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lefs able to refift the Eruption. To which I anfwer, that tho' this is poffible, yet it cannot be proved either by Reason or Experience, fo neither can the contrary, therefore this Problem is a Dilemma, or doubtful, That there are indeed fubterraneous Receptacles and Cavities in fome Parts of the Bottom of the Sea we cannot deny, because in fome Parts it is of an immense Depth, where the neighbouring Places are but shallow; but if this were admitted it will not follow, that the Water runs thro' these Paffages, or that they extend from one Chanel of the Ocean to another: or even if they were, fince they are not in all Places, and fince these external Caufes operate fometimes in one, and fometimes in another Part of the Ocean, it will not be granted, that there are perpetual Springs of the Ocean in any one Place, but that the Water flows fometimes from one Part of the Chanel, and fometimes from another, according to the Place and Continuance of the external Caufe.

2. SOME may thus argue, that there is a continual Current of the Sea from North to South, between both Sides of America and the Old World; but that we cannot perceive a Current in any Place whereby the Water is conveyed towards the Northern Regions: therefore fince the Flux is perpetual, and hath no apparent Source there, nor Conveyance thither, it is probable, that the Water flows to the North thro' fubterraneous Paffages, and iffueth out at the Holes in the Bottom of the Chanel, as out of a Spring; from whence it returns again to the fouthward. There is another Caufe taken from the former, viz. That the Sea-Water in the Torrid Zone is much heavier than in the Northern Regions, as we shall prove in Propofition 8, and 12; and therefore there is a greater Preffure and Force to push forward the Water thro' the Paffages there, than there is to refift it at the Northern End of the Intercourfes,

Intercourses, where, for want of an equal Preffure, it breaks out at the Holes in the Bottom of the Chanels. To this we anfwer, that the Flux of the Ocean from the North is not fo great as is fuppofed, and as the Ancients imagined; (who would have the Water to flow from the Pole thro' four Chanels, as is reprefented in fome old Geographical Maps ;) nor are the Currents conftant, but only frequently obferved, by reafon of the frequent North-Winds, and the great quantities of Snow and Rain which very often raise the Waters, and cause them to flow towards the South. And further, in other Parts another Motion of the Sea is obferved, of which fee the following Chapter.

3. IT is no Notion, but a real Truth, that all the Springs of Rivers, which flow into the Sea, are Springs of the Ocean: For fince there is in Procefs of Time a vaft quantity of Water poured into the Sea, no doubt but it returns from the Ocean to the Heads of the Rivers thro' fubterraneous Paffages, or by Dew and Rain. We fhall not contend about this; for we do not, in the Propofition, mean fuch Springs as thefe; but whether there are Springs in the Caverns of the Earth, under the Chanel of the Sea, which fupply the Ocean with Water.

that there are fuch Sea; because there fresh Water at the certainly arife from

4. IT appears probable, Springs in the Chanels of the is found, in fome Places, Bottom of the Sea, which muft Springs in the very Chanel. Linfchoten tells us, that in the Gulph of Ormus, near the little Island Bareyn, there is brought up fresh Water, by the Divers, at four or five Fathoms depth; and the like Springs are found at the Bottom of the Seas and Bays. To this we anfwer; that there are but few fuch Springs found, and those not fufficient


to fupply the Ocean with Water; befides the Question is not about fuch, as we faid before.

FROM thefe Things it appears, that the Sea may be rightly faid to have Springs in fome Senfe, tho' different from what we mean by the Springs of Rivers; in which Senfe this Propofition ought to be understood. Hence alfo we know what to think of the Question; Whether the Ocean be always one and the fame, and conftantly remains fo, or whether it be a Body whofe Parts are confumed and renewed again perpetually.


The Saltnefs, or Salt Tafte, of the Sea-Water proceeds from the Particles of Salt which are mixed with it: but whence thefe Particles proceed, or how they are continued and increased, is uncertain.

EXPERIENCE proves the first Part of this Propofition, for every Body knows that Salt is made either by evaporating Sea-Water with the Sun, or by boiling it with the Heat of our Fires. In Germany, and other Countries, they make ufe of Fire to separate the Water from it. But in France, where the Sun is hotter, the Sea-Water is let into Pits or Ponds, where in a few Months, by the extream Heat of the Sun, it's fresh Particles are exhaled or evaporated, and it's falt ones are concreted and formed into Grains of Salt. Alfo upon the Shores of feveral Countries, as England, &c. there is gathered abundance of Bay-Salt, which the Sea (continually overflowing them) leaves daily in moist Particles, from whence the most fubtile, or fresh, Parts are exhaled, and what is left becomes Heaps of Grains of Salt, whofe Blackness is taken off by boiling; tho' this fort of Salt is washed away and diffolved from many Shores by


SECT. IV. the Violence of the Ocean, and therefore is not found upon all Shores. And fince this is a common Experiment which every one knows, Ariftotle need not have inftanced a falfe one (by letting down a Veffel of Wax into the Sea) to prove the Truth of this Propofition.

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HENCE it appears, that the true Caufe of the Saltness of Sea Water, is the Particles of Salt which are contained in it, and mixed with it. Therefore the Ariftotelians, with their Mafter, fpeak improperly, and obfcurely, when they affert that this Saltnefs is caufed by the Water's being extreamly heated by the Rays of the Sun; but of this we fhall fay more by and by.

BUT the chief Controverfy is about the other part of the Propofition, viz, whence thefe Particles of Salt proceed?

ARISTOTLE was of Opinion that the dry Exhalations, or Fumes, (which he thought were burnt, and of a faline Nature) being elevated from the Earth, and mixed with moift Particles, when they are turned into Rain, fall down with it into the Sea, and that from thence proceed the faline Particles, and the Saltness in the Sea-Water. These are his exprefs Words in Lib. ii. Chap. vii. Meteor. And he takes a great deal of Pains to defend this Opinion, because by it he could fhew a Reafon why the Sea continues always falt.

OTHER Peripatetics (who alfo pretend to have Ariftotle on their Side) affert, that the Sea is falt in itself, by reafon of it's being perpetually fcorched with the Sun-Beams; and for this Reafon they fay it is fresher towards the Bottom, and falteft at the Surface.

BOTH thefe Opinions labour under fuch great Difficulties and Abfurdities, that it is a Wonder fo many learned Men and Philofophers could be fatisfied with them,


THESE things may be objected against Ariftotle's Hypothefis; 1. That Rain-Water, according to this, ought to taste falt, upon the Ocean, which is contrary to Experience, for it is found not to tafte falt at all. And Scaliger's Remedy for this is infufficient, who fays, that it ought not to taste so at first, because the hot Vapour hath not had time to be condensed, being more rare, and also having lately defcended from a colder Region of the Air; but fuch Rain-Water hath been preferved feveral Days by Mariners, in which time it would certainly have tafted falt, if it had held any in it. 2. The lefs it rained the lefs falt would the Sea-Water tafte, which is found to the contrary.

THE other Opinion hath these Abfurdities: 1. It is falfe that the Sea is not fo brackish nearer the Bottom; for this only happens where Springs of fresh Water rife from the Bottom of the Chanel. 2. Experience fhews that fresh Water doth not become falt by long boiling, or by being long expofed to the Sun. Scaliger likewife endeavours to obviate this Objection by a fubtile Argument. He fays that this happens fo by reason of the fmallness of the quantity of that Water which is used in the Experiment, which doth not thicken but is diffolved. But let us take ever fo great a Quantity, and put it over a gentle Fire, that the diffolution (into Vapours as he means) may be hindred, yet the Water will taste no more brackish than it did at firft. 3. Lakes and Marshes, though they are conftantly heated by the SunBeams, yet do not grow falt. Scaliger alfo would wave this Objection, faying, that this happens because of the continual Succeffion of fresh Water. But if we obferve Lakes and Moraffes that are fed only by Rain and melted Snow, where there is no fuch Succeffion, we fhall find VOL, I.



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