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Charlemain and all his peerage. Charlemagne and his twelve knights are the heroes of the Chanson de Roland, which gives an account of their defeat in the pass of Roncesvalles, not far from Fontarabbia.

163. 674. The work of sulphur. It was formerly believed that ores could not exist independent of sulphur.

678. Mammon. God of riches. 164. 720. Belus, Serapis. The first an Assyrian god, the second an Egyptian.

728. Cressets. Hanging iron vessels, open at the top, containing a burning illuminant.

737. Orders. The nine ranks of angels in the celestial hierarchy.

738. His name. Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire; analogous to the Latin Vulcan. 739. Ausonian land. Italy.

165. 756. Pandemonium. "The hall of all the devils." Milton coined the word on the analogy of Pantheon, "the hall of all the gods."


769. The Sun with Taurus rides. sun is in the sign of Taurus, or the Bull, from the middle of April till the middle of May. Cf. Chaucer's Prologue, 1. 7.


2. Ormus. The island of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.

167. 74. That forgetful lake. The lake of liquid fire into which the angels had fallen. 100. At worst on this side nothing. In as bad a condition as we can be and still exist.

168. 152. Let this be good. Granting that absolute annihilation be good.

169. 224. For happy. As regards happiness. 170. 336. To our power. To the extent of our


173. 531. The goal. The turning-post in a
chariot race.

539. Typhœan rage. Rage like that of
Typhon, who, according to the fables,
was imprisoned beneath a volcano.
542. Alcides. Hercules.

174. 592. Serbonian bog. An Egyptian lake,
near the city of Damietta and Mt. Casius.

638. Bengala. Bengal.

639. Ternate and Tidore. Molucca Islands.

641. Ethiopian.

Two of the

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Cape. Cape of Good Hope.

175. 660. Vexed Scylla. Scylla, transformed into a monster like Sin, cast herself into the sea between Italy and Sicily, and became a menace to navigation.

709. Ophiucus. One of the northern constellations.

178. 904. Barca, Cyrene. Cities of northern Africa.

922. Bellona.


The Roman goddess of

179. 945. Pursues the Arimaspian. The legendary Arimaspians, of Scythia, fought

the gryphons for the gold which the monsters guarded. 180. 1029. The utmost orb. The outermost of the ten concentric spheres which, according to Ptolemaic astronomy, constituted the universe; at the center was the earth.


604. He ended. The archangel Michael, who had been sent to drive Adam and Eve out of Paradise.


181. "I wrote my Areopagitica," said Milton in his Defensio Secunda, "in order to deliver the press from the restraints with which it was encumbered; that the power of determining what was true and what was false, what ought to be published and what to be suppressed, might no longer be entrusted to a few illiterate and illiberal individuals, who refused their sanction to any work which contained views or sentiments at all above the level of the vulgar superstition." The treatise appeared in November, 1644, four months after the defeat of Rupert at Marston Moor, and when Milton felt confident that the Parliamentary cause would prosper. The immediate occasion was the enactment, in June, 1643, of an order forbidding the printing or sale of any book that had not been properly licensed. 14. Those fabulous dragon's teeth. The dragon's teeth, sown by Jason, sprang up armed men.

46. The thing. The custom of requiring a license.

182. 58. Lullius. Raymond Lully, a scientist of the thirteenth century. Sublimate.


67. That unapocryphal vision. See Acts, x: 9-16.

85. Mr. Selden. John Selden (15841654), a writer on law and constitutional history and member of Parliament for Oxford University.

107. Omer. A measure, mentioned in Exodus, xvi: 18. It was between half and four-fifths of a gallon.

128. Seeds which were imposed on Psyche. The story, told in Apuleius's Golden Ass, pictures Venus as punishing Psyche for winning the love of Cupid by forcing her to arrange in proper piles all the seeds of a vast heap of mixed grain. The ants, taking pity on Psyche, performed the labor for her.

164. Scotus; Aquinas. Duns Scotus, (1265?-1308), a famous mathematician; Thomas Aquinas (1224?-1274), the "angelic doctor" of the scholastic philosophers.

183. 166. Guyon. The knight of temperance, hero of Book II of the Faerie Queene. 181. It. The licensing act.

183. 187. Pluralities. The churchman who was the possessor of several benefices was said to hold a plurality.

219. Ferular. Rod. Fescu. Pointer. 220. Imprimatur. Let it be printed; the word signifying that the book had been licensed for publication.

247. Palladian. Pertaining to Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom.

184. 359. Pyrrhus. After the battle of Heraclea (280 B. C.) Pyrrhus declared that if he had Roman soldiers the control of the world would be easy.

185. 412. Janus. The two-faced god of the Romans, whose temple doors were opened only in war-time.

426. Beyond the discipline of Geneva. Beyond what seems proper to the Presbyterians.

459. The old Proteus. Proteus, the sea god, whose power of assuming many forms has given its significance to the adjective Protean, prophesied when bound in chains.

464. Micaiah before Ahab. See 1 Kings, xxii: 13-15.

186. 502. Many subdichotomies. Many minor subdivisions.

187. 613. She is now fallen from the stars. The Star-chamber court was abolished in .1641.

620. These sophisms and elenchs of merchandise. False arguments used by the bookselling trade.



23. The Covenant. The Scottish Covenant, or agreement for the conduct of the church, was promulgated in 1638; in 1643 the "Solemn League and Covenant" between the Parliamentary forces and Scotland was signed, providing for the abolition in England of Popery and Prelacy. In 1662 Charles abrogated the covenants.

34. My Lord. Sir Edward Montagu, to whom Pepys was secretary, and who afterwards secured Pepys's appointment as Clerk of the Acts in the Navy Office. 39. The Long Reach. The part of the river between Erith and Gravesend. 188. 73. Trimmed in the morning. Thus Pepys records his visits to the barber. 108. His escape from Worcester. 1651 Cromwell won what he called the crowning mercy at Worcester, when he defeated Charles II and his army of Scottish supporters.


143. Wide canons. Ornaments attached to the legs of a pair of breeches.

167. General Monk. Cromwell's old companion-in-arms, whose decision to welcome Charles II was largely influential in bringing about the Restoration. 190. 301. The Three Cranes. A tavern on. upper Thames Street.

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tragi-comedy by Fletcher; printed in the 1647 edition of Beaumont and Fletcher. 191. 391. By link. By the light of a torch, or link.

407. Sir Martin Mar-all. A comedy adapted for the stage by Dryden, from a translation by the Duke of Newcastle. 445. The Indian Emperor. Dryden's heroic drama dealing with the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. The play was a brilliant success. Nell. Nell Gwynn, the most popular actress of the day; a favorite of Charles II.

459. The Black Prince. Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery (1621-1679), won a considerable success with Mustapha; The Black Prince was a comparative failure.



The long struggle to dispossess the House of Stuart, beginning in the first quarter of the seventeenth century, was finally ended until Prince Charles Stuart, "the Young Pretender," grandson of James II, had been defeated at Culloden, in 1746, by the Duke of Cumberland. As the fortunes of the Stuarts waned, their attacks on their opponents-Parliamentarians, Whigs, Hanoverians-became more bitter. During the Civil War, and again at the time of the Revolution of 1688, the flood of satire of which these street songs are typical examples, was of almost unbelievable magnitude. The six ballads here printed are from the time of the Civil War and the Commonwealth.


193. The legend that Cromwell was a brewer by trade appears in many of the songs and satires of the period.

THE LAWYERS' LAMENTATION Charing Cross had been torn down by Parliament along with many other insignia of royalty and ecclesiasticism.



195. The poem appeared in 1681, when the question of the successor to Charles II, in the event of the King's death, was agitating all England. The heir-apparent was the King's brother James, the Duke of York, who was generally unpopular on account of his Catholicism. James, Duke of Monmouth, the Absalom of the poem, an illegitimate son of Charles, was a Protestant, and in general favor with the Whig and anti-Catholic parties. Despite the stain on his birth his friends, led by Anthony Ashley Cooper, first earl of

Shaftesbury (Achitophel) planned to set
aside tradition and present Monmouth as
a sort of people's candidate in opposi-
tion to the Duke of York. For many
years Shaftesbury had been the virtual
leader of the Whigs and Protestants.
During the Popish Plot" he had been
Titus Oates's most prominent supporter;
he championed the Exclusion Bill, and
was accused of fomenting a rebellion in
Scotland. In July, 1681, he was im-
prisoned in the Tower on charge of high
treason; but when his case came before
the grand jury at the end of November,
he was released through an ignoramus
verdict. In November, 1682, he fled to
Holland, where in 1683 he died. The
Duke of Monmouth made his ill-fated
attempt to win the crown in 1685, but his
followers were dispersed at the battle
of Sedgemoor, and he himself was soon
afterwards beheaded. Dryden under-
took in Absalom and Achitophel to in-
fluence public opinion against Shaftes-
bury, and timed its publication so that
it appeared only two weeks before the
earl's trial was to begin. For the Biblical
account of the revolt of Absalom see
2 Samuel, xiii-xviii.
7. Israel's monarch. Charles II, the
David of the poem.

23. In foreign fields he won renown.
Monmouth had won something of a
reputation as a soldier during three cam-
paigns on the continent.

34. The charming Annabel. Anne Scott,
Countess of Buccleuch, whom Monmouth
married in 1665.

39. Amnon's murder. It is uncertain
just what Dryden had in mind; perhaps
an assault on Sir John Coventry in which
Monmouth had been involved in 1670;
the Duke had also participated in a park
riot in which a beadle was killed.
42. Sion. London.

45. The Jews. The English.
57. Saul. Oliver Cromwell.
58. Ishbosheth. Richard Cromwell.
59. Hebron. Scotland, where Charles II
was first crowned.

196. 82. The good old cause.

The cause of

the Commonwealth; the phrase was generally used with this meaning, and usually with a tinge of sarcasm. 85. Old Jerusalem. London.


86. Jebusites. Roman Catholics. The
chosen people (1. 88) were the Protestants.
108. That Plot, the nation's curse.
Popish Plot of 1678-79.
118. The Egyptian rites. French rites.
"Where gods were recommended," etc.,
is an attack on the doctrine of transub-

197. 150. Achitophel. Shaftesbury.

175. The triple bond. An alliance formed in 1668 between, England, Sweden, and the Dutch Republic.

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539. Born to be saved. A sarcastic reference to the doctrine of election. 544. Zimri.

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George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who in The Rehearsal had satirized Dryden as 'John Bayes." In his Discourse Concerning Satire Dryden afterwards wrote: "The character of Zimri in my Absalom is, in my opinion, worth the whole poem: 'tis not bloody, but 'tis ridiculous enough; and he for whom it was intended was too witty to resent it as an injury."

585. Shimei. Slingsby Bethel, whom the Whigs had eletted one of the two Sheriffs in 1680.

201. 617. No Rechabite, etc.

"The words

of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are performed; for unto this day they drink none." Jeremiah, xxxV: 14. 202. 817. Barzillai. James Butler, Duke of Ormond, always a staunch loyalist. 902. The Sanhedrin. The House of Commons.

910. Unequal ruler of the day. Apollo's son Phaethon, who could not guide successfully his father's car of the sun. 203. 921. The true successor. James, Duke of York.


204. After the release of Shaftesbury in 1681, his Whig friends caused a medal to be struck commemorating the event. Dryden at once published The Medal: A Satire Against Sedition. Among the replies was a violent one by Thomas Shadwell, The Medal of John Bayes. In October, 1682, Dryden answered with Mac Flecknoe, than which nothing illustrates more effectively the caustic nature of his satire.

3. Flecknoe. An inoffensive poet who had died in 1678, over whose shoulder Dryden strikes Shadwell.

29. Heywood and Shirley. Elizabethan dramatists, not deserving of such harsh criticism.

36. To King John of Portugal I sung. King John had entertained Flecknoe at Lisbon.

42. In Epsom blankets tossed. "Tossing in a blanket is the punishment visited upon Sir Samuel Hearty in The Virtuoso.

There is also a reference to the title of
Shadwell's play Epsom Wells."—(Noyes;
Camb. ed., p. 959).

204. 43. The new Arion. Arion was a Greek musician of the eighth century B. C.

53. St. André. A French dancing-master. 54. Thy own Psyche. One of Shadwell's plays.

205. 57. Singleton. A contemporary singer who had taken the rôle of Villerius in Davenant's The Siege of Rhodes.

64. Fair Augusta. London, which at the time was fearful of Popish plotters.

74. A Nursery. A theatre given over to training young actors.

78. Maximin. A defiant character in Dryden's Tyrannic Love.

79, 80. Buskins, socks. See notes on L'Allegro, l. 132, and Il Penseroso, l. 102. 81. Gentle Simkin. A clown.

84. Panton. "A celebrated punster, according to Derrick." (Scott.)

105. Herringman. A contemporary publisher.

122. Love's Kingdom. A play by Fleck


206. 149. Let Virtuosos, etc. The Virtuoso was a play by Shadwell.

151. Gentle George. Sir George Ether-
edge, the contemporary dramatist.
152. Dorimant, Loveit, Cully, etc. All
characters in plays by Shadwell.

163. Let no alien Sedley interpose. Sir
Charles Sedley, who had assisted Shad-
well in his play-writing.

168. Sir Formal. Sir Formal Trifle appears in Shadwell's The Virtuoso.

172. By arrogating Jonson's hostile name. Shadwell was fervid in his praise of Ben Jonson.

179. Prince Nicander. A character in Shadwell's Psyche.

185. Oil on water's flow. Flow is a

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1. Neander. The essay is in dialogue form, Neander representing Dryden; Eugenius may be Charles Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, afterwards Earl of Dorset.

2. The Silent Woman. A play by Ben Jonson.

212. 36. Clenches. Puns.

43. Quantum lenta, etc. As the cypresses rise above the low shrubs.

45. Mr. Hales of Eton. John Hales (1584-1656), fellow of Eton, an English scholar and critic.

54. The last king. Charles I.

84. Humor. A man's particular bent, or ruling passion, was called his "humor." 213. 156. The greater wit. The greater genius.

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In 1701 a satirist named Tutchin lampooned King William as a "Dutchman." Defoe, filled with a kind of rage," replied in The True-Born Englishman. 215. 39. Shibboleth. See Judges, xii: 6. 45. The Norman bastard. William the Conqueror.

91. Blue-coat Hospitals. Charity schools. Christ's Hospital, the famous "BlueCoat School" of which Lamb wrote so delightfully, was founded by Henry VI, and was originally intended to be a school for orphans. The scholars wore a blue gown and blue cap. The Bridewell, later a reformatory, was originally a school of the same nature.

95. The Counter. A London prison.


216. The Dissenters, or Nonconformists, were members of the various anti-episcopal sects which had flourished during the Civil War, had been suppressed, sometimes by the sword, under Charles II and his brother James, and had again revived under the sympathetic government of William III. In the spring of 1702 Anne, a Stuart, succeeded to the throne; in November of the same year a Tory ministry introduced a bill against "occasional conformity." The practice thus attacked was a means whereby Dissenters, through occasional attendance at the Church of England, made themselves eligible to office. Had the bill passed, and the Queen was ardently in favor of it, this avenue of escape would have been closed, and the pains and penalties of the old Stuart régime, with some modifications, would have been again in force. Defoe, a Nonconformist, at once attacked the government in this pamphlet. Writing with an ironic gravity hardly surpassed by Swift in his Modest Proposal, he argued that at last the time had arrived for wiping the Dissenters out of existence, and proposed measures far more rigorous than Tory or High-churchman had dreamed of. At first neither party saw through the veil of irony, and the pamphlet was accepted at its face value. But when the government discovered that it had been hoaxed, Defoe was arrested, fined, exhibited three times in the pillory, and imprisoned in Newgate, and his pamphlet was burned in public by the hangman.

1. Sir Roger L'Estrange. A seventeenth century pamphleteer, founder of The Gazette.

13. Some people. The Nonconformists. 23. Near fourteen years. William III took the throne, by invitation of Parliament, in 1688.

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