus Christ is come

Josh. 7. 19. give glory to God and make e. to him 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be c.2 Chr. 30. 22. offering peace-offerings and making c. CONFEDERACY.

Isa. 8. 12. say ye not, a c. to whom people say a c.
Obad.7.all men of thy c. brought thee to the border

Gen. 14. 13. and these were c. with Abram
Psal.83. 5.have consulted, they are c. against thee
Isa. 7. 2. it was told, Syria is c. with Ephraim

Gal. 2. 6. for they in c. added nothing to me

1 Kings 1.7. Adonijah c. with Joab and Abiathar
Acts4.15.they c. among them what do to these men
25. 12. Festus, when he had c. with the counsel
Gal.1.16. immediately I c. not with flesh and blood

Ezra 10. 11. now therefore make c. to the Ld. God
Dan. 9. 4. I prayed to the Ld. my God and made c.
Rom. 10.10. with the mouth c. is made to salvation
1 Tim. 6. 13. who before Pilate witnessed a good c.


4.though 1 might also have e.In flesh, if any other 2 Thess. 3. 4. we have e. in the Lord touching you Philem.21. having thyobedience, I wrote to you Heb. 3. 6. if we hold fast the c. and hope to the end


14. if we hold beginning of our e. stedfast to end 10. 35. cast not away therefore, your r.which hath 11. 1. faith is the c. of things hoped for John 2. 28. when he shall appear, we may have e. 3.21. if heart condemn not, then have e. toward G. 5. 14. and this is the c. that we have in him Jer. 2. 37. the Lord hath rejected thy c. not prosper CONFIDENT.


Psal.27.3.though war should rise, in this will I be c.
Prov. 14. l6. but the fool rageth and is e.
Rom.2.19. art e.thou thyself art a guide of the blind
2 Cor. 5. 6. therefore we are always e. knowing

8.we are e. willing rather to be absent from body 9.4.we should be ashamed in this same c. boasting Phi7.1.6.being e.of this very thing, who hath begun 14. many ol the brethren waxing e. by my bonds CONFIDENTLY.


A~iN£ 4.lC5. Judah and Isr.dwelt c. under his vine
Psal. 16. i 9. my flesh shall dwell e. in hope
Exek. 38. 11. I will go to then that dwell c.
39.f 6. I will send a fire among them that dwell c.
Luke 29.59.another c.affirmed, this fellow was with

Phil. 1.7. in defence and c. of the gospel partakers
#*£ oath of c. is to them an end of all strite

Signifies, [1] To strengthen, settle, or estahlish,
1 Chron. 14. 2. Acts 14. 22. [2] To give ne*
assurance of the truth and certainty of any thing,
1 Kings 1. 14. 2 Cor. C. 8. [3] To ratify, or
make sure, Ruth 4. 7. [*] Jo refresh. Psalm
68. 9. [5] To continue to perform, Dent. ej.
£6. [6.j To fulfil, accomplish, or make goad,
Kom. 15. 8, To confirm the promises made to
the fathers. To make it evidently appear unto
men, that God who promised to tend his Son nnto
the Jews, was faithful and true, becausa in thm
fulness of time he did send him. The promts**
of God are tn themselves most firm and stable,
at heaven and earth, so they are immoveable
and constant: they are said to be confirmed in
respect of men, whose faith heing weak and full
of doubts, had need to be helped and strength-
ened; not God's promises, but men's belief %*

Confirmation it a work of the Spirit of God strengthening faint and weak minds in faith mn obedience unto the end, 1 Pet. 5. 10. The Goc of all grace confirm and strengthen yon. dol confirmcth at the author or efficient can** o, strength; the word, sacraments, and ministers, confirm a* instruments or kelps, Luke 22. 3£, When converted, strengthen thy brethren. Am* a man confirms himself when he takes heart ana courage to himself in a good cause, upon hop* am* confidence of God's help, 1 Cor. l6. 13. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God, 1 Sam. 30. 6.

Signifies, [1] Assurance, 2 Cor. 8. 22. [2] Boldness, or courageousness, Acts 28. 31. [3] Trust, Ruth 4. 7. this was the manner for to e. all things or hope, Job 4. 6. [4] That wherein one trust. 1 Kings 1. 14. 1 will come in after and e. thy words eth, Jer. 48. 13. [5] Succour, or help, 2 Kings 2 Kings 15. iy. to e. the kingdom in his hand 18. 19. [6] Safety, or security, Ezek. 28. 26. Esth. 9.29. Esth. wrote to 9. second letter of Purim [7] A due resolution, 2 Cor. 10. 2. [8] A free 31. to c. these days of Purim in their times and bold profession of Christ and the gospel, Psal. 66. 9. didst r. thine inheritance when weary Heb. 10. 35. [9] A well-grounded persuasion Isa. 35.3. strengthen weak hands and c, feeble knees of audience and acceptance, Eph. 3. 12. Ezek. 13. 6. to hope that they would e. the word Judg. 9. 26. men of Shechem put their c. in Gaal Dan. 9. 27. he shall e. the covenant for one week Signifies, [1] Publicly to own and acknowledge Kings 18.19. thus saith the great king of Assyria 11. 1. even I stood to c. and to strengthen him as his own: Thus Christ will confess the faith- what c. is this wherein thou trustest? Isa. 30.4. Rom. 15. 8. to e. the promises made to the fathers ful in the day of judgment, Luke 12. 8. [2] To Job 4. 6. is this not thy fear, thy c. thy hope? 1 Cor. 2. 8. who shall also c. you to the end own and profess the truths of Christ, and to 18. 14. his c. shall be rooted out of his tabernacle 2 Cor. 2. 8. that ye would c. your love toward him obey his commandments, and that in spite of all 31. 24. if I have said to fine gold, thou art my c. CONFIRMED. opposition and danger from enemies, Mat. 10. Psal. 65. 5. who art the c. of all ends of the earth 2 Sam. 7. 24. thou hast c. to thyself thy people Isr. 32. Whosoever shall confess me before men. 118. 8. better to trust in Ld. than to put c. in man 2 Kings 14. 5. as soon as the kingdom was c. he slew [3] To utter, or speak forth the praises of God, 9. better to trust in Lord than to put c. in princes 1 Chron. 14. 2. Lord had e. him king over Israel or to give him thanks, Heb. 13. 15. Offer to Prov.3.26. for Ld. shall be thy c. and keep thy foot 16. 17. and hath c. the same to Jacob, Ps. 105.10. God the fruit of your lips, confessing his name; 14. 26. in the fear of the Lord is strong c. 2 Chron. 25. t 3. when the kingdom was e. he slew that is, acknowledge his benefits, and give him 21. 22. casteth down the strength of the c. thereof Esth. 9. 32. Esther e. these matters of Purim thanks for them. [4] To own, and lay open our 25. 19. c. in an unfaith, man is like a broken tooth Dan. 9.12. hath c. his words which he spake ag, us sins and offences, either unto God in private, or Isa. 30. 15. in quietn. and c. shall be your strengthers 15. 32. exhorted the brethren and e. them public confessions; or to our neighbour whom we Jer. 48. 13. as Isr. was ashamed of Beth-el their c.1 Cor. 1. 6. the testimony of Christ was c. in you have wronged: or to some godly persons, at whose Ezek. 28. 26. plant vineya. they shall dwell with c. Gal. 3. 15. yet if it be e. no man disannulleth it, hands we look to receive comfort and spiritual 29. 16. Egypt shall be no more the c. of h. of 1sr. 17. the covenant that was e. before of God

Heb. 2. 9. was *. to us by them that heard him
6. 17. immutability of counsel, he e. it by an oath

Num. 30. 14. bonds which are on her, he c. them
Dent. S7. 26. cursed be he that e. not all the words
Ita. 44. 20. that r. the word of his sen-ant
mark l6.C0. preached, c.word with signs following
Acti14.52. r. souls of the disciples, exhorting them
13.41.went thro* Syria and Cilicia c. the churches

Erra 7-26.let judgm. be executed to e. or imprison.
Ptaf..+10.I am consumed by the c. of thine hand
Phil, l. 30. having the same e. which re saw in me
CW .2. 1. that ye knew what great e. I nave for you

Phil.3.10.may know him, being made his death

Rem. 8.29. predestinate to be r. to image of his Son 12, not c. to this world, hut be ye transformed CONFOUND

Signifies, fl] To disorder, mingle, or jumble together. Genesis 11.7. [2] To baffle, or confute. Acts 9. 22. [3] To be a'hamed by reason of some disappointment. Job 6. 20. [4] To destroy, or break in pieces, Jcrem. 1. 17. Zech. 10. 5. [5' To be amated, astonished, or troubled in mind. Acts 2, 6.

It ix said, 1 ret. 2. 6, He that believeth shall not be confounded; that is, he shall not be disap pointed of hie expectation ef salvation; the scrtptmre referred to he the apostle it, Isa. CB.lfi He thai believeth shall not make haste: that *>, he shall nat hastily and greedily catch at any map of escaping his danger, whether it he right or mrong but shall patiently wait upon God for daJwreranra and salvation in his way. Cam. 11. 7- let us go down and e. their language, 9. not dismayed, lest I c. thee before them wise, to c.thine* that are mighty CONFOUNDED.

t Ki^gs 19. 26. the inhabitants were r. Isa. 17.27. Jeb 6. 30. they were e. because they had hoped Pai. 35. 4. lee them be c. that seek after my soul 69.6. lei not those that seek thee be r. for my sake 71-13 let them be r.that ate adversaries to my soul £4. for they are c. that seek my hurt 83. 17. let them be c. and troubled for ever 97.7- e. be all they that serve graven images 199 5. let them all be c. turned back that hate Zion ha.1.29. shall be e. for gardens that ye have chosen 19- 9- they that weave net-works shall be e. 17.27. their inhabitants were dismayed and e. Jer. 9. 19. greatly c. because we have forsaken land 10. 14. every founder is c. by graven image, 51. 17. 17. 18. let them be c. that persecute me, let not me 46. 74. daughter of Egypt c. || 48. CO. Moab is r. 49. 23. Hamaih is r. 50. 2. Babylon taken, Bel r. So. 12. roar mother shall be sore c. be ashamed 31. 4. Babylon, her whole land shall be c.

Isa, 34.11. he shall stretch out upon it the line of c. 41. 29. their molten images are wind and e 45. 16. nakers of idons shall go to c. together 61. 7. for e. they shall rejoice in their portion Jer. 3. 25. we lie in shame and our c. covereth us 7.19. do they not provoke thems. to c. of their faces 20.11. their everlasting c. shall never be forgotten Dan. 9. 7. but to us belongeth c. of face, 8. Acts 19. 29. the whole city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. for God is not author cf e. but peace Jam.3.16. for where envying and strife is, there is c. CONGEALED.

Exod. 15. 8. the depths were c. in heart of the sea CONGRATULATE.

1 Chron. 18. 10. to inquire of his welfare and c. him


Deut. 23. 1. shall not enter into the e. of the L.2, 3. 1 Chron. 28. 8. in sight of c. of L. keep commandm. Mic.2.5. that shall cast a cord by lot in the c. of L.

Tabernacie of the CONGREGATION. Erod. 29. 10. bullock brought before the tab. of c. 44. I will sanctify t. of c. || 30. 26, anoint. of c. 33. 7. called it the t. of c. went out to the t. of c. Lev.3.8. kill it bef, t.of c.13. || 4.5. bring it to t. of c. 10. 7. ye shall not go out from the door of t. of c. 9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. of c. 16. 16. so do for t. of c. 33. atonement for t. of c. Num. 4. 3. work of the t. of c. 23, 25, 30, 35, 39, 43. 8. 9. thou shalt bring the Levites before tab. of c. 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tab. of c. 14. 10. glory of the Lord appeared in the tab. of c. 17.4. lay up in t.of c. || 18.4. keep charge of t. of c. 25. 6. Israel weeping before the door of tab. of c. Deut. 31. 14. present yourselves in tabern. of the c. Josh. 18. 1. at Shiloh, and set up the tab. of c. there 1 Kings 8. 4. they brought up tab. of c. 2 Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chron. 1. 3. for there was the tab. of c. of God See DOOR.

Tent of the CONGREGATION. Erod. 39. 32. t. of c. finished || 40. 2. set up t. of c. 40. 22. table in t. of c. 24. candlestick in t. of c. 26. and he put the golden altar in the tent of c. 34. then a cloud covered the tent of c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent of c. Whole CONGREGATION.

Erod. 16. 2. the whole c. of Israel murmured Num. 3. 7. thut to us beep the ch rge of the w. c. Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with w. c. Judg. 21. 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamin Chron. 6. 3. the king blessed the whole c. of Israel Ezra 2. 64. the whole c. was 42,360, Neh. 7. 66. Prov. 26. 26. wickedness be shewed before whole c. CONGREGATIONS.

Lev. 4. 21. it is a sin-offering for the c. 10. 17. God hath given it you to bear iniquity of e. 16.33. he shall make an atonement for all the e. Num. 1. 16. these were the renowned of the c. 10. 7- but when r. is to be gathered you shall blow 14. 27. how long shall I bear with this evil e.? 15. 15. one ordinance shall be for c. and stranger 16.21.separate yourselves from r. that I may cons. 45.get you up from among this c. that I may cons. 47. Aaron took and ran into the midst of the e. 19. 20. that soul shall be cut off from among the c. 27- 16. let the Lord set a man over the c. 35.12. cities of refuge that mapslayer die not, till he stand before the c. for judgment, Josh. C0.6. Josh. 9. 27. made them drawers of water for the e. Judg.20.1.the r.was gathered as one man from Dan 21.5. that came not up with the e. to the Lord 1 Kings 12.CO.they sent aod called Jerob. to the c.2 Chr. 30.24. Hezekiah did give to c. 1000 bullocks Ezra 10. 8. and himself separated from the c. Seh. 13.1. the Moabite should not come into the e. Job 15. 34. for the e. of hypocrites shall be desolate 30. CH. I stood up and cried in the e. Psat. 1. 5. nor sinners in the c. of the righteous 22. 22. in the midst of the c. will I praise thee 26. 5. 1 have hated the c. of evil doers 58. 1. do ye indeed speak righteousness, O c.t 74. 2. remember thy c. thou hast purchased of old 19. forget not the c. of thy poor for ever 75. 2. when I receive the c. I will judge uprightly 82. 1. God standeth in the c. of the mighty 89. 5. thy faithfulness also in the c. of the saints 107. 32. let them exalt him also in c. of the people 111. 1. I will praise the Ld. in the assembly and c. Prop. 5. 14. I was almost in all evil in midst of c.


21. 16. the men shall remain in the c. of the dead Isa. 14. 13. I will sit upon the mount of the c. Jer. 6. 18. and know, O 0. what is among them 30. 20. their r. shall be established before me Lam. 1. 10. that they should not enter into thy c. Has .7.12.1 will chastise them as their r.hath heard Joel C. 16. gather the people, sanctify the c. Acts 13. 43. now when the c. was broken up

All the CONGREGATION. Lev.8.3.gather all the e. together to door of tabern. 16. 17. make atonement for alt the c. of Israel 24. 14. let all the e. stone him, 16. Sum. 15. 35. Sum. 14. 10. all the c. bade stone them with stones 16. 3. seeing alt the c. are holy, every one of them 22. shall one sin, wilt thou be wroth with all c.? 20. 27. they went np in sight of all the c. 25. 6. 27. 19- *«t him before Eleazar and all the c. 22. Josh. H. 35. which Joshua read not before all the c. 9- IB. all the 0. murmured against the princes 22. 20. wrath fell on all the c. of Israel

51. we are c. because we have heard reproach Ezek. 16. 52. be thou e. and bear thy shame, 54. 63. Mar. 7. 16. nations shall see and be c. at their might|| Z. 19. 5. and the riders on horses shall be c. Nets. 6. the multitude came together and were c. 9. Sanl e. the Jews who dwelt at Damascus Ashamed and CONFOUNDED. Psal.40.14.aska.and e.that seek after my soul.70.2. Ise. 24. 23. the moon shall be c. and the sun ashamed 41. 11. incensed against thee shall be asham, and c. 45.16. idol-makers shall be asha.and c. all of them 54. 4. thou shalt not be ashamed,neither be thou c. 1 Kings 8. 14. the king blessed all the c. of Isr. 55. Jer. 14, 3. nobles and little ones were asham.and c.1 Chron. 29. 20. all the c. blessed the Lord God 15.9. that hath born seven hath been asham.and c. | 2 Chron.23.3. all the e. made a covenant with the k. 22.02. surely then shalt thou be ashamed and c. 31.19. I was asham, yea and c. because I did bear Eszt. 36. 32. be ashamed and c. for your own ways Me 3.7. then shall seers be ashamed and diviners c. Not CONFOUNDED.

Pial 2.5, our fathers trusted, and were not c. Isa. 45. 17. not ashamed nor a world without end 50. 7. God will help, therefore shall I not be c. 1 Pet. 2. 6. he that believeth on him shall not be c. CONFUSED.

Isa. 9. 5. for every battle of warrior is with c. noise Art 19. 32. some cried, for the assembly was c. CONFUSION.

Gen. 11.49. therefore is the name of it called c. L. 18. 23. a beast to lie down thereto, it is c. 20.12. surely be put to death,they have wrought e. 1 Sam. 20, 30. hast chosen David to thy c. and to c. Ezza 9.7. been delivered to c. of face, as at this day J 10. 15. I am full of e. therefore see mine afflict. Ps. 35. 4. let them be brought to c. devise my hurt 44.15. my e. is continually before me and shame 70. 2. let them be put to c. that desire my hurt 71. 1. O Lord, let me never be put to c. 109.29. let them cover thems, with their own c. Iss. 21. 10. the city of c. is broken down 30.3. and the trast in the shadow of Egypt your c.

29. 28. all the c.worshipped and the singers sang Neh. 5.13. all the c. said, amen, and praised the L. 8. 17. all the c. that were come again made booths

Elders of the CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 10. gldery of the c. shall lay their hands Judg.21.16.eld, of c. said,how shall we do for wives? Great CONGREGATION.

1 Kings 8.65. at that time Solomon held a feast, all Israel with him, a great c. 2 Chron. 7. 8. | 30.13. Esra 10. 1. assembled to him out of Israel a great c. praise shall be of thee in the great c. 35. 18. I will give thee thanks in the great e. 40.9. I have preached righteousness in the great c. 10. I have not concealed thy truth from great c. CONGREGATION of Israel. Erod. 12. 6. c. of Israel shall kill it in the evening 19. that soul shall be cut off from the c. of Israel 47. all the c. of Israel shall keep the passover Lev.4.13.if whole c. of Israel sin through ignorance Num. 16.9. Lord hath separated you from c. of Isr. 2Chron.5.6.Solom, and c. of Israel sacrificed sheep 24.6.according to the commandment of c. of Isract

CONGREGATION of the Lord. Num. 16.3.why lift you yourselves above c.of the L. 27. 17. c. of L. not as sheep that have no shepherd 31.16.was a plague among c, of the L. Josh. 22.17.)

Psat. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord
68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord
74. 4. thine enemies roar in the midst of thy e.

Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to c.

Rom. 8. 37< in all these things we are more than r.

Is the testimony and secret judgment of the soul, which gives its approbation to actions that it thinks good, or reproaches itself with those which it believes to be etil: Or, it is a particular knowledge which we have with us of our own deeds, good or evil, arising out of the general knowledge of the mind, which shews us what is good, or evil; and Conscience tells us ahen we have done the one, or the other, Rom. 2. 15. It it either (I) Good, 1 Tim. 1. 5. And this is called, [1] A conscience void of offence toward God and men; which does not accuse a person for any wilful offence^ either against God, or men. Acts 24. 10. [2] A conscience bearing a person witness in the Holy Ghost, that is, by the conduct and guidance of the Holy Ghost, who cannot lie, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Ture and good, being purified by the blood of Christ, Heb. 9. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 9. [4] Purged from dead works ; that is, freed from that sentence of death which it receives by reason of sin, Heb. 9. 14. [5] A conscience not troubled with a sense of guilt, Heb. 10. 2. [6] A conscience checking and condemning persons, when they have gone against their tight, and approving and justifying them, when they hate conformed to it, Rom. 2. 15. Or, (II) Evil, Heb. 10. 22. when it is defiled with vicious habits, so that it does not perform its office aright. It tt catted, [I] A conscience seared with a hot iron; that is, quite extinct and cut off, or utterly hardened, which has tost alt sense and feeling, 1 Tim. 4. 2. [2] A defiled conscience; whenit is blinded and perverted, so that it cannot judge of its own actions. Tit. 1. 15. This evil conscience is sometimes quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled: It accusetk when 1/ should escuse, and exenseth when it should accuse. The conscience also even of the best, is now and then erroneous and doubtful.

The apostle Paul permits the faithful to go and tat at the houses of the Gentiles, if they were invited thither, and to partake of every thing which was served up at their tables, without making particular inquiries out of any scrupulosity of con science; asking no questieus for conscience' sake, 1 Cor. 10. 27, &c. Hut if any one says to them, this has been sacrificed to idols; do not eat of itf says he, for his sake who gave yon this information; and likewise test ye wound not your own, but another's conscience: Conscience, I say, nut thine own, but of the other's. If he who gites you this notice is a Christian, and notwithstanding the information so given you forbear, not to tat: he niti condemn yon in his htart, or will

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