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to take to extricate that nation from its present dangerous situation.

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I thought it right to give your Excellency an account of these interviews, and to acquaint you with my intention of avoiding such hereafter, as I see but little prospect of utility in them, and think they are very liable to hurtful misrepresentations.

By advices from London we learn, that a fleet for Quebec, with goods valued at 500,000l. sterling, is to sail about the end of this month under convoy only of a single frigate of thirty guns, in which is to go Governor Haldimand.

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Inclosed I send a paper I have just received from London. It is not subscribed by any name, but I know the hand. It is from an old friend of general and great acquaintance, and marks strongly the present distress and despair of considerate people in England. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, your Excellency's, &c. B. FRANKLIN.

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24 Versailles, April 25, 1778. A 502 Lincero J'ai rendu compte au Roi, Monsieur, du contenû de la lettre que vous m'avez fait l'honneur de m'écrire hier, et sa majesté me charge de vous témoigner toute sa satisfaction de votre empressement à nous informer de l'objet de vos conférences avec M. Hartley, Le grand art de l'Angleterre, fut toujours de chercher à diviser, c'est un bon moyen en effet pour s'assurer l'empire; mais ce n'est ni auprès de vous ni auprès de vos collègues qu'il peut être employé avec succès; je porte


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avec confiance le même jugement des Etats-Unis. Au] reste il n'est pas possible, Monsieur, de repondre avec plus de noblesse, de franchise et de fermeté que vous l'avez fait a M. Hartley: il n'a pas lieu d'être content de sa mission. J'ignore si ce membre du parlement en a une pour nous; il desire de me voir, et je l'attens dans la matinée. Je ne serois pas surpris qu'il ne se proposât de semer la defiance entre nous en introduisant une double négociation, mais je saurai y obvier, et vous serez instruit de ce qui se passera eutre nous pour peu qu'il y ait quelque chose d'intéressant.det i pen

J'ai l'honneur d'être, avec une très parfaite consideration, Monsieur, votre très humble et très obéissant servitous-noz di. 19 DE VERGENNES.

teur sole

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DEAR SIR oilot 99 Paris, April 29, 1778.

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in I will take care of all your commissions. This moment a second packet of infinite value is received, which I shall cherish as a mark of affection from you. I opened the letter by mistake which came with it, and soon saw it was not for me. I hope you will excuse it. I chuse rather to throw myself upon your goodness for the excuse, than anything else. I shall not set out till between one and two; therefore if you will be so good as to send me another copy, I will take care of it and deliver it safely.


God bless you, my dear friend. No exertion or endeavour on my part shall be wanting, that we may some time or other meet again in peace. Your powers are infinitely more influential than mine. To those powers I

trust my last hopes. I will conclude, blessed are the peace-makers! Your affectionate friend,

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If tempestuous times should come, take care of your own safety events are uncertain, and men may be capri cious. Yours, &c.

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D. H.

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I thank you for your kind caution, but having nearly finished a long life, I set but little value on what remains of it. Like a draper, when one chaffers with him for a remnant, I am ready to say, "As it is only the fag-end, I will not differ with you about it, take it for what you please." Perhaps the best use such an old fellow can be put to, is to make a martyr of him.

ENDORSEMENT on the Note following it.

B. F.

"An anonymous letter delivered to me at nine in the " evening May 20, 78. It seems intended to draw me out " into those gardens for some bud purpose; as the person "who pretended to have such urgent business with me has "never since appeared; though (refusing to go out at that "time of night), I appointed the next day at 11 o'clock."

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de of age ! 94. B. FRANKLIN.

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Une personne qui auroit quelque chose de tres intéressant et pressé a vous communiquer, desireroit, Monsieur, que vous voulussiez bien lui donner un moment pour lui procurer l'agrément de s'entretenir avec vous sur ce dont il s'agitas maža


L'on sait que vous venez quelquefois au jardin des

eaux, et comme l'on ne veut être apperçu d'aucun de vos gens (et que l'on a des raisons très fortes pour cela), l'om s'est transporté ici tout exprès de Paris, dans l'espoir que l'on aura l'avantage de vous voir et de vous parler d'objet d'autant plus important qu'il concerne des personnes distinguées. rt Īt ཙ ༣;

Passy, July 1, 1778.


at bosan I received your letter dated at Brussels the 16th past.

"My vanity might possibly be flattered by your expressions of compliment to my understanding, if your propo sals did not more clearly manifest a mean opinion of it...

You conjure me in the name of the omniscient and just God before whom I must appear, and by my hopes of future fame, to consider if some expedient cannot be found. to put a stop to the desolation of America, and prevent the miseries of a general war. As I am conscious of having taken every step in my power to prevent the breach and no one to widen it; I can appear cheerfully before that God, fearing nothing from his justice in this particu lar, though I have much occasion for his mercy in many others. As to my future fame I am content to rest it on my past and present conduct, without seeking an addition to it in the crooked, dark paths you propose to me, where I should most certainly lose it. This your solemn address would therefore have been more properly made to your sovereign and his venal parliament. He and they who wickedly began and madly continue a war for the desola

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So called as containing the spring of the mineral waters of PASSY.

tion of America, are alone accountable for the conse quences.

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You endeavour to impress me with a bad opinion of French faith; but the instances of their friendly endeavours to serve a race of weak princes who by their own imprudence defeated every attempt to promote their interest, weigh but little with me, when I consider the steady friendship of France to the thirteen United States of Switzerland, which has now continued inviolate two hundred years. You tell me that she will certainly cheat us, and that she despises us already. I do not believe that she will cheat us, and I am not certain that she despises us, but I see clearly that you are endeavouring to cheat us by your conciliatory bills; that you actually despised our understandings when you flattered yourselves those artifices would succeed; and that not only France but all Europe, yourselves included, most certainly and for ever would despise us if we were weak enough to accept your insidious propositions. what

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Our expectations of the future grandeur of America, are not so magnificent, and therefore not so vain or visionary, as you represent them to be. The body of our people are not merchants, but humble husbandmen, who delight in the cultivation of their lands, which from their fertility and the variety of our climates, are capable of furnishing all the necessaries and conveniences of life without external commerce. And we have too much land to have the least temptation to extend our territory by conquest from peaceable neighbours, as well as too much justice to think of it. Our militia you find by experience are sufficient to defend our lands from invasion; and the commerce with us will be defended by all the nations who find an advantage in it. We therefore have not the occasion you ima

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