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ment, however, pervaded the whole--that of affection and respect for their common parent. This was beautifully expressed when he rose to address them--every head was bowed, and every hand covered the eyes, in solemn silence. The following is the tenor of his speech:

The goodness of Providence had been conspicuously displayed in the prosperity of Sirach. Sirach was a rich merchant at Bassoro; to the extensive trade of which place his own exertions had greatly contributed, by im'I am about to leave you my children. A porting commodities from the different parts of India, such as gold, brocade, sandal wood, motive which I cannot resist, calls me from china ware, and spices; sending them in amongst you. To explain it further to you boats up the Tigris, and then transporting would only gratify an idle curiosity, without them by caravans to Tocat, Aleppo, Dam-altering its consequences--at all events, as it ascus, and the western parts of Persia; re-regards you, it is only an anticipation, perceiving in return bullion, copper, steel, furs, haps a very short one, of what must one velvets, and otto of roses. By this inter-day happen. Suppose this event about to change, carried on for a number of years, take place, and look for the last time on an Sirach had acquired such an extensive pro-whose heart has ever been for your unanimity, affectionate parent, the most earnest wish of perty that he was considered as the richest merchant of the East. The amount already virtue, and happiness. gained, gave the facility of obtaining more; and thus proceeding in an increased ratio, the wealth of Sirach seemed to have no


sciences---others were luxurious, and reduced themselves to poverty by their excesses; some increased their riches by a sordid avarice-others, from unavoidable misfortunes, fell into the most abject distress; some where conversant with the interior of palaces--others with the interior of prisons; and whilst some died of luxury and repletion, others died of wretchedness and of want. In short, so numerous were the individuals, and so various the fortunes of the family of Sirach, that there is scarcely a circumstance of human life but had been the lot of some one or other amongst them.

Many years had thus passed on; the children of Sirach had in their turns been parents, beyond that of any of their contemporaries. and his descendants had increased in numbers But the course of human affairs is always uncertain; this state of prosperity was suddenly interrupted by a dreadful calamitythe plague made its appearance at Bassora, and the family of Sirach fled or fell before its ravages, in common with the rest of the in

On my own part I shall regard our separation in a similar point of view. Whatever may be the result to myself, to you I shall be as one gone down to the tomb. Whatever I have acquired by a long course of succesful Nor was this favorite of fortune less pros-industry, is yours--you are equally the off-habitants. perous in his domestic, than in his mercantile concerns. As the laws of his country allowed him a plurality of wives, he had a numerous offspring, to whose welfare and education he devoted a considerable share of his attention; as he was generous and affectionate, and conducted himself with impartiality towards them all, he was naturally the object of their respect, veneration, and love. His halls resounded only with the voice of joy, and his threshold was the limit of peace.

But whilst Sirach was the envy of his rivals, and the admiration of the rest of the world, a sudden alteration in his disposition and views took place, and led to an alteration in his life and conduct, which astonished all who knew him. He resolved to withdraw himself from his merchandise, his country, his family, and his friends, and to retire to some place where he might pass the remainder of his days uninterrupted and unknown. The cause of this rash determination gave rise to great discussion, and every one judged of it according to his own disposition, or the opinion he had formed of the character of the man. Some supposed that he was satiated by a long course of prosperity, and chose rather to exert himself in voluntary difficulties, than pine away in sickly enjoyment. Others supposed that he meant to devote himself to religious observances ;' whilst a third party imagined that he had formed some love attachment, to the enjoyment of which he had determined to sacrifice every other object.

Which of these, or whether any of these were well founded, cannot be ascertained; as Sirach never could be induced to impart to any one the slightest hint either as to the object of his departure, or the place where he finally meant to take up his abode.

However this may be, he announced to the different branches of his numerous family, his orders that they should assemble together on a certain day, when it was his intention to lay before them some matters which deeply regarded their future destiny. His children accordingly met at the time and place appointed, forming of themselves a considerable assembly, various in age, sex, person, and character, as the children of various mothers may be supposed to be. One general senti

spring of my loins, and all I possess shall be equally divided amongst you. In return, I command you that ye love one another, considering that you are the children of one common parent, who has regarded you with equal affection, and provided impartially for you all. If your brother be in distress, comfort him-if he be in poverty relieve him--if he be sick and in prison, visit him. My family is indeed numerous, but the wealth I have acquired is great, and to each of you I leave an ample competence. Take care not to diminish it; but be not anxious to increase it. Be assured that wealth alone cannot confer happiness; on temperance in the accumulation of selfish principle, depends the happiness of riches, or rather in the due regulation of the the community; where some mously rich, many must be lamentably poor. I wish my family to be as nearly on state of human affairs will admit. This end an equality in this respect, as the uncertain can only be accomplished by cultivating the social virtues; wherever your various destinations may lead you, never wholly lose sight of each other; those who have a superfluity thus the bonds of affection will be strengthmay thus provide for those who are in want--ened, and my family will become a family of




The assembly then dispersed, and Sirach soon afterwards took his departure from Bassora, in a vessel which he had prepared for that purpose. On examining into the state of his affairs, it appeared he had made the most exact arrangements for the equal distribution of his wealth, so that each of his children received his portion without either diminution or delay.

The surprise occasioned by this determination of Sirach was soon over. In a few weeks it appeared as if he were actually dead, and his descendants entered on the enjoyment of his property, as if this had in fact been the

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The effects of this awful visitation might have been still greater, had it not been for the skill of an eminent physician, whose advice seemed to be an antidote, and whose touch a remedy for the disease. He was called Ali Mohammed, and had resided for a long time at the court of Persia, whence he had brought the most respectable recommendations. The means which he had adopted to stay the plague, were fully communicated by him to his fellow practitioners, and in a little time the city was relieved from its terrors and its distress.

It may readily be supposed, that a person who had conferred such a benefit on society was dear to his fellow citizens. If we hold

in veneration the man who is skilled in the who is qualified to save? His society was art of destruction, what shall we say of him

courted-his affluence was secured--his statue server of the city; in which he professed his was erected; and he was hailed as the preintention of taking up his permanent abode.

The leisure which he now enjoyed gave him an opportunity of enquiring into the circumstances which, so many years before, had atSirach, and the various fortunes of his nutended the singular story of the departure of merous descendants---some of them he found in great prosperity, filling the highest offices of others he found had been executed for their the city, administering justice to the peoplecrimes, or had languished out their days in hospitals, and penitentiaries---some had distinguished themselves as orators, pocts, or literary characters; others were living in peaceful insignificance;whilst no inconsiderable number were indeavouring to obtain a precarious livelihood, and support a wretched family by the most unremitting labour, and the most irksome servitude.

These enquiries he continued for a considerable length of time. As he proceeded, additional information poured in on him from all quarters; till at length he became fully acquainted with the causes which had led to these results, and with the conduct and character of most of the individuals whom Sirach had left at the time of his departure from his native place.

At this period a notice suddenly appeared

at Bassora, addressed to all the heads of the families descended from Sirach, acquainting them that if they would attend at a certain time, at the place where he took his farewel of them, some interesting intelligence would be communicated respecting him. This notice gave rise to a great variety of feelings in those to whom it was addressed. Some were actuated by a sincere and natural desire of receiving intelligence of the fate of a parent whom they had loved, and to whom they had been so deeply indebted; others were apprehensive that he perhaps intended to return and reclaim his property whilst others again, entertained hopes that he had accumulated another fortune in some distant part of the world, which by the generosity or death of its possessor, had devolved on his children. Under these various impressions, a very general meeting took place, when no sooner was silence obtained than the physician stood up in the midst of them, and addressed them as follows

at my last solemn departure, to love and
assist each other,' is it possible that such con-
sequences could have ensued? or is it not
evident that all the dreadful calamities that
have befallen my family, are to be attributed
solely to the unrestrained and irrational exer-
cise of that selfish principle, which, when
divested of the restraints of virtue, and the
guidance of social love, tears asunder the
bonds of society, and destroys the happiness
of both public and private life?--If the supe-
rior faculties with which the great Creator has
endowed his rational offspring beyond those of
his brute creation, be only employed to obtain
for their possessor, either by force or fraud,
the utmost degree of selfish gratification, and
to deprive the rest of mankind of that which
is necessary not only to their well being but to
their very existence; the bounty of the Great
Author of all is converted into a curse: and
the wolves of the desart, who hunt in troops,
and divide the spoil, without devouring each
other, have been more fortunate than you.

But in the conversations I have had with
many of you who now stand before me, I have
heard it said, that it is on the direct influence
of this selfish principle that the prosperity and
happiness of human society is founded, and
that whilst every person pursues his own in-
terest, the interest of the whole will be best
way in which it is understood and acted on,
promoted-detestable maxim! which, in the
eradicates every magnanimous and generous
feeling, steels the heart against the exercise of
every social virtue, and absorbs every faculty
of mind and body, in the unrelenting pursuit
of that which, when obtained, serves only to

Children and descendants of Sirach, look on your father. For a few moments let me intreat you to calm your emotions, and dismiss alike the apprehensions and expectations, the hopes and the terrors by which you are agitated. I am called to the performance of a last and solemn duty. You are the objects of my most anxious cares. It is solely for your advantage that I now once more appear amongst you. If you make a right use of my advice, my last donation will be greater than my first. In the capacity in which I have for some time past resided in this place, I am intimately known to almost every individual amongst you. You too are also known to me. I have made it my particular object to intro-stimulate the thirst for more. Virtue can only duce myself to your acquaintance, to obtain your confidence, to learn your principles and opinions, and to understand the motives of your conduct. What I have thus acquired I have carefully studied, compared, and digested; and I now require your most earnest attention, whilst I communicate to you the result.

exist in depriving ourselves of our own enjoyments to promote the happiness of others; but what virtue can there be in the continual gratification of a selfish passion, which scruples not to derive its enjoyments from the possible, would concentre in one that which sorrows and the sufferings of others, and if was intended for all? Fool that I was, to "When I took my last farewel of you, and suppose that when the laws of our holy relibestowed on you all my worldly possessions, gion, enforced by every sanction human and Fleft you equally provided with the necessaries divine, had failed to influence you, the exof life; and recommended it to you, as far as hortations of these lips could produce any the affairs of the world would admit, to conbeneficial effect; but I had hoped that the sotinue in that situation. What has been the lemn occasion on which they were delivered, result?--The most striking and unfortunate and the striking benefits by which they were reverse; an inequality not less fatal to those accompanied, might have served to recall their who have obtained too much, than to those remembrance, and give an additional motive to who possess too little. How many of your the exercise of those social virtues, on which brethren have I seen, in the course of my pro- alone the welfare of society is founded. These fessional practice, fall a prey to repletion, de- expectations have vanished. Instead of findbauchery, and indolence--the result of those ing you a family of kindred sentiments and temptations which exorbitant riches seldom domestic love, I see you divided into factions, fail to introduce! How many have I heard and openly avowing an implacable hostility to of, who during my absence have perished in each other. The advantages in point of indigence, or in prison, for want of that sub-worldly prosperity which some of you have sistence of which you, their more crafty bre- obtained, have been pursued with such a rethren, had deprived them, and which in the lentless perseverance, and carried to such an hour of their utmost need you refused to sup- inordinate extent, as to have generated, exen ply! How many of your sons and daughters, in the bosoms of your own kindred, the most for want of that instruction with which I took unsocial and dangerous feelings. Ambition, care to supply the years of your youth, have rapacity, pride, extravagance, and an ostenfallen into prostitution, infamy, and crime, tatious indifference to the most important and become the direct objects of your unre- duties of society on the one hand, have given lenting severity!-whilst some have unhappily rise to envy, hatred, poverty, crime, and been driven to acts of desperation, vengeance, wretchedness, on the other; and I hasten from and despair, and have imbued their hands in among you, lest in the blindness of your dissentions, you should plunge your parricidal Had you retained in your minds the slight-daggers into the bosom of him who gave you est recollection of the admonitions I gave you | birth.'

their own or their brethren's blood!


It has been often observed, that England has of late years experienced a dearth of great singers; and that we have seldom enjoyed more than one or two really eminent singers in any one branch. Harrison was the sole tenor, Bartleman the reigning bass of our or chestras for a very long period. Incledon and Kelly were the dramatic singers in the same rank as Harrison in the concerts. To the latter succeeded Vaughan, to the former Braham, taking however a far wider range. English females of extraordinary talent are still more rare; Billington must be esteemed to have been the only woman of pre-eminent qualifications since the days of Miss Linley, and her exact powers were, probably, of a far different elevation and character to those of our highest ornament. Thus it should seem that more than one really superior planet has seldom or never risen above the horizon at the same time. And when we consider the distinctions and attributes, intellectual and physical, which are required to be combined in a singer of the first rank, it does not seem wonderful that so few should reach the point of exaltation.

At length a vocal candidate has appeared in the person of Mr. Sapio, who is gifted with natural powers, which, if sedulously cultivated, place among the native orchestra singers---and will scarcely fail to advance him to a high indeed he has already, at the very onset, seized upon a large portion of general estimation, both in London, and in the provinces, where he has been in much request

Mr. Sapio is singularly circumstanced with respect to parentage and birth-place. His father, we are informed, was an Italian, his another a French woman, and he was born and passed the first years of his life in England. Hence he early enjoyed the advantage of being instructed with almost equal benefit in the facility. In the existing state of the demand three languages, which he speaks with equal upon the powers of vocalists this is a main advantage, and one to which he will probably be indebted for the foundation of his reputation, to whatever height it shall mount up. At present we consider Mr. Sapio as a singer forming, not formed--as one possessed of a certain and respectable quality of science, but with natural endowments, that render him capable of great elevation, indeed as the only candidate who has any legitimate claim to the succession to Vaughan or Braham.

Mr. Sapio's voice is a tenor of much compass, and he has the faculty of assimilating his falsette with ease to the natural voice at their junction, which adds all that he can want to the upper part of his gamut--The quality of his tone is full, and it is rendered brilliant by the way in which he brings it forth, namely, very high in the head--perhaps somewhat highWhile therefore it bestows a superior brightprescribes. ness, if we may so speak, there is at the same time a visible force which we suspect detracts from its sweetness and beauty. It approaches to Mr. Braham's grand defect, and though considerably diminished by the distance and amplitude of space in large theatres, those positive contrivances for the destruction of highly-polished performance, it nevertheless conveys the idea of violence, at the same time that the penetrating effect and volume of the tone is increased, and the power of contrast

er indeed than the Italian method

and light and shade, in songs of passion, consequently augmented. In every other respect the quality of tone is fine and rich, and the quantity abundant. Force therefore is the less necessary, and force moreover is always fatal, sooner or later, to intonation, the first of all acquired qualifications. At present Mr. Sapio's performance is creditably correct in this particular, but not so invariably accurate as to secure him against the dangers incident to the use of extraordinary exertion. We cannot too often present to the mind of singers, that perfect intonation is more the consequence of wellconducted practice establishing a habit than of natural perception. Delicacy of organic structure does indeed minister to the formation of a habit of precision, but dependence is safely given to habit alone. Nor is quantity of tone so much concerned with effect as quality and pure intonation.

Mr. Sapio appears to inherit from nature a quick and lively apprehension. He is a declamatory singer, and his manner is more rhetorical and effective than that of most concert singers, without the strong and generally offensive manner of those accustomed to tread the boards of a theatre, where every thing must of course be as prominent and characteristic as possible. Hence such singers have frequently a coarseness both of style and execution, which carries the colouring too high. What we are most disposed to quarrel with in Mr. Sapio we shall however find here. His method of taking and leaving notes sometimes very abruptly, and his too strong and too frequent use of portamento, is in the faulty and unfinished manner of Mr. Braham's theatrical school, and whether adopted for declamatory effect or used through carelessness, is alike indefensible, and detracts from that polish which is the most admirable and indeed the only proof of taste and high science.

TO "P,"


SIR,-The authenticity of the first five chapters of Genesis, I feel no inclination to defend; but allowing them to be the work of Moses, you seem to invalidate my rendering of the word void, because (according to your last letter) I acknowledge it is impossible to conceive how, in opposition to the laws of gravity, the earth could assume the figure of a hollow sphere; now, I never remember acknowledging the impossibility of our conceiving, though I have done of our being certain, on the subject; indeed, if you will consult the works of Burnet, Whiston, and other eminent writers, you will find several ways assigned, in which the earth might become hollow at the creation, and though these are but " speculative opinions," you must consider that what you advance respecting the solidity of the earth is the same.

However, if the existence of subterranean waters be proved, that of a place to contain them must necessarily follow.

By your speaking of credulity, you seem to disbelieve that such a phenomenon as the deluge ever took place; if it be so, or if you believe in a supernatural destruction of the waters causing it, no proofs can be gathered in support of my opinion from that


I think you will allow that more water runs into the ocean, (by rivers, &c.) than can be held in solution, or supported by the air; and as the sea by these additions, does not sensibly increase, the waters must have some subterranean place where they accumulate, and from whence they again visit the surface of the earth by means of springs; else, what be

comes of the surplus of river water? and whence do springs originate?

| and well, and has some advantages of person; as to his acting, I always looked upon it as coming tardy off' or an outdoing termagant,' but · Dus aliter visum,' and I wont dispute about tastes with them.

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But when I reflect on the unanimous approbation which we once bestowed on Mr. Vandenhoff, I am surprised at the present dereliction from a standard avowedly so excellent and correct. We all remember how highly he was thought of, both here and in Liverpool, before he went to London, and I don't see why the prejudiced and capricious judgment of a London audience should cause us to change our opinions ;especially as the very wise gentleman in the stage box the other night told us we were quite as enlightened as they are, which we shall go well nigh to disprove, on our own admission, if we give up our ancient sentiments in compliment to what they have decreed. However Mr. Salter is re-engaged, and I suppose we must suffer him to strut and fret his hour upon the stage,' but you may depend upon it he will soon be heard no more.'

Dr. Withering, you say, found the thermometer stand at 49° in a well 84 feet deep, this is very probable, as a cold stratum or region of earth has to be passed before the hot one is attained. As you seem to doubt an internal fire, I refer you to a tract on the subject, written by Mr. Boyle, where you will find several instances stated, in which it was necessary, before descending into the earth, to put off part of the clothes, the heat being so great, as almost to hinder respiration under the incumbrance of a common suit; but these places were much deeper than 84 feet. Without you can account for this heat in a satisfactory manner, I must certainly consider it as proceeding from a central fire, therefore establishing the existence of one; and, if this be done, I believe you will not ask how a fluid comes to congregate, whose natural disposition is to separate; even Sir Isaac Newton never tells us how the earth gravitates towards the sun; he adduces facts, to explain which gravitation must be supposed, and this by all philosophers has been considered as sufficient proof that such power exists. I hope you will allow me, in a like manner, to prove a central fire, without asking how it exists. "You most ignorantly attribute," non-combustion, at certain depths, solely to the presence of carbonic acid, whereas Mr. Boyle, (to whose opinion I hope you will pay a little deference, this THE full and detailed Report of the Proceedings not being a "speculative" matter,) asserts that at certain depths the air was so rarified by heat that it would not support combustion, therefore some other cause than carbonic acid, will produce in wells, &c. the effect of non-combustion. LAPIS.

P. S. The sentence, on which you learnedly introduced the two Latin words, was certainly a nonsensical one.


DEAR SIR. You will be disappointed to find me again addressing you upon the subject, which we have been discussing; but, as my present remarks will be merely explanatory of my last letter, certain parts of which have been misunderstood, I trust this intrusion will be forgiven.

With respect to the term spectrum, I did not mean, in my last, to call it an unphilosophical term; but merely to object to your application of it. I objected to the passage, in which you used the term spontaneous, because I have always considered that term to imply the immediate operation of the will. That my ideas respecting these terms are correct, I shall not now endeavour to establish, as you appear desirous of closing the discussion of the subject. Regretting that our correspondence terminates thus unsatisfactorily, I subscribe myself,

Your's most respectfully,


Ham.-Do the boys carry it away?
Ros.-Ay, that they do, my lord; Hercules and his load too.
Ham.-Is it not very strange; for my uncle is King of Den-

mark; and those, that would make months at him
while my father lived, give twenty, forty, fifty, an
hundred ducats a-piece, for his picture in little.


SIR,--The proposal in your last paper, for engraving and publishing by subscription the portrait of Salter, by Minasi, appears to me exceedingly absurd.


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This Day is Published,
Price 10s. 6d.

And sold by ROBINSON and ELLIS,
No. 7, St. Ann's Place, Manchester,

on the Trial at Lancaster, in the cause REDFORD V. BIRLEY and OTHERS, taken from the Short-hand Notes of MR. FARQUHARSON, with a Plan of St. Peter's Field. May 18, 1822.


THE Admirers of the Fine Arts will be happy to learn, that the first number of a very interesting publication, entitled the VIENNA. GALLERY, comprising a Series of finely executed ENGRAVINGS, from the rich collection of Paintings in the BELVEDERE at VIENNA, are at length arrived in this country. A Prospectus and Specimens may be seen at Messrs. ROBINSON and ELLIS's, No. 7, ST. ANN'S PLACE, who are appointed AGENTS for the sale of the Work in Manchester and its Vicinity. 7, St. Ann's Place, May 18, 1822.


MISS M. HAMMERSLEY, with feelings of the most lively gratitude for the indulgence and encouragethe honour of appearing before a Manchester andience, and ment she has received, during the Four Seasons she has had relying solely upon the patronage of a generous and liberal Public, begs to announce that her Benefit is fixed-for countenance and support which it will ever be her pride to acknowledge, and her study to deserve. On MONDAY, MAY 20th, 1822, will be performed, (by particular desire) Morton's admired Musical Play of the SLAVE. In the course of the Play, the favourite songs of "Pity the Slave," "The Mocking Bird," and "The Soldier tired of War's Alarms," by Miss M. HAMMERSLEY. "Oh, Mary turn those Eyes Away" "My Native Highland Home," and "The Birth of Liberty," by MR. LARKIN. To which will be added the Comic Interlude of SYLVESTER DAGGERWOOD. To conclude with the favorite Barletta (not acted these four years) called MIDAS; in the course of which will be introduced the Songs of “Lo. ely Nymph," "Love among the Roses," and "Pray Goody," by MR. LARKIN; and "Charlie is my Darling," by Miss M. HAMMERSLEY.

Monday the 20th instant, when she ventures to solicit that

Tickets to be had of Miss M. HAMMERSLEY, No. 41, George street; and of Mr. ELAND, at the Theatre, where Places for the Boxes may be taken.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. J.'s communication has been received, and shall have our earliest attention.-Will the author favour us with an interview?

The friends of Mr. Salter have undoubtedly a right to act any foolish part they may think proper, and I of their have no wish to throw any obstacle in the follies, or of the emolument which that gentleman is expected to derive from them. I must, however, We have to acknowledge communications from Juprotest against this act of private admiration and partiality being imputed to the discrimination and feelings of the whole community.

For my own part I cannot understand how it has been deserved by Mr. Salter, who certainly was never so marvellously accounted of, until a garbled | statement of his ill usage imposed on the pity and credulity of our simple hearted town. I have seen him very often, and have certainly been pleased in seeing him, for he generally dresses appropriately

venus.-L.-T. V.-R. S.-Poor Richard J. G. -Antoninus.-An Old Man.-Juliet.-Q - Mercury, and Antiquarius.

Manchester: Printed, Published, and Sold, by the Proprietors, HENRY SMITH AND BROTHERS, St. Ann's Square, to whom all Communications (post paid) must be addressed. Sold also by all the Booksellers in Manchester and the neighbouring towns.

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]



IN a former number some observations were inserted on the "Fate of Genius," from which it seems to bave been the writer's aim, to shew the causes of misfortune incident to learned men, and the effect different eras have had, in forwarding or discouraging their attempts to improve and enlighten their illiterate contemporaries; and, in a preceding number, "ZENO" has introduced some remarks upon their poverty, and given some names illustrative of his subject. It is not my intention to enter into any further discussion of what either of them has said, but to notice some additional anecdotes of genius, which, though they may be known to some readers, to others may be novel and interesting. It should be observed, that I have not entirely adhered to a relation of adversity, being unwilling to indulge too much in descriptions of human wretchedness; and as pleasure and amusement are governed by opposites, and not by one continued sameness, which would tend only to weary and fatigue us, I have intermixed anecdotes of the literati to whom fortune has been propitious, with those of others whose lives have been composed of bitterness and misery.

Homer, the first poet and beggar of note, as Goldsmith designates him, amongst the ancients, was blind, and went about the states of Greece, and those adjoining, chaunting his rhapsodies to a throng of villagers collected around him, like a ballad-singer of the present day, but it is observed that his mouth was more frequently filled with verses than with bread. Plato banished his writings out of his commonwealth, as did also Socrates, because they did not esteem ordinary men competent readers of them. The witty and elegant Plautus, the comic poet, was, it is observed, better off; for he had two trades, he was a poet for his diversion, and turned a hand-mill, as slave to a baker, in order to earn a subsistence. Hesiod could arrive at no higher fortune than tending flocks on mount Helicon. Sappho, the tender and love-sick Sappho, threw herself from a precipice into the sea, under an idea that if she escaped, it would cure her of an amorons propensity she entertained for Phaon, and perished. Simonides, the most pathetic writer of antiquity, prostituted his talents to serve great men's turns, for a small reward. Yet it is observed, that Hiero, King of Syracuse, got more by Simonides' acquaintance, than Simonides did by his. The answer he is mentioned as having given to this Prince, on his asking him who God was, is much celebrated. The poet desired a day to consider the question proposed to him, on the morrow he asked two days; and whenever he was called upon for his answer he doubled the time. The King, surprised at this behaviour, demanded his reason for it. "It is," replied simonides, because the more I consider the question the more obscure it seems.". Quia quanto d'utius considero tanto wili res videtur obscurior. He is celebrated for his memory, and

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1822.

repeated long passages of Homer, sitting in the public theatre on a seat erected for him on the stage for that purpose.

Esop was a slave, and a little ugly deformed fellow, of very uncomely countenance, having scarcely the figure of a man, and was for a very considerable time almost without the use of speech. One of his masters could not bear to see him, but beat him into the fields to be out of his sight. He was sold to Xanthus, a philosopher; who one day wishing to treat some of his friends, ordered Esop to provide the best things he could find in the market. Esop made a large provision of tongues, and desired the cook to serve them up with different sauces. When dinner came, the first and second course, the last service, and all the made dishes, were tongues. "Did I not order you," said Xanthus, in a violent passion," to buy the best victuals the market afforded?" "And have I not obeyed your orders?" said Esop, "Is there any thing better than tongues? Is not the tongue the bond of civil society, the key of sciences, and the organ of truth and reason? By means of tongues cities are built, and governments established and administered; with that men instruct, persuade, and preside in assemblies: it is the instrument by which we acquit ourselves of the chief of all our duties, the praising and aduring the gods." "Well then," replied Xanthus, thinking to catch him, "go to market again to-morrow, and buy me the worst things you can find; this same company will dine with me, and I have a mind to diversify my entertainment." Esop the next day provided nothing but the very same dishes; telling his master that the tongue was the very worst thing in the world. "It is," says he, "the instrument of all strife and contention, the fomenter of law-suits, and the source of divisions and wars; it is the organ of error, of lies, of calumny and blasphemy."

His prototype, and distributor of his wit among the Romans, Phædrus, who, for elegance and simplicity, is unrivalled, was also doomed to slavery.


PRICE 3ld.

to need repetition, and whose name, Xantippe, is a bye word for an ill-tempered partner of a hen-pecked husband. Abroad he had to contend with the passions and jealousy of his countrymen ; who, in return for the greatest gifts man can bestow upon his fellows, that is, treating their children as a father would his own family, pointing out to them the way to true enjoyment in this life, by punctually observing what is right and just, and teaching them to venerate their country, cruelly poisoned him. So fickle were they, that they afterwards put to death or banished most of his judges, for doing what they had arged them to. So blind is an infuriated multitude!* Scaliger said he never read the account of Socrates' death in Plato's Phædon, but he wept.

Democritus was blind, withered, and ugly. Archilochus, the inventor of Iambic verse, was a satirist, severe and even cruel in the extreme. The tragical story of Lycambes is a striking proof of the power of his satire, and of the unrelenting nature of his disposition. Lycambes had promised him his daughter Neobule, in marriage; but an offer from a person of superior rank and fortune occurring in the interim, the father forgot the Poet, and presented the fair one to the wealthy suitor. Inflamed with indignation and revenge, the irritated bard dipped his pen in gall, and poured forth such a torrent of invective on the miserable Lycambes and his family, that in despair he committed suicide, and terminated his life by a halter; an example which, it is said, all his daughters unhappily imitated, unable to support the defamation with which the disappointed Poet had overwhelmed them. Archilochus fell in battle, by the hand of Calondas, who immolated his own son to the manes of the Poet, to attone the vengeance of Apollo.

Pindar, whose powers of harmony were matchless, our fair readers will be gratified to hear, was greatly indebted to the ladies, for he studied with Myrtis, who distinguished herself by her lyric poetry, and was afterwards under the tuition of the beautiful and accomplished Corinna, who five times snatched the victory from her pupil, in the public contests of Greece.

Of Thespis it is related that, at the commencement of his career, Solon hindered him from acting his tragedies, thinking those feigned representations of no use, and having seen one, but disliking the manner of it, he forbade him to act any more.

Of the jolly bard, Anacreon, it is related, that Polycrates having presented him with several talents, he could not sleep for several successive nights for the thought of them, and returned them to his patrons saying, the value of the treasure was not worth the trouble and anxiety of keeping it. It is conjectured that he wrote his eighth ode on the occasion. Love and wine were to him as his being, and were enjoyed by him without restraint to a very late period of his existence. Untainted with avarice, and careless as to the occurrences and vicissitudes of life, he appears strike us, (if we refer them to assemblies of democracies) to have spent his days in one continued scene of voluptuous ease and conviviality. We are told that he was choked by a grape stone, but it is thought that this, his supposed end, is more emblematical of his disposition, than the real cause of his death.

Socrates, whose morality and virtue were extolled and had much occasion for the patience, resignation, to the highest, was purblind, long-legged, and hairy, humility and meekness, he is described to have possessed in the extreme. At home he was subjected to the frowns and churlishness of a shrewish wife, one of whose greetings of him is so well known as not

How forcibly do the sentiments of the late Dr. Franklin on reading accounts similar to the above, of the passions to which popular states are subject. "We assemble Parliaments aud Conncils," says he, " to have the benefit of their time, the inconvenience of their collected passions, preju collected wisdom, but we necessarily have, at the same dices, and private interests. By the help of these, artful men overpower their wisdom, and dupe its possessors: and upon earth;" and Montesquieu, shewing their over-heated if we may judge by the acts, arrets, and edicts, all the world over, an assembly of wise men is the greatest fool zeal, too great remissness, and too great violence, in their enterprizes, observes, in his laconic style, that "sometimes with a hundred thousand arms they overturn all before them, and sometimes with a hundred thousand feet they creep like insects."

Æschylus exiled himself, through disgust, at being superseded in a prize by Sophocles, who was a very young competitor, being conscious of his own superiority, and is reported to have died in exile of a fractured skull, caused by an eagle's dropping a

berland thinks this story allegorical and emblematical of his genius, age, and decay, but Valerius Maximus gives it for a truth. Of ancient poets he bears the nearest resemblance to Shakespeare.

Chingonga, a double bell, (a bell at each ex- island, launched it, and paddled in the utmost tremity of a semi-circular arch), the sound of haste to Maccatala. The following day at which is instantly recognized by females, who noon, a canoe being observed hovering along conceal themselves untill the object of their the north shore, I proceeded towards it in the terror is past. To complete this monstrous small boat, but as we approached, it slowly tortoise, out of its claws, upon his bald head. Cu picture of human weakness, these princesses, retreated to the entrance of a small creek. in order to secure the success of the predatory Our pacific appearance at length induced it to excursions in which they are not unfrequently wait for us. A man stood on the prow, engaged, stand upon an elevated situation, speaking vociferously, and with much gesticuand cause the army to pass in review between lation. This was Boonzie himself.---He made their legs. I know several merchants ennobled a long harangue, in which he took care to by an alliance with these Amazons, of whose make himself known; and concluded by saytyranny they complain bitterly. Notwithstanding, that if I offered him any injury, Enzambi ing the manifest want of circumspection Empoongu would punish me. A present of evinced in their own conduct, they exact the beads, cloth, and brandy, dispelled his fears, most scrupulous decorum from their husbands and in return, he gave me a fine goat, and a towards women. bunch of plantains; and requested that his son, Chimpola, might accompany me on board.

Of Sophocles, the prince of ancient dramatists, it is said his sons preferred a complaint against him, alledging that the good old man, their father, did so totally apply himself to his favorite study of writing tragedies, that he disregarded his family they therefore petitioned that the judges would assign to him, being non compos, a guardian to look after his estates.

Euripides was the son of a poor herb woman: when he began to study tragedy, he shut himself in a cave, wild and sequestered from the world, in the island of Salamis. He was torn to pieces by, or died through bites received from the hounds of Archelaus King of Macedon, which, it is related, were set upon him by his literary rivals, who were jealous of his superior talent. Ovid is supposed to allude to him in his Ibis:

Thine be the fate of that same buskin'd bard, Butcher'd by dogs, Diana's surly guard. Aristophanes the celebrated Athenian comic poet, was a great egotist. In his comedy of the clouds he fairly tells his audience that he shall estimate their judgment according to the degree of applause they bestow upon his performance then before them," and in conclusion, he inveighs against certain of his con

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temporaries, Eupolis, Phrynichus, and Hermippus, "with whose comedies if any of his audience is well pleased, that person, he hopes, will part from his dissatisfied but if they condemn his rivals and applaud him, he shall think better of their judgment for the future." He was not happy in his domestic con


nexions, for he declares that he was ashamed of his wife, and as for his sons they did him little credit. To be resumed.


On the Countries of Congo and Loango as in 1790.*

I am not aware that a similar custom prevails in the adjoining province of Chimfooka, or in any other part of the coast between Mayumba and the Congo.

Priests.---The Patriarch or High Priest, Boonzie, resides at Maccatala. His spiritual jurisdiction is very extensive, and his person is held so sacred, that no one, however high his rank, presumes to approach, or even address him, when admitted to his presence, until a sign is given, whereupon the obeisance paid him approaches to adoration.

Every audience is accompanied by a present, valuable in proportion to the wealth of the person suing for patronage or redress; but as Boonzie is believed incapable of taking a bribe, he is solicited to inspect the present; and those articles he approves of, being tied loosely to the parcel, drop off whilst the attendants are retiring with it.

None of the princes, to a considerable distance from Maccatala, consider themselves safe under the Patriarch's displeasure. There is therefore a constant resort to his residence; and his office thus becomes a source of much


Maccatala abounds in beautiful and magnificent sylvan scenery, and is altogether “a happy rural scene of various view." The villages are built in the open cultivated spaces, with which the woods are interspersed; and are surrounded by plantations of cassava, Indian corn, plantains, peas, tobacco, &c. In one of these pleasing solitudes, resides Chinganga Boonzie, an inferior member of the priesthood.

Ordeal Trial.---When any one is falsely accused of an atrocious crime, he can only prove his innocence by passing, unharmed, the ordeal trial of Cassah. This consists in swallowing a certain quantity of the cassah, which is administered by a person called Ganga Emcassah. Upon a day appointed, the accused makes his appearance, and on demanding to drink the cassah, the Ganga administers it in presence of a great concourse of people, who, arranging themselves in a circle around him, await with eagerness the effect of the poison. If it causes great sickness and stupefaction, he is pronounced guilty; but if it does not, or if The district of Maccatala is held sacred by it produces vomiting, he is immediately deall the neighbouring nations, and happy do clared innocent, presented with a mark of disthey esteem themselves who can get the bodies tinction upon the spot, and is ever after thought of their departed friends deposited in that hal-worthy of unreserved confidence. The atteslowed ground; an opportunity, of which tation of his innocence is merely a piece of those bordering on the river, never fail to calabash shell, about the size of a dollar, avail themselves. Canoes may be seen almost painted white, and fastened, by means of a every day at Embomma, going down the river string embracing the circumference of the to Maccatala with dead bodies. They are head, to the right temple. My friend, Captain always distinguished from other canoes, by J. V. Aubinais of Nantz, witnessed one of some particular mark of funeral solemnity. these trials: it was that of a woman accused 'oombi quenda Maccatala! would the natives of infidelity to her husband. The moment she on board answer, when asked where these began to sicken and stagger, the spectators canoes were going. burst into the circle and dispatched her with their knives and daggers, first cutting off her breasts. Such a custom is too savage to enlarge upon; but it appears evident to me, that the fate of the unfortunate individual is determined beforehand, according to his wealth or power, and that when he does escape with impunity, some less deleterious drug must have been substituted for the cassah. This poison is prepared from the bark of a tree; its colour is a bright red; and the fracture of the bark presents a resinous appearance.

By Mr. Maxwell, author of the Letters to Mungo Park, &c.
Princess of Cabenda.---IN the kingdom of
Cabenda, or Anjoya, princesses of the royal
blood rule with despotic sway, and are to all
appearance, devoid of that gentleness, which
in other countries forms one of the brightest
ornaments in the female character. They are
possessed of the extraordinary privilege of
compelling any subject, under the rank of
prince in his own right, to marry them, and
renounce wives and children for their sake.
The richest merchants are chiefly exposed to
The present Patriarch is about sixty years
their rapacity. When the unhappy individual
thus promoted to honour has been stripped of of age, a dignified and venerable looking inan,
no way distinguished by his dress from the
his wealth, and another victim to arbitrary other chiefs. He was the first person with
power selected in his place, he is permitted to whom, in sailing up the river, I had an inter-
return to private life; with this consolation
however, that he is entitled by courtesy to the view, and but for the sanctity of whose cha-
appellation of Prince. During his continu-racter, (on which he laid great stress), I had
found it no easy matter to bring the natives to
ance in this splendid slavery, he must not,
a parley. Upon coming to anchor near Oyster
at the peril of his life, be seen in company Haven, we discovered four people upon Hope
with any other woman. The risk attaches
Island, and being desirous of a conference, I
equally to all women who may chance to come
sent the mate and four men in a small boat,
in his way. To provide therefore as much as
possible against such casualties, he is always provided with trinkets, to distribute amongst
attended by a guard of honour, part of which, them. The natives, as we could perceive from
the ship with our glasses, awaited unmoved,
when he is visiting, or on a journey, precedes the approach of the boat, until the sail was
him at a considerable distance, beating the furled and exchanged for the oars; then, with
great precipitation, they took a canoe upon
their shoulders, and carrying it across the

We are indebted for this interesting article to Dr. Brew.

ster's Philosophical Journal,

Palm Tree.--The palm is the most valuable tree that grows in Africa. Besides wine, it yields a sweet nutritive oil; with its leaves the natives thatch their houses; and with the small wiry threads that hang from its branches, they string their musical instruments; not to mention many other useful purposes it serves. It sometimes attains the height of 120 feet;

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