Imágenes de página

Easterbrook, James, by R. F. C. [O.], 142.

Economies, Dr. Hayward's educational, 508; in
rural areas, 209.
(C.1. 224.

Education, 777; abroad, 779; adult, 80; commer-
cial, 525; cost in Glasgow and Sheffield, 287;
cost of higher, 222; cost of university, 445; cost
per child, 20, 117; elementary, 506, 565; esti-
mates debate, 416; experiments, 509, in adult,
510; imperial, 170, 449, 506, 561; Independent
Labour Party's manifesto on, 712; medical,
509; Mr. Baldwin on, 712; national council
of, 417; national survey, 419; organization of
public, 78 professors in London, 214; sec-
ondary, 420, 506; Sir J. Simon on, 266;
technical, 415; university, 341; wider facilities
for, 417. (See Sarcinatorium Hominum.)
Education, Co-operation in, by E. C. Abbott, M.A.
[A.], 343.

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Education, The Position of Technical [A.], 415.
Education, Imperial [A.], 561.

Education and business life, 715; journalism, 774.
Education and Classical Scholarships, by G. M.
Sargeaunt A.], 232.

Education and life, Prof. Nunn on, 643.

Education and Sex [A.], 137; (A. Fisher, M.A.,
D.Litt.) [C.], 222; (The Writer of the Article)
[C.], 222.

Education Bureau, Imperial, 506; Guild, 86, 116, 119.
Education in Alsace To-day [A.), 718.

Education of the People, The, by T. P. Nunn, M.A.,
D.Sc. (A.], 661.

Educational Co-operation, Anglo-French, 140.
Educational Movements and Methods. Introduction,
by Prof. J. Adams [A.], 27; I. Co-education
and Dual Schools, by B. S. Gott, M.A. [A.], 28;
II. The Dalton Plan, by Dr. C. W. Kimmins
[A.], 91; III The Montessori System, by
W. Boyd, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil. A.], 155;
IV. Eurhythmics, by J. J. Findlay, M.A.,
Ph.D. [A.], 227: V. The Direct Method in
Modern Language Teaching by S. A. Richards,
M.A. [A., 283; VI. Intelligence Tests, by
T. Raymont, M.A. [A.], 359; VII Reform
Methods of Latin Teaching, by F. Jones, B.A.
[A.], 443; VIII. Commercial Education, by
F. Charles, B.A. [A.], 525; IX. Reformed
Mathematical Teaching, by R. C. Fawdry, M.A.,
B.Sc. (A.), 585; X. The Heuristic Method, by
C. E. Browne A.], 657; XI. The Teaching of
Domestic Science in Secondary Schools, by
J. D. Davies [A.], 725; XII. Experiments in
Self-Government in Secondary Schools, by

C. H. C. Osborne [A.], 789.
Educational Pamphlet, No. 37 (History), 562.
Educational Science at the British Association [A.],

Educational Union for the Realization of Spiritual
Values (N. Beverley) [C.], 356

Electrical engineering, Board of Education's con-
ditions for certificates and diplomas, 85.
Electricity and matter, Sir E. Rutherford on, 642.
Elementary schools, exhibition of work, 508; older
children, 715.

Empire problems, 710.

Empire settlement, Christ's Hospital scheme, 12.
Employment Committee, Secondary Schools Head-
mistresses', 684.

English, idioms, 592; taught under Dalton Plan,
290; memorandum on teaching, 79; standard
pronunciation and spelling, 280.

Esperanto, 88, 141; League of Nations Report, 168.
Eurhythmics, 227, 736, 815.

Eurhythmy, Stuttgart, 38.

Evening Courses, University College, London, 736.
Europe and Asia [A.], 16.

Evans, A. J., The Imperial Conference [A.], 650.
Evening Institutes, L.C.C., 22.

Examination, The First, by A. D'A. Chapman [A.],


Examinations-army pupil teachers', 684; art in

matriculation, 118; Cambridge Local, 36, 168;
Cambridge School Certificate and Junior Local
Examinations, 684; first school certificate, and
matriculation, 118; higher school French and
German, 120; Matriculation and manual labour,
645; public school entrance, 120; Royal
Society of Arts, 36; Scholarships at Cambridge
colleges, 117; school and higher certificate, 118;
selective, for admission to secondary schools,
717; strain of first school, 207; technology
(London), 686; Welsh matriculation, 589.
Faraday House Electrical Engineering College, 815;
Journal, 40; scholarships, 378.
Fawcett, G. E., The Employment of Children [A.],
Secondary Education in Relation to
Employment [A.], 567.
Fawdry, R. C., M.A., B.Sc., Educational Movements
and Methods. IX. Reformed Mathematical
Teaching (A.], 585; Practical Work in Ele-
mentary Mathematics [A.], 81.

Fees, graduated school, 364.

Fellowships, Albert Kahn travelling, 85; women's
research, 507, travelling, 802.
Findlay, J. J., M.A., Ph.D., Educational Movements
and Methods. IV. Eurhythmics A.), 227.
Fleming, A. P. M., C.B.E., Radio Telephony with
special reference to Broadcasting [A.], 421.
Forum of Education, The, 229, 570.
Foreign and Dominion Notes, 34, 124, 158, 231, 272,
372, 454, 518, 591, 647, 734, 782.

Foreign politics, 710.

France, 784; baccalaureat examination statistics,
734; cherté de vie and retirement, 647; choral
society, 591; commercial education, 527; cul-
ture abroad, 126; dictated courses, 34; Ermest
Renan centenary, 231: gymnastic federation,
592; international exchange of students, 372;
Latin for baccalauréat, 644; League of Nations,
231; modern languages and classics, 34;
Pascal centenary, 520; Pasteur centenary,
454; physical education, 372, 518; primary
education time-table, 591, 647; puericulture,
372; Ronsard centenary, 591; sexual educa-
tion, 231; secondary education, 34, 272, 520;
trade schools, 272; Victor Hugo professorship
at Sorbonne, 159; women farmers, 159;
women's forward movement, 124.

France were Sunk Beneath the Sea, If, by G. F.
Bridge [A.], 143.

French language, examiner's report in General
School Examination, 1922, 285; teaching, 120,

French, The Alleged Failure to Teach (S. A. Richards)
(W. Ripman) [C.], 436.

French, The Failure to Teach (N.Z.) [C.], 352.
Froebel Society, report, 1922, 229; art classes, 815.
Games, French lycée, 350.

Gateshead, teachers' strike, 80.
Geography-aid to internationalism, 280; common
entrance paper, 117; in relation to school
science, 716; lecture hand-books and slides of
British Empire, 562, 565; secondary school,
643; teaching, 342.

Geometry, Greek and non-Euclidean, 120; reform
in teaching, 586; teaching elementary, 78.
Geometry, The Teaching of Elementary, by W.
Parkinson [A.], 93.
Germany-adult education, 644; communism in
school, 372; depression and education, 158:
economic condition, 520; finance, 34, 7-2;
Grundschule, 648; Hellerau School, 268, Inter-
national Department, 645: Imperial School Bill
and denominational schools, 734; news items,
374, 735; Plattdeutsch, 274; training of
teachers, 510, 782; two Jahresberichte, 274;
university distress, 520; Waldorf School (M. E.
Sadler) [C.], 786.

Girls' Public Day Schools Trust, The Jubilee of the,
(A.), 450.

Glasgow, continuation classes, 148;

children, 31.


GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, 148; rectorial address, 792.
Gloucester Education Committee, salaries, 563.
Gott, B. S., M.A., Co-education and Dual Schools
[A.], 28; Local Authorities and Scholarships
[A.], 624.

Grammar, pamphlets on, 714.

Grammar and logic, relation between, 715.
Grants, Oxford and Cambridge Universities, 714, 730.
Greek language, 143.

Hamburg University, German short courses, 85.
Hards, W. B., The Training of Teachers [A.], 289.
Headmaster of a Preparatory School, Scholarships
and Preparatory Schools [A.], 620.
Headmasters, Pour Les [A.], 344.
Headmistress, task of, 450.
Headmistresses in Conference [A.], 449.
Henningsen, N., The "Communal School in
Hamburg (A.], 212.

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Hereford Cathedral School, 36, 802.
History, as moral propaganda, 508; teaching, 342,
420 in grant-aided schools, 562.
History in English Secondary Schools, The Teaching
and Problems of (H. A. Davies, M.A. and
C. Brereton) [C.], 124.

Holiday courses, functions, 564; Ling's, 192;
modern languages, 340, 368; Spanish (E. A.
Peers) [C.], 24. (See Summer Courses.)
Holiday Resorts and Recommended Addresses, 292.
Holland, Mr. Bernard, urges decentralized adminis-
tration, 711.

Holmyard, E. J., reviews of books, 530.
Honours. King's birthday, 431, 516.

Hull Corporation Grammar School, dismissal for
backwardness, 141.

Humberstone, T. LI., Prof. Elliot Smith and the
University of London [A.], 270; The Educa-
tional Conferences (A.], 116.
Hygiene, Institute of, 458.

Idealism and self-interest, 777, 792.
Idioms, defence of, 341; English. 592.
Imagery, The Training of, by F. A. Cavenagh, M.A.
[A], 511.

Imperial defence. 710.

Inborn Abilities, Acquired Attainments and Tem-
perament, by Dr. C. Burt, M.A. [A.], 727.
India, at Imperial Education conference, 561;
conditions of Government Service, 566; educa.
tional publications and progress, 126, 775;
Indian Services, The (C. A. Silberrad) [C.], 683.
Inspection, school, 119.

"Intellectual regimentation,'' 208.
Intelligence Tests, American, 591; (E. R. Hamilton),
(T. Raymont) [C.], 434.

International Federation of University Women,
research fellowship, 507.

Internationalism, in education, 686; in thought, 777.
Ireland-agricultural education, 366, 590; autonomy
to teachers, 530; Chemical Institute, 590;
education North and South, 150; education
vote, 33; Geographical Society, 152; Inter-

mediate Board, 150, 530; intermediate examina-
tions, 84, 288, 530, 734; National University
and General Medical Council, 152; North of
Ireland Education Act, 734; provided and
voluntary schools, 288; Registration Council,
152; religious difficulty, 448; Royal College of
Science, 32, 590; salaries of primary and
secondary teachers, 218; scholarship examina-
tions, 220; secondary school teachers' salaries,
152, 590, 794; secondary schools, 32, 33;
teachers' training colleges, 32, 288; technical
instruction, 449; summer courses, 288; North
(Ulster)-Belfast, QUEEN'S UNIVERISTY, 366,
794, children's charter, 84, co-ordination, 668;
Education Bill, 218, 288, 341, 366, 448, 794; ele-
mentary school statistics, 668, secondary edu-
cation re-organized, 670, Stranmillis Training
College, 670; South (Free State)-commis-
sioners of National Education, 670, Dail debate
on education, 448, Dail and secondary teachers,
220, 530, 590, education, 84, 288, 366, inter-
mediate changes, 529, 794, examinations, 670,
Free State universities, 448, scholarships from
primary to secondary schools, 672, 796, views of
Irish Free State Minister of Education, 150.
Italy-Alessandro Manzoni, 647; avenues of
remembrance," 374; in Shakespeare's plays,
517; interest in English Literature, 648; study
of whole masterpieces, 374.

Japan, earthquake, 644.
Jesus, the Real Teacher, 121.
Jones, F.,







VII. Reform Methods of Latin
Teaching A.], 443.

Juvenile unemployment, 206.

Kent Education Committee, vocational guidance in
Official Gazette, 518; Junior Red Cross, 646.
Kimmins, Dr. C. W., Educational Movements and
Methods. II. The Dalton Plan [A.]. 91.
Lancashire, cost of elementary education, 406.
Languages at the Universities (Examiner) [C.], 582.
Latin, alliance with English, 420; reformed teaching,

Latin, Nursery Rhymes in, by B. Anderton [A.],

League of Nations Union, lectures, 720; vocational
selection, 88; prizes for essays, 292.
Lecture demonstrations on individual work, 278.
Lectures-Belgian, 686; Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher,

M.P., 88; Child Study, 192; Children's Libraries
at Bristol, 12; French, 720: League of Nations
Union, 720; London University Extension, 685;
Montessori method, 38, 720; on London and its
historic buildings, 628; Uplands Association,
751; Zionist Organization, 684.

Lectures, Free Public, 44, 104, 192, 300, 382, 687,
738, 816.

Leeds, Technical School printing course, 362.
LEEDS UNIVERSITY, 146, 214, 286, 446; Agricultural
Department, 588; finance, 146, 286; hos-
pitality and honorary degrees, 214; Sadler
Fund, 572; Vice-Chancellorship, 446.
Legal cases, Emslie, 732; Lowestoft parents, 592;
school attendance, 685.

Leicester University College, 362, 446.

Leicestershire Education Committee, 220, 644.
Libraries, for children, 88.

Lighting, in schools, etc., 230, 294.

Literary appreciation in elementary schools, 715.
Lithuania and Poland [A.]. 288.
Local Education Authorities, 20, 220, 404, 574, 641,
646, 684; functions, 711.
London-church endowments for theological chairs,
509; local government of Greater, 270; Poly-
technics, 574; school managers' discussions,
372; technical education, 687.
Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music
and the Royal College of Music, 224, 378, 567;
Battersea Polytechnic Hygiene Course, 290;
Birkbeck College, "celebrations," 592; City
and Guilds (Engineering College), S. Kensington,
687; City of London College, 572; Crosby Hall
hostel for women students, 81, 378, 574, 792;
Dulwich, James Allen's Girls' School, 804, Col-
lege, 86; Finsbury Technical College, 687;
Hampstead Garden Suburb matriculation course,
730; Henrietta Barnett School, Hampstead
Garden Suburb, 720; Imperial College of Science
and Technology, South Kensington, 146, 362,
687; Institute of Hygiene, 214; Northampton
Polytechnic Institute, 42, 686; School of Dal-
croze Eurhythmics, 86, 229, 736; School of
Economics, commerce degree, 528, programme,
1923-4, 684; School of Medicine for Women,
378; Sunday School Choir Festival, 86, 280,
378; Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School, 570;
University Correspondence College, 30.
London County Council-cost of education, 404;
courses for teachers, 687; Day Continuation

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Schools, 20; Education Committee and
costing tables," 220; evening institutes, 22;
junior scholarships, 404; juvenile unemploy
ment, 206; memoranda on elementary educa-
tion, 565; Mr. Wood's letter, 775; open-air
classes, 340, 804; special schools, 576; teachers'
promotion, 576.
LONDON UNIVERSITY-ad eundem degrees, 528, 730;
and Institute of Hygiene, 31; appointments
tradition, 82; Commerce Degree Bureau, 40;
"co-ordinatitis," 588; European student relief,

38; Extension lectures, 684; graduation dinner,
445; feud South Kensington Colleges, 588, 792;
function, 563; hostel accommodation, 664;
King's College and London School of Economics,
83; Koraes Chair in Modern Greek, 588; Lister
Institute, 528; matriculation alternatives, 285;
O.T.C., 286; presentation day, 361; Principal
Officer's report, 528; site and King's College
legal rights, 563, 588; royal congratulations,
214; Schools of Librarianship and Journalism,
30; statistics, 285; Union Society, 31, 588;
University College, 146, evening courses, 736,
Flaxman presentation, 372, medical school, 446.
Loughborough College, 230.

Lowestoft Education Authority, salaries cut, 139,
207, 269.

Lycées visit to French, 344.

Malay Federated States, education, 736.

MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY, 286; Colloid Research
Laboratory, 214; new Chancellor, 792.
Mathematics, Practical Work in Elementary, by
R. C. Fawdry, M.A., B.Sc. [A.], 81.
Mathematics, reformed teaching, 585.
Mechanics, 586.

Mental Tests, 727; retarded children, 510.

Mentally defective children, 716, 727; course for
teachers of, 294.

Memorial tablet, to Sir G. Kekewich, 722.
Mesopotamia Ancient and Modern [A.], 426.
Middlesex Education Authority, library, 40.
Mining instruction, 36.

Minnesota, School Problems in, by W. C. (A.], 290.
Minor Notices and Books of the Month, 95, 160, 235,
312, 398, 481, 532, 596, 690, 753, 818.
Modern Languages, degree courses, 229; direct
method, 283; holiday courses, 340, 368.
Modern Languages, French spelling errors, 88.
Monmouthshire, school fees, 364.

Montessori System, The. (See Educational Move-
ments and Methods)

Montgomeryshire, Education Committee, 286.
Music, educational value and training in appreciation,
Music and "

play ways," 122.

Music for the Average Boy, by F. H. Shera, M.A.,
Mus.M., F.R.C.O. [A.], 17.

Music Society, The Dritish, 122.

National Baby Week Council, 458.

National Institute for the Blind, publication of
Geography, 88.

National Union of Teachers, annual Easter Meeting,
266; memorandum on supply and training of
teachers, 713; warning to parents, 522.
National Union of Women Teachers, 815.
Natural History, study urged, 563.

Nature Study, in preparatory and secondary schools,
140; Pageant of Nature," 368.

Newcastle, Armstrong College, gift for research, 446.
New Year Honours, 115.

New Zealand, education report, 159; School Journal,


Nottingham University College, 446.

Norwood, C., Scholarships and the Public Schools
[A.], 622.

Nunn, T. P., M.A., D.Sc., The Education of the
People [A.], 661; presidential address, 714.

Obituary-Armitage-Smith, Dr. G., 115;

Miss F., 648; Ayrton, Mrs. H., 648; Black,
Dr. J. S., 210; Browning, Mr. O., 720; Cleghorn,
Miss I., 20; Davies, Prof. G. A. T., 589; Fison,
Dr. A. H., 158; Gooch, Mr. J., 343; Gow,
Dr. J., 158; Harding, Mr. C. G., 582; Ker,
Prof. W. P., 580; Levett, Mr. R., 158; Lewis,
Mr. T. A., M.P., 578; Long, Dr. C., 274;
Lowry, Mr. C., 18; McGrath, Sir J., 276;
Marshall, Prof., 276; Mason, Miss C., 115, 271;
Mead, Mr. A. J., 158; Millet, Mons. P., 784;
Millington, Mr. H., 210; Morton, Mr. P., 517;
Moss, Mr. J. C., 20; Pope, Dr., 210; Richards,
Rev. T. P., 210: Sadler, Dr., 784; Shann, Sir
T. T., 580; Skrine, Rev. J. H., D.D., 517;
Steele, Miss A., 784; Sturge, Mr. P. H., 18;
Veitch, Mr. J., 432; Wells, Mr. S. H., C.B.E.,
276; Wood, Canon J., D.D., M.V.O., 517.
Occasional Notes, 9, 78, 138, 206, 266, 338, 416, 506,
562, 642, 710, 774.

Officialism in Education [A.], 641.

Onlooker (See Personal Paragraphs.)

Opera in Education, 278.

Orange Free State, 784.

Osborne, C. H. C., Experiments in Self-Government

in Secondary Schools [A.], 789.

Oversea settlement of British women, 507, 517.
Oxford, Botanic Garden, 588; Recitations 458.
Oxford Magazine, report of Royal Commission on
universities, 30.

OXFORD UNIVERSITY-Conference on classical archæ-

ology, 146; Government grants, 730; graduates
in Parliament, 30; new honour school, 146;
Prof. Gordon on "The Discipline of Letters,"
445; scholarship awards for St. Hugh's College,
85; site for Institute of Pathology, 30; summer
course in music teaching, 368; summer meeting,
230; University Extension, 518, 664; tuber-
culosis treatment, 588; women's colleges, 12,
268, fund, 214, 458, scholarships, St. Hilda's
Hall, 85.

Parents, and the Schulheim, 565.

Parents National Education Union, 271, 378.

Parents' Review, Miss Charlotte M. Mason, 294.
Parkinson, W., The Teaching of Elementary Geo-
metry [A.], 93.

Pensions, 709; Carnegie Report on, 339; war-time
service and, 507.

Personal Paragraphs, 18, 115, 158, 210, 274, 350,
431, 516, 578, 648, 720, 784.

Phonetics, courses at University College, London, 88.
Pictures, school, 230.

Poetry League, Empire, 456.
Prize Awards-Translations:

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"A l'Ombre des
Jeunes Filles en fleur" (Proust), 296; Address
to the French Academy (Renan), 168;
series du Lundi " (Ste-Beuve), 542;
"De la
poésie dramatique " (Diderot), 244; Der Tod
des Dichters (L. Tieck), 672; "La Confession
d'une jeune fille (G. Sand), 804; "Le Demon
du Midi" (P. Bourget), 102; "Le Roman de la
Monie" (T. Gautier). 606; Letters (Flaubert),
740 Poem (De la Motte Fouqué), 42; “Un
Été dans le Sahara (E. Fromentin) 462; "Wer
Weisz Wo'' (Detlev von Liliencron). 298
Prize Competitions, 42, 102, 168, 244, 296, 380, 462,
542, 606, 672, 740, 804.

Professional Classes Aid Council, 40, 570, 815.
Professional Etiquette [A.], 773.

Professor of Education, A, University Scholarships
[A.], 623.

Psycho-Analysis and Education, 802.
Psychology, bearing on elementary mathematics,
522; experimental, 727; industrial, 88.
Public schools, attacked in The Times, 510.
R.F.C., James Easterbrook [O.], 142.
Radio Telephony with special reference to Broad-
casting, by A. P. M. Fleming, C.B.E. (A.), 421.
Rags, students', 362.

Railway electrification, 86.

Ramsgate County School for Boys, 378.
Raymont, T., M.A., Educational Movements and
Methods. VI. Intelligence Tests [A.], 359.
Reading University College, memorial library, 731.
Religious education, 141, 417, 645.
Reminiscences of an Ex-headmaster. VI. Of Parents,
by "Rude Donatus" [A.], 513.
Research, endowment, 139, 446, 646, 714; botanical,
362; prize fellowship award (arts), 452; scien-
tific, 714; university, 13.

Revolutions, Russian and French [A.], 514.
Reviews, 94, 160, 234, 311, 397, 479, 530, 594, 688,
751, 816.

Reviews and Minor Notices, 55. (See also Reviews,
and Minor Notices and Books of the Month.)
Rhodes Scholars, 802.

Richards, S. A., M.A., Educational Movements and
Methods. V. The Direct Method in Modern
Language Teaching [A.], 283.

Richardson, L. F., reviews of books, 594.
Roumania, 592.

"Rude Donatus," Reminiscences of an Ex-head-
master. VI. Of Parents [A.), 513.
Rural lore, aid to education, 218.

Russia, Jewish agricultural colonies, 40; under
Soviet Government, 231.

Sadler, Sir M., 416, 446, 509; humanist in education,
208; work, 351.

Salaries, medical officers', 685.
Salaries, teachers'-and new Act, 709; Burnham
Scales, 416, future, 711, 775; and post graduate
achievement, 206, 711; Carnegie report on, 339;
elementary, 5 per cent cut, 79, 709, 711; fair,
416; Gloucester, 563; rural, 564; secondary,
79, 84, 117, cut, 138; (Irish), 152; (Scottish),
216; supplementary teachers' (Warwickshire),
406; refunds, 10, 419, 458; university, 10.
Sandhurst Royal Military College, 592, 645.
Sarcinatorium Hominum, by Prof. J. Adams, M.A.,
LL.D. [A.], 342.

Sargeaunt, G. M., Education and Classical Scholar-
ships (A.], 232.

Scholarship awards, 624; scheme, 117, 118.
Scholarships-Art, at Rome, 572; British Women's

Paris, 686; classical, 232; examinations for
Junior County, 140; for university women, 85,
522; L.C.C., 404; modern languages, 117;
Nautical College, Pangbourne, 684; present
provision, 511; public school, 209;

and Davison, 339; Stowe School, 209; West
Riding minor, 20.
Scholarships, School and University-Elementary
Schools, by C. W. Crook, M.P. [A.], 619; Girls'
Secondary and Public Schools, by A. M.
Stoneman [A.], 622; Local Authorities, by
B. S. Gott, M.A. [A.], 624; Preparatory
Schools, by the Headmaster of a Preparatory
School [A.], 620; Public Schools, by C. Norwood,
M.A. [A.], 622; Secondary Schools, by C. W.
Bailey, M.A. [A.], 621; University, by a Pro-
fessor of Education [A.], 623.
"School atmosphere," 567.

School attendance, 685; ventilation, 88.
School books, ownership, 118.
School Problems in Minnesota, by W. C. [A.], 290.
School Teaching, correlation of, 342.
Schoolgirl, exploitation, 450.

Schools, aided but not maintained, 117; closure

of small, 685; continuation, 229, 268, 574;
governing bodies, 267; infant departments,
685; international, 645; lighting, 230, 294;
special, 209.

Science, applied to industry, 528; Sir A. Yarrow's
benefaction, 209.

Science and nature study in schools, 117.
Science Guild, British, 452.

Science in Schools and Colleges, The Teaching of
[A.], 16.

Science Progress, X-ray analysis of crystals, 166.
Science teaching, in schools and colleges, 11, 119;
in preparatory schools, 119, 120; in public
schools, 119.

Scientific instruments, collection of ancient, 30.
Scientific Novelties Exhibition, 36, 86.
Scientific research, and British Science Guild, 208.
Scotland-Advisory Council's report, 267, 287;
Carnegie fee scheme, 448; codes, changes, 589,
draft, 447, 529; continuation classes, 448;
Education Department's ploicy, 216; education
grant reduction, 286; Educational Institute,
731, (Circular 44), 216, Congress, 83, grammar
scheme, 529, teachers' levy, 793, warning to pa-
rents, 666; farm school, 364; honorary degrees,
366 Iona Gaelic College, 590; intermediate cer-
tificate, 216, 589; intermediate courses, 267;
lecturers and university government, 148;
medical course and elementary science, 31;
new day school code, 364; new qualifying
examination, 146; question of married women
teachers, 32; religious difficulty, 448: report
of Education Department, 417; report of
Privy Council, 447; school management com-
mittees, 589, 666; secondary schools and
universities, 447, free, 529, regulations. 589;
shorter catechism in schools, 146; teacher
Labour M.P.'s, 32; teachers on local councils,
148; teachers' salaries, 216, 287, 732; training
college teaching, 668; training secondary school
teachers, 529; "truncated courses, 417;
university entrance, 31, 84, 287, 447.

Scott, Dr. F. N., Origin of the Colloquial Nasal
[A.], 717.

Script writing, 364.

Secondary Education in Relation to Employment,

by G. E. Fawcett [A.], 567.

Secondary School Term, The Definition of the [A.],



schools-differentiation of curricula
between the sexes, 137; exclusion of children
under ten, 11; non-graduate teachers (U. G.
Wilson) [C.], 787; preparatory departments,
450; test of efficiency, 117; West Riding, 22.
Secondary Schools, Fixed Dates of Entrance to:
A Necessary Reform (P. S. Jeffrey) (C.], 224.
Secondary Schools, State Aid to [A.], 265.
Sexes, research into intellectual and emotional
differences needed, 138.

Shaftesbury, Lord (A. Black) [C.], 722.

Shera, F. H., M.A., Mus. M., F.R.C.O., Music for
the Average Boy [A.], 17.

[blocks in formation]

Somerset Education Committee, economies


education, 406; teachers' salaries, 269.
Spiritual Values in Education (E. C. Merry) [C.], 24.
ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, Mr. Kipling at, 777.
Staffordshire Education Committee, religious instruc-
tion in Council schools, 406.

Stoneman, A. M., Scholarships and Girls' Secondary
and Public Schools [A.], 622.

Stowe School, scholarships scheme, 209.

Students, Indian in London, 214; loans to, 189;
status of university, 214.
"Stunts" in popular education, 86.
Subjects, The Battle of the [A.], 77.
Suffolk (East), Education Committee, 684.
Summer Courses-aesthetic appreciation in schools,

292; Danish, 449; Education Guild's, 378;
England and Wales, 366; music teaching, 368;
secondary school teachers', 294; Trinity College,
Dublin, 220.
Summer Schools-Barry, 458, 731; continental,
278; Dalcroze Eurhythmics, 736; Folkestone
453; increase, 564; Latin, 685; Lausanne
University, 452; League of Nations, 378;
National Adult School Union, 522; Persia, 815;
Psychology and Education, 431; Spanish, 24,
230, 298, 378, 685; Theology, 248; University
of Geneva, 232, 280; Welsh, 731.
Superannuation, and teachers' continuous service,
511; contributions, 712; report of Depart-
mental Committee, 709.

Superannuation of Teachers, The [A.], 709.
Swansea University College bequests, 666 science
laboratories, 528.

Sweden, vocational education, 454.
Switzerland, bibliography, 686; economic life, 368.
Teachers-Bishop Welldon's criticism, 712, 717;

British and Overseas, 85; dismissal of older,
10, 712; geography, 643; London Day Con-
tinuation Schools, 20; married women, 139,
578, 684; normal qualification, 416; Overseas
Dominions interchange, 139, 778; regulations
for preliminary education and training, 11;
relations with parents, 713; security of tenure,
superannuation, 337, 511, 709, 712;
supply, 419, 713; training, N.U.T. scheme,
713, (Scottish), 83, 529; unemployed, 206,
449, and Dominions interchange, 449;
qualified, 507, 712; young, 78.

Teachers and Research [A.], 431.

Teachers' register, 420.


Teachers' Registration Council, 40, 507; resolution

re classes for unemployed boys and girls, 518.

[blocks in formation]

Unemployment, ex-students', 10.

United States" American Education Week," 85;
American Journal of Philology, 591; American-
Scandinavian Foundation, 159; boys' and
girls' reading, 126; citizenship teaching, 378;
classification in schools and provisional pro-
motion, 591; Columbia, Harvard, California,
Yale, Cincinnati Universities, 522; Columbia
University, and education, 510, Teachers' Col-
lege, 454; Department of Education and Wel-
fare, 374; education in foreign affairs, 274; edu-
cation weeks and celebrations, 713, 775; foreign
students, 340; honesty teaching, 374; inter-
communication, 374; internationalism and
American University Union, 520; kindergarten,
159; languages, 782; Louvain Library, 159
National Educational Association, 734; research
at Harvard psycho-educational clinic, 454;
school record evidence in admitting to Harvard,
522; secondary education, 35;
school teachers' salaries, 736; Spanish study,
126, 522; survey of education, 35; teaching
English, 35, 231; training deaf children, 520;
universities, 231, 782: women in chemistry,
126; World Conference on Education, 734.
Universities and Labour policy, 646; claim for
endowed research, 341; international debates,
446; place in national life, 518; public grants,
714; relation to local education authorities,
361; State control, 420.

[ocr errors]

Universities and Schools, 30, 82, 146, 214, 285, 361,
445, 527, 587, 664, 730, 791.

Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 562.
University areas, 730; colleges, 792.
University Correspondence College, 38.

University finance, 730; and educational policy, 10.
University government, 730.

UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, Prof. Elliot Smith and the,
by T. LI. Humberstone [A.], 270.

University organization and finance, 664.

University representation, 9.

University standards, American, 564.

University Teaching and Research, by Hy. Baker,
B.Sc. (A.), 13.

University Women, International Federation of, 572.

Varia, 192, 230, 292, 378, 456, 522, 592, 684, 720, 815.
Victoria League, 592.

Village hall, use in rural education, 80.
Visual Instruction Committee, 561, 565.
Vocational guidance, 88, 454, 729, 776; selection, 728.

W. C., School Problems in Minnesota [A.], 290
Wales Board of Education report, 364; Celtic
intermediate schools, 34, grants, 364;
library, 794; Llandyssul School, 666, 731;
matriculation, 589; national ideals, 793;
National School of Medicine, 218, 286; religious
teaching, 286; scholar's age of entry. 286;
school fees, 666, statistics, 364; secondary
education, 666, school regulations, 218, aims,
446, secondary schools, attendance,
entrance examinations, 83; Sir A. T. Davies'
work for education, 720; Students' Repre-
sentative Council, 34; teaching of Welsh, 33,
83; traditions, 447; training college grants,
364; University Colleges, appointment of
principals, 150; University Court, 33; univer-
sity finance, 218, 664; university M.P., 589,


[blocks in formation]



Architecture, English Medieval (C. E. Power), 482.
Art: The New Culture Library, 312.

Art Teaching, Pamphlets on (H. T. Wyse), 532.
Books named in lists, 160, 235, 313, 398, 482, 532,
596, 690, 753, 818.

Colour-Sense Training and Colour Using (E. J.
Taylor), 312.

Industrial Arts in the Elementary School, Teaching
of (O. L. McMurry), 818.

Pictograms, 378.

Poussin, Nicholas (E. Sutro), 481.


Atlas, Harrap's New World, 820.

Atlas, Historical (Prof. W. R. Shepherd), 238.
Atlas of Modern Geography, The World-Wide, 692.
Atlas of Physical, Political, and Commercial Geo-

graphy, Philip's Modern School (edited by
G. Philip), 755.

Atlas of the Countries of Europe, Philip's Compara-
tive Wall, 400.

Atlases, Philip's Comparative Series of Wall. South
Africa (edited by Dr. J. F. Unstead and E. G. R.
Taylor), 236.

Atlases named in lists, 97, 162, 236, 486, 534, 600,


Books named in lists, 96, 235, 398, 482, 532, 596,
690, 753, 818.

Dante, The Man and the Poet (M. B. Whiting), 236.
Gibb, The Mind of John (C. M. Townsend), 818.
Kay-Shuttleworth, The Life and Work of Sir James
(F. Smith), 234.

Mitchell, Life of D. G. (W. H. Dunn), 819.
Painters and Musicians, Boyhood Stories of Master
(K. D. Cather), 535.

Pietro Aretino: The Scourge of Princes (E. Hutton),

Roosevelt, Theodore (Lord Charnwood), 818.
Rutherford, Autobiography of Mark, 735.
Sanderson of Oundle, 38, 482.
Schoolmaster, A Victorian :


Henry Hart
Sedbergh (G. G. Coulton), 753.
Shaftesbury, Lord (J. L. and B. Hammond), 690;
[C.], 722.

Shakespeare, Life of William (J. Q. Adams), 819.
Simon de Montfort: His Life and Work (S. Bateman),

Tennyson: Aspects of his Life, Character, and

Poetry (H. Nicholson), 751.

Ward, The Life of Mrs. Humphrey (J. P. Trevelyan),
Wordsworth and Annette Vallon, William (E.
Legouis), 397.



POOPA (Aristotle), 95.

Books named in lists, 95, 160, 235, 313, 398, 482,
532, 596, 690, 754, 819.

Caesaris Flavii Claudii Juliani, Epistulae Leges
Poematia Fragmenta Varia Imp., 398.
Child's Garden of Verses, A (R. L. Stevenson), 95.
Cornelii Taciti. De Vita Agricolae (edited by
H. Furneaux), 235.

Greece, The Pageant of (edited by R. W. Livingstone),

Greek, Primer of Attic (H. B. Mayor), 753.
Greek Philosophy, History of (Dr. Fuller), 818.
Greek Translation Book, Elementary (Rev. Dr. A. E.
Hillard and C. G. Botting), 754.
Latin and English Studies, Alliance of (Dr. Mackail),

Latin Course, A Rapid (W. Ripman and M. V.
Hughes), 531.

Latin Verse, Early (Prof. W. M. Lindsay), 235.
Lucreti. De Rérum Natura (Cyrillus Bailey), 56;
Liber Primus (edited by J. D. Duff), 235.
Mensae Secundae (A. M. Croft), 596.
Monumentum Ancyranum, The (edited by E. G.
Hardy), 819.

Prosodia Latina (Prof. J. P. Postgate), 482.
Rome, The Legacy of (edited by C. Bailey), 818.
Roman Home Life and Religion: A Reader (H. L.
Rogers and T. R. Harley), 532.

Speech against Leocrates, The (Lycurgus), 95.
Virgil and His Meaning to the World of To-day
(Prof. J. W. Mackail), 482.


Banking and Currency (E. Sykes), 754.
Banking and Currency (W. J. Weston), 235.
Books named in lists, 161, 236, 313, 399, 532, 690,

Commerce, The Story of (F. Hall and G. Collar), 161.
Commerce of Nations, The (Dr. T. E. Gregory), 482.
Economic Hand-books, Cambridge. I. Supply and
Demand (H. D. Henderson). II. Money
(D. H. Robertson). III. Public Finance
(M. E. Robinson), 160.

Economics, A Text-book of (M. Briggs), 754.
Economics, Elements of (E. F. Row), 819.
Economics, Greek : Introduction and Translation
(M. L. W. Laistner), 754.

[blocks in formation]

Bergson and Education (Dr. O. A. Wheeler), 95.
Books named in lists, 161, 236, 313, 399, 484, 533,
596, 692, 754, 819.

Child and His School, The (G. Hartman), 56.
Child Training Through Occupation (L. Bone and
M. E. Lane), 690.

Citizen, The English: His Life and Duty (late
C. H. Wyatt), 56.

Citizenship and the School (B. P. Showan), 819.
Day Continuation School in England, The (E. A.
Waterfall), 479.

Duty, The Claims of (V. J. K. Brook), 484.
Education, Principles of Secondary (A. Inglis), 56.
Education, Rural (A. W. Ashby and P. G. Byles),

Education, The French Tradition in (H. C. Barnard),

Education, The Reform of (G. Gentile), 594.
Education Acts Manual, Owen's (Sir J. Lithiby),

Education and Industry (Dr. H. C. Link), 596.
Education from Within, English (G. A. Christian),


Education in Europe, The New (Dr. F. W. Roman),

Education through the Imagination (M. McMillan),

Educational Theory of Plutarch, The (Dr. K. M.
Westaway), 754.

Elementary Teaching and Learning, Types of

(Prof. S. C. Parker), 596.

Freedom and Growth and Other Essays (E. Holmes),

Handwork or Manual Training, Educational (A. H.
Jenkins), 754.

Jubilee Book of the Girls' Public Day School Trust,
The (L. Magnus), 752.
Minnesota, Research Publications of the University

of. Education Series No. I. Studies in Public
School Finance (Prof. F. H. Swift), 163.
Nursery, Common-sense in the (C. Barnett), 97.
Physical Fitness, 815.

Speech, Defects of (I. C. Ward), 490.

Stammer, No Need to (H. St. J. Rumsey), 488.
Studies in National Deterioration. IV (K. Pearson),

Teachers' Notes for Lessons, with Blackboard
Illustrations, 98.

Teaching Children, The Charm of (W. Robb), 95.
The Call of Education, 594.

The Unfolding Purpose, 98.

The Way Out: Essays on the Meaning and Purpose
of Adult Education (edited by Hon. O. Stanley),

Universities of England, The Older (Dr. A. Mans-
bridge), 484.

University Extension : A Survey of Fifty Years,
1873-1923 (W. H. Draper), 754.


A Little of Everything (E. V. Lucas), 533.
Alciphron (translated by F. A. Wright), 755.
Anglo-Norman Language and Literature (Prof. J.
Vising), 314.

"As You Like It" Series of School Acting Plays
(edited by Sir H. Newbolt), 313.
Authors, Some Modern (S. P. B. Mais), 533.
Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond
(edited by Dr. R. F. Patterson), 533.

Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg (edited by
F. Klaeber), 486.

Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Lamb, etc. (edited
by E. J. Morley), 313.

Books named in lists, 96, 161, 236, 314, 399, 486,
533, 598, 692, 755, 820.

Children's Books, A Century of (F. V. Barry), 484.
Christmas Books, 796.

Corsica, The Journal of a Tour to (J. Boswell), 819.
Cyrano de Bergerac: Voyages to the Moon and the
Sun (translated by R. Aldington), 755; [C.], 787..
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy of (M. B
Anderson), 484.

Drama, Types of English (edited by D. H. Stevens),

English, A Junior Course of. Part II (J. W. Marriott),

English, Exercises, and Tests in Junior (R. L.
Sandwick), 598.

English, The Haliburton Handbooks of. Fifth

Reader (F. H. Pritchard), 598.

English Grammar, An Elementary Old (Prof. J.
Wright and E. M. Wright), 692.
English Literature, An Introductory History of.
Vol. III (G. A. Twentyman), 314.
Eothen (A. W. Kingslake), 56.

Essays, Extemporary (M. Hewlett), 484.

Essays, Recent (edited by W. A. J. Archbold), 533.
Essays, The Mancroft (A. M. Samuel), 484.
Essays and Studies by Members of the English

Association. Vol. VIII (Collected by G. C. M.
Smith), 236.

Essays by Divers Hands (edited by F. S. Boas), 819.
Every Man in His Humour (Ben Jonson), 533.
Girdle of Aphrodite, The (translated by F. A. Wright),

Golden Grain (compiled by A. Russell), 598.
Grammar, Common-sense (P. A. Barnett), 399.
Grammar of Function, A New Outline (E. M. Palser
and R. T. Lewis), 692.

Grauch and Britain's Daughter (G. Bottomley), 486.
James, Henry. Novels and Stories, 96.
Letter Book, A (G. Saintsbury), 316.
Literature, A History of American. Vols. III and
IV (edited by W. P. Trent and others), 55.
Literature, Studies in (Sir A. Quiller-Couch), 598.
Literature of the World (W. L. Richardson and
Prof. J. M. Owen), 314.

Master Tyll Owlglass (translated by K. R. H.
Mackenzie), 399.

Meredith, The Works of George, 58.

Methuen's English Classics. Pages of Science (selected
by G. Sampson), 161.

Outline of Literature and Art, 168, 592.

Petronius the Satyricon (translated by J. M. Mitchell),


Reading and Composition. A First Book of Literary
(edited by L. Marsh), 692.

Reed of Pan, The (A. C. Benson), 486.

Ruskin, Selections from (edited by Dr. A. C. Benson),


Rhythm of Speech, The (Dr. W. Thomson), 484.
Shadows on the Palatine (W. Hubbard), 755.
Shakespeare, An Image of (F. Mathew), 313.
Shakespeare, Flora and Fauna of (F. G. Savage), 820.
Shakespeare's Plays, Character Problems in (Prof.
L. L. Schüking), 312.

Sketches from a Library Window (B. Anderton), 161.
Spenser, A Reference Guide to Edmund (Prof. F. I.
Carpenter), 533.

"The King's Treasuries of Literature." Tales of
Travel and Exploration, Literature, and Labour
(edited by Dr. R. Wilson): Modern Prose
(edited by G. N. Pocock), 56, 96, 236.
The Roman Fate (W. E. Heitland), 56.
The Spoken Word (L. Bagley), 533.
The World's Classics. Letters of Edmund Burke.
A Selection (Edited by H. J. Laski), 96.
Troubadours and England, The (H. J. Chaytor), 819.
Voltaire Zadig, and other Romances (translated by
H. I. Woolf), 399.

Writing, On the Art of (Sir A. Quiller-Couch), 598.


Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania in Pictures.
(H. C. Barnard), 534.

Books named in lists, 96, 162, 238, 315, 400, 486,
534, 600, 692, 756, 820.

Canada. The Story of the Nations (Sir J. G. Bourinot),

Coloured Pictures of Life in Other Lands (E. S.
Hardy), 96.

England, Eastern (J. Bygott), 755.

Europe: A Regional Geography (N. E. Macmunn
and G. Coster), 486.

Geographical and Industrial Studies. N. America
(N. B. Allen), 315.

Geographies, Cambridge



(W. Barclay), 58.
Geographies, The Oxford Picture. Text-books I-III
(H. McKay), 755.

Geography, A Text-book of (A. W. Andrews), 58
Geography, Human (Prof. J. Brunhes), 315.
Geography, Imperial Military (J. F. Lea), 820.
Geography, The Business Man's (E. G. R. Taylor),

Geography, The New Outlook. Part V (W. C. Brown),

Geography, The Preparatory (W. J. Barton), 820.
Geography, The Progress of: Stages V and VI
(Dr. R. Wilson), 534.

Great Britain and Ireland (Dr. A. Wilmore), 236.
Ireland (edited by G. Fletcher), 162.

Ireland, The Provinces of (edited by G. Fletcher),

On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (Prof. A.
Schweitzer), 96.

Outline of the World To-day, The, 802.

Oxford Geographical Studies. The Andover District
(O. G. S. Crawford), 161.

South with Scott (Capt. E. R. G. R. Evans), 755.
Stratigraphy, An Introduction to (British Isles)
(Dr. L. D. Stamp), 534.

Thames, Father (W. Higgins), 486.

Towns, Old English (W. Andrews and E. M. Lang),

Traveller, The Happy (F. Tatchell), 400.
Wirral Peninsula, The (W. Hewitt), 162.
World Outside, The (R. K. and M. I. R. Polking-
horne), 315.


Ancient Man in Britain (D. A. Mackenzie), 238.
Balkan Peninsula and the Near East, The (Prof. F.
Schevill), 97.

Bembridge, 684.

Books named in lists, 97, 162, 238, 315, 400, 488,
534, 600, 694, 756, 821.

Britain from the Age of the Discoveries, The Expan-
sion of (W. R. Kermack), 400.

British History, Outlines of (G. B. Smith), 97.
British Navy, The Story of the (H. F. B. Wheeler),

Children of England, The (J. J. Findlay), 817.
Civilization, A Study in the Early History of: The
Children of the Sun (W. J. Perry), 688.
Civilization, Early: An Introduction to Anthropo-
logy (A. A. Goldenweiser), 688.

Colonial Policy of William III in America and the
West Indies, The (G. H. Guttridge), 162.
Dauphin (Louis XVII), The: The Riddle of the
Temple (G. Lenôtre), 488.

Egypt, Social Life in Ancient (W. M. F. Petrie), 820.
Empire Citizen, The (H. E. Malden), 820.
England, The People of (S. Leathes), 162.
Europe and Britain, Nineteenth Century (Prof. C. R.
Beazley), 58.

Europe since 1870 (Prof. E. R. Turner), 488.
European Nations, The Development of the, 1870-
1921 (Prof. J. H. Rose), 694.

France, The National History of: The Middle Ages
(Fr. Funck-Brentano), 94.
France, The Revolutionary Idea in (G. Elton), 820.
French People, A History of the (G. de la Batut and

G. Friedmann), 756.

French Renaissance, Studies in the (A. Tilley), 238.
India, Malcolm's Memoir of Central (edited by

C. H. Payne), 400.

Historical Literature, Annual Bulletin of, 592.
History, Notes on British (W. Edwards), 694.
History, The Cambridge Ancient. Vol. I (edited
by J. B. Bury, and others), 479.
History, The Trend of (W. K. Wallace), 600.
History from Contemporary Sources (1509-1610),
Irish (C. Maxwell), 534.

History of England from Waterloo to 1880, An
Introductory (C. R. L. Fletcher), 534.
History of Modern Europe, 1878-1919 (Dr. G. P.
Gooch), 311.

History of Rome, A (Prof. T. Frank), 534.
History of Rome to A.D. 565, A (Prof. A. E. R.
Boak), 97.

History of Switzerland, 1499-1914 (W. Oechsli), 97.
History of the British Commonwealth, A Short.
Vol. II (Prof. R Muir), 94.

History of the Far East (Prof. H. Webster), 756.
History of the Later Roman Empire (A.D. 395 to
A.D. 565) (Prof. J. B. Bury), 238.

History of the Near East, A Short (A.D. 330 to 1922)
(Prof. W. S. Davis), 756.

History of the World, A Short (H. G. Wells), 234.
Ireland from the Earliest Times to the Present Day

(R. Dunlop), 97.

Mankind, The Story of (H. Van Loon), 94.
Mysore, Constitutional Developments in, 535.
Ottoman Empire and its Successors, The, 1801-1922
(Dr. W. Miller), 315.

Pastons and their England, The (H. S. Bennett), 315.
Roman Britain (R. G. Collingwood), 820.

Romans in Britain, The (Prof. B. C. A. Windle), 756.
Sir Walter Raleigh and the Air Ministry: A Personal
Recollection (H. A. Jones), 97.

Social and Political Ideas of Some Great Mediaeval

Thinkers, The (edited by Prof. F. J. C. Hearn-
shaw), 756.

Statesmanship, Studies in (D. C. Somervell), 821.
The Greatest Story in the World (H. G. Hutchinson),

The Unity Series-V. Western Races and the
World (edited by F. S. Marvin), 315.
United States from the Discovery of the American
Continent to the end of the World War, The
(W. H. Hudson and I. S. Guernsey), 398.
War of Independence, The Causes of the (Prof.
C. H. van Tyne), 481.

World History (Prof. H. Webster), 94.
World History, 1815-1920 (Prof. E. Fueter), 238.


Algebra, A General Text-book of Elementary, with
answers. Part I (Dr. E. H. Chapman), 162.
Algebra, Matriculation. Part II (C. V. Durell), 535.
Algebra for Schools. Part I (J. Milne and J. W.
Robertson), 756.

Arithmetic Reconsidered (H. McKay), 238.
"Bell's Mathematical Series for Schools and Colleges❞
-A Short Course in Commercial Arithmetic and
Accounts (A. R. Palmer), Plane Geometry:
Practical and Theoretical, Pari Passu. Vols.

I and II (V. Le Neve Foster), 60.
Bell's Mathematical Tables (Dr. L. Silberstein), 238.
Bessel Functions, A Treatise on the Theory of
(Prof. G. N. Watson), 535.

Books named in lists, 162, 240, 316, 401, 488, 535,
602, 694, 756, 821.

Calculus, A Treatise on the Integral, Vol. II (J.
Edwards), 162.

Calculus, Common Sense of the (G. W. Brewster),

Calculus, Elementary (Professors F. S. Woods and
F. H. Bailey), 535.

Calculus and Graphs (Prof. L. M. Passano), 315.

Calculus for Schools. Parts I and II (R. C. Fawdry

and C. V. Durell), 488.

Calculus with Applications to Physics, Vektor
(Prof. J. B. Shaw), 162.
Chance and Error (M. Hopkins), 821.
Decimal Educator, 684.

Determinants in the Historical Order of Develop-
ment, The Theory of (Sir T. Muir), 535.
Equations, First Course in the Theory of (Prof.
L. E. Dickson), 315.

Geometry, A Primer of (W. Parkinson and A. J.
Pressland), 757.

Geometry, An Introduction to Projective (R. M.
Winger), 821.

Geometry, Elements of Projective (G. H. Ling,
G. Wentworth, and D. E. Smith), 401.
Geometry, Higher (Prof. F. S. Woods), 400.
Geometry, Principles of. Vol. II (Prof. H. F. Baker),

Geometry, Prolegomena to Analytical, in Euclidean
Space of Three Dimensions (Prof. E. H. Neville),

[blocks in formation]

Alumni Cantabrigienses. Vol. I (Dr. J. Venn and
J. A. Venn), 98.
Ambulance Competition Tests (Dr. N. C. Fletcher),

Books, informative for boys and girls, 40; Mac-
millan's educational and otherwise, 38.
Books named in lists, 163, 240, 316, 401, 490, 536,
602, 694, 757, 822.

Cambridge, The Students' Handbook to the Univer-
sity and Colleges of, 757.

Children's Book of Knowledge, Cassell's, 98, 517,

Children's Stories and How To Tell Them (W. A.
Bone), 822.

Degree Guide, 720.

Dictionary, Cassell's New English (edited by Dr.

E. A. Baker), 757.

Dictionary, English and Shorthand, 720.

German Nation, Addresses to the (J. H. Fichte), 490.
God's Prodigal (A. J. Russell), 60.

Gift Books for Children, 66.

History and Progress and Other Essays and Addresses
(H. D. Oakeley), 163.

If Summer Don't (B. Pain), 60.

Income Tax Guide for Teachers (W. Hustwick), 821.
Knowledge, The Treasure Book of (edited by

A. E. Davies), 694.

Leif and Thorkel: Two Norse Boys of Long Ago
(G. Snedden), 60.

Marlborough College, A History of, 816.
News Bulletin, New York, 77.

Open Air, 452.

Oxford of To-day (edited by L. A. Crosby and

F. Aydelotte), 535.

Paton's List of Schools and Tutors, 821.
Pictorial Post Cards, 138.

Popular Fallacies (A. S. E. Ackermann), 822.
Public Schools Year Books, 821.
Spelling Reform News, 522.

The Worm Ouroboros (E. R. Eddison), 316.
Under-London (S. Graham), 757.

When I was a Boy in China (Yan Phou Lee), 60.
Woman Doctor and Her Future, The (Dr. L. Martin-
dale), 240.

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Ejercicios de Gramatica Española para Principiantes

(P. Edwards and J. W. Barker), 696.
Français, Nouveaux Contes (M. Ceppi), 318.
France, Le Beau Pays de (J. E. Spink), 318.
French Accidence and Syntax, Junior Course in
(J. P. Prior), 100.

French Commercial Course, Dent's. 1. Cours de

Français Commercial (B. Dumville). 2. French
Commercial Terms and Phrases (R. Lusum), 316.
French Intonation Exercises (H. Klinghardt and
M. de Fourmestraux), 757.

French Literature (W. H. Hudson), 822.

French Pronunciation and Diction, Manual of

(J. W. Jack), 536, 604.

French Prose and Verse Illustrating the Romantic

Movement, Selections (Prof. A. T. Baker), 758.
French Reading Book, Elementary (A. R. Florian),

German, Introduction to (R. T. Currall), 822.

Harrap's Modern Language Series. La France et sa

Civilization de la Révolution à nos Jours

(Professors R. Lanson and J. Desseignet), 60.

Histoires et Jeux (J. F. Barnes), 318.
Italian Series, The University of Chicago.
Risorgimento (Prof. J. Van Horne), 100.
La France qui Chante (H. E. Moore), 822.
La Touraine (H. Guerlin), 490.

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[blocks in formation]

Chemistry, The Calculations of Analytical (Prof.

E. H. Miller), 540.

Chemistry for High Schools, Practical (Prof. H. B.

Dunnicliff), 760.

Chemistry from the Standpoint of Avogadro's Rule

and Thermodynamics, Theoretical (Prof. W.

Nernst), 540.

Chemistry of Plant Products, An Introduction to

the. Vol. II (Dr. P. Haas and T. G. Hill), 322.

Currents, Alternating of (E. T. Larner), 828.

Discoveries and Inventions of the Twentieth Cen-

tury (E. Cressy), 242.

Electrical Theory, Modern.

Chapter XVI.-Rela-

tivity (Dr. N. R. Campbell), 481.

Electricity, Theory of Experimental (W. C. D.

Whetham), 828.

Faraday House Journal, 674.

Ferns, The. Vol. I. (Prof. F. O. Bower), 542.

Food, Health, and Growth: A Discussion of the

Nutrition of Children (Dr. L. E. Holt), 540.

Hygiene and Public Health (Dr. L. C. Parkes and

Prof. H. R. Kenwood), 698.

Magic and Experimental Science during the First

Thirteen Centuries of our Era, A History of

(Prof. L. Thorndike), 531.

Mechanics and Physics, Experimental (A. H. E.

Norris and A. W. Anscombe), 244.

Microscopy, Modern (M. I. Cross and M. J. Cole), 782.

Physics, A Dictionary of Applied (edited by Sir

R. Glazebrook), 166, 753.

Physics, Text-book of (R. S. Willows), 828.

Physics. Text-book of Intermediate (H. Moore), 540.

Physics, Text-book of Practical (Prof.W.Watson), 244.

Physics, The New (Prof. A. Haas), 760.

Physics for Students, Advanced Practical (B. L.

Worsnop and Dr. H. T. Flint), 540.

Physiology, Human (P. G. Styles), 830.

Pitman's Common Commodities and Industries.

Nickel (F. B. H. White), 322; The Talking

Machine Industry (O. Mitchell), 542.

Plant and Flower Forms (E. J. G. Kirkwood), 402.

Plant Biology, Practical (Prof. H. H. Dixon), 242

Radio and High Frequency Currents (E. T. Larner,


Radioactivity and the Latest Developments in the

Study of the Chemical Elements (Prof. K.

Fajans), 760.

Relativity: A Systematic Treatment of Einstein's

Theory (J. Rice), 760.

Relativity, The Meaning of (Prof. A. Einstein), 160.
Relativity and Gravitation (T. P. Nunn), 828.
Relativity with Applications to Physical Science,

The Principle of (Prof. A. N. Whitehead), 160.
Science, Common (C. W. Washburne), 244.
Science, The Teaching of General (Prof. W. L.
Eikenberry), 234.

Scientific Discovery, Stories of (D. B. Hammond), 698.

The Unity Series. VI. Science and Civilization, 817.

Vault of Heaven, The (Sir R. Gregory), 828.

Vitamins and the Choice of Food (V. G. and R. H. A.

Waves and Ripples in Water, Air, and Aether

(Prof. J. A. Fleming), 540.

Weather, An Introduction to Forecasting (E. R.
Zealley), 542.

World-Story of 3,000,000,000 (?) Years (J. Reeves),

Zoology for Medical Students, Elementary (Dr. L. A.
Borradaile), 760.


Crime: Its cause and Treatment (C. Darrow), 535.
France, Modern (edited by A. Tilley), 160.
Population, The Problem of (H. Cox), 163.

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