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Signifies, [1] To get er climb up, Josh. 6. 5. [2]
To go up to heaven, Eph. 4. 9. 10.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Psal.
94.3. Who shall be admitted and accounted a
true member of the church, and enjoy the favour
and blessing of God?
No man hath ascended up to heaven, John 3. 13.
No man hath attained the perfect knowledge of
heavenly things, so as to know the secret will and
counsels of God.

Jask. 6. 5. the people shall a. up every man straight
Pral. 24. 3. who shall a. into the hill of the Lord,
and shall stand in his holy place? Rom. 10. 6.
135.7.he causeth vapours to a. Jer. 10.13. | 51.16.
139. 8. if I a. up into heaven, thou art there
Isa. 14. 13. thou hast said, I will a. to heaven, 14.
Enek. 38. 9. thou shalt a. and come like a storm
John 6. 62. if ye shall see the Son of man a. up
20.17.1 a. to my Father, and your Father, my God
Rev. 17. 8. beast shall a. out of the bottomless pit


Psal.119.78.let proud be a. for theydeaft perversely
Isn. 1. 29. for they shall be a. of the oaks which
23. 4. be thou a. O Zidon, the sea hath spoken
26. 11. they shall see and be a. for their envy
41. 17. they shall be greatly a. that trust in images
44. 9- they see not nor know, that they may be a.
11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. together
45. 24. all that are incensed against him shall be a.
65. 13. my servants rejoice, but yc shall be a.
66. 5. shall appear to your joy, and they shall be a.
Jer. 2.36. thou shall be a. of Egypt, as a. of Assyria
3.3. and hadst a whore's forehead, refusedst to be a.
12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues
17. 13. O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be a.
20. 11. my persecutors shall stumble and be a.
48. 13. Moab shall be a. of Chemosb, as Israel was
50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a.
Lztk. 16. 6l. shalt remember fhy ways, and be a.
43.10.shew Israel, they may be a.of their iniquities
11. and if thev be a. of all that they have done
Hot. 4.19.they shall be a. because of their sacrifices
10. 6. and Israel shall ** a. of his own counsel
Judg. 13. 20. the angel of the Lord a. in the flame Joel 1. 11. be ye a.O ye husbandmen, howl for wheat
Pial. 68. 18. thou hast a. up on high, thou hast led 2. 26. and my people shall never be a. 27.
Prev. 30.4. who hath a. up into heaven, or descend. Zech. 9. 5. for her expectation shall be a.
John 3. 13. no man hath a. to heaven, but he that 13. 4. the prophets every one be a. of his vision
20. 17. touch me not, I am not yet a. to my Father Mark 8.38.shall be a.of me and mywords. Luke9.26.
Acts 2. 31. David is not yet a. into the heavens 2 Cor. 9. 4. we (that we say t, you) should be a.
4.4.8. when he a.up on high, he led captivity cap. Phil. l. 20. that in nothing I shall be a. but with
9. now that he a. 10. is the same also that a.2 company with him. tint he may bea.
Rez. 8. 4. the smoke of the incense a. before God Tit. 2. B. he that is on the contrary part may be a.
11.19. they a. up to heaven in a cloud, and enemies 1 Pet. 3. 16. may be a. that falsely accuse your good
Not be, or He not, ASHAMEĎ.
Per. 11.7. the beast that a. out of the bottomless pit Num. 12. 14- should she not be a. seven days?
14. 11. the smoke of their torment a. for ever Psal.25.2.0 my God, 1 trust in thee, let me not be a.
31. 17. let me not be a. O Lord, liy. 116.
37. J9- they shall not be a. in the evil time
11.O. then shall I not be a. when I have respect to
46. I will speak of thy testimonies, and not be a.
BO. let my heart be sound, that I be not e.
127. 5. tbey shall net be a. but shall speak with
Isa. 29. 22. saith the Lord, Jacob shall not be a.
45. 17. ye shall not be a. world without end
49. 23. they shall not be a. that wait for me
50. 7. my face like a flint, 1 know I shall not bi a.
51. 4. fear not, for thou shalt not be a.
Zeph. 3. ll. in that day shalt thou not be o. [11.
Rom. 9. 33. who believeth on him shall not be a. 10.
2 Cor. 10. B. for though I boast, I should no: bd a.
2 Tim. 1.8. be not therefore «. of testimony of Lord
2. 15. to God, a workman that needeth not be a.
1 Pet. 4. K>. suffer as a Christian, let him not be a.
1 John 2. 28. not be a. before him at his coming

Gen. 28. 12. the angels of God a. and descending
1 Sam. 28. 13. said, I saw gods a. out of the earth
Lake 19. 28. he went before, a. up to Jerusalem
Ja 1.51.angels of Goda.and descending on the Son
Rev. 7. 2. I saw another angel a. from the east
£ Sam. 15. 30. David went up by the a. of Olivet
1 Kings 10.5.and his a. by which he went, 2 Chr. 9.4.

Deut. 32. 3. a. ye greatness to our God, he is the
Jes 36, 3. I will a. righteousness to my Maker
Piai. 08. 34. a. ye strength to God, his excellency

1 Sam. 18. 8. a. to David 10,000, to me a. but 1000
Isa. 44. 14. he planteth an a, the rain doth nourish it

Gen. 2. 25. naked, the man and his wife were not a.
Judg. 3. 25. and they tarried till they were a.
2. 10. 5. the men were greatly a. 1 Chron. 19.5.
19.3. as people being a. steal away when they flee
2 Krugs 2.17. and when they urged him till he wasa.
8. 11 he settled his countenance till he was a.
£ Chron. 30. 15. the priests and the Levites were a.
£28. 22. I was a. to require of the king a band
9. 6. I am 4. and blush to lift up my face to thee
J. 20. they came thither, and were a.

11. 3. when thou mockest, shall no man make a.?
19 3. ye are not a to make yourselves strange to me
Pial 34.5.were lightened, and their faces were nota.
74.21.0 let not the oppressed return a. let poor
Prap. 12. 4. she that maketh a. is as rottenness
La. 20. 5. shall be e. of Ethiopia, their expectation
24.23. the sun shall be a. when the Lord shall reign,
30. 3. alle, of a people that could not profit them
33.9. earth mourns, Lebanon is a, and hewn down
Jer. 6. 26. as the thief is a. when he is found, so is
6. 15. were they a.? they were not at all a. 8. 12.
8. 9. the wise men are a. they are dismayed
14. 4. plowmen were a, they covered their heads
48.13. Moab shall be a.of Chemosh, as Israel was a.
Eack. 16. 27. the daughters of the Philistines are a.
32, 30, with terror thee are a. on their might
Late 13.17.all his adversaries were a. and the people
16.3, what shall I do? I cannot dig, to beg I am a.
om. 1. 16. I am not a. of the gospel of Christ
5. 5. hope maketh nota, because the love of God is
6 £1. what fruit in things whereof ye are now a.?
Car. 7.14. if I have boasted any thing, I am not a.
2 Tim. 1. 12. I suffer, nevertheless I am not a.
15, Onesiphorus was not a. of my chain
Hes. 2. 11. he is not a. to call them brethren
11. 16. God is not a. to be called their God
ÅsHAMED and confounded; see CONFOUNDED.
Cm 18. 23. let her take it to her, lest we be a.
P. 6. 10. let all my enemies be a. and sore vexed
£53, yea, let none that wait on thee be a. let them
be a, who transgress without cause
31.1. in thee do I put my trust, let me never be u.
17. let me not be a. let the wicked be a. 35. 26.
69. 6. let not them that wait be a. for my sake
8. 17. they which hate me, may see it and be a.
Lug. 28, when they arise, let them be a. but let

Signifies, The remains of fuel after it has been
burned, 2 Pet. 2. 6. They denote, [1] The frailty
and extreme vileness of man, when compared with
his Creator, Gen. 18. 27. [2] Deep humiliation,
Esth. 4. 1. Jonah 3. 6.

pect, Luke 19. 48. [6] To salute. I San. «6. t U. 2 Sam. 0. 10. [7] To lay to one's charge, Psal.

35. + 11.

Grw. 32. 29. wherefore dost thou a. after my name?
34. 12. a. me never so much dowry and gift, I give
Dent. 4. 32. for a. now of the days that are past
13. 14. shall a. diligently, and it it be truth
32. 7. a. thy father, and he will shew thee
Joih. 4. 6. when your children a. their fathers, 51,
Judg. IB. 5. a. counsel, we pray thee, of God
1 Sam. 10. t 4. and they will a. thee of peace
12. 19. we have added this evil to a. us a king
25. f5. a. him in my name of peace, 2 Sam. 8.410.
28. 10. why dost thou a. of me, seeing the Lord
2 Sam. 14. 18. hide not from me the thing I a.
1 Ainei 3.5. a. what I shall give thee, 2 Chron. 1. J.
14. 5. the wife of Jeroboam comeih to a. thee

2 Kin*s Z. 9. Elijah said, a. what I shall do for thee 2 Chron. 20. 4. Judah gathered to a. help of God Job 12. 7. a. the beasts, and they shall teach thee Psal. 2. 8. a. of me, and I will give thee the heathen Isa. 7. 11. a. thee a sign of Lord, a. it of the depth 12. I will not a. nor will I tempt the Lord 45. 11. saith the Lord, a. me of things to come 58. 2. they a. of me the ordinances of justice Jer. 6. 16. a. for the old paths, and walk therein 15. 5. who shall go aside, Lo a. what thou dost IB. 13. a. ye now among the heathen who heard 30. 6. a. and see whether a man doth travail 3B. 14. I will a. thee a thing, hide nothing from me 4H. 19. a. him that fleeth, and her that escapeth 50. 5. they shall a. the way to Zion with their facts Lam. 4. 4. the young children a. bread, and no man Dan. 6. 7. who shall a. a petition of any God, 12. Mos. 4. 12. my people a. counsel at their stocks Hag. 2. 11. a. now the priests concerning the law Zech. 10. 1. a. ye of the Lord rain in time of latter Mat. 6. 8. what ye have need of, before ye a. him 7. 7- a. and it shall be given you, Luke 11. 9. 9. what man of you, if his son a. bread, Luke11.11. 11. shalt give good things to them that a. him 14.7- promised to give her whatsoever she would a. 18. 19. agree touching any thing they shall a. 20. 22. ye know not what ye a. Mark 10. 38. 21.22.whatsoever ye shall 22. 46. nor durst any man a. him more questions, Mar* 12. 34. Luke 20. 40. Mark 6. 22. a. what thou wilt, I will give thee, £3. 9. 32. they were afraid to a. him, Luke 9. 45. Luke 6. 30. taketh thy goods, a. them not again 11. 13. give the Holy Spirit to them that a. him 12. 48. much committed, of him they will a. mors John 1, 19. when the Jews sent priests to a. him 9- 21. we know not, he is of age, a. him, 23. 11. 22. whatsoever thou wilt a. of God, he will 13. 24. Peter beckoned to him that he should a. 14. 13. whatsoever ye a. in my name, 15. 16. 14. if ye a. any thing in my name I will do it 15. 7- if ye abide in me, a, what ye will, it shall be 16. 19. Jesus knew that they were desirous to a. 23. and in that day ye shalt a. me nothing 24.a.and ye shall receive.that your joymaybe full 30. and needest not that any man should a. thca 18. 21. a. them which heart me what 1 satd Acts 10. C9. I a. therefore for what intent ye sent 1 Cor. 14. 35. let them a. their husbands at home Lph. 3, 20. to do above all that we can a. or think Jam. 1. 5. if any lack wisdom, let him a. it of God 6. but let him a. in faith, nothing wavering 4. 2. yet ye have not, because ye a. not 3. ye a. and receive not, because ye a. amiss 1 John 3. 22. whatsoever we a. we receive of him 5. 14. if we a. any thing according to his will 15. if we know he heareth us, whatsoever we a. 16. sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall a. See CotssEL. ASKED. Gen. 32. 29. Jacob a, him and sajd, tell me thy name 43. 7. the man a. us straitly of our kindred Josh. 19. 50. they gave him the city which he a Judg. 5. 25. he a. water, she ga\e him milk 13. 6. but I a. him not whence he was 18. +15. a. him of peace, 1 Sam. 17- +22. | 30.+CI 1 Sam. 1. 17. God grant the petition thou hast o. +20. she called his name Samuel, that is a. of God 27. the Lord hath given me my petition I a. 1 Kings 3. II. because thou a. this thing and not a. 2 Kings 5. 10. he said, thou hast a. n hard thing Lsra 5. 10. we a. their names to certify thee Ji- 21. 2Q. have ye not a. them that go by the way? Psal. 21. 4- he a. life of thee, thou gavest him 35.11. they a. me things that I knew not 105. 40. the people a. and he brought quails Isa. 30. 2. and have not a. at my mouth 41. 28. when I a. of them, could answer a word 6b. 1. I am sought of them that a. not for me Signifies, [1] To enquire, Gen. 32. 29. Mark 9. 32. Dan. 2. 10. there is no king that a. sueh things [2] To require, or demand, Gen. 34. 12. Dan. 2. 7.16. I came and a. him the truth of all this 10. [3] To seek counsel, Isa. 30. 2. Hag. 2. 11. Mat.16.13.he a.his disciples, Mark 8.27. Luke 9.18. [4] To pray, John 15. 7. Jam. 1.6. [5] To ex[22,23.Sadducc«s«.himt35. af'.9.11. | 10.2 | 12.13

Gen. 18. 27. to speak, which am but dust and a.
Lev. 6. 10. and the priest shall take up the a.

11. and carry forth the a. without the camp
Num. 19. 9. a man that is clean shall gather the a.
2 Sam. 13. 19. Tamar put a. on her head, and rent
1 Kings 13. 3. altar shall be rent, and a. poured out
20. 38. the prophet disguised himself with a.
Esth. 4. 1. Mordecai put on sackcloth with a.
3. and many lay in sackcloth and a.
Job 2. 8. Job sat down among the «,
13. 12. your remembrances are like to a. your
30. 19. into mire, I am become like dust and a.
42. 6. I abhor myself, and repent in dust and a.
Psal. 20. + 3. and turn to a. thy burnt-sacrifice
102.9. for I have eaten a, like bread, and mingled
147. 16. he scattereth the hoar-frost like a.
Isa. 44. 20. he feedeth on a, a deceived heart turned
58. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under him
61. 3. to give them beauty for a. the oil of joy
Jer. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow thyself in a.
Lam. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a.
Esek. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the earth
Dan. 9. 3. I set my face to seek in sackcloth and a.
Jonah 3. 6. king covered with sackcloth, and sat in a.
Mal. 4. 3. the wicked shall be a. under your feet
Mat. 11. 21. if works were done, they would have
repented long ago in sackcloth and a. Luke 10.13.
Heb. 9. 13. if the a. of an heifer sanctifieth to the
2 Pet. 2.6. and turning the cities of Sodom into a.

2 Kings 4. 4. said, thou shalt set a that which is full
Job 1. 19. came a great wind from a, wilderness
Mark 7. 33. he took him a. from the multitude
John 13. 4. he riseth and laid a. his garment
Heb. 12. 1. let us lay a. every weight, and sin that
See Go, GONE, TURN, WENT, LAY. [doth


Jake 18. 40. when come neir he a. what wilt thou John 4. 10. thou wouldest have «. of him

16. 24. hitherto have ye a. nothing in my name Rom. 10. 20. made manifest to them that a. not ASKEST.

Judg. 13. IB. why a. thou thus afier my name? John 4. y. ". drink of me, a woman of Samaria Hi. 21. why a. thou me, ask them which heard ASKETH. Erod. 13. 11. thy son a. thee in time, Dent. 6. £0. Mic. 7. 3. prince a. and ih« judge a. for a reward Mat. 5. 42. give to him that a. thee, L«*e 6. 30. 7. 8. every one that a. rcceiveth, Luke 11. 10. John 16. 5. none of you a. me whither goesl thou? i 1 every one that a reason of hope ASKING.

1 Sam. 12. 17. may see your wickedness in a. a king 1 Car. 10. 13. Said died for a. counsel of a familiar Psal. 78. IB. tempted God by a. meal for their lust Luke 2. Hi. hearing them, and a. them questions John 8. 7- they continued a. he lifted up himself 1 Car. lo. 25. A- no question for conscience, 27. ASLEEP

Signifies, [1] To take rest in tltep, Jonah 1. 5. Mat. 26. 40. [2] To die, Acts 7. 60. 2 Pet. 3. 4. Judg. 4. 21. for Sisera was fast a. and weary Cant. 7- 9- the lips of those that are a. to speak Jonah 1. 5. but Jonah lay, and was fast a. Mat. 8. 24. arose a storm, but he was a. Mark 4.38. 26. 40. he findeth the disciples a. Mark 14. 40. Acts 7- 60. when Stephen had said this, he fell a. 1 Cor, 15. 6. part remain, but some are fallen a. 18. then they which are fallen a. in Chiist 1 The**. 4. ij. ignorant concerning them that are a. 15. we alive shall not prevent them that are a. 2 Pet. 3. 4. for since the fathers fell a. all things ASI', S.

Deut. 32. 33. their wine is the cruel venom of a. Jot 20. 14. his meat is the gall of a. within him lO' he shall suck the poison of a. the viper's tongue I. 11. 8. the child shall play ou the hole of the a. Rom. 3. 13. the poison of a. is under their lips ASSAULT. ED.

Esth. 8. 11. to cause to perish all that wonld a. them Bets14.5. when there was an A. made of the Gentiles 17- 5. they a. the house of Jason, and sought to ASSAY, ED, 1NG.

Deut. 4. 31. hath God a. to go and take a nation I Sam.17.3y. David a. lo go, for he had not proved Job 4. 2. if we a. to commune with thee, will thou Acts 9. 26. Saul a. to join himself to the disciples "6.7. they a. to go to lithynia, but the Spirit Jieh. ll. 2y. the Egyptians a. to do, were drowned


Gen.22.3.Abraham rose up e&rly, and saddled his a. 5. abide you here with the a. and 1 and the lad 49. 14. Issachar is a strong a. couching between Led. 13. 13. every firstling of an a. redeem with »3. 4. if ihou meet thine enemy's a. going astray 12. shalt rest; that thine ox and thine a. may rest bum. Hi. 15, 1 have not taken one a. from them 22. 2J. the a. saw the angel standing, 25. 27. -0. the Lord opened the mouth of the a. 30. the a, said to Balaam, am not 1 thine a. Dtut. 22. 10. not plow with an ox and a. together Josh 15.18.and Achsah lighted off her a. Caleb said,

what wilt thou? Judg. 1. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 23. Judg. 15. 16. with the jaw-bone of an a. heaps 1 Kinge 13. 28. the lion had not torn the a. 2 Hinge 6. 25. until an a. head sold for 80 pieces Job 24. 3. they drive away the a. of the fatherless 'rot. 26. 3. a bridle for lh« a. and a rod for fool's La. 1. 3. ox his owner, and the a. his master's crib 32, 20. that send forth the feet of the ox and a. Jer. 22. 19. shall 1* buried with the burial of an a. Zech. 9. y. thy king cometb lowly, riding on an a.

and on a colt the foal of an a. Mat. 21. 5. 14. 15. and so shall be the plague of the a. Mat. 21. 2. ye shall find an a. tied, and a colt Luke 13. 15. doth not each loose his a. on sabbath 14. 5. which of you shall have an a. fallen into pit John 12. 14. when he had found a young a. sat 2 Pet. 2. 16. the dumb a. speaking, forbad madness Sce Saddle.


Gen. 49. 11. binding his a. colt to the choioe vine
Job 11. 12. though man be born like a wild a. colt
John 12. 15. thy king cometh sitting on an a. colt
mild Ass

Job 6. 5. doth the wild a. bray when he hath grass
39. 5. who hath sent out the wild a. free?
Jer 2. 24. a wild a. ustd to the wilderness snuffeth
JL't. 8. 9. they are gone, a uild a. alone by himself

Gen. 12.16. Abram had he-*, and shc-a. and camels
SO. 43. Jacob had much cattle, camels, and a.
36. 2*. as he fed the a. of Zibeon his father
47. 17- Joseph gave bread in exchange for a.
Judg. 5. 10. speak, ye that ride on while a.
I Sam 16. he will take your a. to work

1 Sam. 9. 3. the a. of Kish, Saul's father, were lost | Ezek. 44. 24. they shall keep my laws in all mine a.
20. thy a. that were lost, they are found, 10. 2. Amos 5. 21. I will not smell in your solemn a.
2 Sam. 16. 2. the a. be for the King's household
1 Chron. 27- 30. and over the a. was Jehdeiah
2 Chron. 2H. 15. carried the feeble of them upon a.
Ezra 2. 67. a. that went up to Jerusalem, 6J20.
Neh. 7. 69.
Job 42. 12. for Job had sheep, and a thousand she-a.
Isa, 21. 7- he saw a chariot of a. and of camels
Lzek. 23. 20. whose flesh is as the flesh of a.

2 Chron. 18. 12. declare good to the king with one a.
Luke 23.424. Pilate a. it should be as they required
Acts 24.9. Jews also a. that these things were so

Job 24. 5. as wild a. in the desert go they forth
Psal. 104. 11. the uild a. quench their thirst
Isa. 32. 14. the forts shall be a joy of uild a.
Jer. 14. 6. uild a. suuffed up the wind like dragons Nebuchadnezzar's dwell, was with u\ a.
Young ASSES.

Isa. 30. 6. they will carry their riches on young a. 24. y. a. that ear the ground shall eat provender ASSEMBLE,

Num. 10. 3. wheu they blow, the assembly shall a. 2 Ham. 20. 4. a. me the men ol Judah, aud be here Isa. 11. 12. be shall a. the outcasts of Israel 45.20.a.yourselves, and come, draw near together 48. 14. all ye a. yourselves and hear Jer. 4. 5. a. yourselves, and let us go into the cities 8. 14. why do we sit still? a. yourselves, let us hick. 11. 17. 1 will. you out of the countries 39.17. a. yourselves, gather to my sacrifice Hot. 7. 14. they a. themselves for corn and wine Joel 2. 16. a. the elders, gather the children 3. 11. a. yourselves and come, all ye heathen Amos 3. 9. a. yourselves on the mount of Samaria Met. 2. 12. 1 will surely a. O Jacob, all of thee 4. 6. saith the Lord 1 will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to pour indignation


Exod. 30.8.women which a. at the door of the taher. 1 Sam. 2. 22. they lay with the women that a. 1 Chron. 15. 4. David a. the children of Aaron 2 Chron. 3u. 13. a. much people to keep the feast Era Q. 4. then a. to me every one that trembled 10. 1. when Ezra had prayed, there a. to him h§k. 9. 1. the children of Israel a. with fasting Peal. 48. 4. lo the kings were a. they passed by Isa. 43. 9. let the people be a. who can declare this Jer. 5.7. a. themselves by troops in harlots' houses Dan. 6. 11. these men a. aud found Daniel praying Mat. 28. 12. when they a. they gave large money John 20. 19. the disciples a. for fear of the Jews Acts 1. 4. being a. commanded them not to depart 4. 31. the place was shaken where they were a. 11. 26. a whole year they a. with the church 15. 25. it seemed good to us a. with one accord ASSEMBLING.

Heb. 10. 25. forsake not the a. yourselves together ASSEMBLY.

Gem. 28. + 3. that thou mayest be an a. of people 49. 6. to their a. mine honour be not thou united htod. 12. 6. the whole a. shall kill it in the even 16. 3. to kilt this whole a. with hunger hev. 4. 13. the thing be hid from the eyes of the a. Amm. lo. 2. and make 2 trumpets for calling the a. 20. 6. Moses and Aaron went from presence of a. Deut. 9. 10. spake in the mount out of the midst of

the fire, in the day of your a. 10. 4. | 18. 16. Judg. 21. 8. none from Jabesh-Gilead to the a. 1 Sam. 17. 47. all this a. shall know the Lord save 2 Chron. SO. 23. the whole a. took counsel to keep Neh, 5. 7. I set a great a. against them Psal. 22. 16. the a. of the wicked have inclosed me 89. 7. God is to be feared in the a. of the saints I07. 32. praise him in tbe a. of the elders 111. 1. 1 will praise him in the a. of the upright Prov. 5. 14. 1 was in all evil in the midst of the a. Jer. 6. 11. I will pour it on the a. of young men 9. 2. for they be an a. of treacherous men 15. 17. 1 sat not in the a. of the mockers Lam. 2. 6. he hath destroyed the places of the a. Lzek. 13.9. they shall not be in the a. of my people 23. 24. shall come against Aholibah with an a. Acts 19. 32. the a. was confused, and part knew not 39. it shall be determined in a lawful a. 41. he had thus spoken, he dismissed the a. Deb. 12. 23. to the general a. of the first born Jam. 2. 2. if there come to your a. a man Solemn ASSEMBLY.


Lev. 23. 36. on the eighth day it is a solemn a. Num. 29. 35. Neh. 8. 18. Dent.16.8.on the seventh day a solemn a.lo the Lord Kings10.20.Jehu said,proclaim a solemHa.for Baal 2 Chron 7. 9- in the eighth day they made a solemn a. Joel 1. 14. sanctify a fast, call a solemn a. 2. 15. Zeph. 3.18. them that are sorrowful for the solemna. ASSEMBLIES.

Psal. 86. 14. the a. of violent men sought my soul Etcl. 12. 11. as nails fastened by the masters of a. Isa. 1. 13. the calling of a. I cannot away with 4.5. God will create on her a. a cloud and smoke 14. 31. he shall not be alone in his a.

Gen. 47. 22. for the priests had a portion a. them
Josh. 20. 8. they a. Bezcr a city of refuge
2 Sam. 11. 16. he a. Uriah to a place he knew

Rom. 16. 2. that ye a. her in whatsoever business
/«a.8.9-a.yourselvesand ye shall be broken in pieces
Dan. 11. 76. at the end of years they shall a.


Exod. 9. 29. a. as 1 am gone out of the city
Chron. 31.5. a. as the commandment came abroad
Psal. 18, 44. a. as they hear of me, shall obey me
Isa. 66. U. a. as Zion travailed, she brought forth
hukel. 44. a. as the voice of thy salutation sounded
8. 6. a. as it was sprung up it withered away
John 18. 6. a. as he said. 1 am he, they went back
Acts 10. 29. therefore came 1 a. as 1 was sent for
12. 18. a. as it was day there was no small stir
Hev. 10. 10. a. as 1 had eaten it, my belly was bitter
12. 4. for to devour the child a. as it was born

Deut. 28. 66. thou shaft have none a. of thy lifa
Isa. 32. 17- and the effect of righteousness, a.
Act* 17. 31. whereof he hath given a. to all men
Col.2.2. to all riches of the full a. of understanding
1 Thess. l. 5. our gospel came in much a.
Deb. 6. 11. to the full a. of hope to the end
10. 22. let us draw Dear in full a. of faith

1 John 3. 19. and shall a. our hearts before him ASSURED.

Lev. 27.19. add the fifth, and it shall be a. to him Jer. 14. 13. 1 will give you a. peace in this place Hom. 14. + 5. let every one be fully a. in his mind 2 Tim. 3. 14. continue in things thou hast been m.


1 Sam. 28. 1. know a. thou shall go out with me
1 Kingt 1.13.a.Solomon thy son shall reign, 17, 30.
Jer. 32. 41. I will plant them in this land a.
38. 17. if thou a. go forth to the king of Babylon
49. 12. they have a. drunken, and shalt thou go
Acts 2. 36. let all the house of Israel know a.
16. 10. a. gathering that the Lord had called us

Gen. 8. 1. over the earth, and the waters were a.
Job 16. 5. moving of my lips should a. your grief
6. though I speak, yet my grief is not a.
Ezra 9. 3. plucked off the hair, and sat down a.
Job 17. 8. upright men shall be a. at this

18. 20. they that come after him shall be a. htei. 4. 17. that they may be a. one with another Dan.3.24. Nebuchadnezzar was a.and rose in haste 4. 19. then Daniel was a. for one hour 5.9* his countenance was changed, his lords a. ASTONISHED. Lev. 26. 32. and your enemies shall be a. 1 Kings 9- 8. every one that passeth by shall be a. Jer. 18. 16. I 19. 8. 49. fr. 1 50. 13. Job 26. 11. the pillars of heaven tremble and are «. Isa. 52. 14. as many were a. at thee, his visage Jer. 2. 12. be a. O ye heavens, at this

4. 9- the heart of the priests shall he a. 14. 9. why shouldest thou be as a man a. Ltel. 3. 15. 1 remained a. among them seven days 26. 16. shall tremble at every moment, and be a. 28. 19. they that kuow thee shall be a. at tlie 8. 27. 1 Daniel was a. at the vision Mat. 7.28. the people were a. at his doctrine, 22. 33.

Mark 1. 22. 6. 2. | 11. 18. Luke 4. 3%. Mark 5. 42. they were a. with great astonishment 7. 37. and were beyond measure, a. 10. 26. 10. 24. the disciples were a. at his words Luke 2. 47. a. at his understanding and answers 5. 9- he was a. at the draught of fishes 8. 56. her parents were a. but he charged them 24. 22. yea, and certain women also made us a. Acts 9. 6. Saul trembling and a. said. Lord, what 10. 45. of the circumcision which believed, werw a. 12. 16. had opened door and saw Peter,they were a. 13. 12. the deputy when he saw, believed, being a. ASTONISHMENT.

Deut. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with a. 37. thou shalt become an a. and a proverb 2 CAr. 7. 21. this house shall be an a. to every on* 29- 8. he hath delivered them to a. and hissing Psal. 60. 3. hast made ui to drink the wine of «. Jer. 5. + 30. a. is committed in the land

8. 21. I am black, a. hath taken hold on me 25.9- I will make them an a. and a hissing, 18. 11. this whole land shall be a desolation and . 29. 18. I'll deliver them to be a curse and an a. 42, IB. ye shall be an execration and an a. 44.12.

Jer. 44. £9. therefore is your land an a. and a curse
SI. 37. Babylon shall become heaps and an a.
hsei. 4. 16. son of man, behold, thev shall drink
water by measure, and with a. 12. 19.
5. 15. it shall be an a. to the nations about thee
3.33. thou shalt be filled with the cap of a.
Zetk. 12. 4. I will smite every horse with a.

ASTRAY; see Went, Go, Gong.

Psal. 17. 1. O Lord, a. to my cry, 61. 1. | 142. 6.
55. 2. a. to me, hear me, I mourn and make a noise
Psal. 86. 6. and a. to the voice of my supplication
Prev. 4. 1. hear and a. to know understanding son, a. to my words, incline thine ear,7.24.
5. 1. my son, a. to my wisdom, and bow thine ear
1 Cor. 7.35. may a. on the Lord without distraction

1 Kings 10. 5. saw the a. of his ministers, 2 Chr.9.4.
1 Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give a. to reading
Heb. 7. 13. of which no man gave a. at the altar

Isa. 47. 13, let now the a. the star-gazers, stand
Dan. 1. £0. he found them ten times better than a.
2.47- the secret cannot the a. shew to the king
4.7- then came in the magicians and the a. Job 32. 12. I a. to you, none of you convinced Job
5.7. the king cried aloud, to bring in the a. Psal. 66. 19. he hath a. to the voice of my prayer
ASUNDER; see CLEAVE, CUT, DIVIDE, PUT.dets 16. 14. she a. to the things spoken by Paul



Lat. 4. well the stranger, as he that is born in Rom.13.6.ministersa.continually on this very thing 22.onelaw a* nelt for the strangcr, as for your own



Dear, iO. a. lest b « brethrsns' heart faint, at well as 2 Chron. 6. 40. let thine ears be a, to the
2 Sam. 11. 23. the sword devours one as well as 7. 15. mine ears shall be a. at the prayer made
Neh. 1. 6. let thine ear now be a. 11. Psal. 130. 2.
8. 3. the ears of the people were a. Luke 19. 48.
Job 37. 2. hear a. the noise of his voice and sound

1 Chr. 25. B. they cast lots, as well the small as great
Ch.31. 15. to give Oj ve.l to the great as the small
Je 12. 3. but I have understanding a* veil as you
P.57.7. as well the singers as the players shall be
Act 10.47. who received the Holy Ghost as veil as lead iboat a sister as wetl as other apos.
22?i *«. to us the gospel preached at well as to them

Prmt. 106. 28. they a. the sacrifices of the dead
^Vs. 10. 3. 1 «. no pleasant bread nor flesh
Rev. 10. 10. I took the little book, and «. it up.

Jag 15.18. Samson was sore a. and called on Lord
Ruxh 2.9. when a. go to the vessels and drink
M*(. Zb. 44. when saw we thee a. or a stranger
kUz. 21. 6\ I'll give to him that is a. of fountain
2.17. Spirit and bride sav, let him that is a. come

SignifieS, [1] Reconciliation, or appeasing of anger,
Rom, 5.1. [2] A ransom. Job 33. +24.
Erf. 29. 33. eat things wherewith a. was made
36. thou shalt offer a bullock every day for a.
17. seven days thou shalt make a, for the altar
30. 10. Aaron once in year shall make a. upon it
15. to make an a. for your souls, Lev. 17. 11.
16. thou shall take the a. money of Israel
3.30. peradventare I shall make an a. for sin
Lct- 1. 4. it shall be accepted for him to make a,
4.20. the priest shall make an a. for them, and
be forgiven, 26. 31, 35. I 5. 6. | 6. 7. |

12. 8. 14. 18. Sum. 15. 25.

Lev. 16.4. with the linen mitre shall Aaron be a.
Prov. 7. 10. met him a woman with a. of an harlot
Jer. 2. 32. can a bride forget her a. ? yet my people
Ezek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. on their heads

Jeb 1. 22. Job sinned not, nor a. folly to God

Esth. 5. 13. yet all this a. me nothing so long as I see
Gal. 5. 6. in Christ circumcision a. not, 6. 15.
Jam. 5. 16. the prayer of a righteous man a. much


Deut. 26. 17. hast this day a. the Lord to be thy God
18. the Lord hath a. thee to be his people

Prov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it, turn from it
Rom. 16. 17. mark them that cause divisions, and e.
1 Cor. 7. 2. to a. fornication, let every man have Lis
2 Tim. 2. 23. foolish and unlearned questions
Tit. 3. 9. a. foolish questions and genealogies

1 Sam. 18. 11. David a. out of his presence twice
2 Cor. 8. 20. a. this, that no man should blame us
1 Tim. 6. 20, a. profane and vain babblings

Luke 19. 21. I feared, because thou art an a, man

Acts 3. + 15, and killed the a. of life

1 Cor. 14. 33. God is not the a. of confusion
Heb. 5. 9. he became the a. of eternal salvation
12. 2. looking to Jesus, the a. and finisher of faith

Signifies, [1] Power, rule, or dignity, Prov. 29. L.
Luke 19. 17. [2] convincing efficacy and
power, Mat. 7. 29. [3] A warrant, order, or
authentic permission, Mat. 21. 23. Acts 9. 14.
Esth. 9. 29. Esther and Mordecai wrote with a.
Prov. 29. 2. when righteous are in a. people rejoice
Mat.7.29. taught them as one having a. Mark 1.29.
8. 9. for I am a man under a, and say, Luke 7.8.
20.25. they that are great exercise a. Mark 10.42.
21. 23. by what a. dost thou these? Mark 11.28.
Mark 1. 27. for with a. commandeth he even tie

unclean spirits, and they obey him, Lake 4. 36. 13. 34. left his house, and gave a. to his servants Lake 9.1. he gave them power and a.over all devils 19. 17. been faithful, have thou a. over ten cities20. 20. might deliver him to a. of the governor Gen.23.13. Abraham spake to Ephron in a.of people 22. 25. that exercise a. are called benefactors Exod. 24. 7. took book of covenant, and read in a. John 5. 27. hath given him a, to execute judgment 1 Sam. 25. 24. let thine handmaid speak in thy a. Acts 8. 27. eunuch of great . under Candace queen 1 Chron. 28. 8. in the a. of our God keep and seek 9. 14. here he hath a. to bind, 26, 10, 12. Neh. 13. 1. they read in the book of Moses in the a.1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have put down all e, Luke 7.1. ended all his sayings in the a. of the people 2 Cor. 10.8, should boast somewhat more of our «. 20. 45. in a. of the people he said to his disciples 1 Thess. 2. +6. when we might have used a. Acts 13. 16. Israel, and ye that fear God, give a. Tim. 2. 2. supplication for kings and all in a. 15. 12. then all the multitude gave a. to Barnabas 12. I suffer not a woman to usurp a. over the man 22. 22. and they gave him a. to this word Tit. 2. 15. exhort and rebuke with all a. AVENGE.

Lev. 19. 18. thou shalt not a. nor bear grudge
26. 25. that shall a. the quarrel of my covenant
Num. 31. 2. a. Israel of the Midianites, 3.
Deut. 32. 43. he will a. the blood of his servants
8. 34. so the Lord hath commanded to make a. 1 Sam. 24. 12. the Lord judge and a. me of thee
9. 7. make a. for thyself and for them, 16. 24.2 Kings 9. 7. smite the house of Ahab, that I may a.
10. 17. God hath given it you to make a. fof them
12.7. make an a. fof her, and she shall be clean
14. 53. make an a for the house, it shall be clean
10.10. the scape-goat shall be presented to Bake as
22. Aaron thall gave an a. to himself and house
19. he shall make an a. nor the holy place
17. thall be no ma. there, when he maketh a.
18. he shall go and make a. for the altar
2. whose blood was brought in to make a.
33. he shall make a. for the holy sanctuary
34. everlasting statute to make a. once a year
Gen. 4. 24. if Cain should be a, seven-fold, Lamech
37. tenth day of 7th month shall be a day of a. Exod. 21. + 20. and he die, he shall be surely a.
8. do no work, for it is a day of a. to make a. Josh. 10. 13. sun and moon stayed till people ad a.
25.9 in the day of a. make the trumpets sound Judg. 15.7. tnough ye have done this, yet I will be a.
Nea 821.made a. for the Levites to cleanse them 16. 28. may be a. on Philistines for my two eyes
19 given the Levites to make a. for Israel 1 Sam. 14. 24. that eateth any food, that I may be a.
16. 46. go quickly, make a. for wrath is gone out 18. 25. an hundred foreskins, to bo a. of enemies
5. 13. Phineas have it, because he made an a. 25. 31. or that my Lord hath a. himself
3. a goat for a sin-offering to make a. 30. Sam. 4. 8. the Lord hath a. my lord the king
9. 5. a kid of the goats to make an a. for you
18. 20. rej ice ford hath a. him of his enemies
31. 30. ear-rings to make an a. for our souls 31. the Lord hath.. thee this day of them
2 S. 21. 3. wherewith shall I make the a.? Jer. 5. 9. my soul be a, on such a nation, 29. 19.9.
1Carea. 6 49. Aaron and sons appointed to make a.lets. 7. 24. Moses a. him that was oppressed
1 Chr. 9. 24. the priests killed them to make an a.
Neh. 10. 33, ordinances for offering to make an a.
33. ↑ 24. deliver him, I have found an a.
Rem. 5. 11. by whom we have now received a.

Esth. 8. 13. Jews a. themselves on their enemies
Isa. 1. 24. I will a. me of mine enemies
Jer. 46. 10. a day of vengeance that he may a.
Hos. 1. 4. I will a. the blood of Jezreel on Jehu
Luke 18. 3. saying, a. me of mine adversary

7. shall not God a, his own elect, sho cry day
8. I tell you that he will a. them speedily
Rom. 12. 19. beloved, a. not yourselves, but give
Rev. 4. 10. how long dost thon not a. our blood

Psal. 139 6. it is high, I cannot a. unto it
Pres. 1. 5. man of understanding shall a. to wisdom
Esek. 46. 7. acco: ding as his hand shall a. to it
Fr. 8. 5. how long ere they a. to innocency?
27. 12. if they might a. to l'henice
Phil.3.11.1 might a. to the resurrection of the dead

Kev. 18. 20. rejoice, for God hath a. you on her
19. 2. hath a. blood of his servants at her hand|

Num.35.12. cities for refuge from the a. Josh.20.3.
Dent. 14. 6. lest the a. of blood pursue the slayer
12. the elders deliver him into the hand of the a.
Josh. 20. 5, if the a, of blood pursue after him
9. not die by the hand of the a. till he stood
Psal. 8. 2. thou mightest still the enemy and a.
44. 16. by reason of the enemy and a.

1 Thess. 4. 6. because the Lord is the a. of all such

Cea. 47.9. and have not a. to the days of my father 2 Sam. 22. 48. it is God that a. me, Psal. 18. 47.
Lev. 15.426.his hand hath a. and found sufficiency


Sam. 23. 19. howbeit he a. dot to the first Judg. 5. 2. praise the Lord for the a. of Israel
three, 23. 1 Chron. 11. 21, 25. 1 Sam. 25. 26. Lord hath withholden thee from a.
33. blessed be thou who kept me from a.

ham. 9. 30. the Gentiles have a. to righteousness
31. Israel hath not a. of the law of righteousness
Pai.3.12.not as though I had already a. or perfect Mic. 2. 8. pass by securely, as men a. from war
16. whereto we have already a. let us walk


1 Tm. 4. 6. good doctrine, whereto thou hast a. Num. 32. 14. ye are risen to a. the fierce anger ATTEND.


Eth. 4. 5. Hatach whom he appointed to a. her Lev. 18. 11. nor approach to his wife, she is thy a.


1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. made subject to him Rev. 13. 2. the dragon gave him power and great a. AWAKE

Signifies, [l] To come out 0/ natural sleep, Luke Q.32.
[2] To rouse up out of spiritual sleep, by a vigvront
exercise of grace, by leaving off all tinfut courses,
and setting about the performaucm of duties re
quired, Rom. 13. 11. Eph. 5. 14, [3) 2b raise
from the dead, Job 14. 12. John 11.11. [4] 7
give present help after it hath long been kept
from us, as though God had forgotten us, Psal.
7.6. Isa. 51.9.

Awake not my love till he please. Cant. 2. 7.
Give my beloved Saviour no occasion of offence or
departure; neither interrupt that peace 1 enjoy
in him, so long as he is pleased to continue it.
Judg. 5. 12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song, arise
Job 8. 6. surely now he would a. for thee
14. 12. till heavens be no more, they shall note.
ly. 26. 1 shall a. thoucn this body be destroyed
Pial. 7.6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23.
17.15. be satisfied when I a. with thy likeness
44. 23. a. why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise
57. 8. a. my glory, 1 myself will a. early, 108. 2.
59- 4. they prepare, a. to help me, and behold
5. O Lord God, a. to visit all the heathen
Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a. I will seek it yet cpnin
Cant. 2.7. not a. my love till he please, 3. 5. | 0.4.
4. 10. a. O north wind, and come thou souch
Isa. 20. 19. a. aud sing yt that dwell in the dost
51. 9. a. a. put on strength, O arm of the Lord,e.
as in the ancient days, 32. I.
17. a.a. stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk
Jer. 31. 57. sleep a perpetual sleep, and not a.
Dan. 12. 2. many that sleep in the dust shall a.
Joel 1. 5. a. ye drunkards, weep and howl all vo
Uab. 2.7. shall they not a. that shall vex thes

19. woe to him that saith to the wood, a.
Zcch. 13.7. a, O sword, against my Shepherd, smite
Mark 4. 38. he was asleep, and they a. him
Luke 9. 32. when they were a. they saw his glory
John 11. 11. 1 go that I may a. him out of sleep
Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to a. out of sleep
1 Cor. 15. 34. a. to righteousness, and sin not
Eph.5.X4.a. thou that sleepest, and arise from dead
2 Tim. 2. †26. may a. themselves out of the snare

Gen. 28. l6. Jacob a. out of his sleep, and said Jnt/f 16.14. Samson a. and weut away with the pin 1 Sam. C6. 12. no man saw it nor knew it, nei her a.

1 Kings 18. 27. he sleepeth and must be a.

2 Kings *. 31. Gehazi told him, the child is not a, Ptut. 3. 5. I a. for the Lord sustained me

Psal. 78. 65. then the Lord a. a* one out of sleep
Jer. 31. 26. upon this 1 a. and beheld, and my sleep

Psal. 73. CO. when thou a. shalt despise their image
Proi. 6. 20. when thou a. it shall talk with thee
P*a/. 73. 20. as a dream when one a. so, O Lord
Jut.29.8. he a. and his soul is empty, a. and is faint
-ii/j 16. 27. the keeper of the prison a. out of sleep

Can*. 0. 13. or ever I was a. my sonl made me like taken, O Babylon, and thou art not a.
Luke 11. 44- men that walk over them, are not a.


Num. 24.11.the Lord hath kept thee A. from honour
Josh. 8. 26. Joshua drew not his hand ò. till he had
Ruth 2. 6. the Moabitish damsel that came b.
2 Sam. 15. 20. return, and take 6. thy brethren
19. 10. why speak ye not of bringing the king b.?
1 Kings 13. 22. but camest b. and hast eaten bread
22. 26. and carry him b. to Amon the governor
2 Chron. 13. 14. when Judah looked b. behold
25. 13. but the soldiers that Amaziah sent b.
Job 26. 9. he holdeth b. the face of his throne
Jer. 46. 5. they are fled apace, and look not b.
Hos. 4. 16. Israel slideth b. as a backsliding heifer
Nah. 2. 8. stand, shall they cry, none shall look b.
Mat. 24. 18. nor let him that is in field return 6.
28. 2. angel rolled b. the stone from the door
Lake 8. 37. went into the ship, and returned b. again
9. 62. put his hand to plough, and looking 6. not
17. 31. let him likewise not return d.

BACK, Substantive.

Gen. 15. 11. whea fowls came Abrah. drove them a. Exod. H. £8. only ye shall not go very far a. 19. 24. the Lord said to him. a. get thee down 2 Chron. 35. 23. have me a. for I am wounded Is*. 1. 13. calliug of assemblies I cannot, a. with Luke 4. +34. a. what have we to do with thee 23. 18. a. with this man, release to us Barabbas John 19. 15. a. with him, a. with him, Acts 21. 36.1 Sam. 10. 9. he turned his b. to go from Samuel Acts 22. 22. a. with such a fellow from the earth 1 Kings 14.9.hast cast me behind thy b. Ezek.23.35. Psal. 21. 12. thou shalt make them turn their b. 129. 3. the plowers plowed on my b. made furrows Prov. 10. 13. a rod for the b. of him, 19. 29. | 26. 3. Isa. 38. 17. thou hast cast my sins behind thy b. 50. 6. I gave my b. to the smiters, and my cheeks Jer. 2. 27. they have turned their b. to thee 18. 17. I will shew them the b. and not the face 32. 33. they have turned to me the b. and not face 48. 39. how hath Moab turned the b. with shame Dan. 7. 6. which had on the 6. of it four wings Rom. 11. 10. not see, and bow down their . alway BACK-BONE.

Psal. 4. 4. stand in a. and sin not, commune with 33. 0. inhabitants of the world stand in a. of him 119. l6l. my heart standeth in a. of thy word Prov. 17. 10- a reproof a. more a wise man AWL.

Exod. 01. 6. his master shall bore his ear with an a. Deut. 15. 17. thou shalt take au a. aud thrust it AWOKE.

Gen. 9. 24. Noah a. from his wine, and knew what 41. 4. eat up the fat kine, so Pharaoh a. 7. 21. Judg. 16. 20. Samson a. out of his sleep and said 1 Kings ^.15. Solomon a. and behold it was a dream M*t.8.25. his disciples came and a. him, Luke 8.24. AX

Signifies, [l] A carpenter's toot, Judg. 9. 48. [2] A human instrument, the king of Assyria, Isa. 10. 15- [3] God's vengeance and judgment upon barren and incorrigible sinners. Mat. 3. 1C. Deut. 19. 5. his hand fetched a stroke with the as 20. 19. nor destroy the trees by forcing an a* Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech took an as in his hand 1 Sam. 13. 20. Israel went down to sharpen his ax 1 Kings 6. 7. neither hammer nor ax was heard C hings 6. 5. the «j-head fell into the water Isa. 10. 15. shall the as boast itself against him Jer. 10. 3. for one cuts a tree with the ax 51. 20. thou art my battle-** and weapons Mat. 3. 10. the az is laid to root of trees, Luke 3.9. AXES.

1 Sum. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the a. 2 Ham. 10. 31. he put them under saws and a. of iron, and made them pass through, 1 Chr. 20.3. Psal. 74. 5. a man was famous as he lifted up a.

6. they break down the carved work with a. Jer. 46. 00. and come against her with a. as hewers Ezek. 26. 9- vith a. he shall break down thy tower AXLE-TREES.

1 Kings 7. 32. the a.-f. of the wheel join to the base 33. a.-trees, naves, and felloes, were all molten



Eccl. 10. 11. serpent will bite, and a A. is no better Acts 17. 18. and some said, what will this A. say? BABBLING, 8.

Prov. 23. 29. who hath contentions? who hath A.? 1 Tim. 6. 20. avoiding profane and vain A. 2 Jim. 0. 16. but shun profane and vain b. they


Lev. 3.9. the rump shall he take off hard by the b.-b. BACK-PARTS.

Exod.33.23.away my hand, thou shalt see my b.-p. BACKS.

Neh. 9. 26. they cast thy law behind their b. Ezek. 8. 16. men with their . towards the temple 10. 12. their whole body and b. full of eyes See TURNED. BACKBITERS.

Rom. 1. 30. 8. haters of God, despiteful, proud

Psal. 15. 3. he that b. not with his tongue

Prov. 25. 23. so an angry countenance, a b. tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be debates, strifes, b. BACKSIDE.

Exod. 3. 1. Moses led the flock to the b. of the desert 26. 12. the half-curtain shall hang over the . Rev. 5. 1. on the b. sealed with seven seals


Jer. 24. 2. the figs could not be eaten, they were so b. Mat. 11. 48. hathered the good but cast the b. away 22.10. good and b. and the wedding was furnished 2 Cor. 5. 10. that he hath done, whether good or . BADNESS.

Gen. 41. 19. never saw in the land of Egypt for b. BADE, EST.

Gen. 27. 19. I have done according as thou &. me 43. 17. and the man did as Joseph . and brought Exod. 16. 24. laid it up till morning, as Moses &. Num. 14. 10. all the congregation 6. stone them Josh 8. 9. Joshua did to them as the Lord ỏ. him Ruth 2. 6. th .M nhit -.l damsel that am A. 2 Sam. 15. 20. some 6. me kill thee, but I spared 2 Sam. 1. 18. David b. them teach Judah the use 14. 19. for thy servant Joab he b. me, and he put 2 Chron. 10. 12. came on the third day as the king &. Esth. 4. 15. Esther 6. them return this answer Miat. 16. 13. but he so dier th t Amaz ah sent b Job 26. 9- and he that b. thee and him, come, 10,

16. a certain man made a supper and . many Acts 11. 12. and the Spirit b. me go with them 18. 21. but . them farewell, saying, I must keep 22. 24. b. that he should be examined by scourging BADGERS'-SKINS.

Exod. 25. 5. take of them b.-skins and shittim-wood 26.14. and a covering for the tent above of b.-skins 35.7. rams' skins dyed red, b.-sk. and shittim wood

23.with whom were found skins of rams, and b.-sk. 36. 19. and he made a covering of b.-sk. above that Num. 4. 10. put it within a covering of b.-skins Ezek. 16. 10. and I shod thee with b.-skins BAG


Signifies, A sack or pouck, Deut. 25.13.1 Sam.17.40. Bags which wax not old, Luke 12. 33. Heavenly treasures which perish not, as earthly things do. Earneth wages to put into a bag with holes. 1.6. What he gets or labours for, does him no manner of service, but a secret curse consumes it. Deut. 25. 13. not have in thy b. divers weights 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones, and put them in a . Job 14. 17. my transgression is sealed up in a ¿. Prov. 7. 20. he hath taken a b. of money with him Prov. 16. 11. all the weights of the 6. are his work Isa. 46. 6. they lavish gold out of the b. and weigh Mic. 6. 11. and with the 6. of deceitful weights Ilag. 1. 6. he earneth wages to put in a b.with holes John 12. 6. because he was a thief, and had the &. 13. 29. some thought, because Judas had the ¿. BAGS.

2 Kings 5. 23. and he bound two talents in two b. 12. 20. they put up in 6. and told the money Luke 12. 33. provide yourselves &. that wax not old BAKE.

Gen. 19. 3. Lot did b. unleavened bread, they eat Prov. 14. 14. b. in heart b. sealed with his ways Exod. 14. 14. b. that which you will b. to-day


Jer. 2. 19- and thy b. shall reprove thee 3. 6. hast thou seen what b. Israel hath done? 8. causes whereby b. Israel committed adultery Jer. 3. 11. the b. Israel hath justified herself more 12. return thou A. Israel, suiih the Ixwd 14. return G b. children, saith the Lord, 22, 5. 6. because their transgressions and b. increased 8. 5. this people sliddeu back by a perpetual b. 14. 7. for our b. are many, wc sinned against thee 31. 20. how long go about, O b. daughter, 49.4. Hos. 4. Id. Israel slideth back, as a A. heifer 11. 7- my people are bent to A. from me 14. 4. I will heal their b. I will love them freely Zech. 7. 11. they gave a b. shoulder and stopped BACKWARD.

Gen. 9. 23. went A. and their faces were b.

49. 17. Dan a serpent, so that his rider shall fall ¿. 1 Sum. 4. 18. Eli fell from off the seat b. by the gate Signifies, [1] An infant or child, Exod. 2. 6.2 Kings 20. 10. let the shadow return b. Isa. 38. 8. Luke 2. 12. [2] Such as are weak in faith and Job 23. 8. and b. but I cannot perceive him knowledge, being ignorant and inconstant, like Psal. 40. 14. let them be driven A. that wish me evil infants, 1 Cor. 3. 1. Heb. 5. 13. [3] Foolish, froward, and unteachable men, incapable of government, for want of understanding, experience, and manners, Isa. 3. 4. Exod. 2. 6. saw the child, and behold the 8. wept Luke 1. 41. heard Mary, the b. leaped in her womb 44. the leaped in my womb for joy 2. 12. ye shall find 6. wrapped in swaddling clothes 16. came and found the b. lying in a manger Heb. 5. 13. unskilful in the word, for he is a b. BABES.

Psal. 8. 2. out of the mouth of b. Mat. 21. 16. 17. 14. they leave rest of their substance to their b. Isa. 3. 4. their princes and . shall rule over them Mat.11.25.and hast revealed them to b. Luke 10.21. Rom. 2. 20. instructor of foclish, a teacher of b. 1 Cor. 3. 1. as to carnal, even as unto b. in Christ 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-born b. desire the sincere milk of BACK.

Erod. 18. 2. Zipporah, after he had sent her b. 23. 4. or ass going astray, thou shalt bring it b. Nam, 22. 34. if it please thee, I will get me b.

70. 0. let them be turned b. that desire my hurt Isa. 1. 4. they provoked, and are cone away b. 28. 13. that they might go and fall A. be broken 44. 05. that turneth wise men A. and maketh their 59- 14. judgment is turned away A. and justice Jer. 7* 24. but they went A. and not forward 15. 6. thou art gone A. therefore I will destroy Lam. 1. 8. Jerusalem sigheth and turneth A. John 18. 6. they went A. and fell to the ground BAD.

Gen. 04. 50. we cannot speak to thee A. or good 31. 24. speak not to Jacob good or . 29. Lee. 27- 10. a good for a A. or a A. for a good 12. the priest value it, whether it be good or b. 14. estimate the house, whether it be good or b. 33. he shall not search whether it be good or &. Sum. 13. 19. the land they dwell in, if good or A. 04- 13. to do either good or A. of my own mind 2 Sam. 13. 22. Absalom spake neither good nor A. 14. 17. so is my lord the king to discern good or A. 1 A'ih* 3. 9. a heart that I may discern good and A. Lsra 4. 12. building the rebellious and A. city

Jer. 24. 5. take flour and A. twelve cakes thereof
CD. 26. ten women shall A. your bread in oae oven
1 Sam. £8.24. woman at Lnuor did A. unleav. bread
2 Sam. 13. 8. Tamar took flour and did A. cakes
Ex*k. 4. 12. thou shalt A. it with man's duns
46. 20. the place where they shall A. meat-ofiering

Exod. 12. 39. they A. unleavened cakes of dough
Num. 11. 8. and A. it in pans, and made cakes of it
1 ChroH. 23. 29. and for that which is A. in the pan
Gen. 40. 17. all manner of b.-memts for Pharaoh

Lev. 2. 4. meat-offering A. in the oven, 5, 7. 17.9.
C. 17. it shall not be A. with leaven, it is most holy
23. 17. two wave-loaves shall be A. with leaven
1 hingt 19. 0. behold, a cake was A. on the coals

Geu. 40. 1. the butler and A. had offended the king 20. lifted up the head of the chief butler and A. 22. he hanged the A. as Joseph interpreted 41. 10. and put in ward both me and the chief . Hot. 7. 4. they are as an oven heated by the 6. their A. sleepeth all the night, it burneth BAKERS.

Gen. 40. 0. was wroth against the chief of the b. 1 Sun. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be A Jer. 37. £1. gave Jeremiah bread out of A. street ВАКЕТИ.

Isa. 44. 15. he A. bread, yea, he maketh a god BALD.

Lev. 13. 40. he is A. yet is he clean, 41

2 Ktngi 2.03. go up thou A. head, go up thou A.head Jer. 16. 6. nor make themselves A. for them 48. 37. every head shall be A. and beard clipt Eiek. 27.31. they shall make themselves utterly A. 29.18.every head was made A.and shoulder peeled Mic. 1. 16. make thee A. and poll thee for children BALD-LOCUST.

Lev. 11. 22. ye may eat the b.-locust after his kind BALDNESS

Signifies, [1] Want of hair on the head. Lev. 21. 5, [0] A sign of mourning, Isa. 15. 2. Jer. 47. 5. Ler. 21. 5. they shall not make A. on their head

Deut. 14. 1. nor make any B. between your eyes | Acts 27. 1. to Julius a centurion of Augustus b. Mat. 17.13, understood that he spake of John the Ise. 3. 24. and instead of well-set hair, 6.

15. 2. on all their heads &, and every beard cut 22. 13. the Lord did call to weeping and to 6. Jer. 47. 5. 6. is come upon Gaza, Ashkelon cut off Lek. 7. 18. and . on all their heads, imos 8. 10. Mir. 1. 16. poll thee, enlarge thy 6. as the eagle BALANCE.

Job 31. 6. let me be weighed in an even 6.
Psal. 62. 9. laid in the 6. are altogether vanity
Pres. 11. 1. a false &. is abomination, 20. 23.
16. 11. a just weight, and b. are the Lord's
La. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a b.?
15. nations counted as the small dust of the b.
40. 6. lavish gold, and weigh silver in the 6.

Lev. 19. 36. just 5. a just ephah, Ezek. 45. 10.
Jes 6.2. and my calamity laid in the b. together
Jer. 32. 10. I weighed him the money in the 6.
Luk. 5. 1. take 6. to weigh, and divide the hair
Dax. 5. 27. thou art weighed in the 6. and wanting
Hos. 12.7. the ¿. of deceit are in his hand
Amer 8. 5, and falsifying the b. by deceit
Mic. 6. 11. shall I count them pure with wicked b.?
Rev. 6. 5. he that sat on them, had a pair of ¿.

Job 37.16. dost thou know the b. of the clouds?

Isa. 3. +19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. 22. 18. he will surely turn and toss thee like a ¿. BALM.

Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearing 8. and myrrh 43. 11. take in your vessels a little b. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead? is there no physician?

46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take 6. O virgin 51. 8. howl for her, take &. for her pain Luk. 27. 17. Judah traded in honey, and oil, and b. BAND, S


Acts 23. 12. certain of the Jews 4. together

Signifies, [1] The side, or brink of m river, Gen. 41. 17. [2] A mount, or heap of eaitk raised to cover besiegers, while they batter the valts of m city, or shoot at those who defend them, 2 Sam. 20. 15. [3] A place where there is a great sum ef money taken in, mud lei out to use, Luke 19. 23.

Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the 4. of the river Lkut. 4. 48. from Aroer which is by the 4. of the river Arnon, Josh. 12. 2. | 13. 9, 16,

2 Sam. 20. 15. they cast up a 4. against the city
2 Kings 2. 13. Elisha stood by the 4. of Jordan
19. 32. the king of Assyria not cast a 4. Is*. 37.33.
Ezek. 47.7. at the 4. of the river were many trees
Dan. VI. 5. one on this side of the 4. of the river,
the other on that side of the 4. of the river
Luke 19- £3. gavest not thou my money into the 4.?

Josh. 3. 15. Jordan overftoweth all his b. 4. 18.
1 Ckrou. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed bis 4.
Isa. 8.7. the king of Assyria shall go over all his 4.
Dan. 8. 16. I heard a man's voice between the 4.

Signifies, A standard, or ensign, Isa. 13. 2.
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee,
Psal, 60. 4. An army of men united wider one
banner, with ability to defend themselves and con-
quer their enemies; a banner beutg a sign of
victory, as veil as of battle and union.

His banner over me was love. Cant. S. 4. The love of Christ displayed, like a banner, in the gospel, conducted, encouraged, and engaged me to come to him,

Eeod. 17 t 15. called the altar, the Lord my 4. Psal. 60. 4. hast given a 4. to them that fear ihee Cant. 2. 4. to banquet, and his 4. over me was love Isa. 13.2. lift ye up a 4. on the high mountain BANNERS.

Signifies, [1] A company of soldiers, Acts 10. 1.
[S] Material chains, Luke 8. 29. Acts 16. 26.
(3.) Arguments or instances of love, which might.
draw and engage persons to their duty, Hos. 11. 4. Psal. 20.5. in the name of our God we set up our ỏ.
[4] Government and laws, which, like fetters, re- Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with b.
stres mes from wicked practices, Psal. 2. 3..
Zech. 11. 7, 14. [5] Faith and love, which at-2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his b.
tract the soul to Christ, Col. 2. 19.
14.he doth devise means that his not evpelled]
Fond. 39. 23. a . round that it should not rend
Lev. 26. 13. I have broken the b. of your yoke
Judg. 15. 14. and his è. loosed from off his hands
Kings 93. 33. Pharaoh put Jehoahaz in ¿.

38. 9. I made darkness a swaddling b. for it 31.canst bind the Pleiades, or loose the .of Orion? 39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild ass? 10. eanst thou bind the unicorn with his b.? Pal.2.3. let us break their b. asunder,and cast away 73. 4. for there are no 6. in their death 107. 14. and he brake their &. in sunder Ecd. 7.26, woman whose heart snares, hands as b. Ls. £8.02. be not mockers, lest b. be made strong 52. 2. loose thyself from the . of thy neck 58.6. this the fast, to loose the b. of wickedness Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy b. Ezek. 3. 25. son of man, they shall put b. on thee 4.8. and behold I will lay 6. upon thee 34. 27, when I have broken the b. of their youth a. 4. 15. even with a 6. of iron and brass, 23. Hor. 11. 4. I drew them with b. of love, and I was Zeck. 11. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and 6. 14. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even ¿. Late 8. 29. he brake &. and was driven of the devil det 16. 26. and every one's b. were loosed 22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his b. Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by &.

See BONDS. BAND. S. Gen. 32. 7. Jacob divided the camels into two b. 19. I passed over, and now I am become two b.

1 Sam. 10. 26, and there went with him a ¿, of men Sem. 4. 2. Saul's son had two men, captains of b. ↑ Kingy 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more 13.20, and the 8. of the Moabites invaded the land 21. as they were burying a man, they spied a b. 24. 2. the Lord sent against him b. of Chaldeans, ¿. 1 Căm, 7. 4. with them were b. of soldiers for war 1. 18. David made them captains of the b. 1. they helped David against the b. of the rovers Icra 8. 22. I was ashamed to require of the king ab. 1. 17. the Chaldeans made out three b. and fell Pr. 119. 61. the 6. of the wicked have robbed me Pres. 30. 47. the locusts go forth all of them by b. Luck.12.14. I will scatter all his &. and draw sword 18. 6. Gomer and all his &. Togarmah his &. 32. I will rain upon him and upon his b. 39. 4. fall on mountains of Israel thou and thy 5. Vet. 97. 27. gathered to him whole &. Mark 15. 16. Jos 18. 3. Judas having received a b. of men 12. the 4. and captain and officers took Jesus Arts 10.1. a centurion of the &. called the Italian &. 21. 31. tidings came to the chief captain of the ¿.

Ezra 7.26. whether it be to death or to 4.
Lam. 2.l4.have seen false burdens and causes of 4.
[5, 8.
Etth. 5,4. let the king and Haman come to the 4.
6. the king said to Esther at the 4. of wine, 7. 2.
Job 41. 6. shall the companions make a 4. of him?
Ames 6.7. the 4. of them that stretched themselves

Dan. 5. 10. now the queen came into the 4.-house

Cant. 2. 4. he brought me into the 4.-house 1 Vet. 4. 3. we walked in lusts, revelling», 4. BAPTISM Signifies, [1] The outvard ordinance* or sacrament, ukeretn the masking witk watcr represents the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood of Christ, LuVe 7. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 21. [£] Innerd spiritual washing, whereby the gifts and graces of the Spirit, signified by the outward sign, are realty and actually bestowed, Mat. 3. 11. [3] The sufferings of Christ, vhereby he was conserrated end prepared for his entrance upon his kindly office, Mat. £0. 2£. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much of the govpft as John the Baptist fought his diseiptes when he baptised them. Acts 18. 25. Mot. 3.7.when he saw rhe Pharisees come to his b. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the 4. Mark 10. 38. 21. 25. the 4, of John, whence was it, from heaven or of men? JWcn ll.30. Luke 20. 4.

Mark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wilderness, and

preach the b. of repentance, Luke 3. 3. Luke 7. 29. publicans baptiaed with the 4. of John 12.50. I have a A. to be baptized with, and how am Acts 1. 29. beginning from the 4. of John to that day 10.37.(hat word, after the 4.which John preached 13.24. John preached the 4. of repentance to Israel 18. 25. Apolios knowing only the 4. of John 19. 3. were ye baptized? they said unto John's 8. 4. John baptized with the 4. of repentance Rom. 6. 4. we are buried with him by 4. into death Kph. 4. 5, there is one Lord, one faith, one b. Cot. £. 12. buried with him in 4, ye are risen with Heb. 6. 2. of doctrine of 4. and laying on of hands 1 Pet. 3. £1. the like figure whereunto, even 4. doth BAPTIST.

Mot. 3. 1. in those days came John 4. preaching 11. 11. among them born of women there hath not

risen a greater than John the 4. Lute 7. 28. 11. 12. from the days of John the 4. till now 14. 2. this is John the b. he is risen from the dead 8. sain, give me John the 4. head in a charger 16. 14. some say, thou art John the b. Mark 8, £8.

Mark 6. 14. John the 4. was risen from the dead

25. give me in a charger the head of John the 4. Luke 7. 20. John the 4. hath sent us to thee, saying 33. John the 4. came neither eating nor drinking 9- 19* they answering said, John the . BAPTIZE.

Mat. 3. 11. 4. you with water, he shall 4. you with the H. Ghost, Mark 1. B. Luke 3.\6. Jt,k l.26. Mark 1.4.Jobn did A. in tht wilderness, and preach John 1. 33. lie that sent me to 4. said unto me 1 Cot. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to 4. but to preach BAPTIZED.

Mat. 3. 6. were 4. of him in Jordan, Mark .5. 13. then cometh Jesus to John to be 4. of him 14. I have need to be 4. of thee, and comest thou 16. Jesus, when he was 4. went up out of water Mark 1. 9. Jesus was 4. of John in Jordan 10. 39. the baptism I am 4. withal, shall ye be 4 16. 16. he that believeth and is 4. shall be saved Luke 3. 7. »aid to the multitude that came to be 4 12. then came the publicans to be 4. 7. 29. 21. Jesus being 4. and praying, heaven was opened 7. 0. Pharisees and lawyers, being not 4. of him John 3. £2. there he tarried with them and 4.

23.much water there, and they came and were 4 4. 1. Jesus made and 4. more disciples than John 2. though Jesus himself 4. not, but his disciples 10. 40. into the place where John at first . Acts 1. 5. for John truly 4. with water, but ve shall be 4. with the Holy Ghost, 11. 16. 2. 38. repent, be 4. every one of you in the name of JeMit 41. they that gladly received his word were 4. 8.12. they were 4. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when he was 4. 16. only they were b. in the name of Jesus 36, here is water, what doth hinder me to be 4.? 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he 4. him 9- 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was 4. 10.4". can any forbid.that these should not be 4.? 48. Peter commanded them to be 4, 16. 15. Lydia when she was 4. and her household 33. jailer was 4. and all his straightway 18. 8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were 4. 19- 3. he said to them, to what then were ye 4.? 5. when they heard this they were 4. 22. 16. arise, and be 4. and wash away thy sins Rom. 6. 3. were 4. into Jesus, were 4. into his death 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye 4. in the name of Paul? 14. thank God that I 4. none of you, but Crispin 16. Ib. household of Stephanas, not 4. any other 10. 2. and were all 4. to Moses in the cloud 12.13. for by one Spirit are we all 4. into one body 15. C9. else what shall they do who are 4. for

the dead, why are they 4. for the dead? Gat. 3. 27. as many as have been 4. into Christ BAPT1ZEST. John 1. 25. why 4. thou, if thou be not the Christ? BAPT1ZETH.

John 1. 33. the same is he who 4. with the II.Ghost 3. £6. behold, the same 4. all men come to him BAPTIZING.

Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, 4. them
John 1. CO, done beyond Jordan, where John was 4
31. therefore am I come 4. with water
3. 23. and John was also 4. in Enon, near to Salim

Nek. 7. 3. let them shut the doors, and 4. them
Cant. 4. f 12. a garden 4. is my sister, my spouse
BAR, Substantive.
Etod. 26. CR. the middle 4. in midst of the boards
36. 33. he made the middle 4. to shoot through
Sum, 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a b. 12.
Judg. 16. 3. took doors of the city, posts, 4. and all
Amos 1. 5. I will break also the 4. of Damascus

Signify, [1] That by vhich doers and gates are made fast, Neh. 3. 3, 6. [2] That which is made as a rafter to fasten beards unto, Exod. 26. 26. [3] Rocks in the see, Jonah 2. 6. [4] The boundary of the waves of the sea, Job. 38. 10.

Exod. 26. 26. thou shalt make 4. of shittim-wood

for the boanls of the tabernacle, 36. 31. Sum. 3. 36. under the charge of the sons of Merari,

shall be the boards and 4. of the tabernacle,4.31. Dent. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gates

and . 1 Sings 4. 13, 2 Ckron. 8. 5. | 14.7. 1 Sam. 23. 7. entering into a town that hath 4. Neh. 3. 3. set up locks thereof and 4. 6, 13, 14, 15. Job. 17. 16. they shall go down to the 4. of the pit 18. 13. it shall devour the 4. of his skin 38. 10. and set 4. and doors for the sea 40. 18. Behemoth, his bones are like . of iron Psal. 107. l6. and cut b. of iron in sunder, Jia.45.2. 147. 13. he hath strengthened the 4. of thy gates Pros. 18. 19. contentions are like the 4. of a castle Isa, 43. * 14. I have brought down all their 4. Jtr. 49- 31. nation, which have neither gates nor 3.

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