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PAGES I to 68 are in the January number; 69 to 128, February; 129 to 196, March; 197 to 256, April; 257 to 324. May; 325 to 408, June; 409 to 496, July; 497 to 552, August; 553 to 632, September; 633 to 700, October; 701 to 764, November; 765 to 830, December.

[A.] indicates titles of Articles; [C.] Correspondence; [0.] Obituary Notices.

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432, 517, 578, 582, 721.

Arithmetic, changes in teaching, 586; Leicestershire

suggestions on teaching, 643.

Army, commissions in, official guide, 86; entrance age, 815; officers' training, 645; supply of officers, 509; technical training of boys for, 572. Arnold, Matthew, centenary, 208.

Art, in education, 116, 119; poster design, 778.

Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, 118,
207, year book, 452.
Assistant Mistresses', 118.

British (programme of Education Section), 570;
addresses, 642, 714; Bishop Welldon on
teachers, 712; geography research, 643.

British Esperanto, 40, 192.

Classical, 268.

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Physical Training, Incorporated British, 85.

Preparatory Schools, 120.

Reform of Latin Teaching, 685.

Secondary Schools, 522.

Schoolmasters' (Ireland), 31.

Science Masters', 119.

Teachers in Technical Institutions, 415.

Training College and Council of Principals of

Training Colleges, 120.

Uplands, 168; meetings, 751.

Welsh County Schools, 362, 793.

Women Science Teachers', 119.

Workers' Educational (Kent), 751; Wales, 666.
Workers' Travel, 378, 458.

Athletic competitions, 509.
Atom, structure, 522.

Australia-New South Wales, 456, 510; news items, 374: Pan-Pacific Science Congress, 736; resources, 294.

Autographs, historical, 570.

Avunculus, The Boarding School Girls' Handicap

[Α.], 144.

Baccalauréat and Matriculation (G. H. Clarke) [C.],


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Bembridge School, 592, 684.

Bible, Old Testament teaching in schools, 566;

study week for teachers, 168.

Biblical Study, 292; Vacation Term for [A.], 647. Bills-Education (Scotland), 666; Education (Ulster) 218, 288, 341, 366, 448; Education Rating (Scotland), 364, 589; Oxford and Cambridge Universities, 361, 527, 587.

Birds, protection and song, 522.
Blind Girls' College, The (F. B. B. Towse) [C.], 352.
Board of Education-decentralization and Local

Authorities, 711; estimates, 1923-4, 338;
leaflets on regulations, 85; officialism, 641;
powers, 3-8, 419, 711; relative functions of
Local Authorities, 500; report 1921-22, 506,
medical, 776, Welsh education, 218; retrogressive
policy and retrenchment, 206, 775.

Boarding School Girls' Handicap, The, by Avunculus [Α.], 144.

Books of the Month, 62. (See also Minor Notices and Books of the Month.)

Bookseller, The, statistics of publications, 1922, 141. Botany, Mr. A. G. Tansley on teaching, 642; [C.].784. Boyd, W., M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., The Montessori

System [A.], 155.

Bradford Education Committee, 644.
Brains, use of, 209.

Bremner, C. S., The Vacation Conferences. Ruskin

College [A.], 115.

Bridge, G. F., If France were Sunk Beneath the Sea

Α.], 143.

Brighton and Hove Higher Education Council, 431;

educational library, 804. British Empire, development, 650. British Empire League, prize award, 86. British Empire Overseas, literature, 294. British Science Guild, 229, 641. Browne, C. E., Educational Movements and Methods.


X. The Heuristic Method [A.], 657. Bryant, Mrs. Sophia, biography, 86 volume, 230; service of remembrance, 38.

Buckingham, Stowe House School, 18.
Bulgaria, compulsory labour week, 341.
Bureaucracy, 116.

Bureaux, Dominion, Imperial, Universities. 562.
Burt, Dr. C., Inborn Abilities, Acquired Attainments

and Temperament [A.], 727.

Cadet Corps, 81; units, U.K. and U.S.A., 142.
Calculus, increased study, 583.
Cambridge Local Examinations, 36, 168.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY-affiliated students, 792;
Board of Research Studies, 361; Chair of
Animal Pathology, 146; lectures, 527, 792;
Government grant, 30, 730; Newnham College,
new Principal, 210; royal congratulations, 214;
University Reporter, 82; women's degrees, 30,
209, 587.

Canada, MCMASTER UNIVERSITY; Sir M. Sadler's tour, 509; teachers and prospects in, 292.

Canford Manor School, 80.
"Capacity-hunting," 117.
Cape of Good Hope, 232, 456, 591, 782.
Cardiff Technical College, 529.

Cardiff University College, National School of

Medicine, 150, 731; report, 731.

Cardiganshire Education Committee, dispute over secondary school teachers' salaries, 138, 148, 218, 269, 286, 362, 418, 588, 731, 793.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 419. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of

Teaching, report, 339; Trust, 139. Catalogue, Oxford University Press, 38. Cavenagh, F. A., The Training of Imagery [A.], 511. Certificates, Cambridge Higher School, 695; Chem

istry, 645; school, 506, 561; Scottish inter-
mediate, 216, 417, 792.

Certificates and Training, Technical [Α.], 205.
Ceylon, 456.

Chapman, A. D'A., The First Examination [A.], 780.
Charity, The House of (Salisbury and Shaftesbury)

[C.], 24.

Charles, F., B.A., Educational Movements and
Methods. VIII. Commercial Education [A.], 525.
Cheques and gift houses, 714.
Child, health of, 776; Study Society, 192.
Children, The Employment of, by G. E. Fawcett [A.],


China, missionaries' educational work, 372. Christ's Hospital, Horsham, 659.

Chromoscope, 360.

Cinematograph, 565; educational films, 85. Circulars-1291 (organization of physical training), 12; 1294 (curricula), 77; 1301 (reduction of teachers in training), 269; 1311 (full time service), 460, 511; 1312 (term salaries), 511.

Citizenship, Imperial, 269.
Civic Education League, 121.
Civics, teaching, 121.

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Concerts, village, country, town, and school, 570. Conference, The Imperial, by A. J. Evans [A.], 650. Conference of the P.N.E.U., The Annual (A.], 271, 378. Conferences-annual educational, 9; Board of

Education and Teachers' Registration Council, 507; British Institute of Adult Education, 592; Diocesan Secretaries and Inspectors, 592; Educational Associations' report, 230, Educational Union for the Realization of Spiritual Values, 278; Headmasters', 117; Headmistresses', 449; Head Teachers', 417, 419; Imperial, 710; Imperial Education, 170, 449, 506, 561; Leeds, re full-time education of boys and girls, 416; National Federation of Class Teachers, 713; National Union of Teachers, 266, 294; New Ideals in Education, 168, 341; North of England Education, 78; Nursery School, 518; Oxford Teachers' Educational 685; regional study, 294; San Francisco Education, World, 732, 734; science teaching in schools and colleges, 11, 16; Spiritual Values in Education, 192, 628 University Women Students, 230; Welfare Workers, Swanwick, 686; Welsh secondary education, 446; women's Imperial migration, 517; Women's International Organizations, 684.

Conferences, The Educational, by T. LI. Humber stone [A.], 116. Conferences, The Vacation. Ruskin College, by

C. S. Bremner (A.), 115.

Congresses--Geneva, on teaching wider morality and internationalism, 686; International, on Architectural Education, 209; Royal Institute of Public Health, 192; Second International of New Education Fellowship, 736; Scottish Esperanto, 294.

Contents Tables, 9, 77, 137, 205, 265, 337, 415, 505, 561, 641, 709, 773.

Continuation classes (Scotland), 448.
Continuation schools, day, Hulme, Manchester,

229; London, 574; new, 268.

Correspondence, 24, 122, 222, 352, 434, 582, 683, 722, 786. Conversation, and the teaching of English, 79. Courses for teachers, L.C.C., 687; Mr. Fisher's plea, 416. (See Summer Courses, and Summer Schools.)

Crook, C. W., M.P., The Scholarship System in Elementary Schools [Α.], 619. Curriculum in schools, Bradford, 644; discussed at North of England Education Conference, 78; French lycée, 350; German schools, 514; imperial education, 561; public school, 420; secondary schools, 449, 568.

Curriculum of German Schools, Reform in the, by J. Degenhardt [A.], 514.

Czecho-Slovakia, 35.

Dalcroze, Monsieur J., inventor of Eurhythmics, 227. Dalton plan, 91, 567, 592.

Dance Society, English Folk, summer festival, 680. Darwinism, 686.

Davies, J. D., Educational Movements and Methods.
XI. The Teaching of Domestic Science in
Secondary Schools [A.], 725.

Decimal Educator, 230, 684.
Degenhardt, J., Reforms in the Curriculum of
German Schools (A.), 514.
Degrees-Bachelor of Education (U.S.A.), 522;
Dublin science, 590; honorary, 528; Oxford
honours system, 564; workers', 518.

Delinquents, intelligence 567; juvenile, 292, 716; juvenile and adolescent, 592.

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