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Signifies, [1] Censure, scorn, or reproach, Prov. 9.7. [2] Unjust gain, which is a blemish, scandal, and disgrace to a person, Job 31.7.

1 Kings2.5, whom he slew and shed b.of war in peace | Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath . pride hath budded 1Caren 22.8. because thou hast shed b.muchb.28.3. | Hos. 14. + 5. and he shall b. as the lily Pul.79.3. their 6.shed like water round Jerusalem ab. 3. 17. altho' the fig-tree shall not b. nor fruit 10. known by revenging &. of thy servants shed Pres. 1. 16. they make haste to shed b. Rom. 3. 15. Lam. 4.13. prophets that have shed the b. of the just Est.16.38.judge thee as women that shed b. 23.45. 22. 4. art become guilty in thy 6. thou hast shed 6. the peoples id thee to their power to shed b. 23. 45. after the manner of women that shed 5. 33. 25. ye shed &. and shall ye possess the land? 35.5. because thou hast shed b.of children of Israel 36. 18. poured fury on them for the 6. they shed Mat. 23. 35. on you come all the righteous b. shed Mark 14.24. this is my 8. which is shed, Luke 22.20. Lake 11. 50. 4. of all the prophets which was sked des. 20. when the b. of Stephen was shed Rev. 10. 6. for they have shed the b. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD.

Ered 99.16.take the ram's b. and sprinkle it on altar Ered. 29. 20. shalt sprinkle b. on altar round about Lev. 1. 5, 11. | 3. 2, 8, 13. | 7. 2. | 17.6. | Num. 18. 17.

Lez. 4. 6. priest sp. b. seven times, 17. | 16. 14, 19. 3.9. sprinkle b. of sin-offering on side of the altar 7. 14. it shall be the priests that sprinkle the b. Am. 19. 4. sprinkle of the b. before the tabernacle 2 Kings 16.15. sprinkle on it the b. of burnt-offering Ezek. 43. 18. when make an altar to spr. b. thereon BLOOD sprinkled.

Ered 24.6. half of 6. Moses spr.on altar, Lev.8.19,24. 8. Moses took the b. and sprinkled on the people| Ler.6.27.when there is sprinkled b. on any garment 8. 30. Moses took of the b. and sprinkled on Aaron 9.12. Aaron's sons presented him b. he sprinkl. 18. things 9.33. some of Athaliah's b.sprinkled on wall 16. 13. Ahaz sprinkled the b. of his peace-offering Chren. 29. 22. sprinkled the b. of bullocks, 30. 16. 35.11. the priests sprinkled the b. from their hands Isa. 63.3. their b, shall be sprinkled on my garment Heb. 9. 21. he sprinkled with b. the tabernacle With BLOOD.

Hag. 1. 9. when ye brought it, I did b. upon it
Latke 12. 55. when ye see the south-wind 6.
Rev. 7. 1. that wind should not &. on the earth

Isa. 40. 7. because the Spirit of the Lord b. on it
54. 16. I have created the smith that b. the coals
John 3. 8. the wind b. where it listeth, thou hearest

Blot me out of thy book, Exod. 32. 32. Blot me out of the book of life, out of the catalogue or number of those that shall be saved; let me die Job 20. 26. a fire not. shall consume him rather than see the evil that shall come to this Mal. 1† 13. whereas ye might have b. it away people, if thou do not forgive them. Wherein BLUE. Moses does not express what he thought might Exod.25.4. b. purple, scarlet, 26. 1, 31, 36. | 27. 16. be done, but rather wisheth, if it were possible, 28. 31. make the robe of the ephod of b. 39. 22. that God would accept of him as a sacrifice in 39. 3. they cut gold into wires to work it in the b. their stead, and by his utter destruction and Num. 15. 38. put on the fringes a ribband of b. annihilation prevent so great a mischief to them; 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in b. 14. In which he was a type of Christ, who laid Esth. 1. 6. b. hangings, a pavement of 8. marble down his life, and was made a curse for us, 8. 15. Mordecai went in a royal apparel of b. Gal. 3. 13. Ezek. 23. 6. the Assyrians were clothed with b. See PURPLE, CLOTH, LACE, Loops. BLUENESS.

That 1 may blot out their name from under heaven, Dent. 9. 14. That 1 may utterly dartroy and consume them, and make their name to be forgotten among men.

Prov. 20. 30. b. of a wound cleanseth away evil BLUNT.


Blot out my transgression, Psal. 51. 1. Sins Eccl. 10. 10. if iron be b. and he do not whet it are compared to debtt, Mat. 6. 12. which are written in the creditor's book, and crossed or Ezra 9. 6. Ib. to lift up my face to thee, my God blotted out when they are paid. Men's sins are Jer. 6. 15. not ashamed, nor could they b. 8. 12. written in the book of God's remembrance or acBOAR. counts, out of which all men shall be judged Psal. 80. 13. b. out of the wood doth waste it hereafter. Rev. CO. 12. and when sin is pardoned, it is said to be blotted out, Isa. 44. 22. and not to be found anv more, though it should be sought for, Jer. 50. 20.

Dent. 32. 15. their A. is not of his children
Job 31. 7- if any A. hath cleaved to my hands
Prov. 9. 7. that rebukes the wicked, getteth a b.
BLOT out.

Gen. 7. + 4. every living thing will I A. out
Exod. 32. 32. and if not, A. me out of thy book

33. whosoever hath sinned, him will I b. out Num. 5. 20. shall A. them out with bitter water Deut.9.14. let mt alone that I mny b.out their name 25. 19. shall b. out the remembrance of Amalek 29.20.the Lord shall b. out his name from under h. Kings 14. 27. said not, that he would b. out Israel Psnl.5l.l. have mercy, O God,A.4W/ transgressions 9. hide my sins and b. out all mine iniquities Jer. 1H. 23. nor b. out their sin from thy sight Rev. 3. 5. I will not A. his name out of book of life BLOTTED.

Ered. 30. 10. Aaron shall make atonement with b. Lev. 14, 52. cleanse the house with b. of the bird 19. £6. ye shall not eat any thing with b. 1 Kings 2.9.his hoary head bring thou down with b.2 Psal. 106, 38. and the land was polluted with b. L.34.0 sword of Lord filled with b.made fat with b. 7. and their land shall be soaked with b. 49. 26. they shall be drunken with their own b. 59. 3. for your hands are defiled with b. Jer. 19. 4. filled this place with the b. of innocents 46. 10. it shall be made drunk with their ¿. Lan. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves with b. Ezek. 38. 22. I will plead against him with b. He, 6, 8. Gilead is a city polluted with b. Mic.3.10.they build up Zion with b. and Jerusalem Heb. 2. 12, wo to him that buildeth a town with b. Gal. 1. 16. immediately I conferred not with b. Heb. 9.22. all things are by the law purged with b. H. 8. 7. followed hail and fire, mingled with b. 17.0, saw the woman drunken with b. of the saints BLOOD-GUILTINESS. Piel, 31. 14. deliver me from 6.-guiltiness, O God BLOOD-THIRSTY.

Pres. 29. 10. the .-thirsty hate the upright


Erd. 4.95. surely a &. husband art thou to me, 26. 2 Sam, 16. 7. Shimei said, come out, thou b. man 21.1. the famine is for Saul, and his b. house Pal. 5. 6. the Lord will abhor the b. man .9. gather not my life with b. men 53, 23. 6, men shall not live out half their days Sy. 2. deliver me, and save me from b. men 139. 19. depart from me therefore ye b. men Ek. 7.23. for the land is full of b. crimes 22. 2. son of man, wilt thou judge the b. city? 24. 6. wo to the b. city, 9. Nah. 3. 1. det 3.8, father of Publius lay sick of a b. flux BLOOMED.

Num. 17.8. Aaron's rod b. blossoms and almonds BLOSSOM

Neh. 4. 5. let not their sin be b. out from before thee Psal. 69. 28. let them be b. out of book of the living 109. 13. posterity cut off, let their name be b. out 14. let not the sin of his mother be b. out Isa. 44. 22. I have b. out as a thick cloud Acts 3. 19. repent, that your sins may be b. out BLOTTETH, ING.

Isa. 43. 25. I am he that b. out thy transgressions Col. 2. 14. d. out the hand-writing of ordinances BLOW

Signifies, A stroke, calamity, or judgment, such as sword, or jamine, which God inflicts upon a people for their sins, Jer. 14. 17. Awake, O north-wind, and blow upon my garden, &c. Cant. 4. 16. Let the Holy Spirit in his several operations, both convincing and mortifying, and also comforting, stir up and quicken my heart and soul, that the graces that are in me may be quickened and exercised.


Exod. 26. 29. shalt overlay A. with gold, 36. 34, 27. 8. hollow with b. shalt thou make it, 36. 34. 36. 30. under every A. were two sockets Xum. 3. 3d. under custody of Merari shall be . Cant. 8. 9. we will enclose her with b. of cedar Acts 27. 44. the rest, some on A. came to land

BOAST, Substantive. Psal. 34. 2. my soul shall make her A. in the Lord How. 2. 17- art a Jew, and makest thy h. of God 23. thou that makest thy A. of the law BOAST, Verb.

1 Kings 20. 11, not A. as he that putteth it off Chron. 25. 19. thine heart lifteth thee up to A Psal. 44. 8. in God we A. all the day long 49. 6. and A. themselves in their riches 94. 4. the workers of iniquity A. themselves 97.7- confounded be they that A. of idols Prov. 7. 1. A, not thyself of to-morrow Isa. 10. 15. shall the ax A. itself against htm that Gl, 0. iu their glory shall you A. yourselves Rom. 11. 18. b. not against branches, if thou A. 2 Cor. 9. 2. for which 1 b. to them of Macedonia 10. 8. for though I should A. somewhat more 13. we will not A. of things without our measure 16. and not to A. in another man's line 11. 16. receive me that 1 may A. myself a little Eph. 2. 9. not of works lest any man should A. BOASTED.

Etck. 35. 13. with mouth ye have b. against me 2 Cor. 7. 14. if I have b. any thing to him. BOASTERS.

Rom. 1. 30. proud, b. inventors of evil things 2 Tim. 3. 2. covetous, A. proud, blasphemers BOASTEST, ETH. Psal. 10. 3. the wicked A. of his heart's desire 52. 1. why b. thou thyself in mischief? Prov. 20. 14. when he is cone bis way, then he A. 25. 14. whoso A. himself of a false gift Jam, 3.5. tongue a little member, and b. great things BOASTING, Participle.

The wind bloweth where it listeth; so is every man that is born of the Spirit, John 3. 8. As Aets 5. 36. rose Theudas, A. himself to be somebody there are many things in nature, particularly the 2 Cvr. 10. 15. not A. of things without our measure wind, which are evident in their effects, yet no BOASTING, Substantive.


man can give a clear and full account of them, Rom. 3. 27- where is A. then? it is excluded man's reason cannot reach to know from whence 2 Cor.7-14. even so our b. before Titus is found truth the wind rises, from how great a distance it comes, 8. 24. shew ye to them the proof of our b. or how far it goes; so is this spiritual change 9.3. lest our A.of you should be in vain in this hehalf wrought freely, where, in whom, when, and in 4. we should be ashamed in the same confident b. what measure, the Spirit pleases; and also power- 11. 10. no man shall stop me of this b. in Achaia fully, so as to make an evident, sensible change; 17. but as it were foolishly in this confidence of b. though the manner thereof be incomprehensible, Jam. 4. 16. but now ye irjoice in your b. it is known by the effects.


did blow upon it, Hag. 1. 9. I did blast it, John ). 22. the people saw there was no other 8.

that it did you no good.

Signifes, [1] A flower of a tree or plant, Gen. 40. 10. 2) To put forth into flowers or blossoms, Num. 17. 5. Hab. 3. 17. [3] To increase, fish, and prosper, Isa. 27. 6. | 35. 1, 2. A fire not blown, Job 20. 26. Some heavy judgTheir root shall be as rottenness, and their blos- ment that comes no man knows how. so shall go up as dust, Isa. 5. 24. that is, Psal. 39. 10. I am comsumed by the 6. of thy hand Utter destruction shall seize upon them; they Jer. 14. 17. people is broken with a grievous ¿. thall be destroyed both root and branch. The rod hath blossomed, Ezek. 7. 10. The instrumed that God will make use of for your correction is ready made and prepared. Gen. 40. 10. ber &. shot forth, and the clusters L. 5. 24. and their 6. shall go up as dust BLOSSOM, ED.

Num. 17. 5. the man's rod whom I choose shall b. Le 27.6. Israel shall &. and bud, and fill the world 35 1. the desert shall rejoice and b. as the rose 2. It shall 6. abundantly and rejoice with joy

BLOW, Verb.


Exod. 15. 10. thou didst . with thy wind
Num.10.5.when ye b. an alarm, camps shall go,
9. then ye shall b. an alarm with trumpets
Judg. 7. 18. when I b. with a trumpet, then b. ye
Psal. 78. 26. he caused an east-wind to 6. in heaven
147. 18. caused his wind to 6. and waters flow
Cant. 4. 16. come, thou south, &. upon my garden
Isa. 40. 24. he shall also b. upon them, shall wither
Ezek. 21. 31. I will b. against thee, 22. 21.
Hos. 5. 8. b. ye the cornet in Gibeah, cry aloud

there, and that Jesus went not into the A. 23. there came other A. from Tiberias Acts 27. 1G. had much work to come by the A. 30. when they had let down the A. into the sea 32. the soldiers cut off the ropes of the A. BODY Signifies, [1] The material part of man, 1 Cor. 15. 44. [C] The whole man, Rom. 6. 12. | 12. 1. [3] The substance of a shadow or ceremony, Col. 2. 17- [4j The church cf God firmly united to CXrist and among themselves, by the Spirit, faith, love,sacraments, word, and ministry, which, Hike the reins and arteries in the body, serve to join them with Christ, and among them selves, and also to convey initnence and tuntri-J ment from th* head to every particular membœ

of this mystical body, 1 Cor. JO. 17. Eph.
. Hi. Col. 1. 18. [5] The human nature of
Christ, Heb. 10. 5. [6] The unrenewed part of
man, such as the sensitive powers, carnal affec-
sions, and sinful inclinations, 1 Cor. u. 27.
This is my body, Mat. 26. CO. This bread is a
sign or representation, and is hereafter to be a
memorial alto, of my body, and of mp sufferings
in it; and also a seal and pledge, whereby I
make over to you all the benefits I have pur-
chased thereby Or, This taking and eating is a
holy rite of commemorating my death, and a
means of making all worthy receivers partakers
of the benefits thereof.

The body ot this death, Rom. 7- 21. The cor-
ruption of nature, acting chiefJy by the body,
which tends to, and binds me over to death.
Eroj. 21. in. as the b. of heaven in its clearness
1 Sam. 31. 12. took the b. of Saul, 1 Chron. 10. 12.
.W 'J. 17. for the children*' sake of my own b.

Jer. 20. 23. and cast his dead b. into the graves
36. 30. his dead b. shall be cast out in the day
Fruit of the BODY.
Deut. 28. 4. blessed shall be the fruit of thy b.
11. make thee plenteous in the fruit of thy b.30.9.
18. cursed shall be fruit of thy b. and of thy land
53. thou shalt eat the fruit of thy b. in the siege
Psal. 132.11. fruit of thy b. will I set on thy throne
Mic.6.7.shall I give fruit of my b.for sin of my soul?

Exod. 21. + 3. if he came in with his b. he shall go
Deut. 21. 23. his b. not remain all night on the tree
Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons of his b. begotten
1 Sam. 31. 10. fastened his b. to wall of Bethshan
Dan.4.33. his b. wet with the dew of heaven, 5.21.
7. 11. till beast was slain, and his b. destroyed
10. 6. his b. also was like the beryl
Luke 23. 55. the women beheld how his b. was laid
24. 23. when they found not his b. they came
John 2. 21. but he spake of the temple of his b.
lets 19. 12. from his b. were brought to the sick
Rom. 4. 19. he considered not his b. now dead
1 Cor.6.18.commits fornication sinneth against his b.
7. 4. the husband hath not power of his own b.
2 Cor. 5. 10. may receive the things done in his b.
Eph. 1. 23. which is his b. fulness of him that fills
Phil. 3. 21. may be fashioned like to his glorious b.
Col. 1. 24. for his b. sake, which is the church
1 Pet. 2. 24. who bare our sins in his b. on the tree


6. 20. therefore glorify God in your b. and spirit 7. 34. that she may be holy in b. and in spirit 12. 18. God hath set members every one in the b. 25. that there should be no schism in the b. Cor. 4. 10. bearing about in the b. the dying of our Ld.that life of Jesus might be manifest in our b. 5. 6. knowing that whilst we are at home in b. 12. 2. whether in b. or whether out of the b. Gal. 6. 17. I bear in b. the marks of the Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 20. Christ shall be magnified in my b. Col. 1. 22. reconciled in b. of his flesh thro' death Heb. 13. 3. as being yourselves also in the b. One BODY.

26. though after my skin worms destroy this b. 20. 25. it is drawn and cometh out of the b. Psal. 139. t 15. my b. was not hid from thee Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and b. are consumed Isa. 10. IB. and shall consume both soul and b. 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy b. as the ground Lsek. 10. 12. their whole b. was full of eyes Dan. 7. 15. I was grieved in spirit iu midst of my b. Mat. 5. 29. that thy whole b. be cast into hell, 30. 6. 22. the light of the b. is the eye, Luke 11. 34. thy b. shall be full of light, Luke 11. 34, 36. Lam. 4. 7. they were more ruddy in b. than rubies 23. thy whole 4. shall be full of darkness Rom. 6. 12. let not sin reign in your mortal ¿. 25. take no thought for your b. Luke 12. 22.1 Cor. 5.3. I verily as absent in b. have judged and the b. more than raiment, Luke 12. 23. 10. 28. fear not them that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 14. 12. John's disciples came and took up the 6. 20. 12. she hath poured this ointment on my b. 26.Jesus took bread and said, take, eat, this is mv b. Mark 14. 22. Luke 22. 19. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 27.58. Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate, and begged the b. of Jesus, Mark 15. 43. Luke 23. 52. Mark 5. 29. she felt in her b. that she was healed 14. 8. she is come aforehand to anoint my b. 51. having a linen cloth cast about his b. 15. 45. Pilale gave the b. to Joseph, Mat. 27. 58 Luke 17- 37- where the b. is, thither (he eagles 24. 3. they found not the b. of the Lord Jesus John 20. 12. where the b. of Jesus had lain Mom. 6. 6. that the b. of sin may be destroyed 7- 4. become dead to the law by the b. of Christ 21.who shall deliver me from the b. of this death? 8. 10. Christ in you, the b. is dead because of sin 13. if ye thro' the Spirit mortify deeds of the b. 23. for the adoption, die redemption of oar b. 1 CVr.6.13.uow the b. is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the b. 18. every sin a man doth is without the b. 0.19. your b. is the temple of the Holy Ghost 7. 4. the wife hath no power of her own b. 9. 27. but 1 keep under my b. and bring it to subjec. 10. 16. the communion of the b. of Christ 11. 27. be guilty of the b. and blood of the Lord 29. eats damnation, not discerning the Lord's b, 12. 14. for the b. is not one member, nut many 15. is it therefore not of the b.? 16. 17. if whole b. were an eye, where were hearing? 19- where were the b. ? 20. yet but one A. 27. now ye are the b. of Christ, and members 13. 3. tho* I give my A, to be burned, and have not 15. 35. and with what b. do the dead come? 37. thou sowest not that b. that shall be 38. but God giveth it a b. as it hath pleased him 44. it is sown a natural b. raised a spiritual b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. willing rather to be absent from the b. Eph. 3. 6. Gentiles be fellow-heirs of the same b. 4. 12. for the edifying of the b. of Christ

16. from whom the whole b. fitly joined together 5. 23. and he is the Saviour of the b. Phil. 3.21. who shall change our vile b. that it may Col. 1. 18. he is the head of the 0. the church 2. 11. iu putting off the b. of the sins of the flesh 17. which are a shadow, but the b. is of Christ 19. from which the b. by joints and hands 23. a shew of wisdom in neglecting of the b. 1 Thess. 5. 23. 1 pray your soul and b. he preserved Heb. 10. 5. but a b. nasi thou prepared me

10. through the offering of the b. of Jesus Jam. 2. 16. give not things are needful to the b. 26. as the b. without the Spirit is dead, so faith 3. 2. and is able also to bridle the whole b. %. and we turn about their whole b. eV the tongue defileth the whole b. and sets on fire Jude 9. Michael disputed about the b. of Moses Dead BODY.

Lev.2\.11.nor shall ye go into any dead b. Nuw.6.6. Num. 9.6. certain men were delih-d by a dead b. J. 10.any of you be unclean by a dead b. Hag. 2.13. iy. 11. he that toucheth dead b. be unclean, 16. Kings 8. 5 how he had restored a dead b. to life La. CO. 19. with my dead b. shall they arise

Rom. 12. 4. as we have many members in one h.
5.we being many are one Christ, 1 Cor.10.17.
1 Cor. 6. 16. he that is joined to an harlot, is one b.
12. 12. as the b. is one, and hath many members
13. we arc baptised into one b. whether Jews
20. now are they many members, yet but one b.
Eph. 2. 16. he might reconcile both to God in one b.
4. 4. there is one b. and one Spirit, as ye are called
Col. 3. 15. to which ye are also called in one b.

Gen. 47. 18. not ought left, but our b. and lands
1 Sam. 31. 12. took b. of Saul's sons, 1 Chr. 10. 12.
N«A.y.37.they have dominion over our b.and cattle
Job 13. 12. your b. are like unto b. of clay
Ltek. 1. 11. two wings covered their b. 23.
Dan. 3. 27. on whose b. the fire had no power

28. yielded their b. that they might not serve
Mat. 27. 52. many b. of saints which slept, arose
John 19. 31. the #. should not remain on the cross
Rom.1.24. gave them up to dishonour their own b.
8. 11. shall quicken your mortal b. by his Spirit
12. 1. that ye present your 4. a living sacrifice
1 Cor. 6. 15. your b. are members of Christ
15. 40. there are celestial b. and b. terrestrial
Lph. 5. 2U. to love their wives as their own b.
Heb. 10. 22. and our b. washed with pure water
13. 11. the b. of beasts, whose blood is brought
Rev. 18. 13. the merchandise of b. and souls

12 Kings 6. 29. so we b. my sou. and did eat him
Job 30. 27. my bowels b. and rested uot

Psal. 45. +1. my heart b. up a good matter
Lsek. 46. 23. made with b. places under the rows

Mat. 14- 30. when he saw wind 4. he was afraid

Prov. 28. 1. but the righteous are b. as a lion
Acts 13. 46. Paul and Barnabas waied 4.
Rom.10.20. Esaias is very b. and saith, 1 was found
2 Cor. 10. 1. but being absent, am b. towards you
2. 1 may not be b. wherewith 1 think to be 4.
11. 21. howbeit, wherein any is b. 1 am b. also
Phil. 1.14. by my bonds, are much more 4. to speak
1 Thets. 2.2. we were b. in our God to speak to you
Phttem. 8. though I might be much . iu Christ

Gen. 34. 35. Simeon and Levi came on the city 4.
Mark 15. 43. Joseph came, and went iu 0. to Pilate
John 7. 26. he speaketh b. and they say nothing
dets 9. 27. how he preached b. at Damascus

29. he spake b. in the name of the Lord Jesus 14. 3. long time abode they, speaking the Lord 18. 26. Apollos began to speak b. in the synagogue Acts 19. 8. spake 4. for the space of three mouths Rom. 15. 15. 1 have written the more 4. to you Lph. 6. 19. given me, that I may open my mouth 4. 20. that 1 may speak 4. as 1 ought to speak Heb. 4. 16. let us come b. to the throne of grace 13. 6. that we may 4. say, the Lord is my helper BOLDNESS.

Eccl. 8. 1. and the 0. of his face shall be changed
Acts b. 13. when they saw the 4. of Peter and John
29. that with all 0. they may speak thy word
31. and they spake the word of God with 4.
2 Cor. 3. f 12. we use great 4. of speech
7- 4. great is my 0. of speech toward you
ph. 3. 12. in whom we have 4. and access by faith
Phil. 1. 20. but that with all 4. as always, so now
1 Tim. 3. 13. they purchase great 4. iu the faith
Heb. 10. 19. having b. to enter into the holiest
1 John 4. 17. that we may have 4. in judgment

Exod. 9. 31. barley was in the ear, and the flax ¿.

1 Sam. 19. 13. a pillow of goats' hair for his b. 16.
2d.7- spear at his 4. 11, 12.||l6. water at his 4.

2 Sam. 13. 17. b. the door || 18. he b. the door

Signifies, [1] An obligation, or vow, Num. 30. 5, 14.
[2J Sufferings for Christ and his gospel, Heb. 13.3.
Thou hast loosed my bonds, Psal. 110. 16. The
hast rescued me from mine enemies, whose captive
and vassal J was, and therefore hast a Just right
end title to me end to me service.
He looseth the bonds of kings, Job 12. 18. He
deprives them of that majesty, power, and autho
rity, which should keep their subjects in awe, and
wherewith they bind them to obedience.
Charity is the bond of perfecuiess. Cot. 3. 14.
Love to our neighbour, flowing from love to God,
is the chief means to a perfect union among alt
the members of the church, and to make their
gifts and graces subservient to the good of one

Num. 30. 3. or swear to bind his soul with a .
3. if a woman vow and bind herself by a 4.
4. and her father hear her vow and her 4.
Etek. 20. 37. 1 will bring you into b. of covenant
Luke 13. 16. be loosed lrom his 4. on the sabbath
Acts 8. 23. thou art in the 4. of iniquity
Eph. 4. 3. the unity of the Spirit, in the 4. of peace
Col. 3. 14. put on charity, the 4. of perfectness

1 Cor. 13. 13. baptized into one body, 4. or frve
See Free.

Num. 30. 5. not any of her vows or 4. shall stand
7. A. wherewith she bound her soul shall stand
14. he established all her 0. which are on her

2 Chron. 20. 24. behold they were dead b. fallen
25. they found with dead b. precious jewels
Psal. 79. 2. dead b. of thy servants given to be meat
110. 6. he shall fill the places with the dead b.
Jer. 31. 40. whole valley of dead b. shall be holy
33. 5. but it is to fill them with dead b. of men
34. 20. their dead b. shall be for meat to the fowls
41. 9. the pit wherein Ishmael cast dead b. of men Job 13. 18. he looseth the b. of kings
Amos 8. 3. shall be many dead b. in every place Psal. 116. 16. O Lord, thou hast loosed my 8.
Rev. 11. 8. their dead b. shall lie in the street of city Jer. 5. 5. have broken the yoke, and burst the ¿.
9.nations see their dead b. three days and an half, 27.2. make thee 0. and yokes, and put on thy
nor suffer their dead b. to be put in graves


Lake 3. 22. the Holy Ghost descended in a b. shape
2 Cor. 10. 10. but his b. presence is weak
Col. 2. 9. in him all the fulness of the Godhead 8.
1 Tim. 4. 8. for b. exercise profiteth little
Lev. 8. 31. b. the flesh at the door of the tabernacle
Job 41. 31. he maketh the deep to b. like a pot
Isa. 61. 2. the fire causeth the waters to b.
Ezek. 24. 5. burn the bones, and make it b. well
46. 20. the place where the priests shall b. 24.

1 Kings 19. 21. he took a yoke of oxen and b. them

[neck 30. 8. I will break his yoke, and burst thy b. Nah. 1. 13. and I will burst thy 4. in sunder Acts 20. 23. that b. and afflictions abide me 23. 29. done nothing worthy of death or A. 26. 31. 25. 11. there is a certain man left in 0. by Felix 26. 29. altogether such as 1 am, except these . Eph. 6. 20. for which I am an ambassador in 4. Phtl. 1. 7. in 4. ye are all partakers of my grace 13. so that my 4. in Christ are manifest 14. the brethren waxing confident by my 4. 16. supposing to add affliction to my A. Col. 4. 3. for which I am in A.1B. remember mv . 2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein 1 suffer trouble, even to &.

Philem. 10. whom 1 have begotten In my .

13. have ministered to me in the 4. of the gospel Heb. 10. 34. ye bad compassion of me in my A. 11. 36, others had trial of A. and imprisonment 13. S. remember them that are in 4. as bound BONDAGE

Signifies, [I] Outward slavery and oppression, Exod. 6. 5. Kara 9. B, 9. [2} Spiritual subjection to sin and Satan, Heb. 2. 15. [3] Subjection to the yoke of the ceremonial law. Gat. 2.4. 14.9- [41 Servile fear, Kom. 8. 15. [5] CWrruption and death, Rom. 8. SI.

The one gendereth to bondage, G«/. 4. S4. Begeri eksidren re bondage; tket is. They who adbered re the old covenant, or legal dispensation, by Moses, sere not thereAy freed from their Aondage to sin, Satan, and God's wrath, Gal. 3. 10. »md cere of a servile, mercenary disposition, dog wAel they did in God's service, not from /•re, bxx slavish fear, Hom. 8. 15. and thinking tm maris heaven Ay tbetr works.

The bones which thou hast broken, Psal. 51. 8. | flesh he made old, he hath broken mub. My heart, which hath been sorely wounded and Hab. 3. 16. rottenness entered into my b. terrified by the dreadful message sent by Nathan, Their BONES. and by the dismal sentence of thy low, denounced against such sinners as I am. This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, Gen. 2. 23. God hath provided me a meet help and wife, not out of the brute creatures, but of mine own body, and of the same nature with myself.

We are members of his flesh and bones, Eph. 5. 30. All that grace and glory which the church hath is from Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Eph. 2. 10. (as the woman was taken out of the man, Gen. 2. 23.) and she has the same graces and glory that Christ hath, John 1. 16. | 17. 22. Gen.2.23.this is b. of my bones, and flesh of my flesh 29. 14. surely thou art my b. and my flesh Exod. 12. 46. neither shall ye break a b. Num. 9.12. Num. 19. 16. toucheth a 6. of a man, be unclean Judg. 9. 2. remember that I am your b. and flesh Fred. 1. 14. made their lives bitter with hard 6.2 Sam. 5. 1. behold we are thy b. 1 Chron. 11. 1. 2. 23. and Israel sighed by reason of the b. and they cried to God by reason of the b. 6.6. and I will rid you out of their . 9. but they hearkened not to Moses for cruel ¿. 13. 3. day in which ye came out of the house of b. 14. Lord brought us out of the house of b. 20. 2. Deut. 5. 6. 6. 12. 8. 14. | 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8.

Det. 26. 6. the Egyptians laid upon us hard 6. Já, 5. 5. we bring into 3. our sons and daughters, some of our daughters are brought into b. 18. because the 6. was heavy on this people 9.17. they appointed a captain to return to ¿. la 14.3. Lord shall give thee rest from thy hard. R. 8. 15. ye have not received the spirit of 6.

1. shall be delivered from the &. of corruption Gal.4.94. from mount Sinai, which gendereth to b. 5. 1. be not entangled again with the yoke of 6. Hab. 2. 15. were all their life subject to b.

19. 13. art thou not of my b. and of my flesh? Job 2. 5. touch his b. and flesh, and he will curse 19. 20. my b. cleaveth to my skin, and to my flesh 31. 22. let my arm be froked from the b. Prov. 25. 15. a soft tongue breaketh the b. Ezek. 37. 7. the bones come together, b. to his b. 39. 15. when any seeth a man's b. then set up John 19. 36. a b. of him shall not be broken EONES.

Exod. 13. 19. Moses took the b. of Joseph with Josh. 24. 32. the b. of Joseph buried in Shechem Judg. 19. 29. divided his concubine with her b. 2 Sam. 21. 12. took the b. of Saul, b. of Jonathan 14. b. of Saul and Jonathan buried in Zelah

1 Kings 13. 2. men's 6. shall be burnt upon thee 2 Kings 13. 21. touched the b. of Elisha, he revived 23. 14. he filled the places with the b. of men 16. and took the b. out of the sepulchres 20. and he burnt men's b. upon the altars 2 Chron. 34. 5. he burnt the b. of the priests b.Job 10. 11. thou hast fenced me with 6. and sinews Psal. 51. 8. the 6. thou hast broken may rejoice

Iz, into, or under BONDAGE. Ered. 6. 5. Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in Era 9. 8. and give us a little reviving in our b. 9. our God hath not forsaken us in our b. Jan 8. 33. we were never in b. to any man ders 7. 6. and that they should bring them into b. 7. and the nation to whom they shall be in b. 1 Cer. 7. 15. a brother or sister is not under b. C. 11. 20. ye suffer, if a man bring you into b. Gal. 2. 4. that they might bring us into b. 4.3. were in d. under the elements of the world 9. whereunto ye desire again to be in b. 25. answereth to Jerusalem, which is in b. Per. 2. 19. of the same is he brought into b. BOND-MAN.

Gen. 44. 33. let me abide instead of the lad a b. Der, 15. 15. remember thou was a b. in Egypt, and the Lord redeemed thee, 16. 12. | 24. 18, 22. Rev. 6. 15. every 6. hid themselves in the dens BOND-MAID, S.

L. 19. 20. whoso lieth with a 6. betrothed 25.44 thy 6. shall be of the heathen, buy ye b. Gal. 4. 22. one by a &. the other by a free-woman BOND-MEN.

Gen. 43. 18. he may take us for b. and our asses 44.9. let him die, and we will be my lord's b. Lev. 25. 42. they shall not be sold as 8.

44. 5. shall be of the heathen, of them buy d. 45. they shall be your b. for ever 6.13, that ye should not be their b. Dent. 6.+12. beware lest thou forget the Lord, who

brought thee out of the house of b. 13. † 10. 1. then say to thy son, we were Pharaoh's 6. 7.8. and redeemed you out of the house of .

53. 5. God scat*ereth the A. of him that encampeth 141. 7- our A. are scattered at the grave's mouth Prvv. 3. 8. fear Lord, it shall be marrow to thy A. 14. 30. but envy the rottenness of the . 15. 30. a good report maketh the A. fat 16. 24. pleasant words are health to the A, 17- 22. but a broken spirit drieth the . Beet, 11. 5. nor how the b. do grow in the womb ism. 58. 11. the Lord shall make fat thy b. 66. 14. your . shall flourish like an herb Jer. 8. 1. bring the A. of the kings, and A. of the priests, A. of prophets, and A. of inhabitants Etek. 6. 5. I will scatter your A. about your altars 24. 4. fill it with the choice A. || 5. burn A. 10. 37. I. valley full of A. \\ 3. can these A. live?

4. prophesy upon these . and say, O ye dry A.
11. these A. are house of Israel, our&, are dried
Amos 2. 1. because he burnt A. of the king of Edom
6. 10. that burneth him, to bring out the A.
Zcph. 3. 3. they gnaw not the A. till the morrow
Mat. 23. 27. but are within full of dead men's A.
Luke 24. 39. for a spirit hath not flesh and A.

1 Kings 13.31.when I am dead lay my A.beslde hi* b.
2 KingJ 23.18.let no man move hit they let hit b.
Job 20. 11. his b. are full of the sin of his youth
SI. 24. his A. are moistened with marrow
33. 19. the multitude of In* A. with strong pain
21. and hit A. that were not seen, stick out
40. 18. hit A. as pieces of brass, hit A. as iron
Ptal. 34. 20. he keepeth all his A. not one is broken
109- 18. so let it come like oil into his A.
Prov.12.4. makes ashamed is as rottenness in Air A.
Jer. 50. 17. Nebuchadnezzar hath broken his A.
Eph. 5. 30. we are members of his flesh and of his A.
Hit. 11. 22. and gave command* concerning his A.

68, there ye shall be sold for b. and bond-women J. g. 23. none of you be freed from being b. 1 Amg 9. 22. but of Israel Solomon made no ¿. things 4. 1. is come to take my two sons to be b. Chem. 28. 10. to keep the children of Judah for b. Erra 9. 9, we were &. yet God hath not forsaken La74.if we had been sold for b. and bond-women Gen. 50. 25. ye shall carry up my A. Erod. 13. 19. Je. 34. 15. I brought them out of the house of 6.2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my A. and my flesh


Lev. 23. 9. shalt not compel him to serve as a b. BOND-SERVICE.

1 Kings 9. 21. Solomon did levy a tribute of ¿. BOND-WOMAN.

1 Kings 13. 31. when I am dead my A. beside his A. Job 4. 14. trembling made all my A. to shake 7.+ 15. my soul chooseth death rather than my A. 30. 17- me A. are pierced in me in the night 30. my skin is black, and my A. burnt with heat Psal. 6. 2. O Lord, heal me, for my b. are vexed 22.14. all my b.are out of joint17-1 may tell my A. 31. 10. me A. are consumcd 32. 3. my A. waxed old 35. 10. all my b. shall say, Lord who is like to thee 38. 3. neither is there any rest in mv A. 42. 10. as with a sword in my A. enemies reproach 102.3. days consumed, my A.are burnt as an hearth 5, by reason of groaning my A. cleave to my skin Spes, [1] That part of the body white and Isa. 38. 13. as a lion, so will he break all my b. kard, agording support to the whole fabric, Job Jer. SO. 9. as a burning fire shut up in my b. 10. 11. [2] The dead body, 1 Kings 13. 31. 23.9. my heart is broken, all my b. shake [3] The whole man, Job. 20. 11. Psal. 35. 10. Lam, 1. 13. he hath scut fire into my b.

Gen. 21.10. cast out this b. and her son, for the son of the 6. shall not be heir, Gal. 4. 30. 19 let it not grieve thee because of the b. 13. of the son of the b. will I make a nation Cal. 4, 23, son of the &. was born after the flesh 31, we are not children of the b. but the free BOND-WOMEN, See BOND-MEN. BONE

Num. 24. 8. Israel shall break their A. and pierce 1 S*m.31.13.took their b. and buried them at Jabe&h 1 Chr. 10.12. buried their A. under an oak at Jabe&h Lam. 4. 8. their skin cleaveth to their A. Esek. 32. 27. their iniquity shall be on their A. Dan- 6. 24. the lions brake all their A. in pieces Mic. 3. 2. pluck off their skin and flesh from their b 3. they break their A. and chop them in pieces BONNETS.

Exod. 28. 40. for Aaron's sons thou ahalt make . 29. 9. thou shalt put the A. on them, Lea. 8. 13. 39. 28. they made goodly A. of fine linen Isa. 3. 20. the Lord will take away the A. Esek. 44. 18. they shall have linen A. on their heads BOOK

Signifies, [1] A register wherein things ere written, Gen. 5. 1. Esth. 6. 1. [2] The holy scriptures, Psal. 40. 7. Rev. 22. 19. [3] The consciences of men, Dan. 7. 10. Rev. 20. 12. [4] God's counsel and purpose, Psal. 139. 16. [5] His omniscience, or careful remembrance of the services and afflictions of his people, Psal. 56. 8. Mai. 3. 16. [0] His election to life eternal. Rev. 21. 27. Exod. 17. 14. write this for a memorial in a A. 32. 32. if wilt not forgive, blot me out of thy *.

35. who hath sinned, htm will I blot out of my A. Num. 5.23. the priest shall write these curses in a A. 21. 14. it is said in the A. of the wars of the Lord Dent. 17.lH.shall write him a copy of this law in aA. 31. 24. made an end of writing this law in a b. Josh. 10. 13. written in the 6.of Jasher, 2 S&m.l. 18. 18. 9- the men described it Into seven parts in a d 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel told, and wrote it in a A. 1 Kings 11. 41. written in the A. of acts ot Solomon 9 Kings 22. 8. Hilkiah gave the A. to Shaphan 10. Hilkiuh delivered me a A. 2 Chron. $4. 15, 18 16. I'll bring evil, even all the words of the A. 23.24. might perform the words written in the A. 1 Chron. 9. 1. were written in the A. of the kings 29- 29. are written in the A. of Samnel the seer 12 Chron. 9. 29. acts of Solomon in the A. of Nathan 12. 15. acts of Kehoboam in the . of Shemaiah 20. 34. the acts of Jehoshaphat in the A. of Jehu 34. 16. Shaphan carried the A. to the king

21. concerning the words of the A. that is found 24. all the curses that are written in the A. Etra 4. 15. search may be made in A. of records Seh. 8. 5. Ezra opened the A. in the sight of all Etth. 9. 32. of Purim, and it was written in the d JoA 19. 23. oh that they were printed in a A. 31. 35. that mine adversary had written a A. Psal. 40. 7- in the volume of thy A. Heb. \0. 7. 56. 6. pat thou my tears, are they not in thy A.? 69. 28. let them be blotted oat of A. of the living 139. 16. in thy A. all my members were written Isa. 29- II. as the words of a A. that is sealed 12. A. is delivered to him that is not learned 18. the deaf shall hear the words of the A. 30. 8. now go and note it in a A. that it may be 34. 16. seek ye out of the A. of the Lord, and rend Jer. 30. 2. write the words I have spoken in a b 32.10. I wrote in the A. the evidence

12. witnesses that subscribed the A.of the purchase 36. 2. take a roll of a A }! 10. read in the A. 45. 1. written the words in a A. from Jeremiah 51. 60. so Jeremiah wrote in a A. all the evil Etek. 2. 9. and lo, a roll of a A. was therein Dan. 12. 1. every one found written in the . 4. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the b. Km*. 1. 1. the A. of the vision of Nahum Mat. 3. 16. a A. of remembrance was written Mat. 1. 1. the A. of the generation of Jesus Luk* 3. 4. as it is written in the A. of Esaias 4. 17- there was delivered to Jesus the b. of the prophet Esaias, and wheu he had opened the A. 20. he closed the A. and gave it to the minister 20. 42. in the A. of the Psalms, Acts 1. 20. Acts 7. 42. it is written in the . of the Prophets Heb. 9. 19. he sprinkled the A. and the people Rev. 1. 11. what thou seest, write in a A. 5. 1. a A. written within, on the backside sealed 2. who is worthy to open the A. and to loose seals? 3. and no man was able to open the A. 10. 2. and he had in his hand a little . open 8. go and take the little . which is open 9. give me the little A. || 10. I took the little b 20. 12. another A. was opened, the A. of life 22. 19, if any take away from the words of the & See Covenant. BOOK of the Lav. Deut.28.61. every plague not written in A.of the fas 29. 21. according to the curses In this A. of the la 30. 10. to keep his statutes written in this A. of lur 31. 26. take this A. of the law and put it in the aik Josh. 1. 8. this A. of the lav shall not depart out 0/ 8. 31. written in A. of law of Moses, 2 Kings 14, A. C A'jNg SS.O. I have found A. of the lax in the house

Neh. 8. 8. to they read in the A. of the law distinctly | Isa. 54. 12. I will make thy b. of pleasant stones
Gal. 3. 10. that are written in A. of law to do them Jer. 15. 13. that for all thy sins, even in all thy b.
Ezek. 45. 1. this shall be holy in all the b.
Mic. 5. 6. when he treadeth within our b.
Mat. 4. 13. in the b. of Zabulon and Nephthalim

BOOK of Lift. Phil. 4. 3. whose names are written in the k. of life Rev. 3. 5. I will not blot his name out of A. of life 13. 8. names are not written in the A. of life, 17.8. 50. IS. another A. opened, which is the b. of life 13. was not found written in the b. of life was cast -1. 27. which are written in the Lamb's b. of life £2. 1), shall take away his part out of the b. of life BOOK of Moses.

Num. 15. 38. fringes in 6. on fringe of b. a ribband 1 Kings 7. 28.they had b. and b.were between ledges 2 Kings 16. 17. Ahaz cut off the b. of the bases Cant. 1. 11. we will make the b. of gold with studs Mat. 23. 5. and enlarge the b. of their garments BORE.



2 Chron. S3. 4. but did as it is written in b. of Motes} 35. IS. to offer as it is written in the b. of Moses Exod. 21. 6. his master shall 6. his ear through Ezra 6. 18. set priests, as it is written in i. of Moses Num. 16. + 14. wilt thou b. out eyes of these men? Neh. 13. 1. ou that day they read in the b. of Moses Job 40. +24. will any b. his nose with a gin? Mart Is. 26, have ye not read in the b.of Moses? 41. 2. canst thou 6. his jaw through with a thorn? This BOOK. Gen. 5. 1. this is the b. of the generation of Adam Judg. 16. 21. the Philistines 8. out his eyes Deut. SB. 68. do all written in thit b. 2 Chron. 34.S1.2 Kings 12. 9. Jehoiada took a chest and d. a hole 29. 20. the curses that are written in this b. S7. 2 Kings 22.13.inquire concerning the words of thit b. fathers have not hearkened to the words of this b. S3. 3. to perform the words written in this b. Jar. 25. 13. I'll bring all that is written in this k. 51. 63. when hast made an end of reading this 6. J Ah 20. 30. signs which are not written in thit b. Rev. 22. 7. the sayings of the prophecy of this b. 9. of them which keep the sayings of this b. 10. seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this b. 28. heareth the words of the prophecy of thit b. if

any add, add to him plagues written in thit b. 19- his part from the things written in thit b, BOOKS.

Etra 6.1. search was made in the house of the b. Eeel. IS. IS. of making many h. there is no end Van. 7. 10. and the £. were opened, Rev. 20. 12. 9. 2. I understood by b. the number of years John 21. 25. the world could not contain the 6. Arts 19. 19. many brought their &, and burned them 2 Tim. 4. 13. bring the b. especially the parchments Reo. 20. IS. dead judged out of things written in A.


Job 27. 18. as a A. that the keeper maketh
Jonah 4. 5. Jonah went and made him a b.

Gen. S3. 17. and Jacob made 4. for his cattle
1 therefore the name of the place is called b.
Lev. 23. 42. ye shall dwell in A, seven days

43. 1 made the children of Israel dwell in A. Nth. 8. 14. Israel should dwell in A. 16. made A. BOOTY, IES.

Num. 31. 32. b. the rest of the prey, 075,000 sheep
Jer. 49. 32. and their camels shall be a A.
Hab. 2. 7- thou shalt be for A. unto them
Zeph. 1. 13. therefore their goods shall become a A.

Acts 2.8.hear in our own tongue wherein we were 3. 7. 20. in which time Moses was b. and was fair 18.2. Paul found a Jew named Aquila 6. in Pontus 24. a Jew named Apollos b. at Alexandria 22. 3. I am a Jew b. in Tarsus || 28. 1 was free b. Rom. 9. 11. for the children being not yet b. 1 Cor. 15. 8. seen of me, as of one b. out of due time Gal. 4.23. of bond-woman, was 6. after the flesh, 29. Heb. 11. 23. by faith Moses when b. was hid 1 newb.babes desire sincere milk of word 1 John 2. 29. that doth righteousness, is b. of him Rev. 12. 4. to devour the child as soon as it was ¿. BORN of God.


John 1. 13. which were 6. not of blood, but of God John 3.9. b. of God doth not commit sin, because b. 4.7. every one that loveth is b. of God, and knoweth 5. 1. who believeth that Jesus is Christ is b. of God 4. whatsoever is b. of God overcometh the world 18. whosoever is b. of God sinneth not BORN in the house.

Is taken, [1] Naturally, for being brought into Gen.14.14.armed his trained servants b. m his house the world, Gen. 30. 22. Job 1. 2. [2] Super- 15. 3. to me no seed, one b. in my house is my heir naturally, thus the mighty and miraculous power 17.12.b. in the house shall be circumcised,13,23,27. of God was seen in the production of Isaac, en-Lev. 22. 11. b. in the priest's house eat of his meat abling Abraham to beget, and Sarah to conceive Eccl. 2. 7. I had servants b. in my house and bear him, when both their bodies were as BORN in the land. dead, Gen. 17. 17. Rom. 4. 19. Heb. 11. 11. [3] Carnally, so was Ishmael born, according to the ordinary course of nature, and not by promise, as Isaac was, Gal. 4. 23, 29. [4] Spiritually, such as are regenerated and renewed by the power and grace of the Spirit of God, in the ministry of the word, and so are made like God, by partaking of a divine nature, John 1. 13. | 3. 5, 6. 2 Pet. 1. 4. 1 John 3. 9.

BORN again. John3.3.except a man be b. a. 5.7. ye must be b. a. 1 Pet. 1. 23. being b. again, not of corruptible seed See FIRST-BORN, WITNESS. BORN, for brought forth.

Gen. 17. 17. a child b. to him 100 years old, 21. 5. 21. 7. I have b. him a son in his old age 24. 15. Rebekah came, who was b. to Bethuel 29. 34. because I have b. him three sons 30. 20. because I have b. him six sons 31.43. what do to the children which they have b.? Exod. 1. 22. every son b. ye shall cast into the river Lev. 12. 7. this is the law of her that hath b. a male 19. 34. the stranger shall be as one b. among you 23.42.all that are Israeliteso.shall dwell in booths Num. 15.29. one law for him that is &. and stranger Josh. 5. 5. 8. in the wilderness had not circumcised 8. 33. as well the stranger, as he that was b. Judg. 13. 8. what do to the child that shall be ò. 18. 29. called city after the name of Dan b. to Isr. Ruth 4. 15. for thy daughter-in-law hath 8. him

Gen. 49. 13. Zebulun his b. shall be to Zidon 1 Sam. 2. 5. so that the barren hath b. seven Exod. 19. 12. or touch the b. of the mount 4. 20. the women said, fear not, thou hast b. a son Num. 21. 23. not suffer Israel to pass thro' his b. 2 Sam. 12. 14. the child b. to thee shall surely die 34. 8. from Hor ye shall point out your . 1 Kings 13.2.a child shall be b. to the house of Dav. 35. 26, if the slayer shall come without the b. 1 Chron. 7. 21. the men of Gath &. in that land slew Deut. 12. 20. when the Lord shall enlarge thy b. 20. 6. he also was 8. to the giant Josh. 22. 25. the Lord hath made Jordan a 8. 22. 9. behold a son shall be b. to thee 24. 30. and they buried Joshua in the b. of his in-Job 3. 3. let the day perish wherein I was b. heritance in mount Ephraim, Judg. yet man is 8. to trouble as sparks fly upward

2 Sam. 8. 3. smote him as he went to recover his b.
1 Kings 4.91, and Solomon reigned over all king-
doms unto the b. of Egypt, 2 Chron. 9. 26.
2 Kings 3. 21. all that were able stood in the b.
Psal. 78.54. brought them to the b. of his sanctuary
Prov. 15. 25. he will establish the b. of the widow
Isa. 28. 25. cast in wheat and rye in their 8.
37. 24. I will enter into the height of his 8.
Jer. 31. 17. thy children come again to their b.
Ezek. 11. 10. I will judge you in the b. of Israel, 11.
47. 13. this shall be the b. whereby ye inherit
Joel 3. 6. might remove them from their 6.
Amos 1. 13. that they might enlarge their 6.
6. 2. or their 6. greater than your b.
Obad. 7. the men have brought thee even to the b.
Zeph, 2.8. and magnified themselves against their b.
Mal. 1. 4. they shall call them the b. of wickedness
5. Lord will be magnified from the b. of Israel
Exod. 25. 25. make to it a b. of an hand-breadth,
make a golden crown to the 8. round about
Mark 6. 56. touch, if it were but the b. of his garm.
Luke 8.44.came behind, and touched 6. of his garm.

Zech. 9. 2. and Hamath also shall &, thereby

Gen. 23. 17. the trees in all the b. were made sure Ered. 16. 35. till they come to the b. of Canaan 34. 24. I will cast out nations, and enlarge thy b. Num. 20. 17. unti, we have passed thy b. 21. 22. 2 Kings 19. 23. I will enter the lodgings of his b. Psal. 74. 17. thou hast set the b. of the earth 147. 14. he maketh peace in thy b. filleth thee Isa. 15. + 3. my heart shall cry out to the 6.

11. 12. though man be . like a wild ass's colt 15. 7. art thou the first man that was A. t 38. SI. knowest thou it, because wast then A. J 'sal.22.Si.shall declare to a people that shall be A. 68. 3. they go astray as soon as they bed. 78. 6. even the children that should be A. 87.4. this man was A. there, 6. jj 5. that man A. Prov. 17. 17. a brother is A. for adversity Eccl. 3. 8. a time to be b. [| 4. 14. A. in his kingdom Isa. 9. 6. for unto us a child is A. to us a son is given 66. 8. or shall a nation be A. at once? Jer. 15. 9. she that hath A. seven languisheth

10. wo is me, that thou hast A. me a man of strife 16.3. concerning sons and daughters A. in this place 20. 14. cursed be the day wherein I was A. 22. 26. where ye wree not A. there shall ye die Ezek. 16. 4. in day thou wast A. thy navel not cut the loathing of thy person in day thou wast A. 20. hast taken thy sons whom thou hast A. to me Hos.2.3. lest I set her as in the day that she was A. Mat 2. 2. where is he that is A. king of the Jews? 4. Herod demanded where Christ should be A. 19. 12. there are some eunuchs which were so A. 26. 24. good if he had not been A. Mark 14. 21. Luke 1. 36. that holy thing that shall be A. of thee 2. 11. to you is A. this day in the city of David John 3. 4- how can a man be A. when he is old? 5. except a man be A. of water and of the Spirit ( A. of flesh is flesh, that A. of Spirit is spirit 8, so is every one that is A. 0/ the Spirit R. 41. they said to him, we be not A. of fornication 9- 2. master, who did tin, that he was A. blind? 34. wast altogether A. in sins, and dost teach us? 1G. 21. for joy that a man is A. into the world 18. 37- to ihis end was I A. and for this cause leaven, whether stranger orb. in land 48. the stranger shall be as one A. is the land Lev. 24. 16. A. in land that blasphemeth put to death Num.9.14. one ordinance for stranger and A. in land 15.30. doth ought presumptuously, whether A. in I. BORN of a woman, or women. Job 14. 1. man that is A. of a woman is of few days 15.14.that is A. ofa w. thai he should be righteous? 25. 4. how can he be clean that is A. of a woman t Mat.11.11.among them that are b.of a v. Luke 7.28. BORN.

G>«.50.+23.children of Machir b. on Joseph's knees Esod. 25. 14. that the ark may be A. with them 28. that the table may be A. with them Judg.16.2$.the pillars on which the house was A. up Isa. 46. 3. which are A. by me from the belly

06.12. ye shall be A. upon her sides and be dandled Jer. 10. 5. they must be A. because they cannot go Amos 5, 20. ye have A. the tabernacle of Moloch Mark 2.3. bringing one sick of palsy, was A. of four John 20. 15. if thou hast A. him hence tell me Acts 21. 35. so it was that he was A. of the soldiers 1 Cor. 15.49. as we have A. the image of the earthly BORNE.

Job 34.31. to be said to God, I have A. chastisement was not an enemy,then I could have A* 69. 7. because for thy sake I have A. reproach Isa. 53.4. surely he haih b. griefs, carried sorrows Lam. 3. 28. because he hath A. it upon him 5. 7. fathers sinned, and we have A. their iniquities Etek. 16.58. thou hast A. thy lewdness and abomin. 32. 24. they have A. their shame, 36. 6. | 39. 26. Mat. 20. 12. which have A. burden and heat of day 23.4. heavy burdens, grievous to be b. Luke 11.46. Rer. S. 3. has A. and hast patience, and not fainted BORROW.

Exod.3.C2.every woman shall A. of neighbour, 11.S. 22. 14. if a man A. ought, and it be hurt or die Vent. 15. 6. thou shalt lend, but shalt not A. 28. 12. Kings4.3. Elisha said, goA.vessels abro.,6. not f*w Mat. 5.42. him that would A. of thee, turn not away BORROWED.


Esod. 12. 35. they A. of Egyptians jewels of silver
2 Kings Q. 5. be cried, alas, master, for it was 6.
Neh. 5. 4. we have A. money for the king's tribute

Prov. 22. 7. and the A. is servant to the lender
Isa. 24. 2. as with the lender, so with the A.
Psal. 37. 21. the wicked A. and payeth not again
Signifies, [1] That part of the body which in-
closes the heart, Lxod. 4. 0. [2] The arms,
Psal. 129. 7.


The Son which is in the bosom of the father. John 1. 18. who is one with the lather, entirely beloved by him, and ultimately acquainted with alt his counsels and will. Render into their bosom, Psal. 79- 12. them sensibly, so at it may come home to themw and fall heavily upon than in their own persons. He shall carry them in his bosom. La. 40. 11. He shall perform all the offices of a tender end faithful shepherd toward hit people, carrying himself with great wisdom, condescension, and compassion to every one of them, according to thetr several capacities and infirmities.

Abraham's bosom, Luke 16. 23. Lazarus was in a plate of rest, where he had communion with the taints, and enjoyed the same felicity with Abraham the friend of God; and this place was


G§n. 15. 5. Sarai said, I have given my maid into Esod. 4.0. put now thy hand into thy b.7. [thy

N. 11. 12 that shouldet say, carry them in thy b. Dest. 13.6. if the wife of thy s. entice thee secretly 98. 54. his eye evil toward the wife of his b.

56. her eye evil toward the husband of her b. R44.16. Naomi took the child and laid it in her &. Sm. 12. 3. drank of his cup, and lay in his &. 8. I gave thee thy master's wives into thy b. 1 Kings 1. 2. a young virgin, let her lie in thy b. 3.60. she arose and took my son, and laid it in her 8. and laid her dead child in my b. 17. 19. Elijah took him out of her b. $2.35. the blood ran into the . of the chariot Jab 1997, though my reins be consumed in my 6. 31. 33. by hiding mine iniquity in my b. Pat. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my own b. 74.11. pleck thy right hand out of thy b. 70.19 and render seven-fold into their &. By. 50, how I do bear in my 6. the reproach of all 190.7. nor be that bindeth sheaves, his b. Pr.. 5. 20. wilt thou embrace the &, of a stranger? 6. 27. can a man take fire in his b. ?

17. 23. a wicked man taketh a gift out of the b.
19. 24. a slothful man hideth his hand in b. 26. 15.
$1.14. a reward in the 8. pacifieth wrath
Lat. 7.9. for anger resteth in the b. of fools
La. 40. 11. he shall carry the lambs in his b.
$92. they shall bring thy sons in their 6.
65. 6, will recompense, even recomp. into their b.
7. I will measure their former work into their b.
Jer. 32. 18. iniquity of fathers into the b. of childr.
Lam. 2. 19. their soul was poured into mother's .
Ex. 43. †13. b. of the altar shall be a cubit
Mr. 7.5. keep from her that lieth in thy b.
Lake 6. 38. good measure men give into your b.
166.was carried by the angels into Abraham's 8.
23. seeth Abraham, and Lazarus in his ¿.
Ja 1. 18. which is in the b. of the Father
13.23. now there was leaning on Jesus' ¿.a disciple

J 15. 26. upon the thick 6. of his bucklers

Deut. 98. 97. Lord will smite thee with the 5. 35.

Gr 2.25. were 6. naked || 3. 7. the eyes of 8. opened
11, thus were ẻ, the daughters of Lot with child
1. 7. and, of them made a covenant
8. so they went &. of them together
7.45 whyshould I be deprivedof one day?
31.57. that they may judge betwixt us b.
Led. 22.9. cause of shall come before judges
11. then shall an oath of the Lord be between b.
La 20. 11. 8. of them surely be put to death, their
blood shall be upon them, 12. Deut. 22. 22.
Ne 12.5. called Aaron and Miriam, they b. came
5. 8. Fhinehas went after and thrust b. through
D. 19. 17. 6. the men shall stand before the Lord
1 S. 2. 34. in one day they shall die 6. of them
9. went out &. of them, he and Samuel, abroad
20.42. forasmuch as we have sworn 8. of us
J3.33.any days-man that might lay his hand on ỏ.
F. 17.15.4. are abomination to the Lord, 20.10.
20.12, the Lord hath made even &. of them
f. 52. and who knoweth the ruin of thein ¿.?
Li. 4. 3. better than 6. is he that hath not been
1.31. they shall &. burn together, none quench
7.16. the laid shall be forsaken of 3. her kings
4. 12. and they are fallen b. together
Ezk. 21. 19. 6. twain shall come forth of one land
3.13. then I saw that they . took one way
7.3. that they may do evil with 8. hands
Zeri. 6. 13. counsel of peace shall be between
25. they shall fill 6. the bowls [them b.
15. 14.8. shall fall into the ditch, Luke 6. 39.
Lai 7.49. nothing to pay, frankly forgave them b.
23.8.nor angel nor spirit, but Pharis.confess b.
lai. 2. 14. he is our peace, who hath made b. one
16. he might reconcile 6. unto God by the cross
Per. 3.1. in 6. I stir up your pure minds
ka. 19. 20. 4. were cast alive into the lake of fire


Jer. 13. 12. every b. shall be filled with wine
19. 1. get a potter's earthen b. || 10. break the b.
Hab. 2.15. puttest thy b. 10 him and makeat drunken
Joih. 9. 4. the Gibeonites took wine b. and rent
13. these b. of wine which we filled were new
Sam. 25.18. Abigail took two A. of wine, five sheep
Job 32. 19. my belly ready to burst like new *.
38. 37. or who can stay the b. of heaven?
Jer. 48. 12. shall empty his vessels, and break b.
Has. 7. 5. the prince made him sick with b. of wine
Mat. y. 17- neither do men put new wine into old b.
else the b. break, Mark 2. 22. Luke 5. 37, 38.

Exod. 15. 5. they sank into the *. as a stone
2y. 12. thou shalt pour blood beside the . of the
altar, Lac. 4.7, 18, 25, SO. | 5. 9. | 8. 15. | y. 9-
Job 36. 30. behold, God covereth the b. of (he sea
Cant. 3. 10. he made the b, thereof of gold
FMtk. 3(5 14. thus saith the Lord to hills and b.
Dan. 6. 24. or ever they came at the b. of the den
Ana* 9. 3. tin/ they be hid from my sight in the b.
Jonah 2. 6. 1 went down to the b. of the mountains
Zcch. 1. 8. he stood among myrtle-trees in the b.
Mat. 27. 51. vail rent from top to #. Mart 15. 38.

Rev. 9. 1. to him was given the key of the b. pit
2. he opened the A. pit, and there arose smoke
11. had a king, which is the angel of the ». pit
11. 7. lot beast that ascendeth out of the b. pit
17> 8. the beast shall asceud out of the b. pit
20. 1. an auge! having the key of the . pit
3. and cast him into the b. pit, and shut him up

Gen. 49. 22. Joseph is fruitful . even a fruitft.
b. by a well, whose branches run over the wall
JuJg, y.iU. Abimelech cut down a b. from the trees
4y. the people cut down every man bis b.
J*a. 10. 33. the Lord shall lop (he 4. with terror
17. 0- two or three berries in top of uttermost b.
9. in that day bis strong cities be as a forsaken d.

Lev. 23. 40. A. of goodly trees, b. of thick trees
Dent. 24. 20. ibou shalt not go over the A. again
2 Sam. IU. y. the mule went under the b. of an oak
J»A 11.9. and brought forth b. like a plant
Vsal. 80. 10. the A. were like the goodly cedar trees
11.she sent out her b. to the sea, branches to river
Cant. 7. 8. 1 will take hold of the b. Uiereof
Jta. 27. 11. when the b. Uiereof are withered
30. 17. till ye be left as a tree bereft of b.
Eiek. 17- 23. it shall bring forth b. and bear fruit
31. 3. his top was among the thick b. 14.
6. the fowls made their nests in his b. Dan. 4.12.

1 Sam. 25. † 29- ui the midst of the b. of a sling

Gen. 17. 12. circumcised every man-child born in house s.with his money, 13, 23, 27. Lsod. 12. 24, 33. iy. Jacob b. a parcel of a field. Josh. £4. 32. 3y. 1. Potiphar b. Joseph of the Ishmaeliies 47. 11. Joseph gathered money for the corn they b. 20. Joseph A. all the land of Egvpt, 23. 49. 30. which Abraham A. 50. 13. Actt 7. 16. Lev.25.28.shall remain in the hand of him that b. it 30. shall be established for ever to him that A. it 50. be shall reckon with him that b. him 25. 51. give out of the money that he was A. for 27. 22. sanctify to the Lord a field that he b. 24. in jubilee return to him of whom it was A. Deut. 32. 6. is he not your father that . thee? Huth 4. y. 1 have A. all that was Klimelech's 2 Sam. 12. 3. one little ewe-lamb which he had b. 24- 24. so David b. the threshing-floor and oxen 1 hings 16.24. Omri b. the hill Samaria of Shemer Aeh. 5. 16. I continued in work, nor A. we any land Jer. 32.9- I b. the field of Hauameel my uncle's son 43. and fields shall be b. in this land Hot. 3. 2. so 1 b. her to me for 15 pieces of silver Mat. 13. 46. he sold all that he had, and A. that field 21. 12. Jesus cast out all them that sold and A. in the temple, Mark 11. 15. Utke iy. 45. 27.7. took counsel, and A. with them potters field 9. whom they A. of the children of Israel Mark 15. 46. Joseph A. fine linen and took him down 16. 1. had A. sweet spices to come and anoint him Luke 14.18. I have A. a piece of ground,and go see it Put my tears in thy bottle, Psal. 56. 8. Regard 19.1 have A. five yoke of oxen, 1 go to prove them and coasider all my troubles, which have caused 17. 28. they did eat, they drank, they A. and sold ach grief to me, aud deliver me from them. 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are A. with a price, 7. 23. Gea, 21, 14. took a b. of water and gave it Hagar 2 Pet. 2. 1. even denying the Lord that A. them 15. water was spent in the 8. | 19. she filled the b. Rev. 14, +4. these were 6. from among men J4.19. she opened a b. of milk and covered him 1 Sam. 1.24. Hannah took a b. of wine, brought him 1.3. shall meet another carrying a 6. of wine 16.90. Jesse took a b. of wine and sent to Saul Sem. 16. 1. Ziba brought to David a 6. of wine Fal 56.8 put thou mytears into thyb, are theynot in Fal. 119. 23. I am become like a b. in the smoke La..+14. he shall break it as the 6. of potters

Sides, [1] A vessel to contain liquids, Gen. 21.
14. Josh. 9. 4. [2] The inhabitants of Jerusalem,
am God threatened to fill with the wine of
inter and astonishment for their sins, Jer. 13.
12. 3 The clouds, in which the rain is kept, as
is berries, out of which God poureth it when he
, Job 38. 37.

BOUND, actively.

Gen.22.9. A. Isaac his son, and laid him on tbe altar
3K. 28. the midwife A. on his hand a scarlet thread
42. 24. took Simeon and A. him before them
Lev. 8.7- he A. the ephod with the curious girdle
t 13. he A. bonnets on Aaron's sons
Num. 30. 4. she had A.her soul, 5. 6, 7, 8, 0. 10, 11.
Jush. 2. 21. the A. a scarlet line ia the window

Jud{. 15. 13. they A. Samson with two new cordi
16. 8. A. with withs || 12. ropes 21. fetters
2 Kings 5. 23. he A. two talents of silver iu two bags
17> 4. he shut up Hoshea and A. him in prison
20. 7- they b. Zedekiah with fetters of brass
2 Ckron. 33. 11. A. Manasseh || 36. 6. A. Jehoiakim
Prov. 30. 4. who bath A. the waters in a garment
Hot. 7-15.tho'I have A.and strengthened their arms
Mat.14.3. Herod 6.John and put in pris. Mark 6.17.
27.2. they had A. Jesus, Mar* 15. 1. John 18. 12.
Luke 13. 10. this daughter whom Satan hath A.
Actt 21. 11. Agabus A. his own hands and feet
22. 25. as they -A. Paul with thongs he said, 29.
23. 12. A. themselves under a curse, 11, 21.
Rev. 20. 2. he A. Satan a thousand years
BOUND, passively.
G#».30.20.a place where the king's prisoners are A.
40. 3. into the prisou where Joseph was A.
5. the butler and baker which were A. in prison shall be A. in prison to prove your words
19- let one of your brethren be A. in prison
Num. 19. 15. vessel which hath 00 cover A. on It
Judg. lo. 6. wherewith thou mightest be A. 10, 13.
1 Sam. 25. 2y. the soul of my lord shall be A.
2 Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were uot A. nor feet
JoA 36. 8. and if they be A. in fetters and holden
Ptal. 107. 10. being A. in affliction and iron
Prov. 22.15. foolishness is A. in the heart of a child
Ism. 22. 3. are A. by the archers, all are A. together
61.1. the opening of the prison to them that are A.
Lam. 1. 14. the yoke of my transgressions is A.
Dan. 3. 21. A. in their coats |j 23. fell down A.

24. did not we cast three men A. into the furnace ?
Mat. 16. 19. bind on earth, be A. iu heaven, IS. 18.
23. 18. he that sweareth by the gift, he is A.
Mark 15.7. lay A. with them that made insurrection
John 11. 44. A. hand and foot, his face was A.
18. 24. Annas had sent him A. to Caiaphas,t 13.
dets u. 2. thai he might bring them A. 21. 22. 5.
12. 6. Peter A. with chains || 24. 27. left Taul A.
20. 22. behold I go A. in the Spirit to Jerusalem
21. 13. 1 am ready not to be A. only, but to die the law of her hushand, 1 Cor.1.3$.
Car. 7. 27. art thou A. unto a wife, seek not to be
2 Thess. l. 3. we are A. to thank God always, 2. 13.
2 Tim. 2. 9. but the word of God is not .
lUh. 13. 3. them that are in bonds, as A. with them
Rev. y.14. loose the angels the river Euphrates


BOUND with chains.

2 Chr. 33. 11. Manasseh .- 36.t6. Jehoiakim d
Ptal. 68.6. God bringeth out those which are b.w.c.
Jer. 3y. 7- A. Zedekiah- 52. 11.40. 1. Jeremiah A.K
fih. 3. 10. all her great men were A. with chain*
Mark 5.4. because he had been often A. uith chains
Lukc 8. 2y. he was kept A. Kith chains, in fettera
Acts 21.33.commanded Faoi to be A.utth two chains
28. 20. for hope of Israel I am A. uith this chain

Gen. 44. 30. his life is A. up in the lad's life
2 Sam. 20. +3. they were A. up living in widowhood
2 Kings 12. 10. which A. up, silver in bags
Ita. 1. 6. they have not been closed neither A. up
Jer. 30. 13. none to plead, that thou mayst be A. up
Lxek. 30. 21. it shall not be A. up to be healed
34. 4. nor have ye A. up that which was broken
Hot. 4. 19. the wind hath A. her up in het wings
13. 12. the iniquity of Ephraim is A. up
Luke 10. 34. he b. up his wounds, pouring iu oil
BOUND, Substantive.
Gen. 49. 26. to utmost . of the everlasting bills
Job 38. 20. thou ahouldest take it to the A. thereof
Ptal. 104.y. to waters set a A. that they may not pass
Prov. 22. 28. remove not the ancient A. 23. t 'O.
Jer. 5.22. have placed the sand for the A- of the sea
Lxek. 40. + 12. the A. bjfore the little chambers
Hot. 5. 10. the princes like them that remove the .

Erod. 19. 12. thou shalt set A. to the people round
23. set A. about the mount, and sanctify it
23. 31. I will set chy A. from the Red sea to sea of
Deut. 32. 8. he set the A. of the people by number
Job 14. 5. hast appointed his A. that he cannot pass
26. 10. he hath compassed the waters with A.
Ita. 10. 13. 1 have removed the A. of the people
Actt 17.20. hast determined the A.of their habitation

1 Kingt 3. +6. thou hast shewed to David great .
10. 13. which Solomon gave her of his royal A.
Prov. 20. 6. most men will proclaim their own A,
2 tor. 9. 5. and make up beforehand your A. that
the same might be ready as a matter of A.
Ptal. 145. + 17. the Lord is A. in all his works
Prov. 22. 9. he that hath a A. eye shall be blessed
Isa. 32. 5. nor shall the churl be said to be A.

1 Cor. 9. 11. being enriched io every thing to all A.
Ptal. 13. 6. because he hath dealt A. with me
110. 7- for the Lord haOi dealt A. with thee

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